Unit 1 Food for thought 短语和句型检测-(2019)新外研版高中英语必修第二册.docx

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1、必修二 Unit 1 Food for thought 短语和句型 短语: 1. 自从 _2. 有能力做 _ 3. 衣服刀叉 _4. 开始喜欢火锅 _ 5. 与结婚多年 _6. 为感到惊讶 _ 7. 为感到震惊 _8. 渐渐习惯 _ 9. 一种 _10. 肉铺 _ 11. 拽 _12. (表推测)一定是做了_ 13. 使某人进入 _14. 最好(不)做 _ 15. 因而遭受痛苦 _16. 根据 _ 17. 中医 _18. 处理 _ 19. 鼓起勇气 _20. 咬一口 _ 21. 使某人想起 _22. 爱上 _ 23. 感觉很自在 _24. 没有比更好了 _ 25. 跨文化的 _26. 保持健康

2、 _ 27. 给某人留下印象 _28. 去旅行 _ 29. 有时候会令人疑惑 _30. 餐桌礼仪 _ 31. 不例外 _32. 捡起;买;接人 _ 33. 万一 _34. 误解某人 _ 35. 处在不同的情况 _36. 付钱;付出代价 _ 37. 训练做 _38. 吃糖上瘾的人 _ 39. 拒绝_40. 软饮料 _ 41. 每次(可以做连词) _42. 想起来 _ 43. 说出自己的观点 _44. 属于 _ 45. 最终在做 _46. 转天 _ 47. 无乳食品 _48. 由制成 _ 49. 聊天,叙旧 _50. 抚养 _ 51. 做出选择 _52. 全职工作(动词短语) _ 53. (句型)

3、 没有什么 (比) 更令人满意 _ 54. 在建筑工地 _55. 或多或少 _ 56. 忙于 _57. 稍微,有点 _ 58. 视觉信息 _59. 充分利用 _ 60. 确定一篇文章的主题 _ 61. 寻找线索 _62. 努力读书 _ 63. 改善饮食习惯 _64. 从今以后 _ 65. 理清想法 _66. 被以而熟知 _ 67. 家常菜 _68. 政府高官 _ 69. 遍及全世界 _ 70. 都江堰 _ 71. 和的结合 _72. 适应 _ 73. 个人口味 _74. 在回家的路上 _ 75. 尝试 _76. 做熟 _ 77. 用调味 _78. 的起源 _ 79. 用自己的话 _ 句型: A

4、 Child of Two Cuisines 1. 从拿刀叉-还有筷子-开始,我就一直在享受着这两个国家的食物。 2. 但是,尽管已经和妈妈结婚好多年了,爸爸还是有一些不敢尝试的菜肴。 3. 他当时肯定觉得我是在开玩笑。 4. 妈妈说最好不要吃太多烧烤食物,因为根据传统中医的说法,这会引起上火。 5. 如果你不想尝试的话,你可以不吃。 6. 对我来说,用英国饼干搭配盛在细瓷杯中的中国乌龙茶-没有什么比这样一次跨文化的下午 茶更棒的。Using language7. 尽管第一次去英国旅行令人兴奋,但新的和不同的风俗习惯也会让人感到困惑。 8. 餐桌礼仪也不例外。 9. 有时候刀叉太多了,你都不敢

5、拿起来,怕拿错了。 10. 然而,餐桌礼仪在不同的情况下有时可能会是不同的。 11. 入乡随俗,这样你就能享受到当地的美食。Cold Truths12. 我丈夫说,每个人都应该有权选择自己的生活方式。 13. 回家后,什么都比不上一顿肉食大餐能让人心满意足了。 14. 在这所房子里,每顿饭总得有点肉。 15. 我们不怎么买新鲜食物,而且我觉得冰箱或许可以干净点儿。1. ever since 2. be able to do3. a fork and knife4. come to like hot pot5. many years of marriage to sb. 6. be surpri

6、sed by / at7. be shocked at 8. take to sth. / doing9. a sort of / a type of10. the butchers 11. pull at12. must have done13. get sb. into14. had better (not) do15. suffer from16. according to17. traditional Chinese medicine18. deal with19. gather ones courage20. take a bite21. remind sb. of22. fall

7、in love with23. feel at home (with sb. / sth.)24. theres nothing better than25. cross-cultural 26. stay / keep healthy27. make / leave an impression on28. go on a trip29. can be confusing30. table manners31. is no exception32. pick up33. in case34. get sb. wrong35. in different situations36. pay for

8、37. train sb. to do38. a sugar addict39. say no to40. soft drink41. every time / each time42. think of43. give ones opinion44. belong to45. end up doing46. the next day47. dairy-free products48. be made from / of49. catch up 50. bring up51. make a choice52. work full time53. theres nothing satisfyin

9、g than54. at the construction site55. more or less56. be busy doing / with57. kind of / sort of58. visual information59. make the most of60. identify the theme of a text61. look for clues62. hit the books63. improve eating habits64. from now on65. organize ones ideas66. be known as67. family dish(es

10、)68. high-ranking court officials69. throughout the world70. the Dujiangyan irrigation System71. the combination ofand72. adapt to73. individual tastes74. on ones way home75. try out76. cook through77. season sth.(food) with sth.78. the origin of79. in ones own words1. Ive enjoyed food from both cou

11、ntries ever since I was able to hold a knife and fork-and chopsticks!2. But there are still some dishes that Dad dare not try even after many years of marriage to my mother.3. He must have thought I was joking.4. Mum says wed better not eat too much roast food as it may make us suffer from heat insi

12、de our bodies, according to traditional Chinese medicine.5. You neednt try it if you dont want to.6. To me, theres nothing better than a cross-cultural afternoon tea of English biscuits and a cup of Chinese oolong tea in a fine china cup!7. While going on your first trip to the UK is exciting, new a

13、nd different customs can also be confusing.8. Table manners are no exception.9. Sometimes there are so many knives and forks that you dare not pick them up in case you get it wrong.10. Table manners, however, can differ in different situations.11. When in Rome, do as the Romans do, and you will be a

14、ble to enjoy the local cuisine.12. My husband says that everyone should be able to make their own lifestyle choices.13. When I get back home, theres nothing more satisfying than a big meat dinner.14. In this house, no family meal is complete without some form of meat.15. We dont really buy fresh food, and I suppose the fridge could be kind of cleaner.学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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