Unit 4 单元阶段检测 -(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册.docx

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1、第四单元测评(时间:100分钟满分:120分)第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AIreland has had a very difficult history.The problems started in the 16th century when English rulers tried to conquer Ireland.For hundreds of years,the Irish people fought against the English.Finally,

2、in 1921,the British government was forced to give independence to the south of Ireland.The result is that today there are two “Irelands”.Northern Ireland,in the north,is part of the United Kingdom.The Republic of Ireland,in the south,is an independent country.In the 1840s,the main crop,potato,was af

3、fected by disease and about 750,000 people died of hunger.This,and a shortage(短缺)of work,forced many people to leave Ireland and live in the USA,the UK,Australia and Canada.As a result of these problems,the population fell from 8.2 million in 1841 to 6.6 million in 1851.For many years,the majority o

4、f Irish people earned their living as farmers.Today,many people will work on the land but more and more people are moving to the cities to work in factories and offices.Life in the cities is very different from life in the countryside,where things move at a quieter and slower pace.The Irish are famo

5、us for being warm-hearted and friendly.Oscar Wilde,a famous Irish writer,once said that the Irish were “the greatest talkers since the Greeks”.Since independence,Ireland has revived its own culture of music,language,literature and singing.Different areas have different styles of old Irish songs whic

6、h are sung without instruments.Other kinds of Irish music use many different instruments such as the violin,whistles,etc.21.What does the author tell us in paragraph 1?A.How the Irish fought against the English.B.How Ireland gained independence.C.How English rulers tried to conquer Ireland.D.How two

7、 “Irelands” came into being.22.The last paragraph is mainly about .A.the Irish characterB.Irish cultureC.Irish musical instrumentsD.a famous Irish writer23.What can be the best title for the text?A.Life in IrelandB.A Very Difficult HistoryC.Ireland,Past and PresentD.The Independence of IrelandBIn Ch

8、ina,Great Cold(大寒) is the last solar term in winter and also the last solar term in the annual lunar calendar.In this period,snow,rain and icy cold weather have a big influence on peoples lives.Here are several things you should know about Great Cold.Eating “dispelling(驱散,消除) cold cake”During Great

9、Cold,people in Beijing have a habit of eating “dispelling cold cake”,a kind of rice cake.Sticky rice,the cakes main ingredient,contains more sugar than rice,which can make people feel warm all over their bodies.In Chinese the word “rice cake” has the same pronunciation with the word “higher in a new

10、 year”,which symbolises good luck and continual promotion.Eating fried spring rollsIn Anqing of Anhui Province,people traditionally eat fried spring rolls during Great Cold.They use a round,cooked,thin pancake to wrap stuffing in a thin roll.Then it is fried in a pan with oil until it turns yellow a

11、nd floats to the top.The stuffing inside the spring roll contains meat or vegetables and the flavour can be salty or sweet.Drinking stewed(炖的) soupPeople in Nanjing of Jiangsu Province like to drink stewed soup during Great Cold,which can make people feel warm from head to foot.They always stew the

12、aged hen soup with ginseng(人参),Chinese wolfberry(枸杞) and black fungus(黑木耳).Doing winter sportsIn the north of China,Great Cold is the perfect time for winter sports such as skiing,ice-skating and sledding.24.Which statement is TRUE about Great Cold according to the passage?A.Great Cold is the coldes

13、t term in the four seasons.B.Great Cold is the last solar term in the traditional Chinese calendar.C.Snow and rain dont have a great effect on peoples lives.D.You cant eat many green vegetables during this period.25.The passage tells us things we should know about Great Cold.A.threeB.fourC.fiveD.six

14、26.Which of the following food can cause people to feel warm in the cold winter?A.Stewed soup and fried spring rolls.B.Dispelling cold cake and fried spring rolls.C.Stewed soup and rice.D.Dispelling cold cake and stewed soup.27.During the Great Cold period,.A.everyone must eat fried spring rolls in

15、AnqingB.people cant do outdoor sportsC.you can be lucky if you eat “dispelling cold cake”D.you can go skiing in the north of ChinaCStay-at-home kids are those people who still live at home and are neither working nor studying.It is a worldwide problem.In Italy,they are known as big babies.There are

