Unit 1 Teenage Life Reading and Thinking Language points ppt课件-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第一册高一上学期.pptx

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1、In this unit,you will1 read about school life in the USA.2 hear and talk about extra-curricular activitiesof senior high school students.3 write about teenage problems and solutions.4 learn about teenage life in other countries.Unt1 TEENAGE LIFEReading and Thinkinglanguage pointsHi! My name is Adam

2、and Im a freshman at senior high school. Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge. The first week was a little confusing.First, I had to think very carefully about which courses I wanted to take. The school adviser helped me choose the suitable ones: maths, Engli

3、sh, chemistry, world history, and Chinese. I know that Chinese is a very difficult language, but I hope to be fluent when I graduate. My adviser recommended that I should sign up for advanced literature because I like English and Im good at it.I had to choose extra-curricular activities, too. I trie

4、d to join the school football team, but the coach told me that I didnt play well enough. Obviously, I was unhappy, but I wont quit. Ill find a way to improve on my own so that I can make the team next year. I joined a volunteer club instead. Every Wednesday, we work at a soup kitchen and hand out fo

5、od to homeless people in the community.I know Ill have to study harder as a senior high school student and get used to being responsible for a lot more. Im a bit worried about keeping up with the other students in my advanced course, and itll be quite difficult to get used to all the homework. Still

6、, Im happy to be here. Studying hard isnt always fun, but Ill be well prepared for university or whatever else comes in the future.While-readingHi! My name is Adam and Im a freshman at senior high school. Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge. The first week w

7、as a little confusing.While-readingTHE FRESHMAN CHALLENGEpara1动名词短语作主语动名词短语作主语1.Going from junior high school to senior high school is really a big challenge. V-ing表示某个动作,作主语时谓语动词用单数。 _ (find) time for both studies and extra-curricular activities is a big challenge. 努力学习并不总是有趣的。 Studying hard isnt a

8、lways fun. 制定一个可行的时间表(workable schedule)对我们组织活动有很大帮助。 _ helps a lot when we organize an activity.FindingMaking a workable schedule challenge n.挑战;艰巨任务;质疑挑战;艰巨任务;质疑 vt.向向挑战;怀疑挑战;怀疑2.the freshman challenge新生挑战新生挑战challenge sb.challenge sb. to (do) sth.to (do) sth. 向某人挑战向某人挑战( (做做) )某事;某事;( (尤指尤指在对方不情愿

9、时在对方不情愿时) )强烈建议强烈建议( (某人做某事某人做某事) )mount/accept a challengemount/accept a challenge发起发起/ /接受挑战接受挑战challenging adj.challenging adj.具有挑战性的具有挑战性的(1)The crossing of this dangerous river is a challenge to most of us.对我们大多数人来说,横渡这条危险的河是一项挑战。对我们大多数人来说,横渡这条危险的河是一项挑战。(2)Mike challenged me_ a game of chess.迈克

10、硬逼着要和我下盘棋。迈克硬逼着要和我下盘棋。(3)The new play poses some_ (challenge) questions.这出新戏提出了一些富有挑战性的问题。这出新戏提出了一些富有挑战性的问题。tochallengingconfusing adj.confusing adj.难以理解的;不清楚的;令人困惑的难以理解的;不清楚的;令人困惑的3.The first week was a little confusing.第一周让人有点困惑。第一周让人有点困惑。confuse vt.confuse vt.使困惑;使糊涂;混淆使困惑;使糊涂;混淆 confuse sb.confu

11、se sb. /sth./sth. with sb. with sb. /sth./sth. 将将与与混淆混淆confused adj.confused adj.迷惑的;混乱的;糊涂的迷惑的;混乱的;糊涂的 be confused aboutbe confused about对对迷惑不解迷惑不解confusion n.confusion n.混淆,混乱;困惑混淆,混乱;困惑 in confusionin confusion困惑地困惑地(1)I was getting confused by such a confusing problem.我被这样一个令人困惑的问题弄糊涂了。我被这样一个令人困

