Unit 5 A Delicate World Developing ideas 课后检测练-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第二册.docx

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1、Unit 5 delicate worldDeveloping ideas一、翻译句子1.和我们竞争者的产品比较起来,我们的产品质量更好,价格更低。(compare with)2.我想我之所以长寿而且精力充沛,要归功于我的健康生活。(due to)3.多亏你不断地鼓励,我在学习上取得了显著的进步。(thanks to)4.我昨天是在博物馆遇到汤姆的。(强调句)5.如果可能的话, 您能帮我个忙吗?(省略句)二、阅读理解Birds in eastern North America are picking up the pace along their yearly migratory(迁移的) p

2、aths.The reason,according to researchers,is rising temperatures due to climate change.Using migration information collected in eBird,a citizen science program database containing 10 years worth of observations from amateur birdwatchers,assistant professor of biology Allen Hurlbert,Ph.D.,and his team

3、 analysed when 18 different species of birds arrived at various points across their migration journeys.“Pushing migration earlier in the year could negatively affect birds over the long term,”Hurlbert said.“Timing of bird migration is something critical for the overall health of bird species,” he sa

4、id.“They have to time it right so they can balance arriving on breeding(繁殖) grounds after theres no longer a risk of severe winter conditions.If they get it wrong,they may die or may not produce as many young.”According to Hurlbert,the speed at which a species migrates is the biggest influence on ho

5、w strongly it responds to increasing temperatures.Slow migrators are the most adaptable to changes.Additionally,the length of the migration path affects how quickly birds move from one location to another.“It makes sense that if you take your time to move north,youre sort of checking out the surroun

6、dings around you,” he said.“If the conditions seem too cold,you can decide theres no point in moving on that day.Species that tended to advance quickly,as well as those migrating from greater distances,such as Central or South America,were less able to adapt to temperature changes.”However,being a s

7、low traveller does not free a species from all climate change-induced migration challenges.Because they stay in one spot longer,such birds have heavier habitat and food requirements,making them more dependent upon the resources that are available along their paths.That reliance could become a greate

8、r problem if climate projections for the next 50 years to 75 years hold true,Hurlbert said.Climatologists predict the Northeast will continue to warm at a faster pace than the Southeast,potentially forcing slow migrators to move even slower and put greater difficulty on their migratory routes.1.The

9、rising temperatures led to .A.the speed-up of birds migrationB.the weakness of the birds physical healthC.the birds less demand for foodD.the variation of breeding grounds2.According to Hurlbert,wrong timing of bird migration can lead to .A.a risk of wrong migration pathsB.change in life habitsC.a l

10、ack of natural resourcesD.decrease in bird population3.What is the most important factor in adapting to climate change for birds?A.The cycle of migration.B.Migration speed.C.Their local habitat.D.The temperature along the migratory path.4.What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?A.Climatologis

11、ts prediction.B.Climate changes bad effects.C.Challenges of slow migrators migration.D.Changes of birds migratory routes.三、阅读七选五California will be the first state to ban the sale and manufacture of new fur products. 1 It will go into effect on 1 January 2023.Californias fur law was one of several bi

12、lls designed to prevent cruelty to animals.“California is a leader when it comes to animal protection and today that leadership includes banning the sale of fur,” said Governor Newsom in a news report.“ 2 We are making a statement to the world that beautiful wild animals like bears and tigers have n

13、o place on trapeze (高空秋千) wires or jumping through flames.” 3 More than a dozen European countries, including the United Kingdom, Austria, Norway and the Netherlands have also passed laws to limit the fur trade. 4 “The signing of the ban shows the point that todays customers simply dont want wild an

14、imals to suffer extreme pain and fear while keeping up with the fashion,” said Kitty Block, president and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States and president of Humane Society International.Not everyone, however, was pleased with the ban.Banning the killing of animals for their fur means ki

15、lling the fur business, says Hyatt, an owner of a fur store. 5 Many retailers are also ending fur sales.In midOctober, Macys (Americans department store) announced it will stop fur from all its stores by the end of 2020.The stores will also close all fur vaults and salons.Other fashion brands such a

