Unit 1 Relationships Lesson 1 教学 ppt课件-(2020)新北师大版高中英语选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、Unit 1 RelationshipsLesson 1 Teachers词汇讲解词汇讲解1. add up to课本P8 The only thing I can remember from school maths is that the angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees!我唯一能记得的数学课内容是三角形的内角和是180度!注释:add up to意为“总共是,总计为”,不用于被动语态。同义短语:amount to。The cost of two trips 1,000 dollars.两次旅行的费用总计为1000元。added up t

2、o 知识拓展:add构成的其他短语:add to使(数量)增加,使(规模)扩大addto把加到add up把加起来;积少成多The bad weather our difficulties.恶劣的天气增加了我们的困难。If you want to make the dish hotter, you can some chillies it.你如果想让这道菜更辣一些,可以加些辣椒。 all the numbers and you will know the result.你把所有的数加起来就会知道结果了。added to add toAdd up 2. lack课本P8 The problem

3、was that I lacked confidence in myself.问题是我对自己缺乏信心。注释:(1)vt.缺乏,没有(不用于被动语态)Despite the fact that they lacked food, the explorers continued nothing toward the goal.尽管缺乏食物,但探险者们继续向目标行进。The reason why he failed in the driving test is that he confidence in himself.他驾照考试失败的原因是对自己缺乏信心。As the only child of

4、wealthy parents, he nothing.作为家境富裕的独子,他什么都不缺。 lacked lacked (for) (2)n.U, sing.缺乏,匮乏,短缺常见搭配 (a) lack of.缺乏Despite his experience, he got the job.尽管缺乏经验,他还是得到了那份工作。知识拓展:lacking adj. (不用于名词前)缺乏,不足be lacking in.缺乏She felt nervous, increasingly confidence about herself.她感到紧张,对自己越来越缺乏信心。lack of lacking i

5、n3. behaviour课本P9 I had heard stories about his had behaviour.我听说过一些他的不良行为。注释:behaviour n. U行为,举止。也可写作behavior。常见搭配:good/bad behaviour良好/恶劣行为Knowing these causes can make us examine our , and correct bad habits.了解这些原因可以让我们检查自己的行为,纠正坏习惯。It is necessary to reward children for their .对孩子们的良好行为给予奖励是有必要的

6、。good behaviourbehavior相关词语积累:behave well/badly 举止将体/表现很差behave vi.表现;vt. & vi.表现,得体,有礼貌behave oneself守规矩,行为检点well-behaved adj.表现好的badly-behaved adj.表现差的4. catch sb. doing sth.课本P9 Once I caught him and his friends seeing who could jump the farthest off the school stage!有一次我撞见他和几个朋友比赛,看谁能从学校的舞台上往下跳得

7、最远!注释:catch sb. doing sth.为指定搭配,意为“当场发现(或发觉)某人正在做某事”。When the teacher called out my name, I was caught . (nap)老师点我名字的时候发现我在打瞌睡。Gemma turned around and caught the stranger her.(look at)杰玛转过身来,发现那个陌生人正盯着她看。nappinglooking at 知识拓展:catch构成的其他短语:catch hold of 抓住catch up (with sb.) 赶上(某人)get be caught in被卷

8、人,陷人catch sight of察觉,瞥见They the big rain on their way here.他们来这儿的路上遇到了这场大雨。got caught in 5. break down课本P11 My car broke down on the way to the beach.在去海滨的路上,我的车抛锚了。注释:(1)(机器或车辆)出故障;(身体)垮掉On my way to the station my car .去火车站的路上,我的车坏了。Her health under the pressure of work.她的身体在工作压力下垮掉了。(2)(谈判等)失败Tal

9、ks between the two sides have . 双方的谈判失败了。broke down broke downbroken down(3)使分解(为),使变化(成)Sugar and starch are in the stomach.糖和淀粉在胃里被分解。(4)打破,消除(尤指某种感情或态度)Getting young people together will help the barriers between them.把年轻人聚集起来可以帮助他们消除彼此之间的隔阂。broken down to break down 知识拓展:break构成的其他短语:break throu

10、gh 笑破,冲破 break off 中断;折断;突然终止break out(火灾、战争等)爆发 break in打断;破门而入break up 破碎;解散;结束(关系等)break into强行闯入;突然开始(笑、唱等)When World War I , he seemed to have become another man, downhearted.第一次世界大战爆发时,他似乎变成了另一个人,变得非常消沉。broke outWarming upPair Work Talk about the qualities that you think teachers need. Use the

