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1、Section Writing The fable is adapted from a work by Schopenhauer, which describes that one cold winter night, a group of porcupines eventually found the ideal distance while managing not to hurt each other with their quills. The fable teaches us that there should be boundaries in interpersonal relat

2、ionships. So in our real life, when dealing with our friends, we should respect their privacy. For example, we shouldnt read their letters without their permission. In conclusion, only when we keep proper distance can we feel comfortable with each other and our friendship last long as well.1话题特点寓言是用

3、比喻性的故事寄托意味深长的道理,给人以启示的文学体裁。寓言读后感属于议论文,写作时通常结合寓言阐述的道理,用生活中的例子加以佐证,从而得出相关结论。2话题词汇(1)fable n. 寓言(2)describe vt. 描述(3)viewpoint n. 观点,看法(4)point of view 观点(5)in conclusion 总之(6)in short/brief 简言之(7)in a word 总之,简言之3话题句式(试着替换方框中的黑体部分,变成你需要表达的意思)(1) An ant was drinking at a river when suddenly he slipped

4、and fell into the river.一只蚂蚁正在河边饮水,这时它突然滑了一跤掉进河里。(2)The fable teaches us that there should be boundaries in interpersonal relationships.这个寓言告诉我们人际关系应该有界限。(3)Without hesitation, he bit the man in the foot sharply.他毫不犹豫地、狠狠地咬了那人的脚。(4)In conclusion, only when we keep proper distance can we feel comfort

5、able with each other and our friendship last long as well.总之,只有当我们保持适当的距离,我们才能感到彼此相处舒适,我们的友谊才会持久。(5) The dove felt so grateful that she made good friends with the ant.鸽子非常感激蚂蚁,她和蚂蚁成了好朋友。根据下列寓言,结合生活实例,写一篇读后感。鸽子和蚂蚁一只蚂蚁到河边饮水,却不幸掉入河中。一只鸽子看见,扔下一段树枝,将他救起。过了不久,蚂蚁看见猎人正在拿枪瞄准鸽子,就狠狠地朝他脚上咬了一口,没让他打中。鸽子非常感激蚂蚁,从此他

6、们成了好朋友。遣词1不重要的 _2平等地 _3陷入困境 _4需要 _5作为回报 _6不遗余力 _unimportantunimportantequallyequallyin troublein troublein need ofin need ofin returnin returnspare no effortsspare no efforts造句1完成句子(1)一些朋友被认为不重要。Some friends _(2)他们能帮我们一把。They can _(3)我们陷入困境。Were _ (4)他们需要帮助。They _ help.(5)我们应该尽我们所能帮助他们。We should _ t

7、o help them.are considered unimportantare considered unimportanthelp us outhelp us outin troublein troubleneed/are in need ofneed/are in need ofdo what we can/all that we cando what we can/all that we can2句式升级(6)用who引导的定语从句和when引导的时间状语从句合并句(1)句(2)和句(3)_(7)用when引导的时间状语从句合并句(4)和句(5)_Some friends who a

8、re considered unimportant can help us out when were Some friends who are considered unimportant can help us out when were in trouble.in trouble.When they are in need of help, we should do all that we can to When they are in need of help, we should do all that we can to help them.help them. 成篇成篇 The

9、fable describes a story between an ant and a dove. The two became good friends by helping each other.The fable teaches us that some friends who are considered urimportant can help us out when were in trouble. So, in our real life, we mustnt look down on others but treat them equally. When they are i

10、n need of help, we should do all that we can to help them. In return, they will spare no efforts to help us. In conclusion, only we adopt such an attitude towards our friends can we make more friends.重点词汇1sink vi. 下沉;沉下;坐下(_)sink _ 颓然倒在椅子上sink _ 落到后面sink _ 沉落2loose adj.松开的_ loose 松开_ loose 变松_ adv.

