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1、高考真题中的熟词生义汇总1.click 熟义n. (鼠标)点击;咔嗒声v.点击;(使) 发出咔嗒声 生义v恍然大悟;突然明白(2015 全国卷II)It seemed that somethingclickedwith the girls between Saturday and Sunday.2.serve 熟义v.招待(顾客等);伺候;服务 生义v.提供;端上(饭菜、食物)(2016全国III)Then, its ready toserve.3.rush 熟义n.冲;奔生义n.特别繁忙的时期(2016.浙江10月卷)Its much faster, for example,to shop

2、for groceries at a quarter to three than to stand in line during the after-workrush.4.set out 熟义出发,动身;开始工作 生义摆放,安排,陈列(2017全国卷III)If you want time to havebreakfast with your family, save some time the night before bysettingout clothes, shoes, andbags.5.spirit 熟义n.精神;心灵 生义n.氛围(2017全国III) Authentic fir

3、e gear is providedfor your warmth as you get into the holidayspirit.6.deal 熟义n.买卖,大量 生义n.坏运气;不公平的待遇(2017全国卷II) Hed been in and out of the hospital. He and I both knew what thedealwas, and we didnt talk about it.7.production 熟义n.生产;产量 生义n.演出;播出(2017全国卷II)The companysproductionsshow the new face of 21

4、st century Chinese theatre.8.secure 熟义adj.有把握的;安心的;安全的 生义v.拴牢,系紧,将(某物)固定(2017全国卷I) Next, cover the hole with the plastic sheet,securingthe edges of the plastic with dirt.9.appetite 熟义n.食欲;胃口 生义n.欲望;爱好(2017全国卷I)Jazz seems like its not really a part of the Americanappetite.10.feed 熟义v.喂养,饲养 生义v.满足(需要、

5、 愿望、欲望等)(2017全国卷I) Our exhibits willfeedyour mind, but what about your body?11.drive 熟义n.驾驶;驱车旅行v.开车;驾驶 生义v.驱动 n.干劲,精力(2018浙江6月卷) The cars thatdrovethe American Dream have helped to create a global ecological disaster.(2018浙江6月卷) He said that if he quit the job, he would lose hisdriveto work and suc

6、ceed.12.walk 熟义v. &n.行走,步行 生义n.行业(all walks of life各行各业)(2018浙江6月卷) Its partly true that Dickens style of writing attracted audiences from allwalksof life.13.attack 熟义v.袭击;攻击 生义v.奋力处理;全力对付(2018 浙江 11月卷) start every summer with the best of intentions: toattackone big book from the past, a classic tha

7、t I was supposed to have read when young and ambitious.14.fill 熟义v. (使)充满;装满 生义v.打发;消磨(2018 全国I) We dance at weddings, birthdays, office parties and just tofillthe time.15.location 熟义n.位置;地方 生义n.(电影的)外景拍摄地(2018全国II) to see the filmlocations16.pick 熟义v.拾取;挑选 生义v.举例(2018全国卷 I)Pick, at random, Busuu in

8、 Cameroon (eight remaining speakers)17.grill 熟义vt.烧烤;烤制 生义vt.追问,盘问(2018全国卷I) Good Morning Britains Susanna Reid is used togrillingguests on the sofa every morning.18.bridge 熟义n.桥梁 生义vt.弥合(差异), 消除(分歧)(2019.江苏卷) How can webridgethe ever-widening gap that separates us from other animals?19.fuel 熟义n.燃料

9、生义v.刺激,加强(2019全III) .how China hasfueledthe fashionable imagination for centuries.20.escape 熟义v.逃跑 生义n.解脱;消遣(2019全国卷I) A lunchtimeescapeallows her to keep a boss from tapping her on the shoulder.21.tap, employtap 熟义v轻,轻拍 生义v.利用,开发,发掘employ 熟义v雇用 生义v.应用(2019全国卷I)The likables plays-well-withothers qua

10、lities strengthen schoolyard friendships,jump-start interpersonal skills and, whentappedearly, areemployedever after in life and work.22.say 熟义v.说,讲,念,诵,表达 生义v假设,比方说(2020天津卷)Letssayyou are at the airport,and the little boy on the seat next to you ishumming a short commercial song.23.stumble 熟义n.倒;错误