12、惑的问题弄糊涂了。(2)She always confuses John_his twin brother.她总是把约翰和他的孪生兄弟搞混。她总是把约翰和他的孪生兄弟搞混。(3)He looked at me in_ (confuse) and did not answer the question.他困惑地看着我,没有回答那个问题。他困惑地看着我,没有回答那个问题。withconfusion易混辨析易混辨析confusing,confusedconfusing现在分词作形容词,多用来说明中心词或主语本身的特征。现在分词作形容词,多用来说明中心词或主语本身的特征。confused过去分词作形容

13、词,多用来描述中心词或主语的感受。过去分词作形容词,多用来描述中心词或主语的感受。(4)The_ (confuse) expression on his face suggested that he was not able to work out the problem.他脸上困惑的表情表明他解不出这道题。他脸上困惑的表情表明他解不出这道题。confusedWhile-readingpara2First, I had to think very carefully about which courses I wanted to take. The school adviser helped

14、me choose the suitable ones: maths, English, chemistry, world history, and Chinese. I know that Chinese is a very difficult language, but I hope to be fluent when I graduate. My adviser recommended that I should sign up for advanced literature because I like English and Im good at it.THE FRESHMAN CH

15、ALLENGE宾语从句宾语从句宾语从句宾语从句Chinese is a very difficult language, but I hope to be fluent when I graduate.中文是一门很难的语言,但我希望中文是一门很难的语言,但我希望毕业毕业后能说一口后能说一口流利的流利的中文。中文。 fluent adj. 流畅的流畅的, 流利的;流利的;; 比较级比较级 more fluent 最高级最高级 most fluent fluency n.(不可数)(不可数) 流利流利fluently adv. 流利地;通畅地流利地;通畅地他说得很流畅,他说得很流畅,没有丝毫犹豫没

16、有丝毫犹豫。He spoke _and without unnecessary hesitations. 英语口语中的重要次序应为:流利,准确和恰当。英语口语中的重要次序应为:流利,准确和恰当。The order of importance of oral English should be followed: _, accuracy, and appropriateness. fluently fluencya university graduate 一名大学毕业生一名大学毕业生graduate from.从从.毕业毕业graduation n.毕业毕业 after graduation 毕

17、业后毕业后graduation design毕业设计,毕业设计,graduation ceremony 毕业典礼毕业典礼graduate v.&n.毕业,毕业生毕业,毕业生 They graduated from high school last year.他们去年高中毕业。他们去年高中毕业。He graduated in economics from Yale.他毕业于耶鲁大学经济系他毕业于耶鲁大学经济系recommend vt.推荐;介绍;劝告;建议推荐;介绍;劝告;建议My adviser recommended that I should sign up for advanced li

18、terature because I like English and Im good at it.因为我喜欢英语而且成绩不错,因为我喜欢英语而且成绩不错,我的指导老师建议我选修高级文学。我的指导老师建议我选修高级文学。recommend sb.recommend sb. sth.sth. recommend sth.recommend sth. to sb.to sb. 向某人推荐某物向某人推荐某物 recommend doing sth.recommend doing sth. 建议做某事建议做某事 recommend sb.recommend sb. to do sth.to do st

19、h. 建议某人做某事建议某人做某事 recommend sb.recommend sb. /sth./sth. as.as.推荐某人推荐某人/ /某物当某物当 recommend that.(should) do. recommend that.(should) do.建议建议做做recommendation n.recommendation n.推荐;介绍;推荐信;介绍信;劝告推荐;介绍;推荐信;介绍信;劝告(1)Our hosts shared many of their experiences and recommended wonderful places to eat,shop,an

20、d visit.我们的东道主给我们分享了他们的很多经历,还推荐了去吃饭、购物和游览的我们的东道主给我们分享了他们的很多经历,还推荐了去吃饭、购物和游览的极好的去处。极好的去处。(2019全国全国)(2)We strongly recommend _ (report) the incident to the police.我们强烈建议将此事报警。我们强烈建议将此事报警。(3)I should recommend it _a useful reference book.我愿意推荐它作为一本有用的参考书。我愿意推荐它作为一本有用的参考书。(4)I recommend you_ (buy) this

