Unit 5 Revealing Nature 重点短语句型检测 (2019)新外研版高中英语高三选择性必修第一册.docx

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1、选择性必修一 Unit 5 Revealing Nature 重点短语句型:P5052 Understanding Ideas:1. 通过拜访遥远而未知的国度而受益 _2. 响应号召 _3. 医学学校 _4. 完成学位学习 _5. 家庭的耻辱 _6. 导致 _7. 有史以来 _8. 所谈及的 _ 9. 对极感兴趣;被吸引 _10. 研究不同的生物 _ 11. 自然环境 _12. 逐渐形成 _13. 在那个时候 _14. 堆满样品 _15. 同时 _16. 适应不断变化的环境 _17. 激励他去寻找更多的证据 _18. 看到许多新物种 _19. 在那个特定的岛上 _20. 从共同的祖先进化而来

2、_21. 到达这些岛 _22. 随着时间推移 _23. 进化成许多新物种 _24. 问题的答案 _25. 进化的理论 _26. 物种起源 _27. 引起轰动 _28. 从较低级生物进化而来 _ 29. 被看作有史以来最重要著作之一 _ 30. 开始于 _31. 科学探索精神(P52 T&S) _P53P54: 32. 自然灾难 _33. 导致食物缺乏 _34. 做关于杂交水稻的研究 _35. 做出关于基因的重要发现 _36. 到他去世时(为止) _37. 被宣布灭绝 _38. 某人被指责做了 _39. 指责某人做了 _40. 引进新物种 _41. 竞争获取食物 _42. 对有害 _43. 被用

3、于食品生产_44. 免疫系统 _45. 抵抗病菌 _46. 由细胞组成 _47. 帮你消化 _48. 分解/循环死亡的有机物质 _49. 是的家乡,所在地 _50. 相比之下 _51. 到目前为止 _52. 在我们的行星上 _53. 长到30米长 _54. 重 130000多公斤_P55:55. 由于它们独特的生物多样性而闻名于世 _56. 原产于,发祥于 _57. 实施科学研究 _58. 作为不同鸟类和鱼类的栖息地 _59. 对生态系统重要 _60. 有共同的祖先 _61. 做网上调查 _P5658 Developing Ideas:62. 一个充满神话与传说的事物 _63. 给人们建议和警

4、告 _64. 据说曾拜访过 _65. 揭示出有趣的事情 _66. (句型)似乎是 _67. 毕竟;竟然 _68. 被袭击 _69. 释放少量化学物质 _70. 一次呼救 _71. 把昆虫赶走 _72. 植物的警告系统 _73. 交流系统 _74. 在某种程度上 _75. 与互联网相似 _76. 一个被电缆和卫星连起来的世界电脑网络 _77. 有自己的网络犯罪 _78. 从偷食物 _79. 阻止袭击 _80. 谁知道呢? _81. 修辞(P58: T&S) _82. 被描述成 _83. 给发信号 _84. 整理自己的想法 _85. 从他们的行为中学习 _P59: Writing86. 观察日记

5、_87. 水仙球茎(了解) _88. 并排 _89. 朝着上面 _90. 从球茎发芽_ 91. 长出一朵花 _92. 是喇叭的形状 _ 重点句型:1. 贝格尔号的船长想要招募这样一名船员,这名船员将能“借此机会访问遥远而鲜为人知的国度并从中受益”。然而来应聘的人并不是船长心中的理想人选。2. 并且在他刚收到的家书中,父亲预言他将会成为“自己和全家人的耻辱”。3. 我们提到的这个年轻人就是地质学家和博物学家查尔斯达尔文,他对岩石和动植物有着浓厚的兴趣。4. 1835年,当贝格尔号抵达加拉帕戈斯群岛的时候,达尔文发现了各种各样的新物种,但是其中最令他感兴趣的是鸟类。5. 这本书直到1859年才出版

6、,出版后立即引起轰动。6. 很多人拒绝相信包括人在内的所有生命都是从更低级的生命形式进化而来的。7. 然而达尔文的科学研究很有说服力,越来越多的人开始接受他的理论。8. 据说亚历山大大帝和马可波罗曾在印度见过一棵会说话的树。9. 在一些现代故事例如电影阿凡达中,树可以与人类和动物沟通交流。10. 我们一直认为会说话的植物只存在于幻想之中,但新研究有了令人惊奇的发现:植物间似乎确实可以交流。11. 当一株植物比如豆科植物被昆虫袭时,就会发生这种情况。12. 有些树会在水分不足时会发出咔咔的声响,表明干旱的到来。13. 最令人惊奇的是,植物有一套神奇的交流系统,可以把森林里几乎所有的树连起来。14