11、 生义n.(不流畅地)说,读(2019全国卷I)Except for somestumbles, Chrisis doing amazingly well.24.hunger 熟义n.饥饿 生义v.渴望(2020.天津)For those whohunger forsomepeace and quiet, sound can now create silence.25.spot 熟义n.地点,斑点 生义v.发现(2020浙江7月卷)One morning Ispotteda lostlamb when I was in the top field.26.trip 熟义n.旅行;绊倒v.绊倒 生

12、义v.说话磕磕绊绊,磕巴(2019全国卷I)But hes nervous. Im here totell you today why you should.should. Christripson the -ld, a pronunciation difficulty formany non-native English speakers.27.farm 熟义n.农场 生义v.饲养(2020浙江7月卷)Ive beenfarmingsheep on ahillside for 54 years.28.name 熟义n.名字 生义n.名人v.选中,评为(2020.天津卷)Like Galile

13、o, all the greatnamesin history were curious and asked in discontent,Why? Why? Why?(2019浙江6月卷)John Lennon and PaulMcCartney werenamedcomposers of the year.29.sharp, agesharp 熟义adj. 锐利的,锋利的生义adj.思维敏捷的,头脑敏锐的age 熟义n.年龄 生义v.变老(2020浙江7月卷)Challenging work that requireslots of analytical thinking, planning

14、 and othermanagerial skills might help your brain staysharpas youage, a study published Wednesday in thejournal Neurology suggests.30.time 熟义n.时间 生义v计时;测定所需的时间(2020.天津卷)Galileo was not merely ambitiouswhen he dropped objects of varying weights fromthe Leaning Tower at Pisa andtimedtheir fall tothe g

15、round.31.fix 熟义v.使固定;安装;确定(价格、日期等);维修;安排 生义v.解决(2020浙江7月卷)Its not going tofixeverything,but adaptive signals have some benefits for smallercities, he says.32.accommodate 熟义v提供住宿,容纳 生义v.帮忙,给 提供方便(2020 .天津卷)If you have difficulties reading,ask about special reading opportunities. Yourlibrary might be

16、able toaccommodateyou.33.address 熟义n.地址;演讲;称呼v.写(收信人的)名字、地址;演说生义v.设法解决;处理(2020.浙江7月卷) Adaptive signals can makesure that the traffic demand that is there is beingaddressed.34.picture 熟义n.图画 生义v想象(2020浙江7月卷)To get the most out of reading these plays, try topicturethe play on stage, withyou, the reade

17、r, in the audience.35.difficult, rowdifficult :adj. 的 生义adj.难以取悦的,难对付的row 熟义n.行,排;划船 生义n.吵架,争吵(have a row with sb. 跟某人吵架)(2020全国III)If a customer is rude ordifficult, just think Maybe shes had arowwith herhusband.36.float 熟义v.漂浮 生义v.提出(计划、方案等)(2020全国卷II)Wefloatedthe idea to my mum of sharing a house

18、, says Kathryn Whitehead.37.draw 熟义v.画;拉 生义v.引起,激起(反应或回应)(2020全国 I)Already, a number of films,including Water for Elephants, The Hangover Part I and Zookeeper, havedrawnthe anger of activists who say the creatures acting in themhavent been treated properly.38.bond 熟义n.关系 生义v.增强或建立(与某人的)信任关系(2020全国卷

19、II)It was a special time tobondwith my children and it filled them with thewonderment of books.39.frequent 熟义adj.频繁的 生义v.常去,常到(某处)(2020全国卷 II)Frequentthem and talk about them when you can.40.green 熟义adj. 绿色的 生义adj.环保的(2020全国卷II)He says its not easy to convince people that nutria fur isgreen, but he

20、has no doubtabout it.41.run 熟义v.跑步 生义v负责(2020全国 II)Biologist Edmond Moutonrunsthe nutria control program for Louisiana.42.rich 熟义adj.富裕的 生义n. (pl.)财富;财产(2020全国卷 II)Take a tour of his Lakeland cottage, walk through his hillside garden and explore therichesof the collection in the Museum.43.pound 熟义n.

