Unit 5 单词拼写检测-(2020)新北师大版高中英语必修第二册.docx

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1、第一组1.Success depends to a large(程度) on attitudes.2.He knows how to appreciate(诗歌).3.At last the writer(逃跑), but his brothers didnt.4.Youve stepped to the(边缘) of the looking glass.5.He sat behind a table on which were half a dozen(档案).6.But you have to be good to your body, mind, and(灵魂).7.No one wil

2、l be able to(幸存) if the land, water and atmosphere are seriously polluted.8.When the fire happened, he was(frighten) and his mind was confused.9.(curious) drove him into the cave to see what happened.10.Anyone, whether he is an official or a bus driver, should be(equal) respected.第二组1.Contributions

3、to the(灾难) fund have already passed 2 million dollars.2.Boys and girls, all of you should go to attend the(讲座) this afternoon.3.Miss Guo wants her students to(开展) a survey for the school.4.Fire fighters burst the door open and(援救) them.5.Weve taken(措施) to solve the housing problem.6.He(评论) that it w

4、as an excellent film.7.The car was badly(破坏) when it hit the wall.8.When compared with earthquakes and volcanic(erupt), humans are weak.9.The bus was so(crowd) that I had to stand all the way to the school.10.Owing to the(dry), many people would starve to death without the help from all over the cou

5、ntry.第三组1 They had been t_ in the cave for 20 days before being rescued.2 His _(抱负) is to become a great scientist in the future.3 Firefighters burst the door open and r_ them from the fire.4 The heavy rain didnt cause much _(损害) to the crops.5 He is practising every day,in p_ for the skiing champio

6、nship.6 Can you m_ the height of the tower without using any equipment?7 Will you stop _(打断) me when Im talking?8 The air we b_ in is getting dirtier and dirtier.9 He travelled alone across the whole _(大洲) ofAfrica from east to west.10 The students who are not successful at the first _(尝试) may take

7、the exam again.第四组1.The horse which was fran away wildly from the fire.2.After the film,all the students are welcome to make(评论) and express their views about it.3. In my opinion,it was and,to a large(程度),still is a good show.5. I wish she had(幸存) the plane crash,which happened last year.6. His firs

8、t victory was to win the(相等的) rights for blacks to sit on buses.7.At last the thief e,but with the help of a witness the police caught him at last.8 My sister and I were cchildren and we delighted in finding out all sorts of things.9. When I came in,he was sitting behind a table on which were half a

9、 dozen(档案)10 It addition,to some(程度),helping others is helping yourself.第五组1 The region has been declared a heavy(灾难)zone,which will have a big impact on its economy.2 Though the park is small,it is home to bears,wolves,and other w.3 We need to create a(气候;环境) in which business can prosper.4 Most po

10、p singers suffer from three things:lack of training,(过度使用) and abuse of the voice,especially when they are young.5 What gas do you think is the first suspect in causing the geffect?6 The teacher turned around and wrote the(标题) on the blackboard.7 The natural(风景) of Tibet is worthwhile to visit.8 Mil

11、lions of people are threatened with starvation as a result of(干旱) and poor harvests.9 In the bus accident,the father was killed,but the daughter was found l.10 The(鹰) is an emblem of strength and courage.第六组1 Losing weight is a slow and gradual p;you cannot expect to be slim in a week.2 He has retur

12、ned to his home country after travelling(在海外) for three months.3 The firefighters managed to rthe people trapped in floods.4 The governments support will help the affected villagers to ease the(痛苦) caused by the flood.5 Excuse me,may I(打断) you to comment on the article you talked about just now.6 De

13、spite several failures,they continued to cthe experiment with patience.7 Nowadays,almost every young girl has a constant(斗争) with her weight.8 The traffic jam soon cleared once the offending(车辆) had been removed.9 What kind of mshould we take to protect young children from being addicted to computer

14、s?10 Please keep in mind that it is the dof each of us Chinese to protect our country against enemies.第七组1. This time,she answered all my questions with her usual(坦诚)2. Mrs White is busy making pfor her daughters wedding.3. She(观察) a man walking on the opposite side of the way.4. The protecting wall

