Unit 4 Breaking boundaries my 100 days 词汇ppt课件(含视频)-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第二册.rar

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Unit 4Breaking boundariesUnderstanding ideas-My 100 Days With MSFExpressions新标准(英语)高中选择性必修第二册外研版2019选必2 Unit 4 Breaking boundaries Understanding ideas 词组1. independent non-profit organization2.medical care3. a lack of access to health care4. top priority5. in the most serious and immediate danger1. 独立非盈利机构2. 医疗护理3. 缺乏获得医疗护理的机会4. 优先的事5. 处于最严重最迫切的危险之中外研版2019选必2 Unit 4 Breaking boundaries Understanding ideas 词组 6.150 countries and regions7.it is vital to.8.take chances9. health care workers10. put ones life at risk11.national boundaries12.be involved in.6.150 个国际和地区7.重要的是8.心存侥幸9.医护人员10. 冒着生命危险11. 国界12. 参与外研版2019选必2 Unit 4 Breaking boundaries Understanding ideas 词组13.specialist in infectious diseases14.daily routine15.treatment clinic16.involve in combating disease17.public health official18.educate people on preventing infection13. 传染病专家14. 日常工作15. 治疗所16. 参与抗击治疗17. 公共卫生管理官员18. 给人进行预防传染培训外研版2019选必2 Unit 4 Breaking boundaries Understanding ideas 词组19. Ebola outbreaks20. feel a sense of pride21. be infected with22. visit the ward23. against all odds24. make a full recovery19. 埃博拉病毒爆发20. 感到骄傲21. 感染上. 、被传染22. 探望病房23. 历经千险24. 完全康复外研版2019选必2 Unit 4 Breaking boundaries Understanding ideas 词组25. compensate for.26. create a powerful bond between.27. join together in a common sense28. not to mention29. step into ones shoes30. a global community with a shared future of peace and prosperity25. 弥补.26. 缔造亲密关系27. 共同事业聚在一起28. 更别说29. 继任30. 一个共享和平繁荣未来的“地球村”外研版2019选必2 Unit 4 Breaking boundaries Understanding ideas 词组The endThe endThe endThe end外研版2019选必2 Unit 4 Breaking boundaries Understanding ideas 词组
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