21、dictionary.我建议你买这本字典。我建议你买这本字典。(5)I recommend that you_ (inquire) about the job.我建议你打听一下这项工作。我建议你打听一下这项工作。reportingasto buy(should) inquire温馨提示温馨提示recommend后可接双宾语,即后可接双宾语,即recommend sb. sth. 也可改为也可改为recommend sth. to sb. ;若后接从句,从句要用虚拟语气,即从句;若后接从句,从句要用虚拟语气,即从句谓语动词用谓语动词用should do,should也可省略。也可省略。1. My

22、 parents advised that I (should) not watch too much TV.2. The doctors advice was that you (should) give up smoking.。1.The captain ordered that his men (should) fire.2.Her face suggested that she was ill. So I suggested that she (should) be sent to hospital at once.3.Tom insisted Mike (should) apolog

23、ize to his teacher, but Mike insisted that he was not wrong at all.suggest表表暗示暗示时不用虚拟语气时不用虚拟语气insist表表坚持认为坚持认为时不用虚拟语气时不用虚拟语气一坚持:一坚持:insist二命令:二命令:order, command三建议:三建议:advise, suggest, recommend四要求:四要求:require, request, demand, desire1. You should sign up for the course in advance.2. Im ready to sig

24、n up for the mid July group.报名参加(课程等);登记注册报名参加(课程等);登记注册I had to choose extra-curricular activities, too. I tried to join the school football team, but the coach told me that I didnt play well enough. Obviously, I was unhappy, but I wont quit. Ill find a way to improve on my own so that I can make t

25、he team next year. I joined a volunteer club instead. Every Wednesday, we work at a soup kitchen and hand out food to homeless people in the community.While-readingpara3THE FRESHMAN CHALLENGE宾语从句宾语从句quit vt.& vi.quit vt.& vi.退出;离开;停止;放弃退出;离开;停止;放弃9Obviously,I was unhappy,but I wont quit.显然,我很不高兴,但我显

26、然,我很不高兴,但我不会放弃。不会放弃。quit doing.quit doing.停止做停止做quit office/ones jobquit office/ones job离职离职(1)Susan had quit her well-paid job and was working as a volunteer in the neighborhood when I visited her last year.(2018北京北京)去年我去看望苏珊的时候,她已经辞去了高薪工作,正在社区做志愿者。去年我去看望苏珊的时候,她已经辞去了高薪工作,正在社区做志愿者。(2)I was trying to

27、 quit (smoke) at the time.当时我正在努力戒烟。当时我正在努力戒烟。smoking Ill find a way to improve on my own so that I can make the team next year. 我会独自找到一个提高的办法,以便明年我能参加球队。我会独自找到一个提高的办法,以便明年我能参加球队。1. I came here so that I might take a good look at the new bridge.2. We get up early so that we can catch the bus.可替换为可替换

28、为 in order thatsothat如此如此以至于以至于,引导结果状语从句,引导结果状语从句3.I am so sleepy that I can hardly keep my eyes open.4.He is so great a poet that we all admire him.单句填空:单句填空:1.He made the suggestion that we _(open) more technical courses.2._(learn) is important to modern life.3.I recommended that everyone _(attend

29、) the meeting.openLearningattendI know Ill have to study harder as a senior high school student and get used to being responsible for a lot more. Im a bit worried about keeping up with the other students in my advanced course, and itll be quite difficult to get used to all the homework. Still, Im ha

30、ppy to be here. Studying hard isnt always fun, but Ill be well prepared for university or whatever else comes in the future.While-readingpara4THE FRESHMAN CHALLENGE动名词短语作主语动名词短语作主语responsible adj.有责任的;负责的有责任的;负责的I know Ill have to study harder as a senior high school student and get used to being re

31、sponsible for a lot more.我知道作为一名高中生,我必我知道作为一名高中生,我必须更加努力地学习,并习惯于承担更多的责任。须更加努力地学习,并习惯于承担更多的责任。be responsible forbe responsible for对对负责负责responsibility n.responsibility n.责任;负责;职责责任;负责;职责 take/assume responsibility for (doing) sth.take/assume responsibility for (doing) sth. 承担承担的责任的责任 a sense of respo

