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1、新外研(2019年)高中英语选择性必修第二册课文及参考译文Unit1 Growing upUnderstanding Idea-The Age of Majority The Age of Majority In most countries, turning 18 marks the start of adulthood. But what does reaching this milestone, the age of majority, really mean? Will you be completely in charge of your own life and able to e

2、xpress yourself in new and exciting ways? What new responsibilities will this freedom bring? Here, three young people tell us what turning 18 means, or meant, to them.Bethany 16, Victoria, AustraliaI cant wait to be 18. One reason is that although Ive been working ever since leaving school, I wont b

3、e voting in the next general election. Why? Because I still wont be old enough Surely, if youre old enough to earn a wage and pay taxes, you should be allowed to have a say on how the government spends them! Ive also been taking driving lessons, and in fact I will be taking my driving test on the ve

4、ry day I turn 18. My mum worries about me being behind the wheel. As an ambulance driver, shes seen a lot of car accidents involving teenagers and thinks the legal age for getting a driving licence should be 21. But I think Im already mature enough understand that driving a car also means taking res

5、ponsibility for my life and the lives of other peopleLin Ning 19. Shanghai China I celebrated my 18th birthday just before I went to university. I expected to feel instantly different, as if I had closed the door on my childhood and stepped into a whole new adult world. But it wasnt like that. When

6、I woke up the next day, there were still rules to obey and lessons to attend. In fact. the change has been more subtle and gradual than I imagined. Instead of being the selfish teenager I used to be, I have begun to feel more aware of other people and to develop a stronger sense of social responsibi

7、lity. To give an example, I will be signing an organ donation agreement this time tomorrow. This was a big decision for me and I made it without asking my parents (although I knew they would approve). Turning 18 also changed the way that society viewed me. I was really surprised when a bank contacte

8、d me with a credit card offer. Of course. I would like to have more freedom with money and no doubt I will be getting a credit card at some point, but I currently dont have a stead income, so getting a credit card might tempt me to spend more money than I haveMorgan 20, Florida, the USPeople say tha

9、t 18 marks a new chapter in our lives, and that we should become more independent. I used to believe this, but the reality for me has been very different. I assumed Id already have a well-paid job and that Id be moving into a rented apartment as soon as I turned 18, but how wrong I was My librarians

10、 salary means that Ill be living at home with my parents for a while longer. Because I contribute to the household bills and my commute to work is quite expensive, I find it hard to save any money. Ill be starting a new job next month, however, so maybe things will get easier. I know I could get a b

11、ank loan to pay the deposit on my very own apartment, but I dont feel ready to make that kind of commitment, and I do like my moms cooking I guess some responsibilities are more about attitude than age.成年在大多数国家,进入18岁便意味着成年。但是到达成年这里程碑到底意味着什么呢?你将完全主宰自己的生活吗?你能够用新奇的、激动人心的方式来表达自己吗?获得这种自由又会带来什么新的责任呢?接下来,有



14、所以现在办理的话可能会让我透支!摩根20岁,美国佛罗里达州人们都说18岁意味着翻开人生的新篇章,我们应该变得更独立。我曾经也这样认为,但是事实并非如此。我以为我到18岁就能有一份新水不错的工作,能搬进自己租的公寓,我是多么异想天开呀!作为一个图书管理员,我的工资只够我继续长时间和父母住在一起。因为我要分担家庭账单,而且我的通勤费用很高,所以我发现攒钱非常困难。下个月我会开始一份新工作,也许情况能有所好转。我知道我可以通过货款来支付购买自己公寓的订金,但我还无法向银行做出这种重大的承诺,而且我真的很喜欢吃妈妈做的饭。我觉得要想负起一些责任,更多的是关乎态度,而不是年龄。The Little Pr

15、inceOnce when I was six years old I saw a magnificent picture in a book, called True Stories from Nature, about the primeval forest.It was a picture of a boa constrictor In the act of swallowing an animal. Here is a copy of the drawing.In the book it said: Boa constrictors swallow their prey whole,w

16、ithout chewing it. After that they are not able to move, and they sleep through the six months that they need for digestionI pondered deeply,then,over the adventures of the jungle. And after some work with a colored pencil I succeeded in making m first drawing. My Drawing Number One. It looked like

17、this: I showed my masterpiece to the grown-ups, and asked them whether the drawing frightened them. But they answered: Frighten? Why should anyone be frightened by a hat?” My drawing was not a picture of a hat. It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant. But since the grown-ups were

18、 not able to understand it, I made another drawing: I drew the inside of the boa constrictor, so that the grown-ups could see it clearly. They always need to have things explained. My Drawing Number Two looked like this. The grown-ups response, this time, was to advise me to lay aside my drawings of

19、 boa constrictors. whether from the inside or the outside, and devote myself instead to geography, history arithmetic and grammar. That is why, at the age of six, I gave up what might have been a magnificent career as a painter. I had been disheartened by the failure of my Drawing Number One and my

