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1、初一英语期中试卷第 1 页 共 7 页盐城市初级中学盐城市初级中学 2020/2021 学年度第二学期期中考试初一年级英语试题学年度第二学期期中考试初一年级英语试题(2021.4)(卷面总分:卷面总分:100 分考试时间:分考试时间:100 分钟分钟)注意事项:本试卷包含第一卷选择题(第注意事项:本试卷包含第一卷选择题(第 155 题)和第二卷非选择题(第题)和第二卷非选择题(第 5690 题及书面表达题)两部分。其中一卷的答案直接填涂在答题卡上,第二卷为主观题,直接答在第二卷上,本次考试没有答卷纸。考试时间为题及书面表达题)两部分。其中一卷的答案直接填涂在答题卡上,第二卷为主观题,直接答在第

2、二卷上,本次考试没有答卷纸。考试时间为 100 分钟,卷面总分为分钟,卷面总分为 100 分。本试卷共分。本试卷共 4 页。第一卷(选择题,共页。第一卷(选择题,共 55 分)一听力。(共分)一听力。(共20题,每小题题,每小题1分,计分,计20分)分)第一部分,听对话,选出与其对应的图片,每段对话读两遍。() 1. Where is the mans pen friend from?ABC() 2. How can the woman get to the post office?ABC() 3. Which animal does Millie like best in the zoo?A

3、BC() 4. When is Toms birthday?ABC第二部分,听对话,回答问题,每段对话读两遍。() 5. Where are they?A. In a bookshop.B. In a library.C. In a museum.() 6. When will the film begin?A.At 7:00.B. At 7:30.C. At 8:00.() 7. What is the mans job?A. Ateacher.B. Ashopkeeper.C. Adoctor.() 8. Whose pencil case is this?A. Jennys.B. Dav

4、ids.C. Daniels.() 9. How much money will the man have if the woman lends him all her money?A. 6 dollars.B. 8 dollars.C. 3 dollars.() 10. Where will May go this afternoon?A. The mall.B. The cinema.C. The restaurant.第三部分,听下面一段对话和两篇短文,根据所给问题,选择正确答案。每段对话或短文读两遍。听第一段对话,回答第听第一段对话,回答第 11-12 题。题。() 11. What

5、club is the boy in?A. In the Dancing Club.B. In the Drawing Club.C. In the Fixing Club.() 12. How often does the boy go to the club?初一英语期中试卷第 2 页 共 7 页A. Every day.B. Twice a week.C. Three times a week.听第一篇短文,回答第听第一篇短文,回答第 13-15 小题。小题。The treasure tourLength of time13.Starting time1416th.Places to v

6、isitTower Bridge, Big Ben, London Eye, Palace of Westminster,Shakespeares home and so onPrice$3,000 air tickets, hotel costs and15included() 13.A. AweekB. Two weeksC. Three weeks() 14.A. JulyB. AugustC. September() 15.A. breakfastB. lunchC. super听第二篇短文,回答第听第二篇短文,回答第 16-20 小题。小题。() 16. What is Jims d

7、ream home like?A. Its modern.B. Its mall.C. Its very big.() 17. What is the town like?A. Its quiet and the air is fresh.B. Its a small town near the big city.C. It has many people.() 18. How many floors does Jims home have?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.() 19. Whats in front of Jims house?A. Ariver.B. Afoo

8、tball field.C. Agarden.() 20. Where can Jim and his friends chat and play games?A. Near the river.B. On the football fieldC. In the garden.二单项选择。(共二单项选择。(共 15 题,每小题题,每小题 1 分,计分,计 15 分)分)() 21.Anna is_exchange student from_UK.A. a; aB. the; theC. an; theD. an; /() 22. _mother usually cooks for_at the

9、 weekend.A. Lily and Lucy; theirB. Lilys and Lucys; themC. Lily and Lucys; theirD. Lily and Lucys; them() 23. -What would you like to have for dinner, Sandy?-_is OK. I am hungry enough to eat a horse.A.AnybodyB. AnythingC. SomeoneD. Something() 24. -Do you know who has enough reads(读物) in our classr

10、oom?-The boy there_a story book and ten history books.A. areB. isC. hasD. have() 25. -There_a football match this Sunday, isnt there?-Yes, but I cant go with you. It_my grandmothers 90th birthday this Sunday.A. is going to have, am going to beB. is going to be, will beC. will have, am going to beD.

