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1、Unit 6 Shopping A Lets talk学习内容:学习内容:设计思路:1.通过学生最喜欢的即将到来的六一儿童节入手,引出本课的主要任务: A fashion show for girls .Sarah a dress and a pair of shoes. John wants a pair of shoes.使下面的活动都在这一情境下进行,这样设计具有真实性和整体性。Make a dialogue about Sarahs dress.2.导入把课前准备的new shoes 现场出示,学生非常吃惊,请一女生替Sarah试鞋自然引出Are they all right?学生一下

2、子就理解的此句的意思,找不同的学生试穿鞋子,引出答语。3.从Jones mother带John去买鞋,进入文本。学生通过三次观看视频回答问题,对文本内容有了不同层次的理解,系统了本节课的语言知识,为下面的语言输出奠定了良好的基础.4.模仿秀、Group work,lets play等活动能迎合学生兴趣,能吸引他们主动参与到课堂中去,并能体现学生从未知到已知的学习过程,让学生有机会运用已学到的语言材料,突出语言的实践性和交际性,使学生学以致用。学习目标:1.能够正确朗读本课对话。2.能听说,认读:Can I help you?Yes.These shoes are nice.Can I try

3、them on ?Of couse. Here you are.Are they all right?They are too small/just right/too big.并能在情景中运用。Free talkCan I help you?Happy shoe store.Can I help you?Yes.These shoes are nice. Can I try them on?Of course.Here you are.请同学们仔细看图回答问题:How many people are there in this picture? Who are they?Where are

4、they ? nice try them on 中美英鞋码对照表:声音大声音大loud流利流利fluent创新创新creative 合作合作co- operativeTalk about their show.准确准确correctLets act :Assistant(售货员): Can I help you?John: Yes._.Can I try them on ?Size 6,please.Assistant(售货员): Of couse. Here you are.Mom: John ,are they OK?John: No,_.Mom: Hmm. OK, Lets try Si

5、ze 7.John: They are_.Mom: Good.Lets playYes.The hat is pretty.Can I try it on?Its just right.Make a dialogue like this.Can I help you?Yes.These _are nice.Can I try them on ?Of couse. Here you are.They are_.(big ,small,just right.) Can I help you?Yes.This_is pretty.Can I try it on ?Of couse. Here you

6、 are.It is _.(big , small,just right.)Make a new dialogue. (六一到了,你想买什么呢?) (Discuss in your groups. What do you want to buy?)时间3分钟Homework:1.Read the dialogue for three times.2.Act the dialogue in groups.Unit 6 Shopping A Lets learn学习内容:设计思路:1.通过问学生我要去海南旅游需要带什么物品,引出单词sunglasses,umbrella我要去哈尔滨旅游呢结合第三单

7、元的天气,导入单词scarf ,gloves的学习。2 通过go shopping导入句子Can I help you? The gloves are nice.Can I try them on? Sure.3.进入文本听音正音。4.读一读,连一连。音形意结合。5.完成Complete and say。6拓展。学习目标:1.能听说,认读单词:glasses,umbrella,gloves,scarf.2.能听说认读句子:Can I help you?The gloves are nice.Can I try them on?Sure.并能在情景中运用。sunglassesumbrellaTh

8、e _ are _.The _ is nice.sunglassesumbrellaniceglovesscarfa green scarfIts snowy. Its cold.The gloves are nice. Assistant(售货员):Can I help you?Customer:Yes.The gloves are nice. ( 顾客) Lets go shopping.Assistant:Sure.Can I try them on?Can I help you?读一读,连一连:glasses umbrella gloves scarf Make a dialogue.

9、Assistant(售货员):Can I help you?customer:Yes.The _ are nice. ( 顾客) Can I try them on?Assistant:Sure.Customer:The _ is nice, Can I try it on? Assistant(售货员):Can I help you ?Assistant(售货员):Sure.Assistant(售货员):Can I help you?customer:Yes.The _ is nice. ( 顾客) _?Assistant:_.Make a new dialogue.Assistant(售货

10、员):_?customer:Yes._.( 顾客) _?Assistant:_. Lets check! 同学们给你们五分钟的时间,请合上课本,自主完成练习册上的检测题,仔细做题,加油! Homework: 1.Listen to the tape and repeat. 2.Design a suit of clothes and write their names. 运河办事处西关小学 燕坤Unit 6 ShoppingA Lets spell学习内容学习内容 1.能读总结出字母组合er,ir,ur,or, al,ar,pl,bl在单词中的发音的发音。2.能根据发音组合的发音规则读出发音规

11、则的单词。3.能根据发音组合的发音规则写出符合发音规则的单词。学习目标: 设计思路:1.通过读一读,说一说,读单词说发音, 复习er,ir,ur,or,al,ar,pl,bl的发音。2.进入文本,Read aloud 根据发音规则读单词。3.Listen and chant,look listen and write。4.巩固练习。: water tiger sistercomputer dinnergirl bird hamburger nursehomework world map我能读,我会说:ir ur or :er horse fork plball wall tall bl or

