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1、中考题型-语法选择中考话题一览表1. 个人情况(个人情况、家庭信息、个人喜好);2. 家庭和朋友(家庭喜好、朋友喜好、外貌特征);3. 日常活动(家庭活动、学校活动、周末活动);4. 学校(学校设施、学校人员、学习科目、学校活动);5. 个人兴趣(游戏与休闲、爱好、娱乐活动、旅游);6. 环境(居住环境、社会环境、环境意识);7. 饮食 (食物种类、食物味道、烹饪方式及步骤、点餐、饮食习俗、饮食文化);8. 卫生与健康(个人卫生、疾病、健康饮食);9. 安全与救护(安全守则、意外、急救、自我保护);10. 天气 (天气情况、天气预报、天气与环境);11. 节假日 (节日习俗、庆祝活动、节日由来

2、);12. 购物 (购物计划、商品种类、购物环境、付款形式、个人选择);13. 通讯 (写信,打电话,使用互联网);14. 文娱与体育(电影与戏剧、体育与赛事、音乐与舞蹈);15.旅游与交通(交通选择、交通标志、问路);16. 自然(动物和植物、季节、宇宙、人与自然);17. 历史 (世界历史、英美文化、中国传统文化);18. 故事与诗歌 (故事、小说、诗歌、话剧);19. 历史与社会 (中国历史、世界历史,著名人物)20. 语言学习 (语言学习经历、语言与文化、语言学习策略、体态语);21. 世界与环境(人口、环境保护);22. 科普知识与现代技术(发明与技术、信息技术)23. 人际交往 (

3、社会行为,合作与交流)24. 计划与安排 (计划,安排)( (一一) )语法选择语法选择15个小题,重点考查在语篇中正确使用语法的能力。文章选材是一篇介绍冼星海(雅号(雅号“南国箫手南国箫手”,中山大学和培正中学也,中山大学和培正中学也都是他曾经学习和工作过的地方)都是他曾经学习和工作过的地方)的的人物传记。语法考点继承了2016年中考英语试题改革后的语法点,考点稳定考点稳定, ,换汤不换药换汤不换药。详见如下:语法选择技巧指导语法选择技巧指导: 将语法放到将语法放到语篇语篇中进行理解运用,完善以上中进行理解运用,完善以上语法要点的学习与巩固,以及掌握句子结构和语法要点的学习与巩固,以及掌握句

4、子结构和词性的运用。平时渗透语法选择的解题技巧词性的运用。平时渗透语法选择的解题技巧14字字“看选项,定考点,准确到句,语法分析看选项,定考点,准确到句,语法分析”。步鄹如下步鄹如下: Step1.Step1. 留意各句各段落留意各句各段落动词动词给予的给予的时态信息时态信息。 Step2Step2. .以句为单位以句为单位,寻找关键词和,寻找关键词和提示词提示词,确确定定语法语法考点考点,选择答案。,选择答案。Step3.Step3.通篇理顺一次,通篇理顺一次,检查检查搭配搭配和和前后连贯前后连贯性性。考点单一,难度不大优生目标:满分其他学生:尽量拿高分如何有效落实和攻克语法难关:如何有效落

5、实和攻克语法难关: 语法学习目的语法学习目的:不仅是为做语法题而学,:不仅是为做语法题而学,最终是为了服务于最终是为了服务于阅读和写作。阅读和写作。 1. 将语法的学习和记忆放到将语法的学习和记忆放到语境语感语境语感的培的培养中进行。将单元词汇表或课文中的短语进养中进行。将单元词汇表或课文中的短语进行行补全朗读听写背诵补全朗读听写背诵。 2.编顺口溜编顺口溜。例如:。例如:“不定形不定形”, “去主去主谓,再判断谓,再判断”, “无情无无情无be 借借3D.”, “情有情有可原可原”, “S都要和都要和of在一起在一起”等。等。3. 提前感知,强化概念。提前感知,强化概念。4.4. 举一反三法