20、Drawing Number Two. Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them.So then I chose another profession, and learned to pilot airplanes I have flown a little over all parts of the world: and it is true that geograph

21、y has been very useful to me. At a glance I can distinguish China from Arizona. If one gets lost in the night, such knowledge is valuableIn the course of this life, I have had a great many encounters with a great many people who have been concerned with matters of consequence. I have lived a great d

22、eal among grown-ups .I have seen them intimately, close at hand. And that hasnt much improved my opinion of them. Whenever I met one of them who seemed to me at all clear-sighted, I tried the experiment of showing him my Drawing Number One, which I have always kept. I would try to find out, so, if t

23、his was a person of true understanding. But, whoever it was, he, or she, would always say:Then I would never talk to that person about boa constrictors, or primeval forests, or stars. I would bring myself down to his level I would talk to him about bridge, and golf, and politics and neckties. And th

24、e grown-up would be greatly pleased to have met such a sensible man (Excerpt from The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery)小王子我六岁的时候在一本书里看到了一张非常震撼的图。书的名字是大自然的真实故事,讲的是原始森林。那张图片上有一条蟒蛇正在吞掉一只动物。这是那张图的摹本:书上写着:“蟒蛇把猎物整个吞下,完全不咀嚼。吞下以后蟒蛇就动不了了。消化食物需要六个月,因此蟒蛇就睡六个月。那个时候,我深深地思考着原始丛林里的奇遇。我用一支彩色铅笔,成功画出了我的第一幅画作

25、。我的“一号画作”是这样的: 我把我的杰作给大人看,问他们有没有被我的画吓到。但他们回答:“吓到?为什么有人会被一顶帽子吓到?我画的不是帽子,而是一条正在消化一头大象的蟒蛇。但由于大人们没有看懂,我又画了一幅:我画出了蟒蛇身体的内部,这样大人就能看清楚了。所有事情都非要你跟他们解释清楚,他们才能懂。我的“二号画作”是这样的。这次,大人的回答是建议我把不管是蟒蛇内部还是外部的画都放到一边,然后转而专心学习地理、历史、算术和语法。所以,六岁的时候,我放弃了可能会十分辉煌的画家职业道路。“一号画作”和二号画作”的失败使我心灰意冷。大人从来没法自己弄慬任何事情,小孩永远要给他们解释是很辛苦的。所以后来


27、是会说: 那是顶帽子。节选自安托万德圣埃克苏佩里的小王子Unit 2 Improving yourselfUnderstanding ideas-Social Media DetoxSocial Media DetoxModeratorToday marks the last day of the Social Media Detox, Brenton Highs fundraising campaign for new sports equipment. At the start of the detox, over 100 students had been persuaded to st

28、op using social media, in ANY form, for seven days. This meant no messaging friends, no posting photos, no blogging-nothing. They had been promised money by family and friends for each day spent without using social media. They were nervous. But could they do it?With the detox finished, theyve switc

29、hed on their devices and theyre back online. I bet youre as eager as I am to find out just how many have been motivated enough to last the full seven days! And what, if anything, have been learnt from the experience?Anna 17I lasted two days. The detox was more difficult to tolerate than I had expect

30、ed. I felt like I had lost an arm! Not eating for two days would have been easier! But on reflection, I can see how much of my time had been occupied with checking my phone. Im now trying to spend less time online and more time picking up my hobbies.Devon 16I lasted four days. On Monday, our classma

31、te and I spoke about what we did at the weekendit felt strange not to already know what he had done. We would have posted pictures and updated our profiles. Doing the detox meant we had to talk and explain what we were ding and thinking! It made me realise the value of real contact that I hand forgo

32、tten.Cindy 18I managed the whole week! At first, I really felt I was missing out. Then,instead of messaging my friend, I went around to her house. Without our phones, we had a proper conversation for over two hours. Without being distracted by messages from other people, it felt so good! Then i deci

33、ded to visit a different friend every day. By the fifth day, I wonderedwas I really missing out by not constantly checking my phone to see what everyone else was up to?Gorge 16I did all seven days, too! To be honest, I didnt find the detox too difficult, but I did give my phone to my father to avoid

34、 giving in! My brother thought I should make full use of the time without my phone; so he took me to check out our local sports centre. An hours sport each day left me tired out and sent me early to bed. The detox made me healthier!Max 17Im embarrassed to say that I threw in the towel on the first d

35、ay! I knew there was a party happening that evening, but without access to social media I couldnt remember where it was! In the end, I turn on my phone to check, but couldnt resist having a quick look at my social media accounts. Whats worse, I then spent so much time catching up on news, I almost m

36、issed the party.Moderator The detox raised a total of $1,632.82 for new school sports equipment! Well done,everyone who took part! After reading the posts on this forum, it seems that something rather than money has also been raised through the detox. Awareness of just how much we rely on social med

