Unit 6 developing ideas ppt课件-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、外研社选择性必修一外研社选择性必修一 Unit6 developing ideas THE BEST JOB IN THE WORLD 世界上最棒的工作世界上最棒的工作 “世界上最好的工作世界上最好的工作”的工作内容是的工作内容是在汉密尔顿岛上度过六个月时光,将探索在汉密尔顿岛上度过六个月时光,将探索大堡礁水域上各个岛屿的经历通过网站和大堡礁水域上各个岛屿的经历通过网站和视频博客等一系列渠道,报道给全世界观视频博客等一系列渠道,报道给全世界观众。作为报酬,工作者将获得众。作为报酬,工作者将获得1515万澳元万澳元( (约约7070万人民币万人民币) )薪酬。薪酬。 How would you

2、like to spend six months living on an island and looking after the Great Barrier Reef? 你愿意在一座岛上生活六个月,并照看大堡礁吗?你愿意在一座岛上生活六个月,并照看大堡礁吗? The working hours are flexible and accommodation is provided. 这份工作时间灵活,并提供住宿。这份工作时间灵活,并提供住宿。 Key duties include exploring the islands of the reef and finding out what t

3、he area has to offer. 你的主要职责包括探索大堡礁的各个岛屿,探寻你的主要职责包括探索大堡礁的各个岛屿,探寻当地的自然资源。当地的自然资源。 Youll need to report back via weekly blogs, photo diaries and video updates。 你需要通过每周更新博客、创建照片日志和拍摄你需要通过每周更新博客、创建照片日志和拍摄视频的方式来汇报工作成果。视频的方式来汇报工作成果。 Youll also be asked to promote the islands through newspapers, magazines

4、and TV interviews. 你还需要通过报纸、杂志和电视采访等宣传大堡你还需要通过报纸、杂志和电视采访等宣传大堡礁。礁。 This call for an island caretaker attracted interest from all over the world. 这则岛屿管理员的招聘广告吸引了全世界的兴趣这则岛屿管理员的招聘广告吸引了全世界的兴趣。 It was actually a very clever means to highlight the importance of the Great Barrier Reef and the need to protec

5、t it. 这其实是一种绝妙的手段,既突出了大堡礁的重这其实是一种绝妙的手段,既突出了大堡礁的重要性,又强调了大堡礁需要人类保护。要性,又强调了大堡礁需要人类保护。 Located off the coast of North-east Australia, the Great Barrier Reef is the largest living thing on the planet. 大堡礁位于澳大利亚东北部近海处,是地球上最大堡礁位于澳大利亚东北部近海处,是地球上最大的生物。大的生物。 About the size of Japan, it even can be seen from o

6、uter space. 大堡礁整体面积接近日本的国土面积,甚至从外大堡礁整体面积接近日本的国土面积,甚至从外太空都能看得到它。太空都能看得到它。 More than 25 million years old, the Great Barrier Reef is made up of living coral growing on dead coral. 大堡礁已有大堡礁已有2,500万年的历史,由生长在死珊瑚上的活万年的历史,由生长在死珊瑚上的活珊瑚组成。珊瑚组成。 It is host to many species of birds and sea creatures. 它是许多鸟类和海洋

7、生物的栖息地。它是许多鸟类和海洋生物的栖息地。 But this unique and delicate place is now under threat from pollution and climate change. 但如今,这一独特又脆弱的区域正在遭受污染和气候变但如今,这一独特又脆弱的区域正在遭受污染和气候变化的威胁。化的威胁。 To get this job, the candidates had to make a short video showing how much they knew about the reef. 要想得到这份工作,应聘者需要拍摄一个简短的要想得到这

8、份工作,应聘者需要拍摄一个简短的视频,展示自己对大堡礁的了解程度。视频,展示自己对大堡礁的了解程度。 They also needed to prove why they were the best person to do the job. 另外,应聘者还需要证明为何自己是这个职位的另外,应聘者还需要证明为何自己是这个职位的最佳人选。最佳人选。 Out of the thousands of applicants, eleven were selected, including a young woman from China. 数千名应聘者中,入选人有十一个,其中还包括数千名应聘者中,入选

