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1、目录目录第一章 Language(语言).1第二章 Linguistics(语言学).6第三章 Phonetics(语音学).9第四章 Phonology(音系学).12第五章 Morphology(形态学).14第六章 Syntax(句法学).17第七章 Semantic(语义学). 20第十三章 Schools of Modern Linguistics(现代语言学流派). 221第一章第一章 Language(语言)(语言)一、单选题一、单选题1.Language is a( )in that elements of language are combined according to

2、rules. Every language contains a set ofrules.A. behaviorB. processC. systemD. structure2.Every language contains two systems: a system of( )and a system of meanings.A. wordsB. phrasesC. soundsD. voices3.There are two types of symbols can be identified:( )and auditory symbols.A. visualB. osphreticC.

3、fixedD. cultural4.Of the design features,( )refers to the phenomenon that the sounds in a language are meaningfully distinct.A. displacementB. discretenessC. arbitrarinessD. productivity5.The organization of language into two levels, one of sounds, the other of meaning. is known as( ).A. duality or

4、double articulationB. productivityC. cultural transmissionD. interchangeability6.( )means that any human being can be both a producer and a receiver of messages.A. ArbitratinessB. InterchangeabilityC. DiscretenessD. Productivity7.It is the( )function of language that allows people some measure of ge

5、tting control over events that occur intheir lives.A. representationalB. instrumentalC. regulatoryD. imaginative8.The( )function refers to the use of language to communicate knowledge about the world, to report events, tomake statements, to give accounts, to explain relationships, to relay messages

6、and so on.A. instrumentalB. representationalC. regulatoryD. heuristic9.Telling lies is an example of( )function of human language.A. instrumentalB. interactionalC. imaginativeD. representational10.The( )function refers to language used to express the individuals feelings,emotions and personality.A.

7、personalB. heuristicC. imaginativeD. regulatory11.The( )function refers to language used in order to acquire knowledge and understanding of the world.A. personalB. heuristicC. imaginativeD. regulatory自考押题考点串讲复习资料微信 3446472二二、填空题填空题12.In fact, the existence of homophones is a good illustration of _of

8、 language.13.Every symbol consists of two parts : a concrete _ and the meaning which it conveys.14.Language is _ because the primary medium for all languages is sound.15.No systems of animal _ can do things like human language such as making a request, promoting a saleor naming an object.16.Human la

9、nguages have such design features as productivity, _, displacement, arbitrariness, culturaltransmission, duality and interchangeability.17.In fact only human beings have a special capacity for learning _ that is not shared by other animals.18.There are seven initial functions of childrens language:

10、_ function, regulatory function, representationalfunction, interactional function, personal function, heuristic function and imaginative function.19.The _ function of a language refers to the fact that the language allows speakers to get things done.20.The term _communion introduced by the anthropol

11、ogist Bronislaw Malinowski refers to language usedfor establishing an atmosphere or maintaining social contact rather than for exchanging facts.21.The _function refers to language used to express the individuals feelings, emotions and personality.三三、判断、判断论述论述题(题(正确写正确写 T,错误写错误写 F,并改正并改正)22.According

12、 to Chomsky, langue refers to the system of a language.23.Cultural transmission refers to the ability that people have in making and comprehending indefinitely largequantities of sentences in their native language, including sentences they have never heard before.24.Interchangeability refers to the

13、fact that human language can be used to talk about things that are present or notpresent, real or not real, and about matters in the past, present or future, or in far-away places.325.The instrumental function of a language refers to the fact that the language allows speakers to get things done.四四、翻

14、译题翻译题26.displacement27.arbitrariness28.representational function29.interactional function30.personal function31.heuristic function答案&解析1.答案:C解析:语言是系统的。语言元素是按规则组合的,每种语言都包含一组规则。2.答案:C解析:每种语言都包含两个系统:一个声音系统和一个意义系统。3.答案:A解析:可以识别两种类型的符号:视觉符号和听觉符号。4.答案:B解析:本题考查语言的离散性特征。displacement:位移性;discreteness:离散性;arb


16、function 自指性功能:语言用来表达个人感情,展示个性。11.答案:B解析:启发功能是指为了获得知识和理解世界而使用的语言。12.答案:arbitrariness解析:本题考查语言任意性的特点。语言的任意性指的是语言符号和符号所代表的事物之间没有内在的或逻辑上的联系。事实上,同音异义词的存在是语言任意性的一个很好的例证。比如 sea 和 see 的发音相同,但意义却不同。13.答案:form解析:本题考查语言符号的构成。一个语言符号由两部分组成:一个具体的形式和它所表达的意思。14.答案:vocal解析:本题考查语言的定义。语言是有声的,因为所有语言的主要媒介都是声音。vocal:有声的


