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1、AliceinwonAliceinwonderlandderland爱爱丽丝梦游仙丽丝梦游仙境境PPTPPT讲座讲座Background Alice in Wonderland is an 1865 novel written by English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. It tells of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiar, anth

2、ropomorphic creatures. Background The tale plays with logic, giving the story lasting popularity with adults as well as children. It is considered to be one of the best examples of the literary nonsense genre, and its narrative course and structure have been enormously influential, especially in the

3、 fantasy genre.BackgroundCreate?Charles Lutwidge Dodgson(查查尔斯尔斯路特维奇路特维奇道奇森道奇森), better known by his pen name, Lewis Carrollwas(刘易斯刘易斯卡罗尔卡罗尔)an English writer, mathematician, logician, Anglican deacon and photographer. AuthorHis most famous writings are Alices Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel

4、Through the Looking-Glass(姊妹作:爱丽丝姊妹作:爱丽丝镜中奇遇镜中奇遇).BUTBUTLet me tell you some uh-huh.It seems very boringIt can be a fact you did not know . . . 你所不知道的爱丽丝梦游仙境来吧一起愉悦地毁童年接下来有点题外话,我就切换为中文模式(懒翻译求勿拆) 关于道奇森还是一个摄影家,有必要详细交代。1856年,正是道奇森遇到礼铎一家的一年,受前辈和朋友的影响,他开始了新的艺术创作事业摄影,并很快为此赢得了名声。爱丽丝的原型即为礼铎家的二女儿起因Photo of Al

5、ice Liddell taken by Lewis Carroll (1858) 可以肯定的是,礼铎一家的女孩子们曾是道奇森的照片主角。尽管无实质证明,人们普遍认为爱丽丝便是其中最讨道奇森镜头喜爱的一个。元芳,What do you think?摄影家的绅士之路(雾) 道奇森与小女孩们亲密接触的喜好和习惯,还有他缺乏与成年女性发生浪漫关系的已知事实,加上后来不少对他作品(特別是他为全裸或半裸少女拍摄的照片)进行的心理学分析结论,无一不令人狐疑:道奇森是否是 疑问?Loli控lolita contral 由以上种种看來,道奇森与爱丽丝的关系更添一分扑朔迷离。甚多传记作者猜想道奇森与少女爱丽丝之

6、间有超越友谊的关系(be ro-mantically or sexually attached)。当然更多地解释倾向于,这只是一种“柏拉图式”的爱慕(a platonic fondness)。总结让我们整理下心情,回归正轨.(又要翻译了QAQ)Sales performance销量97AchievementThe entire print run sold out quickly. Alice was a publishing sensation, beloved by children and adults alike.Among its first avid readers were Qu

7、een Queen VictoriaVictoria and the young Oscar WildeOscar Wilde.The book has nevernever been out of printout of print. Alices in Wonderland has been translated into at least 97 languages.Therehave now been over a hundred editions of the book As well as countless adaptations in other media.Especially

8、 theatre and film. 你看的是啥?小说电影At the 83rd Academy Awards, Alice in Wonderland won for Best Art Direction and Best Costume Design.And was also nominated for Best Visual Effects. CharaCTersCharaCTers那些哥特式杀马特范的演员们 The Mad Hatter可以说“疯帽子”是这部影片中,造型最为哥特的一个角色,但是就这种造型还获得了奥斯卡最佳服装设计奖 =_= 或许是我审美有问题 !? A wacky ma

9、n and leader of the Mad Tea Party who dressed like a clown .He is full of courage and loyalty and support Alice all the time. Hs is acted by Johnny Deppthe Queen of Hearts其实在这部电影里面,红桃皇后其实是个头特别大,人特别丑,完全得不到老爸老妈优秀遗传的长女,天天忍受长得漂亮得尽人心的做作妹妹,得不到人爱的可怜姑娘 A stubborn,violent and cruel tyrant with a big head who

