Unit 1 Food for thought Developing ideas课后检测练 (2019)新外研版高中英语必修第二册.doc

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1、Unit 1 Food for thoughtDeveloping ideas一、用适当的情态动词填空1Tony has known the good news,so you _not tell it to him.2Parents are doing all they _to help their children achieve their ambitions.3As he was seriously ill,he _ stay in hospital.4He _ not do it because he is very afraid.5He _ not be attending the

2、meeting now because he has gone to Beijing on business.二、完形填空Last night my husband and I were walking when we saw a man bent over on the ground,crushing(碾碎) something with a rock.He was so focused on his 1 that he didnt look up at anyone passing by.We kept noticing him and 2 what he could be doing.I

3、 thought he was crushing stones to make sand,but why would he do that?3,we decided to go up and ask him.He was crushing pieces of left-over bread that he had 4 to prepare food for the birds that come there early morning.The large pieces of bread would be 5 for the birds to eat so he crushed them int

4、o powder.Every 6,after coming home from his job as a tailor,he goes around the villa(乡间别墅),collecting left-over bread from all his housemates.He then eats a quick meal and comes here,and spends the next 1-2 hours 7 crushing each piece and makes a neat pile for the birds.He has been doing this for th

5、e last 3-4 years.What 8 us more was that he was 9 that we were even taking an interest in this,since for him it wasnt a big 10.When we asked him what encouraged him to do this act of11,he said,“Its just something 12 I do,so that the left-over bread doesnt go into the rubbish and the birds get food.”

6、We 13 his story with the hope that it would 14 us to be aware of leftovers too and that it might 15 someone to start something similar in their own area.1.A.idea B.hand C.food D.task2.A.discoveredB.learntC.wonderedD.realized3.A.FinallyB.SuddenlyC.ImmediatelyD.Instead4.A.boughtB.savedC.collectedD.mad


8、tC.smallD.boring13.A.sharedB.createdC.believedD.heard14.A.inviteB.remindC.warnD.require15.A.forceB.persuadeC.inspireD.train三、阅读理解We live in a world where its often not easy to find someone to trust.A smiling person always inspires trust.Even economists consider that smiles are valuable.A smile may i

9、ncrease other peoples trust by about 10%.People may also smile when they are caught doing bad things.According to a study made by LaFrance and Hecht,this can in fact be to their own advantage.We have a tendency to be kinder towards those who make mistakes if they wear a smile while being caught.Even

10、 a guilty smile may help you get away pretty easily when you make mistakes.We may also smile when we hear a piece of good news.In this case,women tend to smile more often than men.Smiling can also be a means of reducing the pain caused by a troubling situation.Even if we force ourselves to smile whe

11、n we dont want to,this may be enough to lift our spirits just a little bit.When we feel angry or anxious,our attention tends to narrow down.We can no longer see whats going on around us and we can only notice what is in front of us.But if we smile,we feel better and increase flexibility of our atten

12、tion and the ability to think.Smiling can help us focus and understand better.“Keep on smiling,and the world will smile with you.” One of the greatest social pleasures is to smile and be smiled to in return,especially because this comes like a natural thing.People who smile often live longer.A study

13、 based on some pictures taken of some baseball players suggested that those who used to smile a lot survived about 7 years longer than those who did not smile very often.1The passage mainly talks about _Athe benefits of smilingBthe occasions when you smileCthe ways of smilingDthe reasons why people

14、smile2When caught doing bad things,people smile to _Aadmit their mistakesBshow they are excitedCavoid blame or punishmentDprove they are kind3According to the third paragraph,we can learn that _.Amen seldom smile at a piece of good newsBsmiles can be helpful whatever the situation isCwe should force

15、 ourselves to smile whenever it isDin general,men are more likely to smile than women4The underlined sentence in the fifth paragraph probably means _Aif we smile,it is hard to be smiled toBif we smile,others will smile to us in returnCif we want to smile,the world will smile to us in timeDif we smil

16、e sometimes,we will make the world full smiles一、用适当的情态动词填空1.need 2.can 3.had to4.dare5.can二、完形填空1.D。根据上文“crushing something with a rock”及下文语境可推断,此处指他用石头把面包碾碎成粉这一任务。2.C。根据“I thought he was crushing stones to make sand,but why would he do that?”可判断,作者想知道他在做什么。3.A。根据上文“We kept noticing him”可知,作者他们一直注意并

17、想了许久,终于决定走上前去问个究竟。4.C。根据下文“he goes around the villa,collecting left-over bread from all his housemates”可知,面包是他收集来的。5.B。根据下文“he crushed them into powder”可知,小鸟吃大面包很困难,所以他才将其碾碎。6.D。根据上文“Last night my husband and I were walking.”中night的提示及下文中的“after coming home from his job as a tailor”可知选night。7.A。根据第一

18、段第二句中的“focused on”以及此空格前的“spends the next 1-2 hours”可知,这位男士研磨得很认真。8.D。由最后一段可推断,作者被这位男士的举动所感动。9.C。根据下文“we were even taking an interest in this,since for him it wasnt a big”可推断,他觉得对他来说这不是什么事,但作者却对它很感兴趣,这让那位男士感到惊讶。10.A。联系上下文,此句句意为对于他来说这不是什么大事。11.D。这位男士将大面包块碾碎,为小鸟提供了方便,这种行为是一种服务,故选service。12.C。根据上文“for

19、him it wasnt a big ”可推断,男士认为自己做了一件小事。13.A。作者与读者分享这个故事,share with固定搭配。 14.B。本文讲述了男士为小鸟碾碎面包块,不但鸟儿获得了食物而且也清理了面包块。作者分享此故事是希望提醒读者像那位男士一样,留意残余饭菜。15.C。作者希望这个故事能激励读者在自己的区域做一些类似的好事。三、阅读理解1.A主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要讲述了微笑的好处。微笑可以增加信任,缓解压力,甚至对健康都有好处,故答案为A项。2.C细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“Even a guilty smile may help you get away p

20、retty easily when you make mistakes.”可知,被发现做坏事时微笑的目的是为了逃脱责备或惩罚。故答案为C项。3.B细节理解题。根据文章第三段可知,当我们听到好消息时会笑,缓解困境带来的痛苦时会笑,甚至当我们不想笑时强迫自己笑,都会提升自己的精神状况,所以无论在什么样的情况下,微笑总是有好处的。4.B句意理解题。根据第五段中画线句子的下文“One of the greatest social pleasures is to smile and be smiled to in return,especially because this comes like a natural thing.”可知,如果我们对别人微笑,别人也会对我们报以微笑。第9页(共9页)


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