Unit 6 The admirable (lesson 2 lesson 3)基础 综合双向训练 -(2020)新北师大版高中英语必修第二册.doc

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1、Unit 6 The admirableSection B(lesson 2+lesson 3)基础基础+综合双向训练综合双向训练【基础】【基础】选用合适单词或短语并用其恰当形式填空A1.novel;novelistThis is an excellentfrom one of the bestaround the world.2.organise;organiser;organisationTo be the leader of the,you should be a goodand good atallkinds of activities.3.passion;passionateHiss

2、peech had an effect on our emotions.Life needs curiosity and,which depends on how we think of the world.4.depressed;depressionShe suffered from severeafter losing her job.He wasat the thought of having to take the exam again.5.impress;impressive;impressionItme that she remembered my name.This is one

3、 of the mostnovels of recent years.Youll have to play better than that if you really want to make an.6.aware;awarenessThis incident has improved publicof food safety.Then he becamethat the other people were staring at him.7.peace;peacefulThere is an atmosphere ofand calm in the country.My husband lo

4、ves adventurous life while I enjoy a moreone.8.race;racialThey have long been fighting forequality.This custom is found in people of allthroughout the world.9.judge;judgementIn my,we should accept his offer.It seems a good idea,but without all the facts its hard to.10.move;movementGive me a place to

5、 stand and I willthe world.Loose clothing gives you greater freedom of.11.depend;independence;independentMany teenagers whoon parents want to beand have theirown.12.disabled;disabilityLiving with adoesnt mean you cant live well.Employers are being encouraged to hireworkers.Bskin,bar,strike,attitude,

6、design,advocate,self-evident,pick out,behind bars,organisation,engage in,protest,inspire,independence,intense,reputation,opportunity,the other day,what a shame,aware1.Babies have soft.2.all the words in the poem that suggest love.3.India attainedin 1947,after a long struggle.4.All the ground floor w

7、indows were fitted with.5.I learned the news from the newspaper.6.It suddenlyme that we ought to make a new plan.7.Is it wise toactive sports at your age?8.The group does notthe use of violence.9.He has begun to establish a goodas a writer.10.I leave most of theof these meetings to my assistant.11.W

8、hat is yourto the new invention?12.If you wereof all that,you would change your mind.13.Those buildingsin theAmerican style of architecture.14.My work is sothat I even have no time to take a rest.15.Its anin a million,and we shouldnt waste it.16.He was putmany times for his fighting.17.The successme

9、 to work harder.18.!I have forgotten his birthday.19.The rise in the price caused a storm of.20.It isthat we will never have enough resources to meet the demand.单句语法填空1.Our head teacher often inspires us(think).2.The citizens made marches to protestthe decision.3.I(buy) a pair of tan leather shoes t

10、he other day.4.We all want our children to be brought up in a(peace) world.5.My first(impress) of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.6.Running is cheap,easy and its always(energy).7.Just before September,Miller(strike) by a car and lost his right arm.8.The aim of the festival is to

11、increase(aware) of culture and traditions.9.In 1963,he organised a(示威游行) to Washington,D.C.and made aspeech with the words “I have a dream”.10.He interrupted the(正在进行的) discussion and announced a notice.11.To keep active,elderly people can(参与) in more community activities.12.The old tree was once(击中

12、) by lightning.13.Mark is(看作) as the best man for the job.14.This judge is a strong(倡导者) of prison reform.15.If you(承担) the project,you may run into difficulties.16.As a teacher,she had earned the(尊敬) and admiration of her students.17.The colours he used in his paintings were really(令人印象深刻的).18.Foun

13、ded in the early 20th century,the school keeps on(鼓舞) childrenslove of art.19.If you are serious about our relationship,you should make a(承诺) .20.I work with Volunteers for Wildlife,a rescue and education(组织) at Bailey.21.He is a famous dress(design).22.We all regard himan honest boy.23.Even in pris