11、will be, will be() 26. The Chuanchang River runs for more than 170 kmthe city of Yancheng.A. acrossB.pastC.overD. through() 27. Which word among the following words has a different stressed syllable?A. capitalB. balconyC. dynastyD. amazing() 28. “Take the medicine and it will make him_better soon,”

12、the nurse says to the_boys mother.A. feel; sickB. to feel; sickC. feels; illD. feels; sick() 29. -Thank you for lending me your book.-Not at all. But dont forget to return_before lunch.-OK, I will buy_in the shop.A. one; oneB. one; itC. it; oneD. it; it() 30. This is Daniels_time to China. He hopes

13、he_China some day.A. the first, to visitB. first, to visit初一英语期中试卷第 3 页 共 7 页C. first, can visitD. the first, can visit() 31. -How do you say the number “5,041,003”?-_.A.Five millions, forty-one thousands and threeB. Five million and forty-one thousand and threeC. Five million, forty-one thousand, t

14、hreeD. Five million, forty-one thousand and three()32. There are many things_in our town and it is a good place_.A. to do, livingB. to do, to liveC. doing, livingD. doing, to live() 33. Turn left,_to the west of the LionsArea, you will find the World of Birds.A.soB. butC.andD. or() 34. -_is it from

15、your home to the nearest post office?-Its about 10 minutesride.A. How farB. How longC. How soonD. How often() 35. -Can you go camping with me this Saturday?-_. Ill go to the Helping Hands Club.A. Sounds greatB. Im afraid notC. Agood idea.D. I dont think so三完形填空。(共三完形填空。(共 10 题,每小题题,每小题 1 分,计分,计 10 分

16、)分)Long long ago, there was a swan(天鹅) with golden feathers. She lived in a lake. A woman lived in a smallhouse36the lake with her two daughters. They were very poor. They worked hard all year round,37they still lived a hard life and sometimes they even didnt have enough38to buy food.The swan was sa

17、d to see that. She said to herself, “Ill give one of my39to them each day, then theycan live a happy life with the money selling my feathers.” That evening, she40to the poor womans houseand left a golden feather on the table without saying anything. From then on, the swan came every day and gavethem

18、 a feather. The woman was very41because their life was much better than before. But day after day,the woman became greedy(贪婪). She said to her42. “The swan may fly away one day. If so, we willbe poor again. We should take all her feathers when she comes next time.”“Oh, no, Mom!” cried the daughters,

19、 “This will hurt the swan. She helps us a lot!” But the mother wouldntlisten. When the swan came43, the mother caught her and took all her feathers. But44, thegolden feathers changed into chicken feathers.Then, the Golden Swan said, “Poor Mother, I came to45you, but you wanted to kill me. Now, I aml

20、eaving and will never come back. Never be greedy!” With these words, the swan flew away.() 36.A. aboveB. overC. byD. under() 37.A. andB. butC. soD. or() 38.A. moneyB. timeC. roomD. energy() 39.A. legsB. armsC. feathersD. eggs() 40.A. flewB. ranC. climbedD. walked() 41.A. funnyB. helpfulC. sadD. happ

21、y() 42.A. brothersB. sistersC. sonsD. daughters() 43.A. at onceB. as usualC. tooD. soon() 44.A. usuallyB. suddenlyC. luckilyD. happily() 45.A. troubleB. teachC. helpD. invite四阅读理解。(共四阅读理解。(共 10 题,每小题题,每小题 1 分,计分,计 10 分)分)A初一英语期中试卷第 4 页 共 7 页() 46. How many days should you take an umbrella this week?

22、A. One day.B. Two days.C. Three days.D. Four days.() 47. Whats the smallest daily temperature difference(温差) this week?A. 9.B. 10.C. 11.D. 12.() 48. How many hours of sunlight are there today?A.About 8 hours.B. About 10 hours.C.About 12 hours.D. About 14 hours.B BShh! Can you hear the song? Oh, that

23、 is a magpie. Look! Its feathers are beautiful and its tail looks like apair of scissors. It sings very well. People in China think magpies can bring them good luck. Today lets learnmore about birds.FeathersBirds have different coloured feathers. Many birds need coloured feathers to hide from their

