Unit 8 Green Living Lesson 3 White bikes on the road(2)ppt课件-(2022)新北师大版高中英语必修第三册.pptx

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Unit 8 Green Living Lesson 3 White bikes on the road(2)ppt课件-(2022)新北师大版高中英语必修第三册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 8 Green Living Lesson 3 White bikes on the road(2)ppt课件-(2022)新北师大版高中英语必修第三册.pptx_第2页
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Unit 8 Green Living Lesson 3 White bikes on the road(2)ppt课件-(2022)新北师大版高中英语必修第三册.pptx_第3页
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Unit 8 Green Living Lesson 3 White bikes on the road(2)ppt课件-(2022)新北师大版高中英语必修第三册.pptx_第5页
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1、Green LivingLesson 3-(2)Unit 8Part 1Lead inLets review the passage we learnt last class. Lead inLead inenjoying the benefits ofconvenient forcame up withsave energyreduce pollutionprovide free public transportwere stolen within weekswithtracking systemThanks to Part 2Reading comprehensionRead the pa

2、ssage again!Read and explorePeople in Amsterdam have been enjoying the benefits of cycling for years. The idea began about 50 years ago, and was first known as “white bikes”. Amsterdam is a good city for cycling because its flat and therefore convenient for bikes. There are also plenty of places for

3、 bicycle parking and most streets in the city centre have a bicycle path. Because of its convenience for bicycles, Amsterdam has become very popular with cyclistsan amazing 38% of all trips are made by bike. Some people even call Amsterdam “the City of Bicycles”.adj. 平坦的be convenient for: 对方便have be

4、en doing 现在完成进行时:表示动作从过去到现在一直进行be made of 表示“由. 制成”,可以看得出原材料;be made from 表示“由. 制成”,看不出原材料;be made in 后面跟地点,表示“产自 .(某地)”;be made by 后面跟某人/某物,表示“被 .(某人/物)制成”。 受欢迎Read and exploren. 好处cycling: n. 骑行cycle:v. 骑行 n. 循环cyclist:n.骑自行车的人许多、大量Where did the idea of “ white bikes” come form? In the 1960s, a gr

5、oup of cycling fans came up with an idea. They believed that it would be better for everybody if cars werent allowed in the city centre and only bicycles were. They were hopeful that this would help to save energy, reduce pollution and provide free public e up with 提出come over 过来,顺便拜访come to life 苏醒

6、come across 遇见come through经历,脱险come out 出版,显露,结果是条件状语从句在20世纪60年代1.equip指装备某种仪器设备; furnish指用家具将房间布置起来; supply指提供不足或缺乏的东西; provide指提供必需和有用的东西。2.用于人时, outfit指衣物的配备, equip指各种专门的物件的配备。3.supply常用于定期的多次的供应,而furnish常用于一次性的供应。4.在涉及金钱时, provide往往意味着“免费供给”,而supply则一般不含此意。5.furnish可接双宾语,而provide和supply则不可接双宾语。R

7、ead and explore节省能源减少污染The group painted hundreds of bicycles white and placed them in many areas around Amsterdam for people to use. Anyone was allowed to take them and use them for short journeys. People would leave the bike in the place where they finished their journey, so that someone else coul

8、d then take it and use is from there. Soon after, however, problems came up and the “ white bikes” all disappearedthieves stole them all in a matter of weeks!dis (否定前缀)+ appear(出现)=消失v. 绘画、喷漆几个、大约、左右Read and explore引导结果状语从句被提及In 1999, the “white bikes” returned to Amsterdam this time with a computer

9、 tracking system to record their every move! To take a bicycle, you had to put in a special card. The new “ white bikes” were not actually white but painted in bright colours. The bikes were parked at special parking places. Thus people who wanted to use them had to take them to another special park

10、ing place near their destination and leave them there.car park:一般指的是车库,那种地下的停车场parking place/lot:是指露天的停车场v. 记录引导定语从句Read and explore停车场Thanks to the ideas and efforts of many people, like the cycling fans of the 1960s and those who enabled the return of “ white bikes”, you can now enjoy clean air an

11、d easy transport in central Amsterdam.由于、多亏了Read and exploreprep: 像方便的运输Nowadays, the idea of “white bikes” has pedalled its way around the world and there has been a global increase in bike-sharing. 全世界 v. 用脚踏动 Read and exploreIn China, more and more cities have their own “white bike” programmes. B

12、oth the locals and tourists like to use shared bikes because bike-sharing is a cheap and easy way to save energy, reduce air and noise pollution, and enjoy the benefits of exercise in cities. However, problems can also develop, like the theft of bikes and parking issues. Fortunately, people are tryi