18、功能。519.答案:instrumental解析:语言的工具功能是指语言允许说话人完成某事的事实。20.答案:phatic解析:人类学家布罗尼斯拉夫马利诺夫斯基提出的“交际性谈话”一词是指用来建立氛围或维持社会联系的语言,而不是用来交换事实的语言。21.答案:personal解析:自指性功能是指用来表达个人感情、情感和个性的语言。22.答案:F改正:According to Saussure, langue refers to the system of a language.解析:Saussure 提出,langue 指的是语言的系统。23.答案:F改正:Productivity refer

19、s to the ability that people have in making and comprehending indefinitely large quantitiesof sentences in their native language, including sentences they have never heard before.解析:能产性指的是人们在造句和理解大量本族语方面的能力,包括未听过的句子。24.答案:F改正:Displacement refers to the fact that human language can be used to talk ab

20、out things that are present or notpresent, real or not real, and about matters in the past, present or future, or in far-away places.解析:位移性指的是人类语言可以用来谈论现在或非现在、真实或非真实的事情,以及过去、现在或未来,或在遥远的地方的事情。25.答案:T26.答案:位移性27.答案:任意性28.答案:表现功能29.答案:互动功能30.答案:自指性功能631.答案:启发功能第第二二章章 Linguistics(语言学)(语言学)一、单选题一、单选题32.(

21、 )is the science that deals with the sound system.A. PhoncticsB. MorphologyC. PhonologyD. Semantics33.According to Chomsky,( )is the speaker-heaters knowledge of his language.A. competenceB. langueC. paroleD. performance34.( )linguistics describes linguistic features in term of structures and system

22、s.A. AbstractB. BilingualC. StructuralistD. Descriptivism35.( )language can be equally communicative even when they do not accompany language.A. BodyB. ForeignC. AbstractD. Vocal36.( )is the father of modern linguistics.A. SaussureB. ChomskyC. LyonsD. Wang Gang37.A( )study of a language is concerned

23、 with the historical development of the language over a long period oftime.A. synchronicB. diachronicC. syntagmaticD. paradigmatic二二、填空题填空题38.Studying something scientifically means investigating something _ and objectively.39.Traditional grammar was based upon earlier grammar of _ or Greek.40.Gener

24、ally children learn to _ much earlier than they learn to read and write.41.Functionally, the _ form is more often used than the written form.42._ refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community.43._ refers to the concrete act of speaking in actual situation b

25、y an individual speaker.44.A _ relation refers to the sequential characteristic of speech.7三三、判断、判断论述论述题(题(正确写正确写 T,错误写错误写 F,并改正并改正)45.Competence is more concrete than performance.四四、翻译题翻译题46.linguistic competence47.performance48.non-verbal communication49.syntagmatic relation50.paradigmatic relatio

26、n51.diachronic52.synchronic五五、简答题简答题53. What are the differences between competence and performance?答案&解析32.答案:C解析:本题考查音系学的含义。Phonctics:语音学;Morphology:形态学;Phonology:音系学;Semantics:语义学。音系学是研究声音系统的科学。它主要研究的是一种特定的语言语音系统,旨在揭示一种语言的语音如何形成模式,以及如何被用来在语言交际中表达意思。33.答案:A解析:语言能力是一个人对所有语言规则系统的知识。例:the speaker-hea

27、ters knowledge of his language 演讲者的语言知识。34.答案:C解析:结构主义语言学从结构和系统的角度描述语言特征。835.答案:A解析:肢体语言即使没有语言也同样可以交际。36.答案:A解析:索绪尔是“现代语言学之父”。37.答案:B解析:历时性研究关注的是语言经过一定时间阶段所发生的历史变化。38.答案:systematically解析:科学地研究某事意味着系统地、客观地研究事物。39.答案:Latin解析:传统语法以拉丁语或希腊语的早期语法为基础。40.答案:speak解析:一般来说,孩子们学会说话要比他们学会读和写早得多。41.答案:spoken解析:从功