37、ia can help us step away from it and communicate with each other better.社交媒体排毒主持人主持人:布伦顿高中为给购置新的体育设备筹款,举办了一项名为“社交媒体脱瘾”的活动。今天是活动的最后一天。脱瘾活动初期,我们成功说服100多名学生连续七天不得使用任何形式的社交媒体。这就意味着他们在这段时间内不能给朋友发短信,不能上传照片,不能发博客,与社交媒.体相关的任何形式的活动都不行。脱离社交媒体的每-天,他们都能收到来自家人和朋友的奖励金。对此,他们很兴奋,也很紧张。但他们真的能做到吗?如今,脱瘾活动已结束,他们纷纷开启电子设备

38、,重返网络。相信你和我一样,迫切想知道多少人有足够的动力坚持了整整七天!而他们,又从此次经历中学到了什么?安娜17 我坚持了两天。社交媒体脱瘾比我预期的更加难以忍受。没了社交媒体,就像缺少-只胳膊一般。让我饿两天可能还更轻松些!但一番反思后,我也意识到平日花在看手机上的时间太多了。现在,我正试图减少上网时间,把更多精力用于重拾自己的爱好。戴文16 我坚持了四天。周一,我和同学讨论了周末各自的活动我并不知道他都做了些什么,这感觉太奇怪了。因为平时我们都会上传照片,更新各自的动态。参与这次脱瘾活动,意味着我们不得不互相交流并向对方解释自己的所做所想。这也让我意识到已经遗忘了的真正沟通的重要性。辛迪

39、18 我坚持了整整一周!最初,我真的感觉自己错过了无数消息。但我忍住没给朋友发消息,而是直接去了她家。没有手机的我们,好好地聊了两个多小时,没有被其他人的消息干扰,这感觉真棒!接下来我决定每天去见一位不同的朋友。到第五天时我在想,当我不再忙于查看手机关注他人生活的时候,我真的错过了很多吗?乔治16 我也坚持了整整七天!说实话,我觉得社交媒体脱瘾没那么难,但为了让自己不要半途而废,我还是把手机上交给爸爸了。哥哥觉得我应该充分规划好没有手机的日子,因此他带我去了我们当地的体育中心。每天一小时的运动让人筋疲力尽,想早点上床休息。脱瘾活动让我更健康了!马克斯17 我都不好意思说自己第-天就打了退堂鼓。

40、脱瘾活动开始的当晚有个聚会,但如果不靠社交媒体的话,我怎么也想不起地点在哪儿!最后我还是打开手机查看了一下,结果没忍住,偷看了一眼我的社交媒体账户。更糟的是,我花了大把时间刷新动态,差点错过了本该要去的聚会!主持人 此次脱瘾活动总共为学校募集了1,632.82英镑,用于购置新的体育设备!每位参与者都做得很棒!看了论坛上的各个帖子,这次活动对人们的影响似乎远远不止通过活动筹集到的钱。脱瘾活动还让我们意识到自己对社交媒体的依赖程度,从而帮助我们摆脱它的束缚,更好地互相沟通。Developing ideas- Valuable valuesValuable ValuesThe spending po

41、wer of young people varies from person to person. Each, however, is faced with the same question: what to do with the money? Some handle this less well than others. Recent headlines have seen more and more teens maxing out their parents credit cards on games and other online activities.In contrast t

42、o these big spenders, there are also teens that prove age is no barrier to making good use of money. With the help of her grandfather, eight-year-old Khloe Thompson started making “Kare Bags” for the homeless people in her district. Inside the bags are necessities such as toothpaste, soap and socks,

43、bought first with her pocket money and then through crowd funding. These items helped to make the lives of the poor and homeless people a little bit easier. On receiving a Kare bag, one woman said, “You make me feel like a human being.”However people intend to use their money, managing it seems to b

44、e unprecedentedly important to younger generations. A 2016 study said 17 states of the US require high school students to take course in personal finance. For those who have no access to courses, help might be at hand thanks to Jerry Witkovsky and his method of using four jars to teach teenagers how

45、 to spend their money wisely.When Jerrys grandchildren turned 13, his present to each of them were three jars: one for spending, one for saving, and another for givinghe has since added a fourth jar for investing. It was from then on that his grandchildren started to be in control of what to do with

46、 the money they receive: spend, save, invest, or give? Jerrys birthday present to his grandparents is, however, much more than money and a few jarshe is giving them an opportunity to learn lifelong values. The value taught with the Spending jar is that you are responsible for your own happiness. Mon

47、ey gives you independence and the opportunity to buy something you like. After all, its OK to be nice to yourself!While spending jar is about here and now, the saving jar gives you a vision for future. This could involve saving for university, but it could also mean saving for that special something

48、 youve seen in the stores its up to you.The Investing jar not only represents a vision for the the future, but gives the opportunity to build for the future. Although this could likewise involve putting aside money for your university education, it also means investing in yourself.The Giving jar is all about kindness and helping. Whether you want to help out a friend, give money to an animal charity or to children in another country, its your money to give to whatever cause you believe in. The wider aim of the jars is to encourag


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