16、nearly 60 percent of 18-34-year-old adults still living in their parents home,up from almost 50 percent since 1983.Once kept there by the love for their mamas home-cooked food,the economic crisis has seen a rise in adults left unable to hold down a steady job or afford a home of their own.Last year,

17、an Italian government minister admitted that his mother washed his clothes and made the bed for him until he was 30.He demanded a law forcing young Italians to leave their parents home at 18 to stop them becoming hopelessly dependent on their parents.In the UK,the government has made the term NEETSn

18、ot in employment,education or training for these children.In England alone the percent of NEETS aged 19-24 surged to 18.8 percent of the age groupin the last quarter of 2010,up 1.4 percent on the same period a year before.The number of British men in their 20s living with their parents has risen fro

19、m 59 percent to 80 percent in the past 15 years,while the number of women has risen from 41 percent to 50 percent.The average age of the first-time house buyers is now 38.In the US,the problem is known as the “full nest syndrome(综合征)”.Adults there are left struggling to support adult children who ha

20、ve stayed at home with student debts and facing few job opportunities in a weak economy.A recent study shows almost a third of American adults aged 34 and under are living with their parents.28.“Big babies” mentioned in paragraph 2 refers to those adults who .A.depend on their parents for a livingB.

21、are not as smart as othersC.lose their jobs in the bad economyD.are poorly educated29.The Italian government minister thinks that .A.parents should make their children feel hopelessB.parents should never make the bed for their childrenC.young people should live on their own after 18D.it is OK for ad

22、ult children to live with their parents30.The underlined word “surged” in paragraph 3 can be replaced by “”.A.movedB.reducedC.recoveredD.jumped31.What does the last paragraph tell us?A.America has the most adult children compared with other countries.B.American parents are happy to live with their c

23、hildren.C.Some American adult children are causing trouble for their parents.D.It is a tradition for adult children to live with their parents in America.DI was once told,“You are wasting your time on a career that will give you no money or comfort.”I explored my interests for years and finally deci

24、ded to be a journalist.However,Im still influenced by others arguments:print publications are being replaced by the Web versions where content is updated nearly every time you refresh the browser.But I hold onto my decision.Why?For the simple,yet powerful reason that it makes me happy in a way that

25、no amount of money ever could.Rarely have I found others who think like this,and I find it very disappointing when I hear students trying to design their lives on the basis of factors other than keeping to their passions and interests.The number one factor is parents.They certainly have a right to t

26、ake part in their childrens lives,but sometimes their words create more stress than encouragement.Instead of trying to make their children happy,as their original purpose may have been,parents can end up limiting their childrens dreams and desires until nothing remains but the hard seeds of a cruel

27、reality.The second factor is money.I had a conversation with my college friend one afternoon,which explains this point.“What happened?” I asked him after he said he had changed his major.“I thought you wanted to be a photographer.”“I do,” he said,“But there is no money in it.Dont worry,” he added,pr

28、obably feeling my worry.“Im happy where I am.” I was ready to believe that,but as we kept on talking,he continuously interrupted me to point out the beauty of this view and that view,saying he wished he had taken his camera with him.Naturally,we cannot predict where we will end up with our choices.O

29、ur ideas and plans could change as we progress.However,at this stage in our lives when so many voices are telling us who we should be,we need to value our individual dreams,not to abandon them,because they may be the only things left that tell us who we are.32.Why is the author determined to be a jo

30、urnalist?A.He could get a high pay.B.He is influenced by others.C.He is truly interested in journalism.D.He has been studying journalism for years.33.What does the author think of parents role in their childrens career choice?A.They shouldnt try to influence their children in any way.B.They help the

31、ir children make the right choice of a career.C.They should support their children whatever they choose.D.They may destroy their childrens dreams of a certain career.34.What do we know about the authors friend?A.He doesnt care about what his job will bring him.B.He is still deeply interested in phot

32、ography.C.He has lost his confidence in his abilities.D.He is doubtful about his new choice.35.The author thinks that when choosing a career,.A.one should not consider their individual dreamsB.one should take a lot of factors into considerationC.ones desires and interests should come firstD.one shou

33、ld be realistic about future income第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Many countries have traditional dishes,made with special ingredients and prepared in a certain way.36,and when tourists visit,these are the food they want to try.But why are some food more popular t