11、松弛地sank/sunksank/sunkinto a chairinto a chairbehindbehinddowndowngetgetcome/becomecome/becomelooselyloosely3signal n. 信号traffic _ 交通信号灯signal vi. & vt. 发信号signal _ 示意某人做某事signal (sb.) that 示意signal sth. _ 向某人示意4concentrate v. 集中精力;专注concentrate _ 全神贯注于pay attention _专注于focus _专注于be devoted _全神贯注于sig

12、nalssignals(to)sb. to do sth.(to)sb. to do sth.to sb.to sb.onontotoonontoto5concern n. 忧虑,担心vt.涉及;使担忧;对感兴趣(1)show/express concern _. 对表示关心(2)concern oneself _ 对感兴趣(3)_ adj. 有关的,担心的be concerned _ 关心;挂念be concerned _. 牵扯进/参与be concerned that. 担心_. be concerned 就而言(4)_ prep. 关于;有关about/forabout/forabou

13、t/withabout/withconcernedconcernedabout/forabout/forwith/inwith/inas far asas far asconcerningconcerning6adjust vi. & vt. 适应,习惯;调整,调节(1)adjust _ (doing) sth. 适应(做)某事adjust oneself _ 使自己适应于adjust _ 调整某物以适应(2)_ n. 调整;调节;适应make an adjustment/adjustments _ 对作出调整(3)_ adj.可调整的,可调节的7ensure vt. 保证,确保ensure

14、_ 保证某事ensure that. _ 确保/保证8forgive vt. 原谅,宽恕,饶恕forgive sb. _ (doing) sth. 原谅某人(做过)某事forgive ones doing sth. 原谅某人做某事totototosth.tosth.toadjustmentadjustmenttotoadjustableadjustablesth.sth.make sure that.make sure that.forfor9tear n. 眼泪,泪水(1)in tears 流泪地burst _ tears 放声大哭(2)tear _ 撕毁;撕碎(文件等)tear _ 拆毁;

15、拆除(建筑物、墙等)tear sth. _ pieces 把某物撕成碎片tear sth. _ half/two 将撕成两半10independent adj. 独立的;自立的(1)be independent _ 不依赖于;独立于(2)_ n. 独立(3) 依靠;依赖;取决于intointoupupdowndowninto/tointo/toininofofindependenceindependenceonononon11apart adv. 分离,分开_. apart 将拆卸开_. apart 把区别/分辨开be _ apart 被彻底毁灭_ apart 破裂,崩溃,断裂,散开_. ap

16、art 使与众不同apart _ 除了,除之外(还有)12help _ 帮一把13let _ 使失望,辜负14let _ steam 发泄怒火,宣泄情绪15loose lips _ ships 祸从口出16_ a breath 吸一口气17_ ones weight 做好分内事,尽责18_ accident 偶然,意外地taketaketelltelltorntornfallfallsetsetfromfromoutoutdowndownoffoffsinksinktaketakepullpullbyby.教材原句1_, I cant concentrate on anything. 又尴尬又

17、羞愧,我无法集中精力做任何事。2But I have to say that its partly your fault, _?但是我必须要说,这里面也有你的错,不是吗?3It is _ in that situation, but we should always think _在这种情况下,这是可以理解的,但是我们应该在说之前思考一下。4Filled with anger, you tend to say _充满愤怒的时候,你就会口不择言。Embarrassed and ashamedEmbarrassed and ashamedisnt itisnt itunderstandable u

18、nderstandable beforebeforewhatever comes to your mindwhatever comes to your mind5Or if a friend asks us what we think of their new haircut, we say “Its great!”,_ we think its awful.或者我们的朋友问我们,他们的新发型怎么样,我们会说“太棒了!”,即使我们认为很糟糕。6One of the main reasons for telling a white lie is to try to _.说善意的谎言的其中一个主要

19、原因是想让对方感觉好一些。7Stop for a moment and consider that perhaps your friend wants some frank comments from you _they can improve.停下来想一想,或许你的朋友想要你坦诚的评价,这样他们才能有所进步。even ifeven ifmake others feel bettermake others feel betterso thatso that.单句语法填空1What do you think of your English teacher?_ be frank, I have n

20、ever seen a better teacher.2Dont make fun of her. Cant you see she is in _ (tear)?3It wont be long _ he returns to his native land.4Marys red face suggested that she was shy, and her friends suggested that she take _ deep breath.5The farmers built long _ (fence), aiming at keeping the wild dogs out

21、of them.ToTotearstearsbeforebeforea afencesfences6We should learn to communicate in a kinder way with people who are curious about what others say to avoid _ (embarrass).7Ill never forgive her _ what she has done to my parents.8To ensure _ children from poor areas can receive a better education, the

22、 government has planned to allocate more money to improve the conditions of local schools.9People around the world are becoming more and more _ (concern) about the population explosion.10When I got up early the next day, I found the air on the hill good _ (breath).embarrassmentembarrassmentforforthatthatconcernedconcernedto breatheto breathe


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