21、英谤;磅 生义v.反复重击;连续碎碎地猛击(2020全国卷I)However, race walking doesnotpoundthe body as much as running does, Dr.Norberg says.44.plant 熟义n.植物v.种植 生义n.工厂;发电厂vt.稳固地放置(2020全国I)Since lighting is often far removed from the power source-such as the distance froma power plantto street lamps on a remote highway-a lot

22、of energy is lost duringtransmission.(2018全国卷I)The living-room television is replaced and getsplantedin the kids room.45.engineer 熟义n.工程师 生义v.改变.的基因(或遗传)结构(2020全国卷I)Were thinking about how we canengineerplants to replace functions of thethings that we use every day.46.entry 熟义n.进人,加人 生义n.参赛作品(2020新高

23、考全国卷I) Mail yourentryto us by October 31 this year.47.top 熟义n.顶端;表面 生义v.超过(某一数量);居.之首;胜过(2021浙江6月卷)On August 5, the numberof postcards exchanged by memberstopped31million.48.extra 熟义adj.额外的;外加的n.额外的事物 生义adv.额外,另外;格外,分外(2021浙江6月卷) That makes itextrahard tolearn and practice it.49.exposure 熟义n.暴露;曝光;揭

24、发;报道 生义n.接触(2021浙江6月卷) To us, the most likely explanation appears to be that the basis lies in their living with humans, which gives them a lot of exposure to human facial expressions, and thisexposurehas provided them with many chances to learn todistinguish between them.50.market 熟义n.集市,市场;交易 生义v.

25、推销,促销(2021浙江6月卷) He documented his journeyas he set about treating nature as a brand to bemarketedto young people.51.counter 熟义n.柜台 生义v反驳,驳斥;抵制(2021.浙江6月卷) In the past few years, anincreasing number of people and organisations have begun coming up with plans tocounterthistrend.52.equally 熟义adv.相等地;平

26、等地 生义adv 同样地(2021 浙江1月卷) The other side of the coin isequallya deprivation: for health and well-being as well as lost opportunities for children to get toknow their local surroundings.53.inform 熟义v.通知,告诉 生义v.对.有影响(2021全国乙卷)In around 80 A.D., the Romans built the Colosseum, which remains the worlds b

27、est known stadium and continues toinformcontemporary design.54.voice 熟义n.声音;嗓音;发言权;意见;呼声 生义vt. 表达(2021全国乙卷) Tovoicehis views on modernart.55.position 熟义n.位置;处境;职位;观点生义vt. 使处于(2021全国甲卷) In a wired world with constant global communication, were allpositionedto see flashes of genius wherever they appea

28、r.56.land 熟义n.陆地,地面;v.着陆;登陆 生义v.使(某人)陷入困境/入狱/住院/卷入官司;谋得(难得的工作、合同等)(2016全国卷I) Her simple actlandedParks inprison.(2015浙江卷)Since finishing my studies at Harvard and Oxford, Ive watched one friend after anotherlandhigh-ranking, high-paying Wall Streetjobs.(2021全国甲卷)A few minutes later, when Ilandedthe

29、trick, my friends beat their boards loud,shouting: Safe! Safe! Safe!57.critically 熟义adv.批判性地;评判性地;危急 地;严重地 生义adv.极度地,很大程度地;极为重要地(2021全国甲) According to the World Wildlife Fund, the global black rhino population has dropped as low as 5500, giving the rhinos acriticallyendangered status.58.score 熟义v.得分

30、;打分;获胜 生义vt.得到手,买到手(2021全国甲卷) Its the best way to get rid of your used clothes,scoreclothes from your friends, and have a party all at the same time.59.state 熟义v.陈述;声明;说明 生义vt.规定;公布(2021全国乙卷)For the biggest stadiums in theworld, we have used data supplied by the World Atlas list so far, which ranks

31、them by theirstatedpermanent capacity, as well as updated informationfrom official stadium websites.60.consume 熟义v.消耗;毁灭 生义vt.吃;喝;饮(2021新高考全国卷I)The amazing food is mainlyconsumedby local farmers.61.shot 熟义n.注射;投篮;发射;拍摄;开枪 生义n.少量饮料; (尤指)少量烈酒(2021新高考全国卷I)Staff members holdplenty of bar events for gues

32、ts, like freeshots, barcrawls and karaoke.62.repeat 熟义v.重复 生义n. (music)重复段, 反复部分(2021 新高考全国卷I)You have to make sureyou dont turn two pages at once and make sure you find therepeatsin the music when you have togo back to the right spot.63.flow 熟义n.流动;涨潮;流;流量vi.流动;涌 出生义n.流畅,连贯(2021新高考全国卷I)His job is to sit besidethe pianist and turn the pages of the score so the musician doesnt have to break theflowof soundby doing it themselves.64.house 熟义n.房屋 生义v.给 提供住处(2021新高考全国卷I)I Millions of acres ofwetlands were dried to feed andhousethe ever-increasing populations, greatly reducing waterfowlhabitat.7


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