Unit 6 Survival Using language 同步检测练-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第二册.docx

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1、Unit 6 SurvivalUsing language一、短语填空be determined to;respond to;cope with;prevent from;be crowded with;react to 1.With the help of my teacher,I felt confident of my spoken English and I take part in the Speech Contest.2.Though I was tired out that evening,I falling asleep by the great pain in my knee

2、.3.The report found that youngsters felt their friendships could be at risk if they social media posts quickly.4.We wonder how he the news at that time.5.The stadium fans,many of whom were wearing the same T-shirts.6.His bad learning strategy made him unable the problems.二、完成句子1. _, he takes a book

3、with him. 他不管去哪里, 都随身带一本书。2. You can come _. 你方便的时候随时都可以过来。3. _, we will go on with our research. 无论我们遇到什么困难, 我们都将继续我们的研究。4. _(每当我回家晚了的时候), Grandma always leaves a light on for me. 5. _(不管你的问题有多严重), you should gather your courage to face the challenge. 三、阅读理解The United States Space Agency, NASA, say

4、s its Mars exploration vehicle recently recorded a high level of methane (甲烷) gas on the planet. The discovery is exciting because the presence of methane gas could support the case for life on Mars. NASAs Curiosity vehicle recently recorded the largest level of methane ever measured during its seve

5、n-year Mars mission. Methane has no color or smell. A special instrument on Curiositys Man Science Laboratory recorded the increased gas level. The device measures levels of chemical elements and gases in the Marian atmosphere. In addition to methane, the instrument can record levels of water and ca

6、rbon dioxide. Nearly all the methane gas found in Earths atmosphere is produced by living things. It usually comes from animal and plant life. But it can also be formed by geological(地质的) processes, such as interactions between rocks and water. It was not the first time Curiosity had found methane g

7、as in the Martian atmosphere. About a year ago, NASA announced that Curiosity had discovered sharp seasonal increases in the gas. This time, NASA said the measured methane gas level was clearly larger than any others observed in the past. “Its exciting because microbial (微生物的) life is an important s

8、ource of methane on Earth, ” NASA said in a statement announcing the discovery. However, Curiositys team carried out a follow-up methane experiment that showed a sharp drop in levels of the gas. That number was “close to the background levels Curiosity sees all the time. ” NASA said. The rise and fa

9、ll of the methane gas levels left NASA scientists with more questions than answers. “The methane mystery continues, ” said Ashwin VasavadaCuriositys project scientist, “Were more motivated than ever to keep measuring and put our brains together to figure out how methane behaves in the Martian atmosp

10、here. ”1. What do we know about methane go? A. It is a must to living things. B. It can be found everywhere. C. It smells like carbon dioxide. D. Its mainly from biological activity. 2. What do the explorations on Mans tell us? A. Humans have known much about Mars. B. There will be more methane gas

11、on Mars. C. There is no progress in the 7 years research. D. The level of methane gas on Mars is not stable. 3. What does the discovery mean in NASAs view? A. There may exist life on Mars. B. Methane gas on Mars has a sudden increase. C. The mystery about Mars will be solved soon. D. Theyre known ho

12、w methane as is formed on Mars. 4. How do the NASAs scientists feel about their future exploration? A. Aimless. B. Confident. C. Stressed. D. Serious. 四、七选五Pollution happens when the environment is dirtied,by waste,chemicals,and other harmful substances (物质).Pollution is a problem all over the world

13、.But it is especially bad in large cities with a lot of industries and cars.1Wildfires,volcanoes,and industrial chemicals cause some air pollution.But most air pollution comes from burning fossil fuels(矿物燃料).These include coal,oil,and natural gas.The burning of fossil fuels may release harmful gases

14、.Air pollution may cause such diseases as cancer and asthma.It also leads to polluted rain that can harm living things.2 Finally,air pollution damages the ozone layer(臭氧层),which is important because it protects Earth against harmful rays from the sun.Causes of water pollution are easy to see.People

15、dump (倾倒) garbage and dirty water into rivers,lakes and oceans.Factories or cities sometimes release poisonous chemicals,and other wastes into water.These chemicals may make the groundwater unfit to drink.3Littering,or throwing garbage on the ground,is a form of land pollution.Litter can destroy the

16、 habitats of plants and animals.The buildup of dangerous chemicals in the ground is another form of land pollution.The chemicals may come from farms or factories.4 They may even harm people who eat the polluted plants and animals.Many governments,environmental groups,and ordinary people are working

17、to control pollution.Governments have passed laws to keep people from releasing dangerous chemicals into the environment.5 Instead they are getting power from the sun,wind,water,and other energy sources that produce less pollution.Many communities use recycling to reduce pollution.A.Farmers use chem

18、icals to help crops grow.B.This type of pollution may be seen in big cities.C.They also can harm fish and other forms of life.D.These chemicals can spread to plants and animals.E.In addition,air pollution may be a cause of global warming.F.There are three main forms of pollution:air,water,and land.G

19、.Some companies and people are trying to use fewer fossil fuels.一、短语填空1.was determined to2.was prevented from3.did not respond to4.reacted to5.was crowded with6.to cope with二、完成句子1.Wherever/No matter where he goes2.whenever/no matter when it is convenient for you3.Whatever difficulties we meet4.When

20、ever I get home late5.However serious a problem you may have三、阅读理解1.D。推理判断题。根据第四段可知地球大气中几乎所有的甲烷气体都是由生物产生的。它通常来自动物和植物。由此可知, 甲烷主要来自生物活动。故选D。2.D。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段最后一句可知, 甲烷气体浓度的上升和下降给NASA的科学家们留下了更多的问题而不是答案。由此可知, 人类的探索告诉了我们“火星上的甲烷气体水平是不稳定的。”故选D。3.A。推理判断题。根据第五段中后半部分可知, 这一次, 美国宇航局表示, 测量到的甲烷气体浓度明显比以往任何一次测量到的都要

21、高。NASA在宣布这一发现的声明中说: “这很令人兴奋, 因为微生物是地球上甲烷的重要来源。”由此可知, 在NASA看来, 这一发现意味着“火星上可能存在生命。”故选A。4.B。推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句可知, “我们比以往任何时候都更有动力去继续探测, 并集中智慧, 以弄清楚甲烷在火星大气中的行为。”由此可知, 美国宇航局的科学家们对他们未来的探索是“自信的”。故选B。四、七选五1.F由第二至四段分别对air pollution,water pollution和land pollution的介绍可知,画线处指污染主要有三种形式:空气污染、水污染和土地污染。2.E由该空前的“Air po

22、llution may cause such diseases”和“It also leads to polluted rain”以及该空后的“Finally,air pollution damages the ozone layer”可知,画线处讲的也是大气污染的影响,E项内容“此外,空气污染也可能是全球变暖的原因”符合此处语境。3.C本段主要讲述水污染的原因及影响,由该空前的“These chemicals may make the groundwater unfit to drink.”可知,C项内容“这些化学物质还会危害鱼和其他生物”符合语境。4.D由该空前对污染土地的化学物质的描述以及该空后的“They may even harm people who eat the polluted plants and animals.”可知,这些化学物质会蔓延到植物和动物身上,甚至会危害人类。5.G本段主要讲述控制污染的措施,由该空后的“Instead they are getting power from the sun.”可知,G项内容“一些公司以及有些人正在努力减少矿物燃料的使用”符合此处语境。第12页(共12页)


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