Unit 3 The World of Science P1 start ing out & listening ppt课件(含学案+视频) -(2019)新外研版高中英语必修第三册.rar

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  • Unit 3 The World of Science P1 start ing out & listening ppt课件(含学案+视频) -(2019)新外研版高中英语必修第三册
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    • Unit3 The World of Science P1 starting out & listening 课件-2021-2022学年外研版(2019)高中英语必修三.pptx--点击预览


Unit3 The world of scienceP1 Starting out & Listening 导导学案学案Learning aims:1. Be able to talk about inventions after enjoying a video.2. Learn about some careers and some famous scientists.3. Learn and be able to describe a story behind an invention according to listening practice.Part 1 Starting outStep 1 lead in - watch the video and answer questionStep 2 Group talk Part 2 Careers in scienceStep 1 What do you know about these careers?1.A physicist is a person who _(做研究) connected with physics or who studies physics.2.A mathematician is a person who is trained in the study of numbers and calculations(运算).3.A chemist is a person who does research_ (与化学有关)or who studies chemistry.4.An astronomer is a scientist who studies the stars, planets, and _.(太空中其它自然物体)5.A geographer is a person who studies geography or is_ (专家)in it.6.A biologist is a person who studies or works_.(在生物领域)Step 2 Other careers演员/女演员_音乐家_会计_建筑师_艺术家_钢琴家_科学家_服务员_理发师_厨师_牙医_邮递员_船员_秘书_设计师_侦探_工程师_电工_消防员_花匠_导游_警卫_记者_法官_律师_兽医_飞行员_摄影师_Step 3 Activity 5: Complete the introductions about different scientists with the words in Activity 4. Pay attention to the language that describes their careers.Part 3 Listening PracticeStep 1 Invention stories- - Did you knowStep 2 Activity 7 Listen to the conversation and number the picture in the correct order.Step 3 Activity 8 Listen again and complete the note.Mike: Hey, look! Ive read about a cool invention in this magazine!Anna: A pair of socks?Mike: Yes, but theyre not ordinary socks. This is a product designed for people with Alzheimers disease.Anna: Oh yes, I saw a TV show about that. It was invented by a student from New York called Kenneth. He even won an award for it at a science fair!Mike: Wow! How did he come up with the idea?Anna: Well, his grandfather has Alzheimers. He forgets things and gets lost easily. Once he got lost in the city and it took a whole day to find him! The family was always worrying about him leaving the house and had to keep an eye on him even at night! Kenneth had been trying to find a solution. Then one night, he was looking after his grandfather and saw him get out of bed and step on the floor. That moment inspired him, and a good idea came to his mind.Mike: I didnt know that! How did that moment inspire him?Anna: Well, it made him think of putting a device into a pair of socks to sense pressure. He started by drawing his ideas, and then he thought about how to power the device. Eventually, he created a device the size of a coin!Mike: Like a coin? So how does it work?Anna: He got his grandfather to wear the socks. When his feet touched the floor, the device sensed an increase of pressure, and a warning was sent to the boys mobile phone like an alarm. That way, he could know his grandfather was getting out of bed without staying up all night.Mike: How amazing! What a useful invention and caring grandson!Anna: Yes, you are quite right.Conclusion:1. Review some careers in science and learn about some scientists.2. Review how to describe a story behind an invention according to listening materials Unit 3 The World of Science Period 1 starting out & listeningMenlovetowonder,andthatistheseedofourscience.EmersonLearningaims:1.Beabletotalkaboutinventionsafterenjoyingavideo.2.Learnaboutsomecareersandsomefamousscientists.3.Learnandbeabletodescribeastorybehindaninventionaccordingtolisteningpractice.Part1StartingoutActivity21.Watchthevideoandfindoutwhatinventionsarementionedinthevideo.Grouptalk:2.Oftheseinventions,whichinterestsyoumost?Why?3.Ifpossible,whatdoyouwanttoinvent?The inventions mentioned in the video1.2.3.Part 2 Careers in scienceLook at the pictures and answer the questions1.What do you know about these careers?A physicist is a person who _(做研究) connected with physics or who studies physics.A mathematician is a person who is trained in the study of numbers and calculations(运算).A chemist is a person who does research_ (与化学有关)or who studies chemistry.An astronomer is a scientist who studies the stars, planets, and _.