Unit 1 It's all about ME! 语法填空及课文词汇 -(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册.docx

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Unit 1 It's all about ME! 语法填空及课文词汇 -(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册.docx_第1页
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Unit 1 It's all about ME! 语法填空及课文词汇 -(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册.docx_第2页
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Unit 1 It's all about ME! 语法填空及课文词汇 -(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册.docx_第3页
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Unit 1 It's all about ME! 语法填空及课文词汇 -(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册.docx_第5页
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1、 Its all about ME!“Me”. Its 1. _small word with big meaning, and that meaning is as individual to each of us as the way we look. Through interviews, I was able to discover 2. _“me” means to other people, and how they have learnt to appreciate the 3. _(beautiful) in themselves.Psychologist, Dr HartJa

2、de, 24, accounting manager4._a song in Ugly Betty puts it, “Its a pretty persons world”. I understand this more than most, 5._I have always been plain-looking. Im a girl 6._would love to look good. Well, who wouldnt? So, ever since I discovered selfie apps 7._could move my freckles, 8._(large )my ey

3、es and ever slim my jawline, I have become9._(addict) . I spend hours every day 10._(edit) my selfies, 11._(post) them and eagerly 12._(check) my phone a hundred times for comments. Each “like” boosts my confidence. Dad thinks I am a narcissist, but 13._I say is 14._my pictures arent hurting anyone,

4、 so who cares?Dr Hart says:15._( Obsess )online photo editing indicates 16._lack of self-confidence and a desire 17._attention. However, the image Jade presents to obtain the praise of others 18._(be) false. People who pretend 19._(be) someone 20._they are not tend to misjudge themselves.Anthony, 21

5、, college studentI never really cared about my 21._(appear). Thats 22._I could never understand my sister,23. _has 17 lipsticks and cant decide 24._one to use every morning. I only used 25._(have) five identical pairs of trousers and five identical shirts. When I first moved into my dormitory at col

6、lege, this made my roommates quite 26._(confuse) as they saw me in the same clothes day after day. Last month they 27._(register) me for a TV programme, A New You. It felt bizarre at first. I didnt like 28._(review) from head to toe. But I was surprised at 29._good I looked after the makeover! 30._t

7、he first time in my life I saw myself 31._a handsome and well-presented young man. At that moment, I perceived that external beauty isnt 32._(total) worthless. It can be an expression of our personalities, 33._(help) us make a good and positive impression 34._others.Dr Hart says:Its true 35._ inner

8、beauty is very important, but external beauty shouldnt be completely overlooked. It plays 36._part in the image we present to the world, and 37._(make) an effort with your appearance can leave a positive first impression on others and boost your 38. _(confident).Emma, 17, senior high school studentE

9、ver since I was little, Ive been 39. _(large) than other girls. For a long time, this 40._(real) bothered me. People would stare 41._me because I was “big” and I hated the way42._ I looked. My anxiety 43._(drive) me to try every means possible 44._(lose) weight, 45._(include) dieting and weight-loss

10、 pills, 46._this brought me nothing, but pain and poor health. Everything changed 47._one day I came across the success story of a plus-size model, Tess Holliday. 48._shes larger than most other models, shes really 49._(attract) and has the confidence to be herselfeven in 50._industry full of beauty

11、 stereotypes. Her story changed my ideas about 51._it means to be beautiful. I realised that my health, mental and physical, is the most important thing. Now I exercise a couple of times a week but just 52._(keep) fit. I mean, isnt it better that Im large and happy, instead of 53._(skin) and unhealt

12、hy?Dr Hart says:I completely agree with Emma54._(be) healthy is beautiful, and we should wear that beauty with confidence. 55._I really admire is the way she has acknowledged that good health not only makes us 56._( beautiful), but happier, too!参考答案:1.a 2.what 3. beauty 4. as 5.As 6.who 7. that 8. e

13、nlarge 9.addicted 10.editing 11. posting 12. Checking13. what 14. that 15. Obsessive 16. a 17.for 18. is 19.to be 20.who / 21. Appearance 22. why 23. who 24. which 25.to have 26.confused 27.registered 28.being reviewed 29.how 30.For 31.as 32.totally 33.helping 34.on 35.that 36.a 37.making 38.confide

