Unit 4 Stage and screen Understanding ideas ppt课件-(2019)新外研版高中英语必修第二册.pptx

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1、Unit4When Hamlet MeetsPeking OperaStudyingStudying Objectives:Objectives: To master some expressions about Peking Opera; To learn how to express opinions aboutperformances watched in daily life; To understand, respect and appreciate the culturaldifferences behind different art forms.Free talkWhat do

2、 you know about HamletHamlet?What do you know about PekingPeking OperaOpera?their differences?1. 1. WhatWhat aspects aspects ofof PekingPeking OperaOpera mostmost impressed the author? impressed the author?2. Choose the2. Choose the authorauthor s s purpose in wripurpose in writ tngng the passage.th

3、e passage.TipsTips for reading:1.Find out the key words in the queston, and ta kethem to look for the related paragraphs;2.Pay atenton to the first and last sentences in eachparagraph.1. What aspects of Peking Opera mostimpressed the author?How the characters moved on stage mostimpressed the author.

4、2. Choose the author s purposepurpose in writng the passage.a. To prove that Peking Opera is a beter way to perform Hamlet.b. To inform the readers how to perform Hamlet through PekingOpera.c. To share the unique experience of seeing a Peking Operaversion of Hamlet.version of Hamlet.d. To make a com

5、parison between Eastern and Western cultures.FeelingsReasons He thought 2. he knewa lot about Hamlet. He wondered if PekingOpera is easier than a Shakespeare play to understand.BeforeBefore the pethe pe 1. full of confidencerformancerformance curiousFeelingsReasons 4.The costumes and masks wereamazi

6、ng.During the peDuring the performancerformance 3.suprised The voices 5.sounded (really) unique.The stage 6. was (really) simple.The movements of the characterswere 7.(simply) incredible.ReasonsFeelings He felt 8.the strong emotonsof love, anger, fear and grief in the performance.AferAfer the perthe

7、 per impressedf formanceormanceReasonsFeelings He thought 2. he knew a lot about Hamlet.BeforeBefore the perthe per 1. full of confidence He wondered if Peking Opera is easier than a Shakespeare play to understand.formanceformance curious 4.The costumes and masks were amazing. The voices 5.sounded (

8、really) unique.The stage 6. was (really) simple.The movements of the characters were 7.(simply) incredible.During the perDuring the performanceformance 3.suprisedA Af ferer the the perforperfor He felt 8.the strong emotons of love, an impressedmancemanceger, fear and grief in the performance.I amI am Tom,Tom, an an exchangeexchangestudent student fromfrom UK. Im UK. Im veryveryinterestedinterested inin PekingPekingOpera.Opera.Homework:Homework:WriteWrite anan E-mailE-mail toto TomTomtoto introduceintroduce PekingPekingOpera.Opera.Thanks!


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