7、. 尽管互联网是通过电缆和卫星连接的全球计算机系统,植物万维网却是通过地下的真菌连接的。15. 科学家们每天都在增进对植物间相互沟通的秘密方式的了解。答案:1. profit by (the opportunity of) visiting distant countries yet little known2. answer the call3. medical school4. complete ones degree5. (be) a disgrace to ones family6. lead to7. of all time8. in question9. be fascinated

8、 by10. study various living things11. natural environment12. come to exist13. at that time14. be crowded with samples15. at the same time16. adapt to the / their changing environment17. inspire him to look for more evidence18. see a variety of new species19. on that particular island20. evolve from

9、a common ancestor21. arrive on these islands22. over time23. evolve into many new species24. the answer to the question25. the theory of evolution26. On the Origin of Species27. cause a storm28. evolve from lower forms of life29. be regarded as one of the most important works ever written30. begin w

10、ith31. the spirit of scientific exploration32. natural disasters33. lead to food shortages34. do research on hybrid rice35. make important discoveries about genetics36. by the time of his death37. be declared extinct38. be blamed on sb.39. blame sth. on sb. / blame sb. for sth. / doing40. introduce

11、new species41. compete for food42. be harmful to43. be used in food production44. immune system45. fight off germs46. be made up of cells47. help with digestion48. break down / recycle dead organic matter49. be home to50. by contrast51. so far52. on our planet53. grow up to almost 30 metres in lengt

12、h54. weigh over 130,000 kilos55. be renowned worldwide for their unique biodiversity56. be native to57. carry out scientific studies / a scientific study58. serves as the habitats for various birds and fish59. (be) very important to the ecosystem60. share / have a common ancestor61. do online resear

13、ch (to find more information) (P55-Activity 10: 题目中;写作可用的短语)62. a thing of myths and legends63. give advice as well as warning to people64. be said to have visited sth.65. reveal sth. amazing66. it appears / seems that67. after all68. be / get attacked by69. release tiny amounts of chemicals70. a ca

14、ll for help71. drive insects / an insect away72. the plant warning system73. the / an system of communication74. in some ways75. (be) similar to the Internet 76. a worldwide network of computers linked by cables and satellites77. (has) its own version of cybercrime78. steal food from79. prevent the

15、attacks (from sb. / sth.)80. Who knows?81. (a) figure of speech82. be described as83. signal to sb. 84. organize ones ideas85. learn from their behaviour86. an observational journal87. daffodil bulbs (了解即可)88. side by side89. face up90. sprout from the bulb91. produce a (single) flower92. (be) shape

16、d like a trumpet重点句型:1. The captain of the ship, the Beagle, wanted someone who would profit by the opportunity of visiting distant countries yet little known. The person who answered the call was not the captains first choice.2. Whats more, he had recently received a letter from his father predicti

17、ng that he would be “a disgrace to yourself and all your family”.3. The young man in question, Charles Darwin, was a geologist and naturalist, fascinated by rocks, plants and animals.4. When the Beagle reached the Galapagos Islands in 1835, Darwin saw a variety of new species, but it was the birds t

18、hat interested him the most.5. It was not published until 1859 and immediately caused a storm. 6. Many people refused to believe that living things, including humans, had evolved from lower forms of life.7. But Darwins scientific studies were so convincing that more and more people started to believ

19、e his theory.8. Alexander the Great and Marco Polo were said to have visited such a tree in India.9. And in some modern stories, such as the film Avatar, trees can communicate with animals and people.10. With us long believing that talking plants are fantasy, new research has revealed something amaz

20、ing: it appears that plants can communicate after all.11. This happens when a plant, say a bean plant, gets attacked by insects.12. Some trees make clicking noises when there is not enough water, indicating drought is arriving.13. Most surprisingly of all, plants have an amazing system of communicat

21、ion that can link nearly every plant in a forest. 14. While the Internet is a worldwide network of computers linked by cables and satellites, the wood wide web is linked underground by fungi.15. Scientists are learning more every day about the secret ways in which plants talk to each other.学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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