24、enemies. Somebirds use their feathers to attract mates. These birds usually have coloured feathers and beautiful patterns.Beaks(喙喙)Some birds like ducks use beaks to separate(分开) food from water. Their beaks help take out small animals.Short-beaked birds, like swallows(燕子), catch insects(昆虫). Some b

25、irds, like woodpeckers(啄木鸟), have longstrong beaks to drill(钻) holes in trees. They use the holes to make nests or keep food. Some bird beaks are verystrong. They can crack(使裂开) food. Eagles and other hunting birds use their beaks to tear(撕裂) meat.NestsBirds need somewhere to lay their eggs. The pla

26、ce must be warm and safe. Most birds build nests. Bird nestsare made from many things, such as dried grass, mud, string, ribbon and feathers. Often birds use mud to hold anest together. Mud helps birds to build strong nests.() 49. What is the Chinese name of “magpie”?A. 麻雀B. 鹰C. 金丝燕D. 喜鹊() 50. Which

27、 type of beaks can tear meat?ABCD() 51. Birds often use many things to build bird nests, except(除了)_.A. mudB. feathersC. paperD. dried grassCFace masks became a must-have in 2020. It is likely that people around the world will keep wearing themfor some time. Many companies are making new, high-tech

28、masks. Their masks can not only protect us fromgetting sick, but also help us in other ways.Virus-detecting masksScientists are working on a mask that can test COVID-19 in the air.If there are viruses(病毒), the mask will change color.C-MaskThis is a smart mask that can translate (翻译) speech into nine

29、 languages,初一英语期中试卷第 5 页 共 7 页including Japanese, English, Chinese and French. The mask has a chip thatconnects (连接) to the wearers smartphone. It translates what you say intotext on the phone.Project HazelHazel is a special mask from US company. It is a transparent (透明的) maskthat allows (使能够) you t

30、o see the wearers face. It also has a built-in speaker. When you speak withthe mask on, your voice will not sound muffled (沉闷的). There is also a hard case for you to putthe mask in. The case has a UV light that kills germs (细菌) and makes the mask safer to wear.() 52. How does the virus-detecting mas

31、k work?A. By killing viruses in droplets.B. By testing germs on your face.C. By reacting to different sounds.D. By changing color if it tests COVID-19.() 53. Which kind of masks can translate languages?A. Project Hazel.B. Virus-detecting masks.C. Common masks.D. C-mask() 54. _makes Project Hazel saf

32、er to wear.A. Abuilt-in speakerB. Ahard case with a UV lightC. The transparent (透明的) maskD. The connected smartphone() 55. Which of the following is wrong?A. Virus-detecting masks can test COVID-19.B. When you speak with Project Hazel on, your voice will sound muffled (沉闷的).C. When you wear Project

33、Hazel, others can see your face.D. Achip in C-Mask can translate what you say into text on the phone.第二卷 (非选择题,共第二卷 (非选择题,共 45 分)注意事项:第二卷为主观题,直接答在第二卷上,本次考试没有答卷纸。五任务型阅读。分)注意事项:第二卷为主观题,直接答在第二卷上,本次考试没有答卷纸。五任务型阅读。A. 请根据短文内容,完成信息记录表,每空一词。(共请根据短文内容,完成信息记录表,每空一词。(共 10 题,每小题题,每小题 1 分,计分,计 10 分)分)China is th

34、e second-largest cotton producer ( 生 产 地 ) in the world. Most of the cotton grows inXinjiang. However, how much do you know about Xinjiang Cotton? Here are some facts about it.Growing best cottonCotton needs lots of heat and plenty of sunshine to grow. Xinjiang is a good place to grow it. It has lot

35、s ofsunshineabout 3,000 hours every year. Xinjiang produces over 80 percent of Chinas cotton. The most famouscotton in Xinjiang is long-stapled cotton (长绒棉).Cotton harvest machinesFarmers first fly a drone (无人机) to spray (喷洒) a kind of special water. It makes the cottonleaves fall. Next, its time to

36、 drive the machine (机器). This big machine has a big “mouth” and sharp“teeth”. It “eats” while it walks. The big guy “lays eggs (下蛋)” then.At last, farmers can pick up thecotton.Goes to the cotton factoryAfter the harvest season, the fresh cotton goes to textile factories (纺织厂) nearby. There, the cot