15、 can(庇护) our houses from being damaged.5. The first thing youll see on Mars will be one of the(极地的) ice caps.6. The movie A Smile Is Beautiful is bon the popular novel of the same name.7. She opened the door in front of her,and saw the(机长) of the airplane.8. It has been pagain and again that what is

16、 said in the ads greatly affects people.9 The boy applying for the job has a good command of computer,so I think he is eto the job.10Aprisoner efrom a jail but was rearrested soon.第八组1 Only good cooperation(使能够) us to finish the task on time.2 This is a matter that troubles us on account of its imme

17、diate(影响) on our daily life.3 You are so ato coffee;it may be harmful to your health.4 I have to athat I dont like the way you deal with the problem.5(显然),the man thinks of his son more than of himself.6 I highly rthat you read his blogs which are very creative.7 I am really cabout your safety;you s

18、houldnt have left without a word.8 He is universally recognized as an(专家) on criminal law.9 When the child saw a(可怕的) dark shadow,he cried out for help.10 You were so lucky that you sin the natural disaster.第九组1.Some of her early works showed a lot of(独创性),which attracted a large number of readers.2

19、 Our school provides vafter-school activities to enrich studentscampus life.3After the earthquake,the victims had to live in temporary s.4 The girl stood there,with some(小册子) in her hand.5 The adventure you experienced with your family sounds exciting but(吓人的)6 The experiment is hto the animals,so d

20、ont be worried.7 The scientists will study the variety of trees and(观察) which are fruiting.8 She broke a leg in a(滑雪运动) accident.9As far as I am concerned,(诗歌) always loses something in translation.10After a while,I began to be(好奇的) about the whirlpool itself.第十组1.My(追求) is to be an excellent doctor

21、 who can relieve peoples suffering.2 I am always curious about what the world will be like in the not dfuture.3 The young girl was praised for her bshown in the fight with the attacker.4 No matter how serious your mistakes might be,(诚实) is always the best policy.5 Those famous(探险家) made great contri

22、butions to the research of ancient buildings.6 Make full pfor your future life,otherwise you will regret sooner or later.7 To phis point,Professor Wang mentioned several other experiments which had the similar results.8Although he is disabled,he is one of the top players at the school and(队长) of his

23、 gym class.9 China is now reaching outAfrican countries with all its(真诚)10 The destruction of the forest is a huge dfor nature.11 It was a great(震惊) to the world that a French airplane got missing over theAtlantic Ocean last week.12 Fortunately,he ebeing killed in the car accident.13 The fexpression

24、 on the girls face suggested that she was frightened to face her parents.14 It was with the help of a local guide that the mountain climber was r.15 The only thing the wolf could do was climb up to the ground from the(陷阱)16 Success is often(衡量) by the ability to overcome difficulties.答案第一组1 extent2.

25、poetry3.escaped4.edge5.files6.soul7.survive8.frightened9.Curiosity10.equally第二组1 mented7.damaged8.eruptions9.crowded10.drought第三组1 trapped2.ambition3.rescued4.damage5.preparation6 measure7.interrupting8.breathe9.continent10 attempt第四组第四组1 frightened2. comments3. extent5. survived6 equal7 escaped8 cu

26、rious9. files10 extent第五组1 disaster2 wildlife3 climate4 overuse5 greenhouse6 title7 landscape8 droughts9 living10 eagle第六组1 process2 overseas3 rescue4 suffering5 interrupt6 conduct7 battle8 vehicle9 measures10 duty第七组1 honesty2. preparations3. observed4. shelter5. polar6. based7. captain8. proved9 e

27、qual10 escaped第八组1 enables2 impact3 addicted4 admit5 Obviously6 recommend7 concerned8 authority9 horrible10 survived第九组1 originality2 varied3 shelters4 brochures5 scary6 harmless7 observe8 skiing9 poetry10 curious第十组1 ambition2 distant3 bravery4 honesty5 explorers6 preparations7 prove8 captain9 sincerity10 disaster11 shock12 escaped13 frightened14 rescued15 trap16 measured


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