Unit 3 On the move 重点短语和句型检测 -(2019)新外研版高中英语高三必修第二册.docx

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1、必修二 Unit Three On the move 重点短语和句型:P26 28 Understanding ideas1. 世界上最著名的体育运动之一 _2. 追溯2000多年 _3. 追溯到古代中国 _4. 作为而著名 _5. 在空中 _6. 流行,受喜爱的基础 _7. 很多昂贵的装备 _8. 值很多钱 _9. 遍及世界 _10. 尽情地,满足地 _11. 塑料袋做成的球 _12. 在球场上 _13. 很有趣以至于 _14. 吸引上千万人 _15. 看出职业球员的技术 _16. 看起来令人称奇 _17. 感受比赛带来的兴奋 _18. 惊人的逆转结局 _19. 再者,还有 _20. 人们交

2、流的方式 _21. 需要语言 _22. 打破 (障碍) _23. 把人们聚在一起 _24. 在球场内外 _25. 用举个例子 _26. 在圣诞节 _27. 爆发 _28. 放下 _29. 和平的一刻 _30. 在战争年代 _31. 生死攸关的问题 _32. 向保证 _33. 听起来可笑 _34. 考虑,想想 _35. 形状像 _36. 表达对的爱 _37. 受全世界人民的欢迎 _P29 3138. 运动手表 _39. 记录情况,追逐 _ 40. 记录训练的进展 _41. 专业运动员 _42. 热心体育的人 _43. 一个理想的选择 _44. 数据显示器 _45. 监控心率 _46. 声控装置

3、_47. 保持免提状态 _48. 防水表带 _49. 网上有货 _50. 下单 _51. 使身体保持静止 _52. 锻炼核心肌肉 _53. 加强下背部力量 _54. 挺直背部 _55. 消耗热量 _56. 加强上半身的力量 _57. 支撑你的重量 _58. 增强心脏和肺功能 _59. 中国武术 _Developing ideas P323560. 收集事实与数据 _61. 解释重要信息 _62. 柱形图的纵横坐标 _63. 分享关于跑步的故事 _64. 取得联系 _65. 天生带有 _66. 在我这种特殊情况下 _67. 加入当地健身俱乐部 _68. 参加当地的比赛 _69. 在国家级的竞赛中

4、 _70. 谁知道呢 _71. 不久前 _72. 锻炼身体 _73. 在前五名 _74. 偶遇 _75. 不再做 _76. 即将到来 _77. 有时候 _78. 反过来 _79. 处理,应对 _80. 在体育馆 _81. 促使某人经过 _82. 到结束时 _83. 做好的准备 _84. 参加一个项目 _85. 募集钱财 _86. 拯救世界上最后仅存的大猩猩,使其免于灭绝 _87. 开始跑!出发! _88. 参加,参与 _89. 恐惧,害怕 _90. 说服某人做某事 _91. 为培训 _92. 终极目标 _重点句型:A game for the world1. 足球是非常简便的一项运动,这或许是

5、它受欢迎的最根本的原因。 2. 足球风靡世界的另一个因素是(这项运动) 在球场上展示出来的创造力和激动人心的氛围。 3. 其精彩程度足以吸引数以百万计的人。 4. 你不用成为球迷也能看明白职业球员的球技有多么好-他们运用身体传球、得分、防守,这些就足以令观众眼花缭乱-或者感受到球赛中惊人逆转带来的那种兴奋感。 5. 足球打破隔阂,将赛场内外的人们凝聚在一起。 6. 最然当时第一次世界大战的战火已经持续了几个月,但是英国和德国的士兵仍然放下枪支一起踢起了足球-这是战乱年代值得铭记的和平一刻。 7. 但是只要想想地球,你就会意识到原来我们的星球跟足球的形状一样呢。Using language8.

6、我们到了体育场,却发现比赛已经取消了。9. 太极拳是一种历史悠久的武术,其通常是受欢迎的选择。它包括做非常缓慢的体育锻炼来放松你的大脑和平静你的身体。Running into a better life10. 这个应用软件会按照跑步的表现把你和你社交网络上的其他跑步者进行排名。 11. 我遇到了和我住在同一区域且有着同样目的的其他跑步者。 12. 跑到第二英里的时候,这种紧张感就从大脑转移到了双腿。 13. 我在伦敦过了愉快的一天,同时也为拯救大猩猩出了力。 14. 这是由大猩猩保护组织举办的活动,目的是募集资金保护世界上仅存的大猩猩免于灭绝。短语答案:1. one of the most p

7、opular sports in the world 2. go back over 2000 years3. go back to ancient China4. be known as5. in the air6. the basis of (its) popularity7. much / a lot of expensive equipment8. cost much / lots of money9. all over the world10. to ones hearts content11. a ball made of plastic bags12. on the field1

8、3. (be) fun enough to do / to be done14. attract millions of people15. recognize the skill(s) of professional players16. (sth.) be amazing to see17. feel the excitement of a game18. end with a surprising twist19. whats more20. a way for people to communicate21. require words22. break down (the walls

9、)23. bring people together24. on and off the field25. takefor example26. on Christmas Day27. break out28. put down29. one moment of peace30. during years of conflict31. a matter of life and death32. assure sb. of /that33. sound funny34. think about35. be shaped like36. express ones love 37. enjoy po

10、pularity all over the world38. a sports watch 39. keep track of40. chart ones training progress41. a professional athlete42. a keen sportsperson 43. an ideal choice44. a digital display45. monitor ones heart rate46. a voice control47. stay hands-free48. a waterproof band49. be available online50. pl

11、ace the / an / ones order 51. keep ones body still52. develop the core muscles 53. strengthen ones lower back54. keep ones back straight55. burn calories56. build strength in ones upper body57. support your weight58. improve ones heart and lung function 59.Chinese martial arts60. collect facts and f

12、igures61. interpret key information62. the vertical and horizontal sides of a bar chart63. share stories about running64. get in touch65. be born with66. in my particular case67. join the local athletics club68. take part in local races69. in national competitions70. who knows71. not (so) long befor

13、e72. do / take exercise73. in the top five74. come across75. no longer do76. around the corner77. at times78. in turn79. deal with80. at the gym81. push sb. through82. by the end of (the run)83. be ready to do84. enter a programme85. raise / collect money86. save the worlds last remaining gorillas87

14、. Off they go!88. participate in (P34 Thing and share中)89. be terrified of90. persuade sb. to do91. trainfor92. ones ultimate goal 1. That football is such a simple game to play is perhaps the basis of its popularity.2. Another factor behind footballs global popularity is the creativity and exciteme

15、nt on the field.3. It is fun enough to attract millions of people.4. You do not have to be a fan to recognize the skill of professional player-how they use their bodies to pass, score and defend can be amazing to see-or to feel the excitement of a game ending with a surprising twist.5. It breaks dow

16、n walls and brings people together on and off the field.6. World War I had broken out months before, but British and German soldiers put down their guns and played football together-one moment of peace to remember during years of conflict.7. But one only has to think about the Earth to realize that

17、our planet is shaped like a football.8. We arrived at the stadium only to find that the game had been cancelled.9. Tai chi, which is a martial art with a long history, is usually a popular choice. It involves doing very slow physical exercises to relax your mind and calm your body.10. The app lists

18、your performance against other runners in your social network.11. I came across other runners in the same area running for the same purpose.12. By mile two, the tension has moved from my mind to my legs.13. I had a great day out in London, as well as helping to save gorillas!14. This is a programme run by the gorilla organization to raise money to save the worlds last remaining gorillas from dying out. 学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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