Unit 6 Disaster and hope 短语和句型检测-(2019)新外研版高中英语高三必修第三册.docx

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1、必修三 Unit 6 Disaster and hope 短语和句型:P 61 641. 对灾难的反应 _2. 电影海报 _3. 主角 _4. 面对自然灾害 _5. 拿起 _6. 在地铁站 _7. 预计达到30多度 _8. 空调 _9. 果然,的确 _10. 走下楼梯 _11.走上月台 _12. 与比较起来 _13. 在一群乘客中 _14. 旁边,紧挨着 _15. 早餐吃培根和鸡蛋 _16. 感觉有点恶心 _17. 考虑工作 _18. 感觉有点害怕 _19. 开始计划未来 _20. 把我的房子卖了 _21. 顶层 _22. 和某人谈 _ 23. 浏览报纸 _ 24. 被震惊到_25. 由于气候

2、变化 _26. 让我觉得紧张 _27. 既然 _28. 走出地铁张 _29. 带着一颗沉重的心 _30. 毕竟,终究 _31. 抱怨某事 _32. 警告某人关于 _33. 担心极端天气条件带来的焦虑 _P 65 6734. 天气预报 _ 35. 即将到来 _36. 奔向安全的地方_37. 准确可靠的预测 _38. 在历史上 _39. 组织紧急援助 _40. 国际救援队 _41. 由62人组成 _42. 医疗人员 _43. 夺去某人性命 _44. 多达 _45 导致,结果是 _46. 导致严重食物危机 _47. 威胁人们生计 _48. 极端天气状况 _P 68 7049. 飞走 _50. 突然间

3、 _51. 变得困难 _52. 生病 _53. 上上下下;来来往往 _54. 寻找_55. 在户外_ 56. 看到好的一面 _57. 保持积极 _58. 不断提醒某人 _59. 躺在午夜的天空下 _60. 仰望星辰 _61. 给我们未来的希望 _ 62. 感觉像 _63. 在遥远的国度 _64. 及时 _65. 好一会儿 _66. 仍未回归 _67. 被周围的一切提醒着灾难 _68. 一起重建家园与生活 _69. 给我们前进的信心 _70. 安全守则 _71. 提高生存几率 _ 72. 关于飓风的安全提示 _ 73. 保护财产 _74. 密封起来 _75. 吹走 _76. 电器 _77. 留在

4、躲避处 _78. 远离窗户 _79. 天气预警 _重点句型:Hot! Hot! Hot!1今天伦敦的温度预计将达到30多度! 2我通常上班所走的路线刚好是地铁里最老最深的一条线。 3. 果不其然,走下楼梯来到站台上就像跳进了一座正在喷发的火山. 4. 有一年夏天非常热,大楼将阳光反射熔化了停在楼下的车。 5. 我翻阅着手里的报纸,震惊的看到亚洲的飓风摧毁了一个城镇的照片。 6. 专家说,这些恶劣天气是由气候变化导致的. 7. 我心情沉重的走出地铁站,突然感觉到一阵清风扑面而来. Stars after the storm8. 突然间,屋顶原来的地方变成了天空。 9. 我吓呆了。 10. 到处都

5、是水,可是我们一滴也不能喝,否则就会染上重病。 11. 风暴袭来的那一刻他就失踪了。 12.不过妈妈说不管发生什么,我们都应尽量看到事情好的一面。但保持乐观却不那么容易。 13. 虽然几天后我们就获救了,但却觉得像是过了好几个月. 14.虽然我们周围的一切都提醒着我们这里曾经发生的灾难,但大家都在为重建家园和生活而一同努力着. 15. 现在我们又能仰望新奥尔良的星空了。星空的美鼓舞着我们,让我们有信心继续前行. 答案: 1. react to the disaster 2. a film poster3. the main character4. in the face of the natu

6、ral disasters5. pick up6. at the Tube station7. be expected to reach 30 plus degrees8. air conditioning9. sure enough10. go / walk down the stairs11. go / walk onto the platform12. compared to / with13. in a crowd of passengers14. next to15. have bacon and eggs for breakfast16. feel a bit sick17. th

7、ink about work18. feel a bit scared19. start planning / to plan for the future20. put my flat on the market21. (on) the top floor22. speak / talk with sb. about23. look through a newspaper24. be shocked by25. due to climate change26. make me feel nervous27. now that28. step out of the (Tube) station

8、29. do sth. with a heavy heart30. after all31. complain (to sb.) about sth.32. warn sb. about sth.33. worry about the dangers of extreme weather conditions34. weather forecast35. (be) on the way36. head for safe / safer ground /places37. accurate and reliable predictions38. in history39. organize em

9、ergency aid40. international rescue team(s)41. consist of 62 people42. medical staff43. claim / cost peoples lives44. up to45. result in / lead to46. lead to a severe food crisis47. threaten the livelihood of people48. extreme weather conditions49. fly off / fly away50. all of a sudden51. get tough5

10、2. get sick53. up and down54. look (out) for55. in the open air56. see the good side of things57. stay positive58. keep on reminding sb. (of sth.)59. lie under the midnight sky60. look up at the stars61. give us hope for the future62. feel like63. in a faraway country64. in time65. (for) quite a whi

11、le66. have yet to return67. be surrounded by reminders of the disaster68. work together to rebuild our homes and lives69. give us confidence to move on70. safety guidelines71. increase ones chances of survival72. tips on hurricane safety73. protect (ones) property74. tape the windows up75. blow away

12、76. electrical appliances77. stay in the shelter78. stay away from windows79. weather warnings1. Today, the temperature in London is expected to reach 30 plus degrees!2. Its just typical that my journey is on one of the oldest lines, as well as one of the deepest.3. Sure enough, going down the stair

13、s and onto the platform is like jumping into a volcano that is erupting.4. One very hot summer, the sun reflected off it(the building) and melted cars parked below.5. Looking through my newspaper, Im shocked by photos showing that a hurricane in Asia has destroyed a town.6. Experts say this bad weat

14、her has occurred due to climate change.7. Stepping out of the station with a heavy heart, I suddenly feel a fresh wind on my face.8. All of a sudden, there was sky where the roof had been.9. I was so frightened that I just froze.10. There was water everywhere, but we couldnt drink any of it otherwis

15、e we would get really sick.11. He had disappeared the moment the storm hit.12. But mom said that whatever happens, we should always try to see the good side of things. It was difficult to stay positive, though.13. Although it was only a few days before we were rescued, it felt like months.14. Although we are surrounded by reminders of the disaster, we are working together to rebuilt our homes and our lives.15. Now we have another chance to look up at the stars of New Orleans, their beauty inspiring us and giving us confidence to move on.学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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