Unit 5 -Unit 6 课文语法填空 课文原句翻译-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册.docx

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Unit 5 -Unit 6 课文语法填空 课文原句翻译-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册.docx_第1页
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1、外研版选择性必修第三册unit5+unit6课文语法填空+课文原句翻译unit5.After reading the passage,please fill in the following blanks.We are so accustomed to the beauty of nature that we cant realise how much 1._(inspire) it has given us.For instance,its natural to think an open flower 2._(resemble) an umbrella but actually,it is

2、 the flower 3._inspires the umbrella.Nature has inspired many of the most fascinating designs around us,those in architecture included.People 4._ interest is exploring the relationship 5._art and museum will enjoy Singapores ArtScience Museum.It 6._(shape) to resemble a lotus flower whose floor coll

3、ects rainwater and then recycles it through the plumbing system.7._(watch) a nature documentary in which termites were constructing 8._(they) nests inspired Zimbabwean architect Mick Pearce to create the Eastgate Centre.The building uses 9._(little) energy and costs less to run.In Hamburg,the Algae

4、Houses surface is covered in panels containing algae,which capture heat from the sun and provide energy to power the building.Thus,the building not only uses less energy but also reduces damage to the environment.10 _(live) in harmony with nature,we had better learn from the nature and even the simp

5、lest organisms can help us.1.inspiration 2. resembles 3. that 4. whose 5. between 6. is shaped 7. Watching 8. their 9. less 10. To live.请快速背诵下列课文原句1.事实上,我们对它们如此习以为常,以至于我们可能会认为它们是理所当然的,而没有意识到它们给了我们多少灵感。_2.太阳能电池板还可以吸收太阳的热量,并将其转化为建筑所需的能量。_3.这座建筑的设计是为了展示自然和它所处的现代城市环境之间的联系。_4.津巴布韦建筑师米克皮尔斯在观看白蚁筑巢纪录片时受到启发,

6、创作了这个中心。_5.这种被称为仿生的方法,研究和模仿自然界的设计和过程,以寻求人类问题的解决方案。_6.另一种生物模拟是从动物的能力中获得灵感。_7.在海豚的启发下,人们学会了如何在水下发送信号,目前已应用于海啸预警系统。_8.405年,他辞官而去,用现在著名的一句话来表达他的不满,那就是他不会“像仆人那样为五斗米而折腰”。_9.虽然陶渊明回归自然是对他所反对的生活方式的一种反应,而梭罗的归隐则是改变他生活方式的个人决定。_10.我们应该和它们和谐相处,享受大自然的恩赐,正如他在日记中所描述的那样。_1In fact,we are so used to them that we may ta

7、ke them for granted without realising how much inspiration they have given us.2The panels also capture heat from the sun and convert it into energy that powers the building.3The building was designed to show the connection between nature and the modern city environment in which it sits.4Zimbabwean a

8、rchitect Mick Pearce was inspired to create the Centre while watching a nature documentary in which termites were constructing their nests.5This approach,called biomimicry,studies and imitates natures designs and processes to seek solutions to human problems.6Another type of biomimicry is taking ins

9、piration from the abilities of animals.7Inspired by dolphins,people have learnt how to send signals underwater,which is currently employed in tsunami early-warning systems.8In 405,he quit the service of the court for good,expressing his unhappiness in the now famous line that he would not “bow like

10、a servant in return for five dou of grain”9While Taos return to nature was a reaction to a lifestyle he was opposed to,Thoreaus was a personal decision to transform the way he lived.10.We should live with them in harmony and enjoy natures gifts, as he describes in his journals.unit6.After reading th

11、e passage,please fill in the following blanks.Last night it snowed and it was the first fall of snow people 1._(see) that winter.Priestley found the children 2._(look) through the windows at the snow fall excitedly.However,last year he was abroad sweating in a hot climate during the 3._(snow) season

12、.The first snow fall was not only 4._ event but a magical event.People went to bed in one kind of world and woke up to find 5._(they) in another.This morning,when Priestley got up,the light 6. _came through the windows made everything very strange.The diningroom window 7._(transform) into a lovely J

13、apanese print.An hour or two later,he looked out of the window and found the whole world 8_(change) again.It was as if the kindly countryside had been turned into a cruel grassland.Then the world had changed again.The snow was falling so 9._(heavy) that you could hardly see across the shallow valley

14、.From his study,Priestley could see the children flattening their noses 10._ the window and recalled a rhyme in his childhood.1.had seen 2. looking 3. snowy 4. an 5. themselves6. that 7. had been transformed 8. .changed 9. heavily 10. against.请快速背诵下列课文原句1即使冒着在这位公正而机智的评论家看来是另一位伍德豪斯先生的风险,我也必须坚持认为,昨晚这里


16、的工作影响公共政策,但她仍然决心坚持她的研究。_9她的书不仅改变了世界;半个世纪后,它仍然是一本值得今天重读的书,这样我们就可以再次感受到它热情的信息之火给我们带来的温暖。_10卡森敦促人们让自己了解事实,并对这种情况采取行动。_1.Even at the risk of appearing to this fair and witty reviewer as another Mr Woodhouse,I must insist that last nights fall of snow here was an event.2.I was nearly as excited about it

17、this morning as the children,whom I found all looking through the window at the magic outside and talking away as excitedly as if Christmas had suddenly come round again.3.The little plum tree outside,with the faintly flushed snow lining its branches and artfully disposed along its trunk,stood in fu

18、ll sunlight.4.At any moment,it seemed,a body of horsemen might be seen breaking out from the black trees,so many weapons might be heard and some distant spot of snow be reddened.5.The glare has gone and no touch of the disturbing remains.6.By recalling his memories as a child during the first snow,t

19、he author expresses his longing for the innocent happiness of childhood.7.By imagining a world without birds,she aimed to alert not only the scientific community but also the general public to the damaging effects of human activity on natural ecosystemsin particular,to the harmful use of pesticides,

20、 such as DDT.8.These were attempts to damage Carsons reputation and stop her work from influencing public policy,but she remained determined to stand by her research.9.Her book not only changed the world;half a century later it remains a book that deserves to be reread today,so that we can once again feel ourselves warm to the fire of its passionate message.10.Carson urged people to make themselves aware of the facts and do something about the situation.


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