9、人有十一个,其中还包括一个年轻的中国姑娘。一个年轻的中国姑娘。 Eventually, the job was offered to Ben Southall from the UK. 最终,来自英国的本最终,来自英国的本索撒尔索撒尔 获得了这份工作。获得了这份工作。 Ben did a lot during his time as an island caretaker. 本在做岛屿管理员期间做了很多事情。本在做岛屿管理员期间做了很多事情。 In addition to blogging, taking photos and writing articles about the reef,

10、he made a number of appearances on television to argue in favour of its defence. 除了发布博客、拍照片和写关于大堡礁的文章外,除了发布博客、拍照片和写关于大堡礁的文章外,本还多次在电视上露面号召保护大堡礁。本还多次在电视上露面号召保护大堡礁。 He also worked as a presenter for the National Geographic Channel, before going on to write a book about his experiences. 他还担任过国家地理频道的主持人他

11、还担任过国家地理频道的主持人,在那之后,在那之后,本把自己的经历写成了一本书。本把自己的经历写成了一本书。 Ben later joked that the job should have been advertised not as the “best”, but the “busiest job in the world”! 他后来开玩笑说,这个工作的招聘启事上应该写他后来开玩笑说,这个工作的招聘启事上应该写“世界上最繁忙的工作世界上最繁忙的工作”,而不是,而不是“最棒的最棒的”。 Whether it was a genuine job offer or an eye-catching

12、marketing event isnt really important. 不管这是一个真正的工作机会,还是一场吸引眼球的营不管这是一个真正的工作机会,还是一场吸引眼球的营销活动,其实都不重要。销活动,其实都不重要。 The most important thing was that people all over the world became aware of the beauty of the ocean in the area. 最重要的是,全世界都认识到了这片大海的美丽。最重要的是,全世界都认识到了这片大海的美丽。 Whats more, they came to underst

13、and the delicate balance that the environment exists in and what can, and must, be done to protect the reef. 而且,人们还意识到环境存在于微妙的平衡之中,而且,人们还意识到环境存在于微妙的平衡之中,也知道了人类能够且必须采取什么行动来保护大也知道了人类能够且必须采取什么行动来保护大堡礁。堡礁。 That way, it will remain a safe habitat for wildlife, as well as a dream destination for the milli

14、ons of tourists who visit it each year. 只有如此,大堡礁才能继续作为野生动物的安全只有如此,大堡礁才能继续作为野生动物的安全栖息地以及每年数百万游客梦寐以求的旅游目的栖息地以及每年数百万游客梦寐以求的旅游目的地。地。 Step 1 Lead inActivity 1: Watch the video and answer the questions.1 Which natural heritage site is introduced in the video?Australias Great Barrier Reef.2 What kind of th

15、reat is it facing?The reef is threatened by human activities: industry along the coast pollutes its waters; illegal fishing is reducing the number of fish; climate change caused by human activities has many negative effects on the coral. Step 2 Reading-THE BEST JOB IN THE WORLDActivity 3: Choose the

16、 topic sentences for the paragraphs and write them on the lines to complete the passage.a. Located off the coast of North-east Australia, the Great Barrier Reef is the largest living thing on the planet.b. Whether it was a genuine job offer or an eye-catching marketing event isnt really important.c.

17、 This call for an island caretaker attracted interest from all over the world. d. Ben did a lot during his time as an island caretaker.a-3; b-6; c-2; d-5Reading comprehension1. If you live on the Great Barrier Reef, how can you report back your findings? A. via weekly blogs. B. via photos on compute

18、r. C. via telephone. D. via express company.2. How large is the Great Barrier Reef?A. Larger than little Japan.B. B. About the same as outer space.C. About 25 million square meters.D. Almost Japanese whole field.AD3. What did Ben mean by saying not as the best, but the busiest job in the world?A, He

19、 didnt love the job actually.B. He thought it too busy a job.C. He meant it is not a simple common job.D. He wanted to advertise for one to replace4. What is the most important thing that we can do for the Great Barrier Reef?A. To work and accommodate on the island.B. To make people know the beauty