28、能上讲,口语形式比书面形式更常用。42.答案:Langue解析:Langue(语言)指的是由一个言语社区的所有成员共享的抽象语言系统。43.答案:Parole解析:Parole(言语)指个体讲话者在实际情况下说话的具体行为。44.答案:syntagmatic解析:syntagmatic relation(横组合关系)指的是语言的序列特点。45.答案:错误改正:Performance is more concrete than competence.语言运用比语言能力更具体。46.答案:语言能力47.答案:语言运用48.答案:非言语交际949.答案:横组合关系50.答案:纵聚合关系51.答案:历

29、时的52.答案:共时的53.答案:Competence is ones knowledge of all the linguistic regulation systems. And Performance is the use oflanguage in concrete situation.第三章第三章 Phonetics(语音学语音学)一、单选题一、单选题54.The study of how speech organs produce speech sounds is called( )phonetics.A. auditoryB. articulatoryC. visualD. ac

30、oustic55.Phonetics has three sub-branches.( )phonetics is concerned with how a sound isproduced by the vocal organs.A. ArticulatoryB. AcousticC. AuditoryD. Visual56.Dentals are sounds( ).A. produced by both lipsB. produced by the contact between the upper teeth and the lower lipC. made with the tip

31、of the tongue behind the upper front teeth or with the tongue tip between the upper andlower teethD. articulated by raising the tip or the blade of the tongue to the alveolar ridge二二、填空题填空题57.The study of how speech organs produce speech sounds is called _ phonetics.58._ phonetics deals with how a s

32、ound is transmitted from the speakers mouth to the listeners ears.59.The vocal tract is made up of two parts: oral cavity and _ cavity.60.Bilabials are consonants for which the flow of air is stopped or restricted by the two _.1061.In the production of sounds like f, v, , , s, z, , , h, the airstrea

33、m is not completely stopped but is obstructedfrom flowing freely. The passage is so narrow that the air causes friction. Such sounds are called _.62.Stops can be divided into _ (oral stops) and nasals (nasal stops).三三、判断、判断论述论述题(题(正确写正确写 T,错误写错误写 F,并改正并改正)63.Acoustic phonetics is concerned with how

34、a sound is produced by the vocal organs.64.Alveolars are consonants brought about by bringing the bottom lip to the upper teeth.四四、翻译题翻译题65.articulatory phonetics五五、语音题语音题66.(1) a voiced alveo-palatal affricate(2)a nasal high front lax vowel(3)a voiceless dental fricative(4)a bilabial nasal答案&解析54.答

35、案:B解析:本题考查语音学的分支。rticulatory phoneticsThe study of how speech organs produce(产生) speech sounds(发音器官产生声音的研究)acoustic phoneticsthe study of the physical properties and of the transmission(传输)of speech sounds(声音的传播的研究)auditory phoneticsthe study of the way hearers perceive(意识到)these sounds(听者接收声音的研究)结合

36、题干中的 produce,可以确定选 B。55.答案:A解析:本题考查发音语音学的含义。语音学有三个研究分支:acoustic phonetics(声学语音学);auditoryphonetics(听觉语音学);articulatory phonetics(发音语音学)。其中发音语音学研究的是语音器官如何产生声音。1156.答案:C解析:本题考查齿音的发音方法。齿音(dental)指的是舌尖在上门牙后面或舌尖在上下牙齿之间发出的声音。故选 C。57.答案:articulatory解析:本题考查发音语音学的含义。发音语音学指的是对语音器官如何产生语音的研究。articulatory:发音的。58

37、.答案:Acoustic解析: Acoustic phonetics deals with how a sound is transmitted from the speakers mouth to the listeners ears.声学语音学研究声音是如何从说话者的口中传入听话者的耳朵中的。59.答案:nasal解析:发音系统由口腔和鼻腔两部分组成。60.答案:lips解析:双唇音是指用双唇来阻止或限制空气流动的辅音。61.答案:fricatives解析:在f v s z h 这些音产生时,气流不是完全被阻止,而是被阻止自由流动。通道太窄,空气会引起摩擦,这样的音被称为摩擦音。62.答案

38、:plosives解析:爆破音可分为塞音(plosives)和鼻音(nasals)。63.答案:FArticulatory phonetics is concerned with how a sound is produced by the vocal organs.解析:发音语音学研究语音器官如何产生声音。64.答案:FLabiodentals are consonants brought about by bringing the bottom lip to the upper teeth.解析:唇齿音是由下嘴唇和上齿产生的。65.答案:发音语音学66.(1) d12(2) i (3) (

39、4) m第四章第四章 Phonology(音系学音系学)一、单选题一、单选题67.English( )studies the abstract aspects :the functions of sounds and the sound combination patterns.A. phoneticsB. phonologyC. pragmaticsD. semantics68.In phonology,( )are the realizations of a particular phoneme.A. allomorphsB. allophonesC. phonesD. morphs69.