14、on,he continued to engagecriminal activities.24.Many experts advocate(reward) your child for good behaviour.25.I was impressed by the energy and(commit) shown by the players.26.The minister refused to give any interviews to(新闻工作者).27.A(很严重的) storm turned the small village down to ground.28.We should

15、 have a healthy(态度) to the dark side of the society.29.It wasnt until her friend was badly hurt that Kerry became awareherhabit of finding fault.30.The workers were not better(organise);otherwise they would haveaccomplished the task in half the time.31.For(进一步) information,you can call the number.32

16、.I turned off the TV,despite loud(抗议) from the kids.33.There should be laws to stop(歧视) against the disabled.34.We had a(和平的) afternoon with the children at school.35.(判断) by the look on his face,the news must have been terrible.36.(judge) by her last letter,they are having a wonderful time.37.The e

17、arlier people learn to be(independence),the more meaningfullife they will get.38.With(inspire) from other food cultures,American food culture cantake a turn for the better.完成句子1.因为大雪,小镇与世隔绝。The town was cut off from the rest of the world.2.随着你年龄的增长,对死亡的看法也会有所改变。As you get older,death changes.3.我认为我的

18、长寿和积极的生活必须归功于我健康的生活方式。I think my long and active life must bethe healthy life I live.4.她是一名教育改革的热情拥护者。She isof.5.他保证按时付房租。Heto pay the rent on time.6.那项建设工程最终由一家知名公司承担。The construction projectby.7.我被选出来代表我们队。I have beento represent the whole team.8.应该鼓励孩子做独立的思考者。Children should be encouraged to be.9

19、.他是一个聪明的男孩,但是遭受种族歧视。He was a smart boy,but he.10.如果这场疾病影响小镇,那孩子们就很无助了。The children would be helpless if the disease.11.学生们走上街抗议这个决定。Students went to the streets to.12.显而易见,科学和技术的发展对于一个国家的发展是很重要的。the development of science and technology is important forthe development of a country.13.他似乎是把整件事当成玩笑。He

20、 seemed tothe whole thinga joke.14.马克对自己所面临的形势十分清楚。Markthe situation he was facing.15.他激励全世界人民为平等权利和正义而战。Hepeople around the worldequal rights and justice.16.他组织了很多的和平抗议,但是他因为这么做被送进过监狱很多次。He organised many,but he was putmany times for doing so.【综合】【综合】语篇语法填空HelenKellerwasagreat1.(write)andeducatorin

21、theworld,2.most famous work is The Story of My Life.When she was young,Helen was a very special girl,who couldnt speak,read orwrite because she couldnt see or hear.Because of these severe restrictions on her3.(communicate),her behaviour was often not 4.(bear).It was her teacher Anne Sullivan pletely

22、 changed her.Sheherselfalsohadeyesightproblems,soshecouldunderstandHelensdifficulties.Annes first goal was to stop Helens troublesome behaviour,which gaveher 6.(value) preparation to learn language.Helen learned words by 7.(touch) objects.It was the word “water” thatshe completely understood 8.the f

23、irst time.From then on,she learned manycomplex words.With Helens knowledge and vocabulary 9.(expand),shewas eager 10.(learn) more complex words.完形填空It is every kids worst dream and six-year-old Jaden Hayes has livedittwice.First he lost his dad when he was four and then last month his mom died1in he

24、r sleep.“I tried and I tried and I tried to get her2I couldnt,” said Jaden.Jaden isunderstandably3.But theres an improvement on his sadness.A few weeks agohe told his aunt,Barbara DiCola.“He was sick and4of seeing everyone sad allthe time.And he had a5to fix it.And that was the6of it,” saidBarbara.“

25、Thats where the7began.”Jaden asked his aunt Barbara to buy a bunch of little8and bring him todowntown Savannah,Georgia near where he9so he could give them away.“Imtrying to make people smile,” said Jaden.Jaden aims at people who arent alreadysmiling and then10their day around.Hes gone out on four11o