10、 enjoys beheading people and take her delight in others pain. She is acted by Helena Bonham Carter.她乖戾的性格下,其实就只是一个可爱傻女孩善良率直的心。 她统治了wonderland,也没有将她做作妹妹怎样。 她亲爱的美丽妹妹还是有座开满鲜花的美丽宫殿以及一群忠心的白色骑士。 OFF WITH HIS HEAD! La Reina Blanca许诺自己不杀生却鼓动别人杀生,绝对是作为正派印象的最大反感之处。最终她如愿了,红皇后和爵士等坏人被她发落荒部,永远不能回来。 She is a beaut

11、iful but ambitious queen. On the one hand , she is bright and kind ; on the other hand she encourage to kill people . She is acted by Anne Hathaway.Its a contradictory character. 白皇后其实是一个电影原创的角色,在原文故事中并没有白皇后这一存在。 The March Hare is always mad, and maybe slightly stupid and con-fused ever since the Ma

12、d Hatter did not have the chance to finish his performance at the Queen of Heartsconcert . 英国民间确实早有所谓“mad as a march hare”的说法。因为只有三月是兔子发情的季节,这个时候它们会忘记了自己的弱小而到处瞎跑。这种状态可以用来形容那些处于非常兴奋的状态,疯狂得完全无法预测其动态的人。 the March Hare Only difference is that the March Hare in March madness, and the hatter is crazy all

13、the year round.the Cheshire Cat A peculiar feline that always grins and turns invisible at will . The Cat is the closest friend Alice meets in Wonderland . But he will save friends in dangerous time 柴郡猫是一只能随时现身随时消失的短毛猫。它让爱丽丝在鼓起勇气斩杀巨龙时,念念有词。它总是带着平静、诱人的微笑来掩盖自己胆怯的个性。同时它的表情也很经典,经常微笑着飘来飘去,飘进飘出,是全片最搞笑的角色。

14、Cheshire Cat: What do you call yourself?the White Rabbit He is the first Wonderland Resident Alice meets.In the book and movie versions, the Rabbit wears a waistcoat where he pockets his watch.He is always in a hurry because he dont want be late .这只“穿马甲”的兔子虽然十分有名,但是在电影中却屡屡“打酱油”,除了指控“爱丽丝不是爱丽丝”外,没有任何发

15、挥的机会。 White Rabbit:Oh my ears and whiskers, how late its getting! AliceIn many movie versions of the book, Alice usually appears as a blonde girl, wear-ing a blue dress, white apron over top, stockings, and black Mary Jane shoes. Alice is the main character of the story. She is an English seven-year

16、-old girl with a good imagination, manners and behavior. Alice:Ive been accused of being Alice and of not being Alice, but this is my dream.PloT summary劇情 One day,Alice followed a strange rabbit, and fell into a deep rabbit hole where she found many doors. She found a key but can only unlock a small

17、 door. She could only look through the door for it is too low. A beautiful garden was in her eyes on the other side. Down the Rabbit Hole Then she drank something called “drink me”. Suddenly ,she turned smaller and can go into thatdoor. However,she couldnt get her key back. At that moment, she picke

18、d up a piece of cake named “eat me”. Superisedly,she became so taller that her head reached the ceilingthe Pool of Tears Alice couldnt stop crying. Finally ,the whole hall was full of her tears. After she got a special fan , she get smaller again!As a result, she had to swim in the water. On the way

19、, she met a mouse. But she always talked about her pet cat,the mouse was certainly annoyed.The Rabbit Sends a Little Bill The white rabbitappeared again. This time , he waslooking for duchess(公爵夫人)s fan andgloves. He asked Alice comeinto the room to getthem back. Alice followed him but eat a piece o

20、f biscuit and turn bigger again. Mr rabbit was shocked ,so he ask the gardener little Bill to find the lost thing through the chimney. Animals gathered outside the room and throw stones into Alice. Magically,stones was changed into cakes and with their help ,Alice got smaller. Alice saw a blue cater

21、pillar sitting on a mushroom. He asked Alice some questions,and Alice told him she was changing. Before he left ,he told Alice a secret that half the mushroom can make her shorter while the other part can make her taller.Advice from a Caterpillar Alice tried eating the mushroom. One side makes her s

