Unit 3 -Section Ⅰ-Lesson 1 课时基础巩固&综合提升-(2020)新北师大版高中英语选择性必修第一册.doc

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Unit 3 -Section Ⅰ-Lesson 1 课时基础巩固&综合提升-(2020)新北师大版高中英语选择性必修第一册.doc_第1页
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Unit 3 -Section Ⅰ-Lesson 1 课时基础巩固&综合提升-(2020)新北师大版高中英语选择性必修第一册.doc_第5页
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1、Unit 3-Section -Lesson 1课时基础巩固课时基础巩固&综合提升综合提升【基础巩固】【基础巩固】用下面方框中所给短语的正确形式填空shoulder the blametake actionwipe outit occurred todie outcut the riskin shortsolar energyset uplive on1.Organisationsto help those affected by the earthquake.2.me that I could use your car to fetch my homework.3.To ensure the

2、 pod can use,it was equipped with these panels.4.Jogging canof diseases such as heart attack.5.The animalmeat instead of grass.6.We need toto prevent similar disaster to happen again.7.The medicine can helpunhappy memories.8.The driver was brave enough to.9.Measures should be taken before the endang

3、ered animals.10.,we need another 3 million dollars to cover the expense.1.were set up2.It occurred to3.solar energy4.cut the risk5.lives on6.take action7.wipe out8.shoulder the blame9.die out10.In short用适当的介词/副词填空1.Why is he workingthis project?2.If not well protected,the species isrisk of extinctio

4、n.3.If you dont like the programme,switchto the one you usually watch.4.The number of animals in this area has decreased16% in the past decade.5.The population is increasinga disturbing rate.6.Aship was found sink 10 milesthe coast.7.It might help to cut downsugar to keep fit.8.Many traditions have

5、diedwith the urbanisation.9.He was knownthe savior of the city.10.Upthree quarters of all species could die out.1.on2.at3.over4.by5.at6.off7.on8.out9.as10.to完成句子1.The biscuit company(该为受责备) for turning off the customers.2.I couldnt have passed the test(没有你及时的帮助).3.What is happening now is certainly(

6、值得担忧).4.(立刻采取措施) to deal with water pollution.5.We need to stop destroying the planet(我们生活的) and start to protect it.6.You need to reconsider the way(你看待世界) to live a happier life.7.In the last 500 million years,there(有 5 次) when life on Earthhas almost ended.8.Human activity has negative effect on

7、all other species on Earth,(包括动物和植物).1.is to blame2.without your timely help3.cause for concern4.Immediate action should be taken/We should take immediate action5.that we live on6.you view the world7.have been five times8.including animals and plants【综合提升】【综合提升】完形填空My previous home had a stand of wo

8、ods behind it and many animals in thebackyard.That first year,I1feeding peanuts to the blue jays,then thesquirrels.The squirrels had no2coming up right to me for them.As the monthswent by,the rabbits saw that I was no3and didnt escape.When I threw carrotslices(薄片),they even came for a nibble(啃).Slow

9、ly they came to4me,and bythe end of the year they were eating out of my hand.That second year,the rabbits5me,and one would even sit up forslices!While I was feeding them,I6that a groundhog who used to run away wasnow taking an7interest in this food situation.I carefully extended a long8,with a keen

10、eye on those teeth,and9,there were times I would have thegroundhog sitting next to a rabbit,both munching(用力咀嚼) on carrots.A few monthslater,while10,she would even turn her back to me.11when she was facingaway,I reached out and12scratched(搔) her back with my finger.She didntmove.By year three,the ra

11、bbits and the groundhog were back.The groundhog13didnt have a problem with me scratching her back,and I got an idea.Id always14,while slicing up carrots,that the end looked like a cap.15one day,just tosee what she would do,I gently16one on top of the groundhogshead.Again,not a17.The next time,I had

12、my camera ready to record what yousee here,one of several dozen such pictures.18she had a slice to eat,she never19the one on her head.It was a fair20I got a pleasure,and she had yetanother tasty treat.1.A.avoidedB.startedC.canceledD.suggested2.A.businessB.funC.problemD.privilege3.A.helpB.cheatC.thre

13、atD.exception4.A.trustB.missC.admireD.appreciate5.A.fearedB.ignoredC.discoveredD.remembered6.A.provedB.decidedC.noticedD.understood7.A.extremeB.increasingC.additionalD.inspiring8.A.squirrelB.rabbitC.peanutD.carrot9.A.before longB.long agoC.over and overD.all over again10.A.eatingB.playingC.sittingD.