20、there and protect it.C. To advertise to employ more and more employees.D. To give Ben more salary to make him adapt there.CB Step3.After reading 1.What are the requirements of the job? Explore the islands of the Reef and find out what the area has to offer. Report back via weekly blogs, photo diarie

21、s and video updates. Promote the islands through newspapers, magazines and TV interviews. 2.How is the theme of nurturing nature presented differently in the two reading passages of this unit? In the first reading passage the writer uses his own experience to describe the challenges of building the

22、railway and the solutions to these problems. In this way, he wants to tell us that we should protect nature while constructing and developing human society. In the second passage the writer explains the best job in the world, its requirements and its duty to raise the public awareness of the beauty

23、of nature, and to understand the delicate balance of nature. Both of the passages stress that human beings should protect our environment and live in harmony with nature. Language points 1.accommodation “住宿住宿,膳宿膳宿”, “和解和解,调和调和” More and more travellers are looking for bed and breakfast accommodation

24、s in private homes. 愈来愈多的旅行者在寻找提供住宿加早餐的民宿。愈来愈多的旅行者在寻找提供住宿加早餐的民宿。 They were forced to reach an accommodation with the rebels. 他们被迫与叛乱分子达成调解协议。他们被迫与叛乱分子达成调解协议。 【词汇拓展】【词汇拓展】 make accommodations for为为提供膳宿提供膳宿 accommodate vt.容纳容纳;提供提供膳宿膳宿;使适应使适应;调和调和,使使和解和解 accommodate oneself to.使自己适应使自己适应 accommodate.w

25、ith.向向提供提供 Are there enough shelves to accommodate all our books? 有足够的书架容纳我们所有的书吗有足够的书架容纳我们所有的书吗? We quickly accommodated ourselves to our new surroundings. 我们很快就适应了新环境。我们很快就适应了新环境。 2.in addition to为介词词组为介词词组,意为意为“除除之外之外,还还”,其中其中to为介词为介词,跟名词或者动词跟名词或者动词-ing 形式。形式。 Im going to town to see my teacher i

26、n addition to buying something. 我进城除了买些东西我进城除了买些东西,还要看望我的老师。还要看望我的老师。 【词汇拓展】【词汇拓展】 in addition另外另外;而且而且(=besides=moreover=whats more=furthermore) in addition to/besides除除以外以外,还还 except/except for/except that除了除了外外 apart from除了除了外外 Besides , I want you to promise me one thing. 此外此外,我要你答应我一件事。我要你答应我一件

27、事。 In addition to/Apart from a diet , she pursues various exercises on TV. 除了节食除了节食,她还随电视做各种运动。她还随电视做各种运动。 3.in favour of“赞同赞同,支持支持”, “有利于有利于” 。 Personally , I am in favor of the new policy. 就我个人来说就我个人来说,我是赞同这个新政策的。我是赞同这个新政策的。 And perhaps the judge would rule in favour of me. 或许法官会就此做出有利于我的裁决。或许法官会就

28、此做出有利于我的裁决。 4.become aware of “意识到意识到,察觉到察觉到”。 They become hardly aware of the uncertain effects of cloning humans. 他们几乎没有意识到克隆人类造成的不确定的影他们几乎没有意识到克隆人类造成的不确定的影响。响。 【词汇拓展】【词汇拓展】 get/be aware of意识到意识到;觉察到觉察到 make sb aware of使某人意识到使某人意识到 be aware that/wh-clause知道知道;意识到意识到 raise awareness of 提高提高意识意识 Im(

29、well)aware that very few jobs are available. 我我(很很)清楚工作职位非常少。清楚工作职位非常少。 The advertising campaign has raised awareness of the risk of infection. 这一宣传运动提高了人们对传染风险的意识。这一宣传运动提高了人们对传染风险的意识。1. highlight the importance of.2. be made up of3. be host to4. under threat5. in addition to6. in favour ofsummary1. 强调强调.的重要性的重要性2.由由.组成组成3. 是是.的所在地的所在地4. 处于危险中处于危险中5. 除除.外还有外还有.6. 支持,赞同支持,赞同


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