22、hrink smaller than ever, while another causes her neck to grow high into the trees, where a pigeon mistakes her for a serpent. With some effort, Alice brings herself back to her normal height. She stumbles upon a small estate and uses the mushroom to reach a more appropriate height.Pig and Pepper Mr

23、 fish wanted to hand an invitation letter to the duchess,so he let Mr frog do it. Alice watched this and finally went intothe room by saying many unclear words to Mr frog. Because too much pepper powder was put into the soup,Alice,duchess and her baby kept seezing but the cook and the laughing Chesh

24、ire cat didnt. The baby thus blubbered which annoyed the duchess.At last,Alice took after the baby but suddenly the baby became a pig.A Mad Tea PartyCheshire cat appeared on the tree and point Alice to the home of March rabbit.Then,he left his smiling face but disappeared.Alice reached the home of M

25、arch rabbit where was held a mad tea party. The Dormouse just slept and slept .Others told Alice some riddles and anecdotes. The mad hat told that he was punished and his time was at 6 pm. forever. Alice thought she was insulted,and couldnt stand the endless stories,so she decide to leave . Before l

26、eaving,she said this was the most bring tea party she had met.The Queens Croquet Ground Leaving the party ,Alice walked into a garden . She came across three card servants who were playing cards. Then,more servants came in and the king and the queen came too.Also came the White rabbit. The queen was

27、 hard to be pleased and often shouted I want to chop off someones head !.The queen invited Alice to play croquet with them but the game resulted in a mess.Then Alice met the Cheshire cat again ,but the queen would like to kill him.However,the cat wasnt killed,for the butcher can only see his head.Be

28、cause the cat belongs to the duchess,the queen released the duchess and thought about chopping later.The Mock Turtles StoryTo meet Alices requirement ,the duchess was taken to the croquet ground .The duchess thought about everything around her.Later the queen of hearts gave up the thought to chop of

29、f the Cheshire cat and introduce Alice to the Gryphon . The Gryphon took Alice to the Mock Turtle . The Mock Turtle was very depressed though he didnt do anything sad. He said he was once a true turtle at school. However the Gryphon interrupt him so that they can play games together.Lobster Quadrill

30、eThe Mock Turtle and the Gryphondanced the Lobster Quadrille ,as Alice recited Tis the Voice of the Lobster.At last the Mock Turtle sang a song calledBeautiful Soupfor Alice when the sound of Judge beginscame from long distance .So Alice was taken to the court by the Gryphon. Alice reached the court

31、 ,where the Knave of Hearts was accused of stealing the pancake of the queen. The verdict of guilty consisted of a variety of animals including the Little Bill . During the judge ,Alice found she was bigger and bigger and she coundnt stop it.Who stole the tarts? The dormouse said Alice had no right

32、to become so big which made him breathe heavily . Alice retorted that everyone will grow up and the words of the dormouse was absurd . In the meanwhile the mad hat and duchess summoned to court . The white rabbit followed after them .Alices Evidence Alice was summoned to court but her big body knock

33、ed the verdict over .As a result ,the king and queen of Hearts quoted the 42th rule that the one taller than one mile must leave the court . Alice denied and refused to leave .Finally ,after a quarrel between the king and queen ,they decided to chop off Alice. Alice thought they were just cards and

34、didnt fear.All the cards flew to Alice .When Alice want to clear themout ,she wake up and found she was sleeping on her sisters leg. Perhaps Sweet dream is a blessingTHE END题材策划 蔡杰模板设计 施家桢美术背景 施家桢文字翻译 刘学舟 施家桢音乐效果 动画效果 施家桢文本审核 施家桢 蔡杰演讲人员 刘学舟 邓世煜 刘治昊 张彭 How many languages has the novel been translated till now ? Which character has got the Oscar Best Costume Award? What is the novels companion volume called ? What is the Alices classic line? Which character has been in the film ,not in the novel ?Question


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