6、举一反三法。第一讲 语法选择语法选择是中考英语特有的题型,考查考生在具体的语言环境里的语法应用。阅读一篇200字左右的短文,完成15个空格的语法选择,每空1分,共15分;它的形式与完形填空类似,即给出一篇完整的文章,把文章的一些单词抽掉设为考点。 难度系数:出错率: 40%平均得分10语法选择主要考查语法在篇章里的应用,侧重点在语法规则的考查,即某个单词的不同形式。语法选择的主要考点分布于:冠词、名词的单复数、动词时态和语态、形容词、副词、代词、连词、介词、非谓语动词、定语从句等。广州中考语法选择考点归纳语法选择考点归纳让你知己知彼百战百胜!1. 动词动词:主要从动词的时态、语态、介词+Vin

7、g、情态动词+动原等方面考查。2. 名词名词:主要从可数名词单复数、可数或不可数的判断以及所有格的用法。3. 形容词形容词:分词作形容词的考查,-ed是感到,-ing是令人感到,只要会判断主语,可做对。4. 副词副词:考查副词的基本用法之-修饰动词。只要空格前面出现动词,则应该选择副词。5. 连词连词:考查频率最高的是but、so、or、and、although、though、both、either、neither、all的用法。掌握这几个连词的基本用法即可,较容易选对答案。6. 代词代词:考查人称代词、不定代词的运用。7. 介词介词:考查固定搭配。考查频率最高的介词:on、in、at、for

8、用在时间前的用法,with、without的用法。3、 找准考点,精心筛选选项:2、 准确到句,意义与语法并重:1、 跳读全文,掌握主旨大意:解题步骤4、 重读全文,核实答案:第一句话 找动词判断时态, 以句为主,找关键词,确定考点确定人称,时态等一致性时间,人物,地点等关键信息The tradition of birthday parties started a long time ago. There are some traditions 1 you can find almost anywhere, anytime, such2 sending birthday cards, 3 ou

9、t the candles on a birthday cake and singing the Happy Birthday song. Others are only 4 for certain ages and in certain countries.In China, 5 a childs second birthday, family members put many things on the floor around the child. According to Chinese tradition, the first thing that the child picks u

10、p 6 you what profession the child will choose later in 7 .For Japanese children, 8 third, fifth and seventh birthdays are 9 important. At this age, there is a special celebration Shichi-Go-San (seven, five, three in Japanese) when children go to the temple wearing a new kimono (和服). The priest (僧侣)

11、gives them special sweets, and the parents usually organize a party for their friends in their home.In Argentina, Mexico and several 10 Latin American countries, girls have a special birthday celebration 11they reach the age of fifteen. After a special ceremony, the girls dance a waltz with their fa

12、ther and other boys.Eighteen is the traditional coming of age the age when (in many countries) you have the right to vote, join the army and (in Britain) drink alcohol 12 buy a house.In many English-speaking countries, a 13 birthday cake often has a key on top, or the cake itself is sometimes in the

13、 shape of a key. The key means that the young person 14 now 15 to leave and enter the family home at any time they want to!真题分析The tradition of birthday parties started a long time ago. There are some traditions 1 you can find almost anywhere, anytime, such 2 sending birthday cards, 3 out the candle

14、s on a birthday cake and singing the Happy Birthday song. Others are only 4 for certain ages and in certain countries.( ) 1. A. where( ) 2. A. for( ) 3. A. blow( ) 4. A. findB. whatB. likeB. blowingB. findsC. thatC.soC. to blowC. foundD. whenD. asD. blownD. finding中考话题中考话题-人文文化人文文化定语从句 (关系词用that)suc

15、h as 比如,固定搭配动名词 前后一致被动语态 (其他只有在特定的被发现)In China, 5 a childs second birthday, family members put many things on the floor around the child. According to Chinese tradition, the first thing that the child picks up 6 you what profession the child will choose later in 7 .( ) 5. A. on( ) 6. A. telling( ) 7

16、. A. lifeB. inB. toldB. livesC. atC. will tellC. livingD. toD. tellsD. live介词, (具体某一天用on) 动词,主谓一致 三单名词 life指人生, live 生活不可数For Japanese children, 8 third, fifth and seventh birthdays are 9 important. At this age, there is a special celebration Shichi-Go-San (seven, five, three in Japanese) when child

