Unit 5 what an adventure Start ing out and Listening ppt课件(含音频)-(2019)新外研版高中英语必修第三册.rar

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  • Unit 5 what an adventure Start ing out and Listening ppt课件(含音频)-(2019)新外研版高中英语必修第三册
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    • Unit5 what an adventure Starting out and Listening 课件-2021-2022学年外研版(2019)高中英语必修三.pptx--点击预览


词汇检测 :1.initial 2.thus 3.alcohol 4.bandage 5.plaster 6.guideline 7.stretch 8.thermometer 9.rubber答案:1.开始的 最初的 2.因此=so 3.酒精 4.绷带 5.创可贴 6.指导方针 7.延伸 8.体温计 9.橡胶 Period 2 Starting out & ListeningLearning Aims:1. Learn some basic information about explorers routes.2. Know the basic supplies and equipment for the first aid and be able to deal with some emergency.3. Learn to describe the experiences about trip through listening.Step 1 Look at the map, and read the information about the three explorers. Match the routes to the explorers. Atlantic ocean大西洋 Pacific ocean 太平洋Part 1 Starting out Ferdinand Magellan 费迪南德麦哲伦Vasco da Gama 瓦斯科达伽马Christopher Columbus 克里斯托弗哥伦布b c aTaking risks is part of human nature.in search of by sea Part2 First aidFirst aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found.A first aid kit is a collection of supplies and equipment for use in giving first aid急救箱Part 1 First aidStep 1Activity 4 Look at the items in the first aid kit and talk about what they are used for. Add anything else that you think would be useful.Cotton wool is a soft mass of cotton, used especially for applying liquids or creams to your skin.Plasters are used for covering small cuts or sores on your body. A bandage is a long strip of cloth which is wrapped around a wounded part of someones body to protect or support it.Painkillers are used to make you feel less painful.tweezers镊子lighter打火机torch/flashlight手电筒surgical mask医用口罩Activity 5 Complete the first aid guidelines with the words and expressions in Activity 4Underline the following phrases.1.保持手臂静止不动2.用绷带做一个悬带3.按住伤口4.用清水或酒精清理干净出血位置5.给某人量体温6.使冷却1 ice pack 2 bandage 3 alcohol 4 thermometer 5 painkillers1.keep the arm still2.make a sling out of a bandage3.put pressure on the cut4.clean out the bleeding area with fresh water or alcohol5.take ones temperature6.cool down7.heartstroke 中暑 beforehand adv.事先itchy adj痒的 first aid guidelines急救指南Part 1 First aidStep 2Part 1 First aidStep 3If you get a nosebleed, gently let your head back to stop the bleeding.It may lead the blood into the throat and easily cause choking.流鼻血后,正确的做法是微微的低头头,然后用我们们的食指和拇指捏住鼻翼,等待两分钟钟,鼻血就能够够止住了。还还可以用冷敷的方法。用冷毛巾敷在鼻子上面,等待几分钟钟,鼻血就能被止住了。另外,我们还们还 可以用纱纱布蘸些水,然后轻轻轻轻 地塞入鼻子里面,这样这样 也能够够止血。To treat a burn, you hold the burnt part under cold running water.To treat a choke, you should make him /her spit by patting him/her on the back.海姆立克急救法 Heimlich maneuver Part 3 Amazing road trips Step 1Read the paragraph about Chinas National Highway 318 to prepare for the listening material.1.stretch:v. 延伸,绵延;伸开,伸展2.run v.(道路等朝某方向)延伸,伸展奔跑,经营管理3.Although(it is) regarded as.状语从句的省略:当主从句的主语一致,或者从句主语为it,并且从句谓语动词为be动词,此时可以将从句的主语和be 动词同时省略。318国道(或国道318线、G318线、沪聂线),是在中国华东、华中、西南地区的一条国道,起点为上海市黄浦区,终点为日喀则市聂拉木县,全程5476千米,经过上海、江苏、浙江、安徽、湖北、重庆、四川、西藏八个省份。318国道起点为上海市黄浦区人民广场,终点为日喀则市聂拉木县中尼友谊桥,全程5476公里。途径的地级以上行政区主要是上海-苏州-湖州-宣城-芜湖-池州-安庆-黄冈-武汉-荆州-宜昌-恩施-重庆-达州-南充-遂宁-资阳-成都-雅安-甘孜-昌都-林芝-拉萨-日喀则。f fantastic/amazing/impressive viewsantastic/amazing/impressive viewspeople cycling on Chinas National Highway 318.Part 2 Amazing road trips Step 2Activity 7 Listen to the interview and choose the words that best describe the speakers experiences. 1. Expensive but fun2. Difficult and unpleasant 3. Challenging but rewarding worth doing 值得做的not pleasant or comfortable 令人不快的;不舒服的Part 2 Amazing road trips Step 3Activity 8 Listen again and complete the blog.1. raise money for a childrens charity2. cycling3. cycle up mountains4. snowy weather5. Five of us6. the snowy mountains7. helped make a differencethe most frequently used words 高频词频词Go through the questions first and take notes while listening.Interviewer: Today Im talking to Wang Tao and Zhang Jing, who have cycled Chinas National Highway 318. Welcome, guys!Wang Tao Zhang Jing: Hello!Interviewer: Now, many young people just want to spend their free time playing and having fun. Instead, youve completed a great adventure. Zhang Jing, why did you do it?Zhang Jing: Well, we did it to raise money for a childrens charity. The idea was that people paid to read a blog we wrote every day about our journey. We then gave the money to the charity. Interviewer: What a great idea! And how did you prepare for it, Wang Tao?为慈善机构筹钱Part 2 Amazing road trips Step 4Wang Tao: The simple truth is that we practised a lot-after school, at the weekend, and during holidays. If we werent studying, we were cycling.Interviewer: Thats amazing. Was the trip as difficult as youd expected? Zhang Jing: Yes, we had so many difficulties! We had to cycle up mountains day after day. We also came across snowy weather and dangerous falling rocks. Five of us started the journey from Chengdu, but only two of us successfully arrived in Lhasa. Our friends got injured and had to give up in Yajiang. That was really sad. 落石;降落中的岩石Interviewer: Despite the difficulties, what was the best thing about your adventure? Wang Tao: The views were fantastic! We saw lots of rivers and lakes during the trip. But the most impressive views were those of the snowy mountains. Ive never seen such beautiful views in all my life! Its no wonder its called the“heavenly road” Interviewer: And how did you feel when you reached the end? Zhang Jing: Great! It was the best feeling in the world. We raised about 2,000 yuan. Although its not a huge amount, at least we had an adventure and helped make a difference to some childrens lives! Interviewer: Thank you for sharing your experience. Im sure a lot of young people will be inspired by what you have done.难怪对产生影响How do the speakers describe their experiences?Part 2 Amazing road trips Step 5purpose of their adventurepreparationsthe difficulties and how they dealt with themthe views along the roadthe result of their adventureConclusionMake a summary of useful expressions learnt in this class
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