Unit 4 核心考点分层训练 -(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第二册.doc

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1、Unit 4核心考点分层训练【分层训练】l Assist单句语法填空Two men are assisting the police their enquiries.We will assist you in (find) somewhere to live.Bill assisted his friend Mike (establish) a new company.China will continue to increase its (assist) to Africa in both quantity and quality.完成语段The shop rushed out of the

2、 shop to the old lady her luggage.With his the old lady crossed the road.(assist)l Division单句语法填空A novel can be divided chapters.All expenses are to be equally divided you and me.l Engaged单句语法填空At present Im engaged the revision of my dictionary.Phili got engaged the girl when travelling last winter

3、.l Harmony单句语法填空I have a dream that human could live in harmony the beautiful nature.The colors of your coat, hat and muffler should (harmony)l In ones+整十复数单句语法填空When he moved to Germany in the 1930s, he was already in his (sixty)When John began to restore the house in 1960s, nothing had been touche

4、d for 40 years.l Infectious单句语法填空When I needed (infect) the nursing bottles, I would come here to use the microwave oven.Ear (infect) are common in preschool children.l Influential单句语法填空No job has more influence the future of the world.His parents no longer have any real influence him.l Mention单句语法填

5、空Nobody mentioned anything me about it.The statement made no mention government casualties.He didnt mention (take) sleeping pills regularly.l Rewarding单句语法填空He was given a medal a reward for his service.His effort was rewarded remarkable success.She started singing to the baby and (reward) with a sm

6、ile.l Risk短语单句语法填空Which team is more willing to take (risk)?He got wellprepared for the job interview, for he couldnt risk (lose) such a good chance.He was determined to do it even at the risk of (laugh) at.l Specialist单句语法填空We specialize creating beautiful, delicious, and truly unique cakes.I think

7、 weve entered an age of (special)l Vital单句语法填空The quick recognition of disease is vital effective treatment.It is vital that we (keep) informed of all developments.It is without doubt that the development of science and technology is of vital (important) to human advancement.l It is the first/second

8、 time从句单句语法填空You have now finished your first sprint, so its time (start) on the next one.Its time that we (take) action and do our bits for the AIDS patients.l 不定式作表语单句语法填空The only thing I can do now is (go) on by myself.He appears (catch) cold.【综合考察】l 单句语法填空1Despite his cries, no one came to his (

9、assist)2We waited three months before going back to see the (special)3Measles is an (infection) disease.4Her (devote) to the job left her with very little free time.5Erics sister had (noble) volunteered to help with the gardening.6Im the most powerful and (influence) person in the world!7Did she mak

10、e any mention of (see) me?8People catch all kinds of (infection) in winter.9In the university you can specialize the humanities or the natural sciences.10As a parent, it is vital that you (teach) your child the value of money.11Your salary expectations should be (reality)12Their (harmony) relationsh

11、ip resulted in part from their similar goals.13We offer you a challenging and (reward) career.14Modern enterprises have a fine (divide) of labour.15Our first task was (create) a new administrative system.16This is the first time that I (feel) really relaxed for months.17He called and called but no o

12、ne came to his (assist)18Your offer is tempting, but I cant risk (lose) my job to do it.19He does not seem to be an old man in his (eighty), considering his appearance.20He is devoted to (educate) the younger generation, and content to be, so to speak, a rung of the human ladder.l 选词填空A:not to menti

13、on;devotion;priority;tackle;vital;boundary;ward;at risk;disinfect;statistics1According to official the disease killed over 500 people.2We met almost all the students there, the teacher.3If they have the virus they are putting patients 4The fence marks the between my property and hers.5We always had

14、to the vegetables in boiling water first.6His to his wife and family is touching.7The governments is to build more power plants.8The government is determined to inflation.9Reading is of importance in language learning.10The hospital has a medical B:civilian;mounted;cast;realistic;influential;altoget

15、her;minority;liberty;joint;nobly1The train went slower and slower until it stopped 2We have to be about our chances of winning.3She is one of the most figures in local politics.4He firmly believes is inseparable from social justice.5He has her as an ambitious lawyer in his latest movie.6He the platf

16、orm and addressed the crowd.7Only a small of students are interested in politics these days.8She and Frank had never gotten around to opening a account.9The population were suffering greatly at the hands of the security forces.10She did my work as well as hers while I was ill.C:at risk;assist.with;d

17、evotion to;not to mention;in his 50s1Nevertheless, he showed great affection and his master.2He has two big houses in this country, his villa in France.3When Marx was already he found it important to study the situation in Russia.4These tools can then you problem resolution.5Their lack of training c

18、ould put members of the public l 语篇语法填空When I saw the tragic scenes on the news, I felt it was my duty 1. (go) there and offer my help.I knew I was putting my life at risk.There are no borders for doctors, patients and anyone 2. (involve) in combating Ebola.My mission was to relieve Emma, 3. talked

19、me through the daily routine and introduced my 4. (colleague)I was the only Chinese doctor among them.I felt a growing sense of 5. (proud), working with persons I met.Although the 6. (die) rate is high, we never gave up on a patient.When a family of six were sent to the clinic, we knew there was lit

20、tle hope for the brothers, but we did everything we could 7. (save) them.We were 8. (amaze) to see both boys were still alive.This unexpected success compensated for many other less 9. (fortune) cases.The tireless work will go on.It is 10. (absolute) essential for us to collaborate to create a globa

21、l community with a shared future of peace and prosperity.参考答案:【分层训练】in/withfindingto establishassistanceassistantassistwithassistance, intobetweenwithtowithharmonize sixtiesthedisinfectinfectionsonoverto oftakingaswithwas rewardedriskslosingbeing laughed inspecializationforshould be keptimportanceto

22、 startshould take/took(to) goto have caught【综合考察】l 单句语法填空assistancespecialist infectiousdevotionnoblyinfluentialhaving seeninfectionsinshould teachrealisticharmoniousrewardingdivisionto createhave feltassistancelosingeightieseducatingl 选词填空A:statisticsnot to mentionat riskboundarydisinfectdevotionprioritytacklevitalwardB:altogetherrealisticinfluentiallibertycastmountedminorityjointciviliannoblyC:devotion tonot to mentionin his 50s, Assist withat riskl 语篇语法填空to goinvolvedwhocolleaguespridedeathto saveamazedfortunateabsolutely


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