37、ton is madeinto cloth and quilts. Both farmers and workers in the factories work under a comfortable working environment.Things you dont know about cottonIn China, people mainly (主要地) use cotton to make paper money. Most common cotton is white. But inXinjiang, there is colourful cotton. Cotton candy

38、 (棉花糖) looks like cotton. But you cant see any cotton in it atall!Some56about Xinjiang CottonBest cotton80 percent of the cotton in57grows in Xinjiang.Xinjiang has lots of heat and58sunshine to grow cotton.Long-stapled cotton (长绒棉) is the most59cotton.60toharvest cottonFirst, special water makes the

39、 cotton leaves fall.Next, the machine “eats” with a big “mouth” and61“teeth”.初一英语期中试卷第 6 页 共 7 页Then, the big guy “lay eggs”.Finally, farmers can pick up the cotton.Cotton factoriesFarmers and workers make cloth and quilts under a62workingenvironment.Unknown thingsabout cottonPaper money in China is

40、 mainly made63cotton.In Xinjiang, there is cotton with many64.There is65cotton in cotton candy (棉花糖)at all! 阅读表达。请根据材料内容阅读表达。请根据材料内容,按照要求完成各题。(共按照要求完成各题。(共 5 题,每小题题,每小题 1 分,计分,计 5 分)分)Chinese chess is a two-player board game with 32 pieces in red and black. People mov

41、e the pieces on thelines. Among all these pieces, King is the most important. It must stay in the palace. If it gets checked(被“将死”),the game is over. So the purpose(目的) of the game is to check the others King while protecting(保护) onesown King.Chinese chess is different from international chess. It i

42、s full of Chinese culture. Playing chess is good forremembering, logical thinking (逻辑思维) and understanding ability (能力). Besides, it is a game that people ofall ages can play.As part of Chinese culture, Chinese chess is not only popular in China. Now people from many differentcountries play Chinese

43、chess. More and more foreigners take part in the Chinese chess “World Cup” every twoyears. In their eyes, Chinese chess can help them learn more about China.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。(不超过根据短文内容,回答下列问题。(不超过 5 个词)个词)66. What colour are the pieces in Chinese chess?_67. Whats the most important piece in the game?_6

44、8. Who can play Chinese chess?_69. How often do the foreigners take part in the Chinese chess “World Cup”?_70. Why do the foreigners enjoy playing Chinese chess?_六词汇运用(共六词汇运用(共 10 题,每小题题,每小题 1 分,计分,计 10 分)分)A根据句意和汉语提示写出单词根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子(每空只填一词)。完成句子(每空只填一词)。71. The volunteers in the neighbourhood

45、 are very(友好的).72. I am looking forward to receiving Millies(明信片).73. The library is(东边) of my school. I walk past it every day.74. Boyshobbies are(相当) different from girls.75. Walk(穿过)ABC Park and youll see the book in front of you.B. 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。76. There will be a lot of a

46、ctivities to celebrate the(hundred) anniversary(周年纪念日)of thefounding of the Communist Party of China (中国共产党) in 2021.77. What about(try) some delicious food in the local restaurant?78. Oh! The boysjackets look smart on them. I want to have one like(they).79. The boy tried to answer the headmasters q

47、uestion as(care) as possible.80. Mr. Green is one of the best(cook) in the village.七短文填空。根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺。 (每空一词七短文填空。根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺。 (每空一词,共共 10 题,每小题题,每小题 1 分,计分,计 10 分)分)John works hard but he is still poor. He is very s81all day. One day

48、when he comes home f82work, he sees his daughter in the sitting room. She is playing with a roll of colourful wrapping paper. John gets初一英语期中试卷第 7 页 共 7 页angry.“Where is the paper from?” John asks. “I bought it with my p83money,” the little girl answers. “Youwont get money from me any more!” John sa

49、ys and goes into his room.A few days later, its Christmas Day. Thegirl brings a little box in colourful paper to her f84and says, “Dad, this is for you.”The father is surprised to see the colourful box. He f85sorry for his anger that day. He touches the g86head and opens the box. He becomes angry ag

50、ain w87he finds nothing inside. “Why is it empty?Are you playing a trick on me?” the angry father asks. “No, Dad, it is full. I put many kisses in the box. All foryou, Dad. John has n88to say. He puts his arms a89his little girl and says, “Sorry, my dear.Please forgive (原谅) me.”From then on, John a9


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