Unit3 Topic Talk ppt课件 -(2020)新北师大版高中英语选择性必修第一册.zip

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Unit 3Unit 3Unit 3Unit 3Unit 3 Unit 3 Unit 3 Unit 3 C C C Conservationonservationonservationonservation To read and talk about conservation To listen and read for general understanding To listen for specific information and understanding words in context To write a short paragraph about conservation To discuss quotes on conservationWhat environmental problems are there in your hometown?Can you make some suggestions to the government or the public?Discuss what major environmental problems we are facing currently. 1. Pollution: water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, etc.2. Global warming. 3. Climate change.4. Overpopulation. 5. Waste disposal.6. Loss of biodiversity. 7. Deforestation. Use the diagram to talk about the things that need to be protected.conservationWhat needs to be protected?Why do they need protection?What should we do?Our environment needs protection. We use cars too much, which is bad for both the environment and our health.n. 保护Read the Text Builder carefully.ConservationI really feel strongly that we need to change the way we _ in order to protect _.Human Activitiesfarm and eat, work, travel, liveThings to be Protectedthe Earth, plants, oceans, forests, animals and the environment, our planet, our landI can see that _ is one of the biggest threats to our planet.Ways We Destroy Naturethe use of oil and coal, plastic waste, driving cars, cutting down forests, miningvt. 破坏; 毁坏n. 威胁adj. 塑料的n. 采矿业We all need to _.Positive Actionsreuse previously used itemsrecycleand reduce the amount of waste we producehelp save energy and resourcescut down the use of unrecyclable plasticplay our partuse cars lesscycle and walk moren. 一项; 一条adj. 不可回收的vi.&vt. 回收利用I really feel strongly that we need to change the way we _ in order to protect _.Human Activitiesfarm and eat, work, travel, liveThings to be Protectedthe Earth, plants, oceans, forests, animals and the environment, our planet, our landliveour planetListen to the dialogue and complete it by underlining the words or expressions you hear.I can see that _ is one of the biggest threats to our planet.Ways We Destroy Naturethe use of oil and coal, plastic waste, driving cars, cutting down forests, miningthe use of oil and coalWe all need to _.Positive Actionsreuse previously used itemsrecycleand reduce the amount of waste we producehelp save energy and resourcescut down the use of unrecyclable plasticplay our partuse cars lesscycle and walk more recycle and reduce the amount of waste we produceJ: Hey, Mei.M: Hi, John.J: So how was that lecture you went to yesterday? It was by Professor Linda Wei, the environmental expert, wasnt it?M: Yes, it was really informative! I learnt a lot about the environmental challenges the world is facing now.J: Tell me more about it.adj. 有教育意义的M: Well, as you know, I really feel strongly that we need to change the way we live in order to protect our planet. The lecture talked a lot about this.J: Of course, but how?M: Well, first, Professor Wei was very passionate about using clean energy. After the lecture, I can see that the use of oil and coal is one of the biggest threats to our planet. We definitely need to switch to different forms of power as soon as possible. vi.&vt. 转换; 改变J: Thats very true. Did she say anything about using plastic bags?M: Yes. She talked about how plastic waste is killing our oceans. Its very clearwe all need to recycle and reduce the amount of waste we produce.J: I totally agree. I think we should cut down the use of unrecyclable plastic to protect our planet.M: Thats a good idea. But of course, as the professor said: “We all havearoleto play in protecting the environment. If we all doourpart, we can live a healthier life on Earth.”起某种作用尽自己的职责Whatdoyouknowaboutplasticpollution?Packaging wastePlastic has revolutionized the way we package goods and safely consume food. But packaging accounts for more than 35% of plastic worldwide.Southeast Asia has seen an explosion of plastic packaging waste, which increasing the risk of polluting rivers and seas.Most plastic packaging is single use. Recycling rates are extremely low less than 9% globally. If nothing changes, 26 billion tones of plastics will be produced over the next 30 years. Solutions: Controls on industry for plastic packaging production. Inventions and investment in biodegradable (生物可降解的) or reusable packaging. Government targets to restrict plastic packaging and promote recycling.Whatsyoursolution?Use the Text Builder to talk about your feelings on conservation or how to protect the environment.1.Why is Dr. Bradshaw working on protecting rhinos? Rhinos are in danger.2. What do people do to rhinos? Some people incorrectly think rhinos horns are useful in medicine and illegally hunt them.n. 犀牛adv. 非法地vi.&vt. 猎杀n. 角Listen to the dialogue. Answer the questions.3. What does Dr. Bradshaw suggest doing? Making everyone know that hunting these animals is illegal and that these amazing animals are part of the world we live in.4. What may happen, if we dont do something now? There will be no rhinos left in the world in 20 years.I: I feel very lucky _ to have Dr. Bradshaw with us today. He works on protecting animals _. At present, he is in a rhino protecting programme.B: Yes, many animals are _ for something they have. In the rhinos case, it is their _. Some people think it is useful in _.I: How can we stop this from happening?indeedin dangerillegally huntedhornsmedicineListen and fill in the blanks.B: Well, the first step is _ we need to make everyone know hunting these animals is _ and that these amazing animals are _ the world we live in.I: How long do we have before rhinos become _?B: If we dont do something now, there will be no rhinos left in the world in _ years.I: Thats an incredibly _ mattereducationillegalpart ofextinct20 urgentadv. 非常地; 极端地When the buying stops, the killing can too.WildAidUse the language you have learnt to write a short paragraph about what you know, how you feel and what you need to protect the environment in the future. Then share it in groups.Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land.Aldo LeopoldRead each quote and talk about them.ExplanationExplanationExplanationExplanationWe should respect nature and the natural environment and live alongside it peacefully. We shouldnt change or destroy it.Inyourlocalarea,whatexamplesofpeoplelivinginharmonywiththelandarethere?Conservation means the wise use of the Earth and its resources for the lasting good of men.Gifford PinchotExplanationExplanationExplanationExplanationProtecting the environment is for the long-term welfare of humans.Whatcanwedoinourdailylivestohelpconservethenaturalresources?Environmental pollution is an incurable disease. It can only be prevented.Barry CommonerExplanationExplanationExplanationExplanationWe must stop polluting our environment because once the damage is done, we cannot undo it.Whatchangescanyoumaketoyourdailylifetohelpreducepollution?Take with restraint and use in moderation; this way one shall always know contentment.ZizhiTongjianExplanationExplanationExplanationExplanationWe will always feel happy and comfortable if we take only what we need and use only what we need.Whatitemsdoyouthinkpeoplealwayswantmoreofandusetoomuchof?Work in pairs. Think of ten things we need to do to improve the environment and say why. Use these structures: Weneeddo(plantmoretrees).Wemust(plantmoretrees).Weshould(plantmoretrees).Turnofflights,televisionsetsandcomputerswhentheyrenotneeded.Useaslittlepaperaspossible.Printandcopyonbothsidesofpaper.Userecycledpaperwheneverpossible.Leavethecarathomewalkorbikeforshorttrips.Forlongertrips,takethetrain.Keeptothespeedlimit.Drivingat100km/hr.Treeplanting.Greenpurchasingpracticesandpolicies.If we do not change our ways, we are at risk of ruining our planet and destroying many more plants and animals. All of these things will be gone. And we will be gone, too.Time is running out. Our planet needs our help.Its up to us to decide together what happens next.Designing a poster that encourages people to look after the environment.List five things you can do in your everyday life for environmental protection. Then design a poster that encourages people to protect the environment.
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