Unit 1 people of achievement reading and thinking ppt课件-(2019)新人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、A person of successA person of value/greatness / achievement In 2020, the whole China is fighting against the novel coronavirus. Thanks to many great scientists, like Zhong Nanshan and Li Lanjuan, we make great success. They set a very good example for us Chinese to learn from. What other great scie

2、ntists do you know? Who is the woman in the photo? What is happening in this photo? The discovery of artemisinin and its treatment of malaria is regarded as a breakthrough of tropical medicine in the 20th century. For her work, Tu received the 2011 Lasker Award in clinical medicine and the 2015 Nobe

3、l Prize for Physiology or Medicine.Her name is taken from the Book Of Songs(诗经)(诗经)Tu Youyou won Nobel Prize for the discovery of Artemisinin(青青蒿蒿素素).Tu Youyou Tu Youyou,bornin1930inNingbo,hasbeenapharmacologistattheChinaAcademyofChineseMedicineSciencesince1965,engaging inresearchofthecombinationofT

4、CMandWM. TCM:traditionalChinesemedicine WM:westernmedicineEducation1951-1955: Beijing Medical College (now Peking University Health Science Centre)Working Experiences:1955-present: China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences(中国中医研究院)(中国中医研究院)Title: Tenured & Chief Researcher ( 终身兼首席研究员终身兼首席研究员)The Med

5、al of the Republic213offermanyopinion?talkaboutfeelings?mostlycontainfacts?active voice ? passive voice? both?What does the passage mainly talk about? It mainly talks about Tu Youyous _ and her way to _which saves lots of people worldwide.Fast readingachievementfind out artemisininTry to divide the

6、passage into three parts and then use your own words to sum up .Readthetextquickly,thenfinishthetwotasks.Part 1Part 2Part 3. (para.1)(para.2-para.3)(para.4)Over 200 million people get malaria each year worldwide; About 600,000 die from malaria each year.Artemisinin has saved hundreds of thousands of

7、 lives(100,000 lives in Africa aloe); Artemisinin has improved health for millions of lives; What do these numbers suggest?The.ofmalariaonpeopleThe.ofmalariaonpeopleharmful impact great healing effectWhat kind of effect does these numbers create in a news report? making the writing convincing and ac

8、curate making the writing reader-friendlyRead part 1 carefully and find out the sentences containing numbers.crucialvitalCareful reading Para 2 and Para 3 Find descriptive words about Tu Youyou. Finding out descriptive wordswill help you form a better impression of the subject described in the mitte

9、d patient A. It serves as the introduction of the discovery of artemisinin B. It serves as the background of the discovery of artemisinin C. It serves as the illustration of the discovery of artemisinin D. It serves as the conclusion of the discovery of artemisininA.To prove the old medical text is

10、popularB.To attract readers attention to Tu Youyous teamC. To show the efforts that Tu Youyous team have madeD. To demonstrate carrying out the research is rewardingHowwastheresearchledbyTuYouyoudifferentfromthepreviousone? They decided to review ancient Chinese medical texts to find traditional bot

11、anical treatments for malaria. wisdom from ancestorsHowwasartemisinindiscovered?Whatdoestheverbsinredimply? The process of discovering artemisinin was a repetition of , which tells us the road to scientific discovery is yet in the end.failurefailurefrustratingfrustratingworthwhileworthwhileWhatwasth

12、ekeytogettingagoodextractfromthewormwood?By time and processtemperatureHowareparagraph2and3developed?HowdidTuYouyoureacttoherwinningtheNobelPrize?Howdoyouunderstandwhatshesaid? “Thehonourisnotjustmine.Thereisateambehindme,andallthepeopleofmycountry.ThissuccessprovesthegreatvalueoftraditionalChinesem

13、edicine.ItisindeedanhonourforChinasscientificresearchandChinesemedicinetobespreadaroundtheworld.” 1. _ and _ plays a crucial role in the discovery.2. The success proves the great value of _.Readpara.4Team efforts the support of my countrytraditional Chinese medicine3. It is indeed an honor for China

14、s _ and and _ to be spread around the world. scientific researchChinese medicineWhat kinds of spirits have you learnt from Tu Youyou?committed never acknowledge defeat perseverantdare to challengefaithfulhard-workingable to endure hardshipspiritsWhat numbers are mentioned in the text? What do they s

15、uggest? The numbers of peopleThe numbers of yearsThe numbers about the testssuggest the malaria kills too many people and the significance of the discovery of artemisinin.suggest Tu Youyou and her team made lots of effort for discovering the artemisinin. They are a committed and patient team and hav

16、e a strong will.suggest Tu Youyou and her team spent a long time discovering the treatment for malaria. They really are the perseverant scientists.9.Figureoutthestructureofthenewsreport.News reportTitleLeadBodyTime linequoteTuYouyouAwardedNobelPrize6thOctober2015ThisyearsNobelPrizeforPhysiologyorMedicinehasbeenawardedtoTuYouyou.ThebasicinformationofTuYouyouThereasonwhyTuYouyoubeginstudythetreatmentofmalariaTheprocessofdiscoveringartemisininThehonourisnotjustmine.Thereisateambehindme,andallthepeopleofmycountry.


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