14、sleeping11.A.NextB.OnceC.SoonD.Lately12.A.carefullyB.suddenlyC.violentlyD.patiently13.A.alsoB.thusC.justD.still14.A.thoughtB.doubtedC.admittedD.recognised15.A.WhileB.OrC.SoD.For16.A.fixedB.placedC.hungD.kept17.A.trembleB.moveC.delayD.hesitation18.A.Even ifB.Ever sinceC.As far asD.So long as19.A.welc

15、omedB.requiredC.botheredD.expected20.A.tradeB.competitionC.taskD.affair1-5BCCAD6-10CBDAA11-15BADAC16-20BBDCA七选五Cleaning up the existing damage to our environment and preventing furtherdestruction is a huge job.It can seem that there is no way one person,especially ayoung person like you,can make a d

16、ifference.1,starting with changing somesimple everyday habits and working with others to spread the importance ofprotecting the environment.Here are a few suggestions.Avoid unnecessary driving or being driven.Every teenager looks forward to adrivers license and a first car,but automobiles are one of

17、 the primary causes of airpollution.If its too far to pedal a bike,take a bus or share your car ride with someoneelse.2,but it undoubtedly benefits the environment more.Unplug electrical equipment when possible.Even when turned off,someappliances may still use power.3.So it is best to unplug anythin

18、g that you do notexpect to use in the next 36 hours (or more).Carry a bag and a reusable water bottle.4.On the contrary,plastic bags anddisposable bottles may bring convenience to you,but the environmental damagecaused by them is almost permanent.Every plastic bottle not made and plastic bag notused

19、 helps a little bit.Raise awareness.Talk to family and friends about simple changes they canmake,and why they should do so to help protect the environment.5.Itsacceptable to just show them that you have thought a lot about the subject,arepassionate about making a difference,and really could use thei

20、r support.A.But you can make your contributionB.It might not seem as cool as driving yourselfC.This saves your money with fewer trips to the gas stationD.They dont take up much space but can prevent a lot of wasteE.You dont have to give lectures or force them to accept your opinionsF.They may be the

21、 secret sources of the large number on your electric billG.This can help start a dialogue in your community about a particular environmentalissue15ABFDE阅读理解Striking footage(镜头) recorded for NationalGeographic shows a dying polarbear struggling to find food on a land without ice or snow.The poor crea

22、ture can beseen dragging its bony frame(骨架) across the rough land and searching for food in abin.Paul Nicken,the photographer who shot the heart-breaking footage,says the sightreduced him to tears.“We stood there cryingfilming with tears rolling down ourcheeks,” he said.They found the dying creature

23、 on Canadas Baffin Islandan areathat has seen an extreme reduction in sea ice because of global warming.Nicken says that had he stepped in,it would only have deepened thesituation.Instead,he filmed the bears slow,painful death and posted it to social mediato serve as visual proof of the impact of cl

24、imate change.“When scientists say bears aregoing extinct,I want people to realise what it looks like.Bears are going to starve todeath,” said Nicken.“This is what a starving bear looks like.”Polar bears are only native to the Arctic region and are one of the manycasualties(伤亡) of climate change.They

25、 rely on the Arctic ice to hunt seals and arebecoming increasingly threatened as the ice melts away.The World Wildlife Fund(WWF) predicted back in 2002 that polar bears mayface extinction for losing habitat.There are an estimated 25,000 bears left in the wildand most experts agree that unless climat

26、e change is controlled,they will all be deadwithin the next 100 years.“The simple truth is thisif the Earth continues to warm,wewill lose bears and the entire polar ecosystem.This large male bear was not old,and hecertainly died within hours or days in that situation,” Nicken wrote on Instagram.Butt

27、here are solutions.We must begin putting the Earthour homefirst.1.What can people see in the striking footage?A.Astarving polar bear.B.Some dying creature.C.Acrying photographer.D.The reduction of sea water.2.Why did Paul Nicken post the footage on social media?A.To raise peoples awareness of climat

28、e change.B.To get a prize in photography competition.C.To attract readersinterest in bears.D.To raise money for bear protection.3.What do we know about the polar bears from the passage?A.The polar bears that are left can be found in Canada.B.They were hunting seals when taken photos of.C.The WWF has

29、 done a lot to protect them.D.Melting ice is a huge threat to their life.4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.The unknown diseases increased polar bearsdeaths.B.The whole bear ecosystem will suffer a heavy loss.C.The destruction of forest affected the ecosystem.D.The polar bear will be extinct in this century.1-4AADB


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