Unit 2 understanding ideas 课文翻译 ppt课件-(2019)新外研版高中英语必修第三册.pptx

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1、Unit 2 Look at the pictures of the three people and read the quotations. Talk about Look at the pictures of the three people and read the quotations. Talk about Look at the pictures of the three people and read the quotations. Talk about Understanding ideasActivity 11. What is it about?2. What do di

2、fferent colours stand for?What does the title mean?Activity 2Lets read the passage and find out what Ryan did to help solve the problem of water shortage in Africa.Ryan raised $2,000 to build a well near a primary school in Uganda, and later set up a foundation to attract more support to provide cle

3、an, safe water for people in Africa.Complete Ryans story with expressions from the passagewalk ten kilometres to get water every dayhis first target of $70gave the money to a charitydonate moneythe finished wellhundreds of delighted studentsset up a foundationhas benefited over 800,000 people in 16

4、countries across AfricaDiscussionWhat kind of person do you think Ryan is? Which of his qualities do you admire most? Why?Translation1 As a six-year-old Canadian schoolboy, Ryan had trouble believing the words spoken by his teacher that many people in developing African countries couldnt get enough

5、clean water. He looked across the classroom at the drinking fountain. It was very close - only ten steps away. So, Ryan asked himself, “Why do some African children have to walk ten kilometres to get water every day? And why is the water so dirty that it makes them sick?”Young Ryan thought,“Life is

6、easy for me, but hard for those people. Why dont I help?”年仅六岁的加拿大男孩瑞安难以相信老师说的话一一在欠发达的非洲国家,许多人都喝不到足够的干净的水。瑞安的目光掠过教室,望向对面的喷泉式饮水器。它是那么近一-只有十步之遥。因此,瑞安问自己:“为什么有的非洲孩子每天要步行十公里去取水?为什么他们会因为喝了不卫生的水而生病?”年幼的瑞安想:“ 我的生活很舒适,可他们的生活却那么艰难,我为什么不去帮助他们呢?”2At first, his plan was to earn money to build a single well somew

7、here in Africa. He cleaned windows and did gardening for his family and neighbours. He soon reached his first target of $70, but when he gavethe money to a charity, he was told that it actually cost $2,000 to build a well. Seventy dollars was only enough for a hand pump. Ryan understood that a hand

8、pump wouldnt help the children. What they needed was a well dug near their homes.起初,他的计划是挣些钱在非洲挖一口井。通过帮助家人和邻居擦玻璃、做园艺,瑞安很快就达成了他的第一个目标一一挣了70美元。但是当他把这笔钱交给慈善机构的时候,他才得知建-口井实际的花费是2 ,000美元。70美元只够买一个手压泵。瑞安明白,一个手压泵无法帮到非洲的孩子们,他们需要的是一口离家不远的井。3Two thousand dollars was a lot of money, but Ryan didnt give up. He

9、was determined to help other children have clean water. He started to ask for help from his classmates and neighbours and persuaded them to donate money. At the same time, a friend of Ryans mother helped make his story go public. After severalmonths, Ryan had raised the $2,000, with which a well was

10、 built near a primary school in Uganda. The children at the school no longer needed to walk for hours to get water. They were grateful to him and invitedhim to visit.2,000美元可不是一笔小数目,但是瑞安没有放弃。他下定决心要帮助其他孩子获美元可不是一笔小数目,但是瑞安没有放弃。他下定决心要帮助其他孩子获得干净的水。他开始向他的同学和邻居求助,劝说他们捐款。与此同时,在瑞安得干净的水。他开始向他的同学和邻居求助,劝说他们捐款。与

11、此同时,在瑞安妈妈的一位朋友的帮助下,瑞安的事为公众所知了。几个月后,他筹到了妈妈的一位朋友的帮助下,瑞安的事为公众所知了。几个月后,他筹到了2,000美美元。有了这笔钱,乌干达的一所小学旁边建起了一口井。这所学校的孩子们再也元。有了这笔钱,乌干达的一所小学旁边建起了一口井。这所学校的孩子们再也不用走几小时的路去打水了。他们非常感激瑞安,并邀请瑞安前来参观。不用走几小时的路去打水了。他们非常感激瑞安,并邀请瑞安前来参观。4 In Uganda, Ryan at last saw the finished well with his own eyes. But that was not all.

12、 He also saw hundreds of delighted students who had turned out to welcome him. They sang and danced happily. Some even offered him foodand gifts. At first Ryan was nervous, but soon a great warmth filled him. He really had made a difference for these children. He broke into a joyful smile.在乌干达,瑞安终于亲

13、眼见到了已经完工的井。不仅如此,他还看到了几百在乌干达,瑞安终于亲眼见到了已经完工的井。不仅如此,他还看到了几百名学生兴高采烈地迎接他。他们高兴地又唱又跳,有的学生还为他送,上了名学生兴高采烈地迎接他。他们高兴地又唱又跳,有的学生还为他送,上了食物和礼物。刚开始瑞安还有点紧张,但很快一股暖流涌上了他的心头,他食物和礼物。刚开始瑞安还有点紧张,但很快一股暖流涌上了他的心头,他真的改变了这些孩子的生活。瑞安的脸真的改变了这些孩子的生活。瑞安的脸.上终于露出了高兴的笑容。上终于露出了高兴的笑容。5 Iater, Ryans experience led him to set up a foundat

14、ion to encourage more people to help. Many inspired people gave him their support. Ryans foundation continues to attract support from more and more people, SO the work of building more wells can go on. Today, over 800,000 people in 16 countries across Africa have benefited from the life- changing gi

15、ft of clean, safe water.后来,这段经历促使瑞安建立了一个基金会,以鼓励更多的人伸出援手。后来,这段经历促使瑞安建立了一个基金会,以鼓励更多的人伸出援手。许多深受鼓舞的人都向瑞安提供支持。瑞安的基金会不断吸引着越来越多许多深受鼓舞的人都向瑞安提供支持。瑞安的基金会不断吸引着越来越多的人给予帮助,从而使打井事业能够继续。今天,这份能改变人一生的礼的人给予帮助,从而使打井事业能够继续。今天,这份能改变人一生的礼物一一干净卫生的水一一已经惠及了非洲物一一干净卫生的水一一已经惠及了非洲16个国家的个国家的80多万人。多万人。6Now, as an adult, Ryan says

16、 that the question to ask is not“Why dont I help?”,but“How can I help today?”. This insight grew from the determined attitude of a six-year-old boy who had the courage and perseverance to make his dream a reality.如今,瑞安已长大成人,他说现在的问题不再是如今,瑞安已长大成人,他说现在的问题不再是“我为什么不去帮助他们我为什么不去帮助他们”, 而是而是“如今我该如今我该 如何去帮助他们如何去帮助他们”。这份领悟,始于一个有勇气和毅力实现梦。这份领悟,始于一个有勇气和毅力实现梦想的六岁男孩那颗坚定不移的心。想的六岁男孩那颗坚定不移的心。HomeworkComplete Activity 4 on P16 and retell the story with the aid of the statements in Activity 4.


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