26、ccasions(场合) now and he is always successful.Even if sometimes he doesnt get exactly the12he was hoping for.It is just so hard to13for some people that asix-year-old boy would give away a toy14nothing in returnexcept a smile.“Im counting on the15to be 33,000,” said Jaden.When asked if he thinkshe ca

27、n make that goal,he answered:“I believe I can.”1.A.unexpectedly B.undoubtedlyC.unfairlyD.unhappily2.A.lostB.awakeC.asleepD.healthy3.A.friendlyB.warm-heartedC.heart-brokenD.open-minded4.A.tiredB.curiousC.proudD.careful5.A.viewB.wishC.planD.hope6.A.decisionB.discussionC.endingD.beginning7.A.funB.adven


29、.smilesD.tears阅读理解Donna Strickland was awarded the 2018 Nobel Prize for physics jointly withArthur Ashkin and Grard Mourou.Its the first time in 55 years that a woman haswon this famous prize,but why has it taken so long?We look at five other pioneeringfemale physicistspast and presentwho actually d

30、eserve the prize.Jocelyn Bell BurnellPerhaps the most famous snub (冷落):then-student Bell discovered the first radiopulsars in 1967,when she was a PhD student at Cambridge.The Nobel Prize thatrecognisedthislandmarkdiscoveryin1974,however,wenttohermalesupervisor,AntonyHewish.Recentlyawardeda 2.3millio

31、nBreakthroughPrize,which she gave awayto help under-representedstudents,she joked totheGuardian,“I feel Ive done very well out of not getting a Nobel Prize.”Lene HauHau is best known for leading the research team at Harvard University in 1999that managed to slow a beam of light,before managing to st

32、op it completely in2001.Often topping Nobel Prize prediction lists,could 2021 be Haus year?Vera RubinRubin discovered dark matter in the 1980s,opening up a new field ofastronomy.She died in 2016,without recognition from the committee.Chien-Shiung WuWus “Wu experiment” helped disprove the “law of con

33、servation of parity”.Herexperimental work was helpful but never honoured,and instead,her male colleagueswon the 1957 Nobel Prize for their theoretical work behind the study.Lise MeitnerMeitner led groundbreaking ( 开 创 性 的 ) work on the discovery of nuclearfission.However,the discovery was acknowledg

34、ed by the 1944 Nobel Prize forchemistry,which was won by her male co-lead,Otto Hahn.1.When was the discovery of radio pulsars recognised by the Nobel?A.In 1944.B.In 1967.C.In 1974.D.In 1980.2.Which woman is most likely to win a Nobel Prize later according to the text?A.Lene Hau.B.Vera Rubin.C.Donna

35、Strickland.D.Jocelyn Bell Burnell.3.What do we know about the five females?A.The five female scientists did greatly in chemistry.B.Vera Rubin had opened up a new field in geometry.C.Lise Meitners teacher won a Noble Prize for her work.D.All their findings havent been recognised by the Nobel.参考答案:【基础


37、ck out3.independence4.bars5.the other day6.struck7.engage in8.advocate9.reputation10.organisation11.attitude12.aware13.were designed14.intense15.opportunity16.behind bars17.inspired18.What a shame19.protest20.self-evident单句语法填空1.to think2.against3.bought4.peaceful5.impression6.energetic7.was mitment

38、26.journalists27.severe28.attitude29.of30.organised31.further32.protests33.discrimination34.peaceful35.Judging36.Judging37.independent38.inspiration完成句子1.due to heavy snow2.your attitude towards/to3.due to4.a passionate advocate;education reform5.made a commitment6.was undertaken;an established comp

39、any eventually7.picked out8.independent thinkers9.suffered racial discrimination10.struck the town11.protest against the decision12.It is self-evident that13.regard;as14.was well aware of15.inspired;to fight for16.peaceful protests;behind bars【综合】【综合】语篇语法填空munication4.bearable5.who/that6.valuable7.touching8.for9.expanding10.to learn完形填空1-5ABCAC6-10DBDCB11-15CABBC阅读理解1-3CAD


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