14、nce 39.larger 40.really 41.at 42.that /in which / 43.drove 44.to lose 45.including 46.but 47.when 48.Although 49.attractive 50.an 51.what 52.to keep 53.skinny 54.being 55.What 56. more beautiful 重点词汇:individual /ndvdul/adj. 单独的,个别的;个人的;独特的,与众不同的interview /ntrvju/v. 面试,面谈;采访,访问discover /dskvr/v. 发现,找

15、到;了解到,发觉,查明Ugly /li/ adj. 丑陋的,难看的plain /plen/adj.朴素的;相貌平平的,普通的,显而易见的直截了当的,坦率的; freckle /frekl/n. 雀斑;斑点enlarge /nlrd/v. 扩大,增大,放大slim adj. 苗条的,纤细的;单薄的jawline /dlan/n. 下巴的外形;下颌的轮廓addicted /dktd/adj. (吸毒)成瘾的,上瘾的;入迷的,着迷的edit /edt/v. 编辑,校订;编选;剪辑post /post/n.职位;岗位,帖子,在线留言板上的信息; eagerly /irli/adv. 急切地;渴望地;热

16、心地comment /kment/n. 评论,意见;批评,指责boost /bust/v. 使增长,推动confidence /knfdns/n. 自信,信心;信任narcissist /nrssst/n. 自我陶醉者obsess /bses/v. 使着迷,使心神不宁;挂牵,念念不忘indicate /ndket/v. 表明,标示desire /dzar/n. 愿望,欲望,渴望image /md/n. 形象,印象;影像,映像,图像present /preznt/adj. (人)在场的,出席的;(事物)存在的;现在的,目前的; n. 现在,眼前;礼物,赠品; obtain /bten/v. (尤

17、指通过艰难的过程)得到,获得praise /prez/v. (尤指公开地)赞美,表扬;(用语言或音乐)赞美(上帝)false /fls/adj. 错误的,不真实的;伪造的pretend /prtend/v. 伪装,假装tend to /tend tu/趋向;注意;易于;有的倾向misjudge /msdd/vi. 判断错appearance /prns/n. 露面,演出;出庭lipstick /lpstk/n. 口红,唇膏identical /adentkl/adj. 完全相同的;同一的dormitory /drmtri/n. 集体宿舍confuse /knfjuz/v. 使糊涂,使迷惑reg

18、ister /redstr/v. 登记,注册;bizarre /bzr/adj. 奇异的,古怪的review /rvju/n. 审查,检查;评论,评论文章;回顾 v. 仔细研究,审视;给(书、戏剧、电影等)写评论;回顾,反思toe /to/n. (人的)脚趾makeover /mekovr/ n. 翻新;改善;打扮转变well-presented表现出色的,完美呈现的perceive /prsiv/vt. 认为,理解;察觉,注意到;意识到external /kstrnl/adj. 外部的,外面的;对外的totally /totli/adv. 完全地,整个地expression /kspren/

19、n. 表达,表示;表情,神情personality /prsnlti/ n. 个性,性格completely /kmplitli/ adv. 完全地,彻底地overlook /ovrlk/v. 忽视,忽略boost your confidence增加你的信心bother /br/v. 费心;(使)烦恼stare at 凝视,盯住anxiety /zati/n. 焦虑,忧虑means /minz/n. 方法,手段;财富,金钱lose weight v. 减肥;体重减轻pill /pl/n. 药片,药丸come across v. 偶遇;无意中发现;讲得清楚明白;给人印象plus-size n. 加大码model /mdl/n. 模型;模式stereotype /steritap/n. 模式化的思想,老一套;公式化人物mental /mentl/adj. 存在于大脑中的,思考的;精神的,思想的,智力的physical /fzkl/adj. 身体的,肉体的keep fit /kip ft/保持(身体)健康instead of代替;而不是skin /skn/n. 皮,皮肤;兽皮,皮毛admire /dmar/v. 钦佩,仰慕acknowledge /knld/v. 承认;认可 7 / 7


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