Unit 4 Understanding ideas 课文翻译 ppt课件-(2019)新外研版高中英语必修第三册.pptx

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1、Unit 4 Amazing artUnderstanding ideas新标准新标准英语英语高中必修第三册高中必修第三册Activity 1 Work in pairs and complete the quiz. Try to guess if you are not sure of the answers.Activity 2Read the passage and find out what Zack is Read the passage and find out what Zack is doing in the Louvre.doing in the Louvre. Read t

2、he passage quickly and find the main idea of each paragraph. Live from the Louvre Introduction Para.l:We are going to find out about some of the Louvres most _today! Main body Para.2:Winged Victory of Samothrace- it looks like she has just 2._ out of the sky and is standing on 3._ Para.3:Mona Lisa-i

3、t seems she has 4._of her own. Para.4:Rembrandts self-portraits-Rembrandt made over5._self-portraits during his lifetime. Ending Para. 5:Hope you can visit the Louvre for youseves one day and welcome 6._Activity 3Tell whether the following statements are true(T) or false( F).1. The sculpture the Win

4、ged Victory of Samothrace doesnt have head or hands.2. Mona Lisa attracts SO many visitors because it seems she has a mind of her own.3. Why Rembrandt made many self- portraits isnt known yet.4. Rembrandt sold his self-portraits to get money.5. There are so many works of art in the Louvre that it wi

5、ll take you a lifetime to see everything.Activity 4Activity 5Choose three tags that best describe the main idea of Choose three tags that best describe the main idea of the passage and give reasons for your choices.the passage and give reasons for your choices. Activity 6 Winged Victory of Samothrac

6、eWinged Victory of SamothraceHere at the top of the stairs is this 1Although 2 , you can still imagine her posture. The folded dress shows incredible 3 .huge sculpture. her head and arms are missing skill of the sculptor ptorActivity 6 Mona LisaMona LisaThis is perhaps the most famous painting here,

7、 protected by glass. Its smaller than 4 . The lady in the painting seems to have 5 which makes her so interesting! Activity 6 This is one of the 90 or more self- portraits Rembrandt made in his lifetime. We dont know why he made so many perhaps it was his way of 6 ! Or maybe it was just 7 1 Hi, its

8、Zack! Greetings from Paris, everyone! This broadast is being brought to you from one of the largest museums on Earth - the Louvre! Today were going to find out about some of the I ouvres most amazing treasures. Here we go!嗨,我是扎克!我在巴黎向你们问好!本次直播地点是地球上最大的博物馆之一-卢浮宫!今天我们将一起探索卢浮宫里的奇珍异宝。让我们开始吧!2 Now, at th

9、e top of these stone stairs. geta load of that! That huge sculpure you can see is the Winged Vidory of Samotbrace, or Nike of Samotbmace! 1 cant even begin to tell you how amazing this is! It looks like she has just flown down out of the sky and is standing on a ship. Her head and arms are missing,

10、but you can imagine her holding her arms up high, celebrating the result of an ancient battle. And justlook at how her dress is being folded by the wind! I really cant believe shes made of stone. The skill of the sculptor is just incredible.现在,我们到了这段石头阶梯的顶端.台阶实在是太多了!你们看到的这尊巨大的雕像就是萨莫色雷斯的胜利女神,又名萨莫色雷斯的

11、奈基!我都不知道该如何向你们形容这个雕塑有多惊人!她看起来好像刚刚从高空飞落,正站立在船_上。虽然头部和手臂已经遗失了,但你们仍然可以想象她正高举双臂,庆祝-场古老战役的胜利。看她裙子上被风吹出的皱褶!我简直不敢相信她是石头做的。雕刻家的技艺真令人难以置信。3 Okay, Id better move on. You can see there are so many people here. Im being pushed around quitea bit, in fact. And youre really going to love whats coming up next. Its

12、the one and only Mona Lisa! The painting is a lot smaller than you would expect, and is protected by glass. But from here I can get a good view to show you. When I look into her eyes it seems she has a mind of her own! One moment she seems to be laughing at me, but then again I catch a sense of sadn

13、ess in her smile. I guess thats why she attracts 5o many visitors every day.好了,我得往前走了。你们能看见,这儿有好多人。实际上,我一直在被挤来挤去。你们肯定会喜欢接下来这件展品。那就是独-无二的蒙娜丽莎!这幅画比你们想象的要小很多,而且被玻璃罩着。不过我在这里可以拍得很清楚来给你们看。当我与她对视的时候,我觉得她好像有自己的思想!_上一刻她仿 佛还在取笑我,而下一刻我却能从她的微笑中捕捉到一丝悲伤。我想这就是为什么她能每天吸引那么多的游客前来吧。4 And now, its time to get up close

14、and personal with one of historys greatest artists -Rembrandt! He painted this self portrait about 400 years ago. Throughout his life, he made over one really knows why. Perhaps it was his way of taking a 17th-century selfie? Or was it simply cheaper to paint himself than to pay for a model?现在,是时候近距

15、离亲身了解历史上最伟大的画家之一一一伦勃朗啦!他在大约400年前画了这幅自画像。终其一生,他一共画了90多幅自画像!没有人知道为什么。也许这是他在17世纪“自拍”的方式?又或许只是因为画自己比花钱请模特儿更实惠?5 About 35,000 works are curently being displayed in over 300 rooms in the Louvre, and it would take a lifetime to see everything! Ill say bye for now, and hope you can all visit this fantastic

16、place one day to feel the power of these great works of art for yourselves. They really do reach out to us across the centuries as if time itself were nothing. By the way, if you have enjoyed this live broadcast, subscribe to find out where Im visiting next!卢浮宫共有300多个房间,目前正在展出的艺术品大约是35,000件,而要看完所有的展品大概需要-辈子!今天我们就先到这里,希望有一天你们都能来参观这个美妙之地,亲身感受这些伟大艺术作品的魅力。这些作品穿越几个世纪,出现在我们面前,仿佛时间没有流逝一般。哦对了,如果你们喜欢这场直播,请点击“订阅”,关注我下一站的目的地吧!Finish the rest exercise


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