13、ng different ways of solving those problems. Where will bike-sharing go in China? You decide.programme:程序、节目progress:进步proceed:继续进行、开始、着手n. 当地人 Read and explore自行车偷窃停车问题 稍等,老头子,俺先方便一下。老婆子,方便来一下吗?好吧,你什么时候方便,俺就什么时候过去。你说啥?我年纪大了,耳朵不大方便。我来了,啥事?Focus on languageCan you distinguish these “方便”?Focus on lang

14、uageYou should remember these words.一词多义attendv. 参加v. 定期去(某处)changen. 零钱n. & v. 改变addressv. 作演讲n. 地址dearn. 亲爱的 n. 乖乖adj. 亲爱的adj. 昂贵的appearv. 看起来v. 出现drivev. 驾驶v. 迫使n. 驱车旅行;驾驶路程againstprep. 与相反;对抗prep. 紧靠;倚drinkn. 饮料;酒精v. 喝;喝酒beatv. 敲打 v. 打败 v. 避免n. 跳动,敲击directionn. 方向n. 用法说明;操作指南blueadj. 蓝色的 adj. 忧郁

15、的dealn. 交易;协议n. 大量的boardn. 公告板 v. 登上公共汽车、飞机、火车等v. 寄宿drawv. 画;绘制 v. 拖;拉v. & n. 平局;不分正负breakn. 休息v. 打破 v. 违背dressn. 连衣裙;特别场合穿的服装 v. 给穿衣服Focus on languageYou should remember these words.一词多义catchv. 当场发现 v. 赶上公共汽车,火车,飞机等v. 接住;抓住v. 捉住;捕获expressv. 表达n. 快车n. 快递cheatv. 作弊 v. 欺骗easyadj. 简单的adj. 舒适的crossadj.

16、生气的n. 十字标记;叉号v. 横跨;横渡fairadj. 美丽的;白皙的;浅发色的 adj. 公平的n. 游乐场;交易会carev. 关心 v. & n. 照顾 n. 小心filmn. 电影 n. 胶卷v. 拍摄电影closeadj. 亲密的 adj. 靠近的v. 关闭formn. 表格n. 形式v. 形成cheerv. 鼓舞 v. & n. 欢呼freeadj. 自由的adj. 免费的coverv. 足够支付 v. 覆盖 v. 报道flatn. 公寓adj. 平坦的coursen. 课程 n. 一道菜fallv. 跌落;下降v. 进入(某状态) n. 秋天costv. 花费;付出代价n.

17、费用;代价fieldn. 场地;田地;牧场n. 界;领域Focus on languageYou should remember these words.一词多义liftv.提升,抬起 n.电梯operationn.手术 n.运转,操作lateadj.迟的,晚的 adj.接近末期的,晚年的 adj.最近的 adv.迟地,晚地partn.部分 n.器官 n.角色 vt.&vi.分开lightvt. 点燃,点火 n.光,光线 n.发光体,电灯 adj.轻的,不重的 adj.淡色的,浅色的plainn.平原 adj.清晰的,清楚的 adj.简单的,平常的lievi.躺 vi.位于 vi.说谎n.说谎

18、placen.地方,位置 vt. 放置,安置mastern.主人,雇主 n.大师 v.精通,掌握plantn.植物 vt.种植,播种greenadj.绿色的 adj.没有经验的,青涩的meanv.意指,意味着,意思是 v.意欲,打算,有目的 adj.吝啬的Focus on languageYou should remember these words.一词多义holdvt.拿着,握着 vt.举行 vt.容纳 vi.坚持,维持noten.笔记,记录 n.便条 n.注解 n.纸币 vt.注意,指出 vi.记录hardadj.困难的 adj.硬的 adv.努力地 adv.猛烈地noticen.通知

19、n.注意 vt.注意kindadj.亲切的,和蔼的 n. 种类objectn.物体 n.目标 vi.反对keepv.保持,维持;v.保留,保存,保管;v.遵守;v.饲养ownadj.自己的 vt.拥有ironn.铁 n.熨斗 v.熨,烫onceadv.一次,一回 adv.曾经 conj.一旦,当时keyn.钥匙;n.关键;n.答案;adj.关键的,重要的offervt. 提供(东西或机会) vt.主动提出 n.提议 n.录取通知书landn.陆地 n.国土 v.着陆;上岸ordervt. 命令 vt. 订购 vt. 点菜 n.顺序 n命令liftv.提升,抬起 n.电梯operationn.手

20、术 n.运转,操作Focus on languageLook at the Word Builder. Compare the two sentences in each pair. Decide what the word in bold expresses.baabbabaFocus on languageComplete the sentences with the correct form of the words.pedalledpedalspaintpaintedplaceplacerecordrecordGroup WorkWhat are the similarites and differences between ”white bikes”in Amsterdam and shared bikes in your city/ town?Part 3HomeworkRecite the key expressions and sentences.Write a short passage about the similairties and differences between “white bikes” in Amsterdam and shared bikes in your city/ town.Homework


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