11、 phrases below to help you.to understand students to be patient to be creativeto make friends with students to make students feel confidentto explain things with practical examples and in simple languageI think teachers should understand their students. And I think that teachers should explain thing

12、s with practical examples and in simple language.Task 1 Read the two texts. Who wrote the texts? What are they mainly about? Why were they written?The texts writers are Graham Lawrence and Brian Jenkins. Graham was once Mr Jenkinsstudent. They talk about the memories that they have of each other. Th

13、e texts were written because the student and the teacher remembered how they influenced each other.Read My Teacher. Complete the information.Task 2 Before Graham went to Mr Jenkins class Graham was not very good at most school subjects. How Mr Jenkins taughtMr Jenkins made everything interesting. Af

14、ter Graham became Mr Jenkins student Mr Jenkins made Graham feel that he had his own strengths. Science had been a subject full of strange words. He didnt want to know what hydrogen was. He found science boring and difficult. He lacked confidence. He explained things with lots of practical examples

15、and in simple language. He took students outside, and they built a rocket!He was interested in the study of the stars and planets.He gave a presentation.Task 3 Read My Student. Answer the questions.1) What was Mr Jenkins impression of Graham before they met?2) What is Mr Jenkins attitude towards stu

16、dents?3) What are Mr Jenkins beliefs in teaching?1. He was very difficult.2. Theres no such thing as a good or a bad student.3. The thing about being a teacher is that you have access to childrens minds when they are open and eager to learn.Task 4 Imagine you are the head teacher of Overton School.

17、Prepare a presentation to tell Grahams and Mr Jenkins stories. Use the diagram to help you.GrahamHis attitude and feelingsabout school subjectsbefore 15Mr JenkinsHis impression of GrahamHis attitude and feelingsafter ISHis attitude towards studentsReasons for the changesHis beliefs in teachingGraham

18、 Lawrence was not very good at most school subjects. He was a bit lazy. Science was a subject full of strange words to him. He didnt want to know what hydrogen was. He found science boring and difficult. He lacked confidence. When he was 15 and he went into Mr Jenkins class, he really became interes

19、ted in a subject for the first time. Mr Jenkins had heard stories about Grahams bad behaviour but he believed there was no such a thing as a good or a bad student and tried to make lessons interesting. He helped Graham realise that he had his own strengths.AnswersTask 5 Group Work Think and share.1)

20、. Mr Jenkins said,its important to understand that theres no such thing as a good or a bad student. How did he do? Find evidence from the texts to support your opinion.2). What made Graham a successful person? Find evidence from the texts to support your opinion.3). What made Mr Jenkins a good teach

21、er? Write down one or two of his qualities and give your reasons.Answers1. He did well with Graham. Though he had known Graham was very difficult, he made everything interesting in his teaching to attract his attention by setting up experiments. He also explained difficult things with practical exam

22、ples and in simple language.2. Mr Jenkins helped Graham find his interest and strength, e.g. Mr Jenkins set up an experiment to attract his attention in the first class. He gave Graham chances to present his interest and boosted his confidence. Graham was bright.3. Mr Jenkins is patient and he under

23、stands students. He was good with difficult students like Graham and he knew how to help them by explaining things with practical examples and in simple language. He helped students feel confident. He is a good teacher because he cares about his students and wants them all to do well.Homework一、完成句子1

24、.(2020天津5月单项填空改编)The machine is working again!Yes, it yesterday, but it has been fixed.2. How the big forest fire has remains to be a mystery.3. My house was yesterday. Fortunately, nothing was stolen.4.(2020广东汕头检测)If Tim carries on working like this, his health will sooner or later.5. While I was e

25、xplaining my point of view, he to argue with me.6. 用catch的相关短语完成句子After missing a term through illness he had to work to the others.If you Amy, ask her to come and see me as soon as possible.I the rain on my way home and my new suit was ruined.二、短语句子翻译1.(2020江西南昌期中)Health problems are closely connec

26、ted with bad eating habits and (缺乏运动).2. They gave up carrying out the plan (因为缺乏资金).3. The school has a system of reward and punishment to (鼓励良好的行为).4. He was scolded (训斥) for (他在宴会上的粗鲁行为).5. He told his pupils to (守规矩) and not to chat while listening to a lecture.参考答案参考答案一、完成句子1. broke down 2.broken out 3.broken into 4.break down 5. broke in6. catch up with catch sight of got caught in二、短语句子翻译1. (a)lack of exercise 2. for lack of money 3. encourage good behaviour4. his rude behaviour at the dinner 5. behave themselves


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