34、han others in certain areas?Traditional ingredientsTypical recipes are usually made with native plants and animal products.For example,Korean dishes often include rice and soybeans because both plants are native to East Asia and grow well in hot,wet areas.In contrast,wheat grows well in drier areas,

35、like the Middle East,where bread is a common staple(主要的;基本的) food.37,whereas inland cuisines(烹饪,菜肴) tend to use more meat from farm animals.Food preservationLocal cuisines often depend on how people traditionally prepare food for storage.In warm weather,meat and fish can go off quickly,so they must

36、be cooked right away or preserved for later.38,for that reason,modern Norwegian cuisine includes many smoked food.Cooking techniques39.In China,people often fry food in a deep metal pan or steam it in a basket over hot water.In Morocco,people cook traditional dishes in a special pot called a tajine.

37、And some local dishes arent cooked at all.Imported(进口的) ingredientsSometimes local cuisines include ingredients that originally came from another place.40,while many Russian dishes are made with potatoes.However,all of these ingredients were brought to Europe from South America in the fifteenth and

38、sixteenth centuries.But now they are common around the world.A.Seafood is often a key ingredient in coastal areasB.There is a danger that local food traditions will be lostC.Many different cooking techniques are used around the worldD.For example,Italian dishes often include tomatoes and peppersE.Th

39、ese local dishes can become symbols of a place and its cultureF.Nowadays,we can buy food products from all around the worldG.In Norway,the Vikings used to cure meat and fish by smoking them over a fire第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My name is Peter,a

40、nd I use a wheelchair to get around.This year I 41 to take part in the School Walkathon.At the Walkathon last year,I helped hand out drinks to the walkers.The teachers and parents said they couldnt have 42 without me.“Are you going to give out drinks 43 this year?” my friend Michael asked.“I 44 so,”

41、 I said.“But I really wish I could do laps(跑道的圈) with you.”Michael told Mrs Hunt that I wanted to 45 the Walkathon.Mrs Hunt looked at me.“Its not a good course for a wheelchair,” she said.“The hilly part would be too 46.”“But I could push Peter over the hard bits,” said Michael.“Ill 47 it,” said Mrs

42、 Hunt.That afternoon,Mrs Hunt called a class meeting.Michael told everyone about his 48.“We could all take turns.That way no one would get too 49,” said Olivia.Then everyone said they would take a turn.When the Walkathon began,I turned my wheels round and round as 50 as I could.When we came to the h

43、illy bit,Michael started to push me up it.Olivia was waiting halfway up.“My 51 now,” she said.With all the help my friends were giving me,I 52 the first lap and did a second lapand another.I was tired in the end.“Its time to announce the winner of the mystery prize.It goes to.Peter!” Mrs Hunt said.I

44、 looked at all the things I had 53,and felt extremely happy.But then I remembered that the whole 54 had helped me.“I want everyone to 55 the prize,” I said.“Lets keep all the things in our classroom.Then we can all have some fun!”And thats what we did.41.A.needB.agreeC.wantD.offer42.A.remembered itB

45、.waited itC.helped itD.made it43.A.soonB.againC.onceD.first44.A.thinkB.hopeC.doD.say45.A.leadB.organiseC.give upD.join in46.A.difficultB.seriousC.importantD.different47.A.take control ofB.have pity onC.think aboutD.look after48.A.fearB.ideaC.successD.story49.A.sadB.dirtyC.slowD.tired50.A.fastB.longC

46、.farD.often51.A.breakB.decisionC.turnD.plan52.A.finishedB.caughtC.preventedD.wasted53.A.ownedB.expectedC.wonD.discovered54.A.classB.familyC.schoolD.world55.A.shareB.receiveC.valueD.show第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。During most of the Stone Age,people lived by hunting and ga

47、thering their food in Egypt.They travelled from place to place in the Nile Valley,56.(harvest)wild grasses,digging up roots,and finding bird eggs.They fished in the Nile River and gathered reeds(芦苇) from its shores 57.(make) baskets.By around 10,000 BCE,Egypt had gotten so 58.(crowd) that people wer

48、e forced to begin growing their own food.People also began to keep cows,sheep and pigs that they 59.(possible) bought from their West Asian neighbours.This is 60.we call the Agricultural Revolution today.But farming brought many other changes too.Once people started planting crops,they had to defend the land 61.their c


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