17、ren go to the temple wearing a new kimono (和服). The priest (僧侣) gives them special sweets, and the parents usually organize a party for their friends in their home.( ) 8. A. aB. anC. theD. /( ) 9. A. especialB. especiallyC. more especialD. most especial序数词前+冠词the形容词和副词的用法形修名,副修动,副修形( ) 10. A. the ot

18、her( ) 11. A. whenB. anotherB. beforeC. othersC. sinceD. otherD. becauseIn Argentina, Mexico and several 10 Latin American countries, girls have a special birthday celebration 11 they reach the age of fifteen. After a special ceremony, the girls dance a waltz with their father and other boys.不定代词 (o

19、ther,theother another)连词whenEighteen is the traditional coming of age the age when (in many countries) you have the right to vote, join the army and (in Britain) drink alcohol 12 buy a house.In many English-speaking countries, a 13 birthday cake often has a key on top, or the cake itself is sometime

20、s in the shape of a key. The key means that the young person 14 now 15 to leave and enter the family home at any time they want to!( ) 12. A. and( ) 13. A. twenty-one( ) 14. A. has( ) 15. A. old enoughB. butB. twenty-firstB. wasB. young enoughC. orC. twentieth-oneC. haveC. enough oldD. soD. twentiet

21、h-firstD. isD. enough young数词动词副词连词考察点考察点题量题量技巧定语从句11介词 22动词33名词11冠词11形容词11代词11连词22数词11动词11副词111.复习各个语法点。2.平时多积累,多阅读对话或文章,领悟文章对话中句子与句子之间的关系,把握段落之间的关系,并理解整篇文章、对话的大致内容以及上下文逻辑关系,不断形成英语的语感,这样做起题目来会更加得心应手。3.加强练习,从中发现并掌握该类题目的规律,对自己不熟悉的、容易错的语法知识抓紧时间查缺补漏。提高做题的准确性,并训练自己的逻辑思维。复习方法真题演练Once, a king loved music

22、so much that he searched the world for the best instrument. One day, a magic man_1_the king a harp(竖琴).The king took it to the palace,but_2_he played it, the harp sounded terrible. Many_3_people tried it. They agreed that the harp was_4_and the king had been fooled. The harp was thrown out as rubbis

23、h.( ) 1. A. offer( ) 2. A. when( ) 3. A. another( ) 4. A. usedB. offersB. beforeB. otherB. usingC. offeredC. ifC. othersC. uselessD. has offeredD. becauseD. the otherD. uselessness2015 中考真题1 动词时态 (一般过去时)2 状语从句(when)3 代词 (不定代词)4 词义辨析(词汇)中考考点:历史文化类A poor little girl _5_found the harp, and even though

24、she didnt know how _6_it, she decided to have a try. She played and played, the whole day through, for months and years. The music she produced was never perfect, _7_ each time it sounded a little better.( ) 5. A. late( ) 6. A. played( ) 7. A. soB. latelyB. to playB. andC. latestC. playingC. orD. la

25、terD. to playingD. but5 词义辨析6 动词7 连词 (转折关系)Then one day, suddenly, the harp started to play the most beautiful music. It was in fact 8 magic harp, and could only be played well by someone who would put in the necessary effort. The king heard the music from his window, and called the girl to the pala

26、ce. When the king saw that she was playing his old harp, he was filled 9 joy. At that moment he made the girl his own private 10 , giving her and her family many riches.( ) 8. A. a( ) 9. A. in( ) 10. A. musicB. anB. ofB. musicalC. theC. byC. musicianD. /D. withD. musically8 冠词(零冠词和定冠词)9 介词 (固定搭配)10 名词(构词法)考察点考察点题量题量动词1状语从句1代词1词义2动词1连词1冠词1介词1名词12.识别短语、句型,注意固定搭配。1.快速通读全文,掌握短文主旨。3.运用语法规则,理顺搭配关系。 4.遇到难题,反复默念。5.细心检查,避免疏漏。总结


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