16、s Prada, Gucci, Michael Kors and Burberry have taken similar steps in recent years.ABut we are doing more than that.BCalifornia is taking the lead in protecting animals.CSimilar laws have been carried out globally already.DAnd that in turn will leave many people unemployed.ETwo other California citi

17、es had already banned fur sales.FNot surprisingly, the ban is welcomed by animal rights activists.GThe ban applies to clothing, shoes, handbags and other things that contain fur.四、应用文写作假定你是李华,你校绿社 (the Green Club) 将向附近农场社区发出“Say No to Chemical Fertilizers”的倡议,请你以社长的名义用英语写一封倡议书,主要内容包括:1简述倡议内容;2阐明倡议理由

18、;3号召大家响应。注意:1.词数80左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear ladies and gentlemen, The Green Club一、翻译句子1.Our products are of higher quality and lower prices when compared with those of our competitors.2.I think my long and active life must be due to the healthy life I live.3.Thanks to your constant en

19、couragement,I have made/been making remarkable progress in my studies.4.It was in the museum that I met Tom yesterday.5.If possible,could you please do me a favour?二、阅读理解1.A 细节理解题。根据文章第一段可知,气温上升会导致鸟类迁徙速度加快。结合选项,故选A项。2.D 细节理解题。根据文章第三段中“If they get it wrong,they may die or may not produce as many youn

20、g.”可知,赫尔伯特说不正确的鸟类迁徙时间会导致鸟的数量减少。结合选项,故选D项。3.B 细节理解题。根据文章第四段中“Hurlbert said,the speed at which a species migrates is the biggest influence on how strongly it responds to increasing temperatures.”可知,鸟类适应气候变化过程中最重要的因素是迁徙速度。结合选项,故选B项。4.C 段落大意题。根据文章第六段中“ However,being a slow traveller does not free a spec

21、ies from all climate change-induced migration challenges.”可知,文章最后一段主要讲的是鸟类迁徙速度减慢所带来的挑战。故选C项。三、阅读七选五1G结合空前句可知,加州将是第一个禁止销售和生产新毛皮产品的州。因此,接下来讲述的是这个禁令适用于哪些产品。G项(该禁令适用于服装、鞋子、手提包和其他含有毛皮的物品)符合文意。2A根据上文可知,加州在动物保护方面所做的措施增加了禁止销售毛皮的细节;根据空后句可知,像熊和老虎这样珍贵的野生动物,不应该出现在空中飞人的钢丝上,也不应该在火焰中跳跃。因此,本空论述的是在单纯的禁止销售毛皮措施外,加州也向全

22、世界宣告保护野生动物的重要性。A项(但我们做的远不止这些)符合文意。3C结合空后句可知,十多个欧洲国家,包括英国、奥地利、挪威和荷兰,也通过了限制毛皮贸易的法律。因此,本空内容是讲述除了加州之外,还有其他国家也通过了类似的法律。C项(类似的法律已经在全球范围内实施)符合文意。4F根据空后表示转折的句子Not everyone, however, was pleased with the ban.可知,本句应讲述的人们对于这个禁令的赞同。F项(毫不奇怪,这项禁令受到动物权利保护者的欢迎)和空处后的细节形成呼应。5D结合空前句可知,禁止猎杀动物获取毛皮意味着扼杀毛皮生意。作为顺承关系,本句理应讲到

23、的是扼杀皮毛生意之后的其他结果。D项(这反过来会导致很多人失业)符合文意。四、应用文写作Dear ladies and gentlemen,Are you passionate about our farm community? Then wed love you to join the team of Say No to Chemical Fertilizers.That way youll help raise peoples awareness of environmental protection.By motivating people not to use chemical fer

24、tilizers, you can create greener farm communities, which will benefit future generations.You dont need to buy expensive equipment, just turning chemical fertilizers into green fertilizers.To create a more beautiful and livable community, on behalf of the Green Club, we sincerely appeal to you for your involvements.The Green Club第12页(共12页)


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