32、nsibilitya sense of responsibility责任感责任感 It is sb.It is sb. s responsibility to do sth.s responsibility to do sth. 做某事是某人的职责做某事是某人的职责(1)Do you want to be responsible for your own life decisions?你是否真的想要为你自己的人生决定负责?你是否真的想要为你自己的人生决定负责?(2)Bill refused to take responsibility_ the accident.比尔拒绝为那次事故承担责任。比

33、尔拒绝为那次事故承担责任。(3)_ to notify all the members.她的职责是通知所有的会员。她的职责是通知所有的会员。forIt was her responsibilityschedule n.日程安排;工作计划;时刻表日程安排;工作计划;时刻表 vt.安排;预定安排;预定I need to make a workable schedule.我需要制定一个可行的计划表。我需要制定一个可行的计划表。ahead of scheduleahead of schedule提前提前 behind schedulebehind schedule迟于预定时间迟于预定时间 on sch

34、eduleon schedule准时;按时间表准时;按时间表be scheduled forbe scheduled for预定;安排预定;安排 be scheduled to do.be scheduled to do.预定做预定做(1)Please go and get me a schedule of the new term.请去给我拿份新学期的课程表。请去给我拿份新学期的课程表。(2)We finished the project_ schedule.我们提前完成了这项工程。我们提前完成了这项工程。(3)I have accomplished the task_ .我已经按时完成了任

35、务。我已经按时完成了任务。(4)The game is_ (schedule) for Saturday.比赛定于星期六举行。比赛定于星期六举行。(5)The new novel is scheduled_ (appear) in May.这本新小说预定将于五月份上市。这本新小说预定将于五月份上市。ahead ofon scheduleto appearscheduled1.People develop a preference_ a particular strategy of learning at an early age.2.Helen volunteered_ (have) Than

36、ksgiving at her house this year.3.The committee will debate whether _ (lower) the age of club membership to 16.4.Dr.Yuans kind of rice is the most_ (suit) for Chinas farmland.5.Looking at her annoyed expression,we were_ (confuse).6.I recommend you _(buy) this dress,whose colour is suitable for you.7

37、.Hes been given six months to live if he doesnt quit _ (drink).单句语法填空单句语法填空forto haveto lowersuitableconfusedto buydrinking8.He came well_ advance of the rest of the group in order to clean up the meeting room.9.I thought I played tennis better than him so I challenged him_ a game of tennis.10.It is

38、 my responsibility _ (lock) the doors.11.Her first album is scheduled_ release in September.12.She sat quietly, content_ (watch) him working.intoto lockforto watch13.The students in English only.学生们更喜欢他们的英语课只用英语授课。学生们更喜欢他们的英语课只用英语授课。14. that book.读那本书是浪费时间。读那本书是浪费时间。15.Study hard the entrance examin

39、ation.努力学习,以便能通过入学考试。努力学习,以便能通过入学考试。16. to master the skills and use them well.掌握技能并用好技能是你的职责。掌握技能并用好技能是你的职责。17.Doctors that all the patients .医生们建议所有病人试试这种新药。医生们建议所有病人试试这种新药。.完成句子完成句子prefer their English classes to be taughtIt is a waste of time readingso/in order that you can passIt is your respon

40、sibility recommend(should) try the new medicine蓝色水墨中国风工作总结请在此输入您的副标题请在此输入您的标题 请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在

41、此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的标题 请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。 请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的标题请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的标题请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。目录壹请在此输入您的标题贰请在此输入您的标题目录壹请在此输入您的标题贰请在此输入您的标题叁请在此输入您的标题肆请在此输入您的标题伍请在此输入您的标题陆请在此输入您的标题请在此输入您的标题1请在此输入您的标题请在此输入您的标题观察请在此输入您的副标题请在此输入您的副标题请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。请在此输入您的文本。感谢您的观看


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