40、A phoneme is defined as( ).A. a minimal meaningful unit in the grammatical system of a languageB. a minimal distinctive unit in the grammatical system of a languageC. a minimal distinctive unit in the sound system of a languageD. a minimal meaningful unit in the lexical system of a language70.When t

41、wo sounds can appear in the same environment and the substitution of one for the other does not causeany change in meaning, then they are said to be in( ).A. complementary distributionB. contrastive distributionC. contradictory distributionD. free variation71.On the sub-branches of linguistics,( )st

42、udies the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words areformed.A. syntaxB. semanticsC. phonologyD. morphology72.The rules which determine how morphemes are combined into new words are called( )rules.A. semanticB. syntacticC. morphologicalD. phonological二二、填空题填空题73.Both phonetics and p

43、honology are concerned with _.74.Technically, in a _pair, the two forms are different in meaning.75.If two phonetically similar sounds are in complementary distribution, then they are said to be two _of13the same phoneme.三三、判断论述题判断论述题(正确写正确写 T,错误写错误写 F,并改正并改正)76.If two or more sounds never appear in

44、 the same environment, then they are said to be in contrastive distribution.77.English is an intonation language.答案&解析67.答案:B解析:英语音位学研究是抽象的方面:声音的功能和声音的组合方式。68.答案:B解析:本题主要考查下列各词的定义。(一一对应记忆)allophones(音位变体)the realizations of a particular phoneme(特定音位的实现)phones(音子)the realizations of phonemes in gener

45、al(一般音位的实现)allomorphs(语素变体) the realizations of a particular morpheme(特定语素的实现)morphs(语子)the realizations of morphemes in general and are the actual forms used to realize morphemes(语素的一般实现形式,是语素实现的实际形式)结合题干可以确定选 B。69.答案:C解析:本题考查音位的含义。音位被定义为在语言的发音系统中最小的具有甄别性特征的单位。70.答案:D解析: free variation (自由变体) 当两个声音

46、可以出现在同一个环境中, 并且用一个代替另一个不会 (doesnot cause)引起任何意义上的变化时,那么它们是自由变化的。contrastive distribution(对立分布)当两个声音可以出现在同一个环境中,并且用一个代替另一个就会(bring about)引起任何意义上的变化时,那么它们是自由变化的。complementary distribution(互补分布)当两个语言成分(辅音、元音、词素等)不能(never)在同一个环境中出现,即处于互补分布。C 选项为干扰项。结合题干可以确定选 A。71.答案:D解析:本题考查形态学的含义。syntax:句法学;semantics:语

47、义学;phonology:音系学;morphology:形态学。形态学是语言学的一个分支,主要研究的是词的内部结构以及构词规则。1472.答案:C解析:决定语素如何组合成新词的规则称为形态学规则。73.答案:speech解析:语音学和音韵学都与口语有关。74.答案:minimal解析:从学术上讲,在最小对立体中,这两种形式在意义上是不同的。75.答案:allophones解析:如果两个语音相似的声音是互补分布的,那么它们就是两个同音素的同音异形词。76.答案:F改正:Two or more sounds can occur in the same environment and the sub

48、stitution of one sound for another bringsabout a change of meaning, they are said to be in contrastive distribution.解析:对立分布指的是两个或更多的声音可能发生在同一个环境中,一个声音代替另一个声音会导致意义的改变。77.答案:T第五章第五章 Morphology(形态学形态学)一、单选题一、单选题78.The affixes which interrupt roots ( i.e. appear within roots ) are called( ).A. prefixesB

49、. infixesC. suffixesD. inflectional affixes79.The( )is the most important part of a word that carries the principal meaning.A. free morphemeB. bound morphemeC. rootD. affix80.If we are going to attach a derivational affix, we will call the form a( ).A. rootB. stemC. baseD. langue81.In morphology,( )

50、are the realizations of a particular morpheme.A. allomorphsB. phonesC. morphsD. allophones82.By( )morph, we refer to a morph which has meaning but no form.15A. oneB. zeroC. emptyD. final83.Of the word-formation processes,( )refers to a process of word-formation in which two or more freemorphemes are


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