(太空中其它自然物体)A geographer is a person who studies geography or is_ (专家)in it.A biologist is a person who studies or works_.(在生物领域)does research connected with chemistryother natural objects in space. an expert in the field of biology.Part 2 Careers in scienceactor/ actressmusicianaccountant architect artist pianistscientist attendant /waiter /waitress barber chef /cook dentistpostman/mailmansailorsecretary 1. 演员/女演员2. 音乐家3. 会计4. 建筑师5. 艺术家6. 钢琴家7. 科学家8. 服务员9. 理发师10.厨师11.牙医12.邮递员13.船员14.秘书Part 2 Careers in science Step 2 常见的职业1. 设计师2. 侦探3. 工程师4. 电工5. 消防员6. 花匠7. 导游8. 警卫9. 记者10.法官11.律师12.兽医13.飞行员14.摄影师designer detective engineer electrician fireman/firefightergardenerguide guard journalist /reporter judge lawyer vetpilotphotographerActivity 5: Complete the introductions about different scientists with the words in Activity 4. Pay attention to the language that describes their careers1. astronomer2. biologist 3. geographer4. physicist5. chemist6. mathematiciansPart 2 Careers in science Step 3 If you have finished the exercise, pay attention to the underlined words and sentences.1.accurate : adj.准确的,精确的2. minor planet 小行星3. be named after: 以.命名1.be best known for 因为最著名2.origin-original-originallyorigin of species物种起源3. due to natural selection由于自然选择1.do field research 做实地调研2. stream 溪流/along with连同.一起;与.一道3. surrounding adj.周围的,附近的surroundings=environment环境1.award n.奖/v.授予.奖2. work on 从事/be regarded as被认为.3. isolation n. - v. isolate隔离,分离1.one of the worlds leading figures世界领军人物之一theorem rm 数学定理2.make an advance towards 在.取得进展3.unsolved adj.未解的 theory 理论Part 3 Invention storiesAlzheimersdisease阿尔兹海默病disordern.混乱Itisrecognisedas.被人们认为是.theresnocurefor.对.没有治愈方法Part 3 Invention storiesActivity 7 Listen to the conversation and number the pictures in the correct order.abcde43512Activity 8: Listen again and complete the notes.1. a pair of socks designed for people with Alzheimers disease2. a student from New York3. His grandfather4. A warning5. gets out of bedPart 3 Invention storiesMike:Hey,look!Ivereadaboutacoolinventioninthismagazine!Anna:Apairofsocks?Mike:Yes,buttheyrenotordinarysocks.ThisisaproductdesignedforpeoplewithAlzheimersdisease.Anna:Ohyes,IsawaTVshowaboutthat.ItwasinventedbyastudentfromNewYorkcalledKenneth.Heevenwonanawardforitatasciencefair!Mike:Wow!Howdidhecomeupwiththeidea?Anna:Well,hisgrandfatherhasAlzheimers.Heforgetsthingsandgetslosteasily.Oncehegotlostinthecityandittookawholedaytofindhim!Thefamilywasalwaysworryingabouthimleavingthehouseandhadtokeepaneyeonhimevenatnight!Kennethhadbeentryingtofindasolution.Thenonenight,hewaslookingafterhisgrandfatherandsawhimgetoutofbedandsteponthefloor.Thatmomentinspiredhim,andagoodideacametohismind.Mike:Ididntknowthat!Howdidthatmomentinspirehim?Anna:Well,itmadehimthinkofputtingadeviceintoapairofsockstosensepressure.Hestartedbydrawinghisideas,andthenhethoughtabouthowtopowerthedevice.Eventually,hecreatedadevicethesizeofacoin!Mike:Likeacoin?Sohowdoesitwork?Anna:Hegothisgrandfathertowearthesocks.Whenhisfeettouchedthefloor,thedevicesensedanincreaseofpressure,andawarningwassenttotheboysmobilephonelikeanalarm.Thatway,hecouldknowhisgrandfatherwasgettingoutofbedwithoutstayingupallnight.Mike:Howamazing!Whatausefulinventionandcaringgrandson!Anna:Yes,youarequiteright.1.Reviewsomecareersinscienceandlearnaboutsomescientists.2.ReviewhowtodescribeastorybehindaninventionaccordingtolisteningmaterialsPart 4 ConclusionThank you
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