12、al ar le l le l 我能读,我会说: arm,card,car apple, peopletableer ir ur or :or al ar le l Read and judge:读一读,判断下面每组单词划线部分读音是否相同。1.horse tall ( )2.water girl ( )3.nurse bird ( )4.homework far( )5.card park ( )Homework:1. Read the words on P60.2. Copy the sentences one time.Unit 6 ShoppingB Lets talk运河办事处西关小

13、学 燕坤 学习内容设计思路:1.通过去老师开的网店sunny shop,复习单词skirt,dress,scarf,sunglasses,gloves,略讲How do you like it?复习B1单词,pretty,nice,expensive,cheap,引出本课重点How much is it?/How much are they?2. 给出Amy 过生日的话题,从Amy的妈妈给她选择生日礼物,进入文本,带着问题听录音,理解课文内容,听音模仿,角色扮演。3. 老师示范去给Amy选择生日礼物,再到同学们去给Amy 选择生日礼物,最后由生日礼物的选择自然过渡到去生活中去购物(Lets a

14、ct)。学习目标:1)学生能够听说、朗读本课对话。2)能够听说,认读句型:Can I help you! How much is this shirt?Its. How much are.? Theyre .并能在实际情景中运用。Can I help you?The dress is pretty.How much is this dress?Its $298.Its too expensive.$15$ 298$89$ 10$ 100$ 5Sunny shop .Can I help you?How much are the gloves?They are $5.They are cheap

15、.Ill take them. 请同学们打开课本第61页,仔细看图回答问题:How many people are there in this picture? 图上有几个人?图上有几个人?Where are they ? 他们在哪里?他们在哪里?1.What does Amy want to buy? A green skirt.Listen and answer.1. How much is this skirt? Its 89.2. Is it cheap? No,its too expensive.Watch and answer.Role play. (四分钟后,比一比哪个小组表演的

16、最好。)Mom: How do you like this skirt ?Sarah: _.Assistant: Can I help you?Mom: Yes._.Assistant: Its 89.Mom: Oh,_.Sarah: I like it ,Mom.Mom: Sorry, Sarah._.Sarahs birthday is coming.I want to buy a scarf for her. Ill take it.$ 20scarf$ 20cheap(如果你们去给Amy过生日,你会选择什么礼物呢?) Ill take it.时间3分钟!Make new dialogu

17、es. Lets check! 同学们给你们五分钟的时间,请合上课本,自主完成练习册上的检测题,仔细做题,加油!Homework:1.Listen and repeat, then imitate.2.Act the dialogue in groups.Unit 6 ShoppingB Lets learn运河办事处西关小学 燕坤学习内容设计思路:1.T:Childrens Day is coming. Amy and her mother want to buy a dress.Lets go and have a look,too. OK?引出单词nice,pretty,教师走下讲台,利

18、用本班学生的衣服、物品引导学生说:“Look at this bag. Its nice .The dress is pretty .多次练习句子The _ is nice/pretty.2.游戏名称:贵还是便宜? 学习单词cheap,expensive。进入游戏,巩固单词。 3.进入文本听音正音。4.游戏:看看谁最棒?让学生快速反应,读出单词。5.运用所学单词,描述衣服或物品。 学习目标:1.听说、认读单词:nice、pretty、cheap、expensive及句子Look at that dress,Its pretty.2.能够运用四个单词简单描述衣服及价格,如:Its nice/pr

19、etty/cheap/expensive.niceprettyLook at the dress. Its nice.Look at the dress.Its pretty. 30 yuan120 yuancheapexpensiveLook at the dress._. Its cheapLook at the dress.Its _. expensive¥ 98¥50¥ 6Expensive or cheap:¥198 nice pretty expensive prettycheap 读一读,比一比:cheapniceexpensivecheap¥168¥ 20¥ 200Look a

20、t _.Its _. Look at _.They are _.Talk about the pictures,like this:that umbrellapretty¥200the glovesnice Lets check! 同学们给你们五分钟的时间,请合上课本,自主完成练习册上的检测题,仔细做题,加油! Homework:1. Listen to the tape and read three times.2. 运用今天所学的单词和句子向家长描述家庭中的物品,并尝试调查一下家庭成员衣服的价格.Unit 6 ShpppingB Read and write学习内容学习内容设计思路:1.复

21、习本单元单词。2.通过Amy参加庆六一的演出,需要一件裙子和一双鞋,复习本单元句子。3.Lets read.4.Read and write.5.Look and write.6.Lets check。学习目标:1.能够在图片的帮助下读懂小短文,并能正确的回答问题。2.能够在图片的帮助下,仿照示范例句,在四线三格中正确描述自己的鞋。3.完成Lets check. nice gloves scarfpretty sunglasses umbrella cheap expensive Lets read:Whats missing:Make a dialogue.(Amy wants a pret

22、ty dress and a blue shoes.)Assistant: CanI help you?Mom:Yes._. How much _?Assistant: Its $ 85. Amy: Can I try it on?Assistant: _.Make a dialogue.Assistant: CanI help you?Amy:These_. How much_.Assistant:_. Amy: Can I try them on.Assistant: _. Are they OK?Amy: They are just right. Ill take them.$ 58¥ 5¥ 5NO, it isnt.Yes,they are. Lets check! 同学们给你们五分钟的时间,请合上课本,自主完成练习册上的检测题,仔细做题,加油!


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