Unit 8 Topic Talk P28-29ppt课件(含音频)-(2022)新北师大版高中英语必修第三册.rar

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  • Unit 8 Topic Talk P28-29 ppt课件(含音频)-(2022)新北师大版高中英语必修第三册
    • Unit 8 Topic Talk P28-29 2021-2022学年高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第三册.pptx--点击预览
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Topic Talk P28-29新北师大必修Book 3 Unit 8 Green Living What is green living?What is green living?What is green living?What is green living?What is green living?What is green living?What is green living?What is green living?Green living is a lifestyle that tries to bring balance between the natural resources, the various living things and people and their communities.What can you do to promoteto promoteto promoteto promote green green green green livinglivinglivingliving? ? ? ? not to leave the house with lights still on not to leave the tap runningWhat can you do to promoteto promoteto promoteto promote green green green green livinglivinglivingliving? ? ? ? to ride bikes on short journeys to pick up litterWhat can you do to promoteto promoteto promoteto promote green green green green livinglivinglivingliving? ? ? ? to use less tissue paper to plant more treesWhat can you do to promoteto promoteto promoteto promote green green green green livinglivinglivingliving? ? ? ?to be a volunteer for an environmental organisation Pair work 1ExampleA: What is green living?B: Green living is.A: What can you do to promote green living?B: I will use less tissue paper. Read the Text Builder carefully. Listen and choose the right answers. 2Text BuilderGreen LivingWe all know that there are various types of pollutionaround us, which may cause different kinds of environmental problems, for instance, _.Problemswater / ocean / soil / air / noise pollution, smog, sandstorms and deserts, global warming, industrial waste, animal / plant extinction Read the Text Builder carefully. Listen and circle the right answers. 2Text BuilderGreen LivingFor example, a good way to reduce pollution is to _.Solutionsgrow/ plant more trees, cycle to work/ school, save energy/ water/ paper/ resources, use less electricity/ more public transportincrease our awareness of environmental protection, change our living habitsrecycle used batterieslive a low-carbon life Read the Text Builder carefully. Listen and circle the right answers. 2Text BuilderGreen LivingTo me, green living is about _.Personal Understandinghealthy living, living in harmony with nature, respecting nature, maintaining the balance betweenhuman and nature, doing my part for the environment Use the Text Builder to talk about your understanding of green living.3Example:A: Whats the problemproblem of the environment? B: We all know that there are various types of pollution around us, for instance _. A: What solutionssolutions do you have?B: For example, a good way to reduce pollution is to _. A: How do you understandunderstand living greener?B: To me, green living is about _. Listen to the dialogue. Three people are interviewed about their lives.4 Why doesnt the woman like living in a flat? Where does the man live and what does he do to help the environment? What do they think is important to fight against global warming?Because she likes being close to nature.The man lives in a flat. To help the environment he creates more green spaces, by planting flowers and vegetables outside his window. They think that green spaces are very important for fighting against global warming. Living things that are nourished will not injure one another, roads that run parallel will not interfere with one another. - Li JiClimate change is a terrible problem, and it absolutely needs to be solved. It deserves to be a huge priority. - Bill Gates We are using resources as if we had two planets, not one. There can be no “Plan B” because there is no “Planet B”. - Ban Ki-moonWe wont have a society if we destroy the environment. - Margaret Mead“Quote.Unquote”“Quote.Unquote” Read the quotes aloud. What can you learn from the quotes?What do they mean? Do you agree with these quotes or not?HomeworkHomework Using the language you have learnt to write a short paragraph about green living.5l Organise ideas in a logical way.l Use the expressions we learnt today if necessary.Thank you!
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