U2-U5 翻译总结 -(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第三册素材.doc

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1、高一英语B3 U2期末考翻译练习:1. 他英语说得不仅正确,而且流利。(not only.but also的倒装句)2. 这个小婴儿躺在妈妈的大腿上,甜蜜地笑着。(现在分词做状语)3. 我看到Lucy在Jack的耳边小声地说着什么,很显然不想被听到。(现在分词做宾补;现在分词做状语)4. 对我来说,没有什么比健康的身体更重要。(否定副词与比较级连用)5. 也就是你所说的话支撑着她度过了难关。(强调句型;carry sb through sth)6. 很有可能:在大城市里,蔬菜的价格有上升的趋势。(likely; tend)7. Sam已经被指派担任公司的经理以取代George的位置。(appo

2、int; place)8. 他委托我照看一天孩子。(entrust)9. 他们非常骄傲看到孩子被授予大学奖学金。(see的复合结构; award)10. 在他弥留之际,依然想着他人的安危。(分词做状语)B3 U3期末考翻译练习:1. 最后,我们终于到达了所谓的“西藏”。(宾语从句)2. 很有可能,他会被北大录取。(likely; admit)3. 我突然想起来我没有锁门。(occur; 过去分词作宾补)4. 心脏病是最大的杀手,每年夺去180,000条生命。(claim; 现在分词作状语)5. 除了有趣和锻炼身体外,游泳还是一项有用的技能。(apart from)6. 加热的时候,冰会变成水。

3、(省略句)7. 他张开嘴,仿佛想说什么事情。(省略句)8. 如果违背法律,他不能逃脱惩罚。(escape) 9. 很多年轻人都到大城市去追逐自己的梦想,他们中的大多数都受过良好教育。(head; 非限制性定语从句)10. 世界之美在于人类的多样性。(lie in; diversity)B3 U4期末考翻译练习:1. 观众很好奇杨利伟是如何成为第一个进入太空的中国宇航员。(curious; 不定式做后置定语)2. 下决心成为一名飞行员,他昼夜努力地学习。(determine; 过去分词作状语)3. 这次灾难使得大家很失望,但是探索宇宙的欲望不会磨灭。(disappoint; 不定式作后置定语)4

4、. 由于缺乏引力,宇航员需要每天运动,以帮助他们保持身心健康。(lack, 非限制性定语从句)5. 我匆匆赶到车站,结果发现火车已经开走了。(不定式做状语)6. 在太空中,宇航员们收集所有的脏水,以便以后循环使用。(so as to)7. 事实上,储备物资快用完了。(run out)8. 家长需要重视培养孩子们的好习惯。(attach great importance to)9. 科学家们会想出一个办法来储存充足的食物和水源。(figure out; 不定式做后置定语)10. 人类正在探索太空,希望对宇宙有更多的了解。(in the hope of doing sth)B3 U5期末考翻译练习

5、:1. 他总是很乐意帮助别人,且不期待回报。(in return)2. 他送给这个女孩一些玫瑰,作为对她善意的回报(in return for)3. 在我回家的路上,我看到Jack因为撒谎正在给他的父母道歉。(see的复合结构)4. 我们正要出发动身,这时天突然下起雨来(be about to.)5. 由于天气不好,我们将把运动会推迟到下周。(强调句型)6. 当他醒来的时候,发现自己被医生包围着。(find的复合结构)7. 他此次访问目的是增进两国间的关系。(intend; strengthen)8. 从某种程度上讲,当别人讲话的时候插嘴是很没有礼貌的。(extend; manner)9. 天

6、气允许的话,我们准备周六去打网球。(permit)10. 这部电影,以真实的故事为基础,吸引观众的注意力。(basis; 非限制性定语从句) B3 U2期末考翻译练习:1. Not only does he speak English correctly, but also speaks it fluently.2. The baby lay on her mothers lap, smiling sweetly.3. I saw Lucy whispering something into Jacks ear, obviously not wanting to be heard.4. To

7、me, nothing can be more important than a healthy body.5. It was your words/what you said that carried her through the difficulties .6. Its likely that the prices of vegetables tend to increase in big cities.7. Sam has been appointed as/to be manger of the company to take the place of/replace George.

8、8. He entrusted his children to me to take care of for a day.9. They were very proud to see their son awarded the university scholarship.10. He was dying, but still thinking about the safety of others.B3 U3期末考翻译练习:1. At last, we came to what is called “Tibet”.2. Its likely that he will be admitted i

9、nto Beijing university.3. It occurred to me that I left the door unlocked.4. Heart attack is the biggest killer, claiming 180,000 lives per hour.5. Apart from being fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill.6. When heated, ice can be turned into water.7. He opened his mouth as if to say

10、 something.8. If he breaks the law, he couldnt escape being punished.9. Many young people, most of whom are well-educated, head for big cities to chase their dreams.10. The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people.B3 U4 翻译参考答案:1. The audience is curious about how Yang Liwei became the

11、 first Chinese astronaut to enter the space.2. Determined to become a pilot, he worked hard day and night.3. These disasters made us disappointed, but the desire to explore the space never died.4. Due to the lack of gravity, they need to exercise, which will help them stay mentally and physically he

12、althy.5. I hurried to the station, only to find the train had left.6. In space, astronauts collect all dirty water so as to recycle it for later use.7. As a matter of fact, supplies are running out. 8. Parents should attach great importance to developing childrens good habits in life.9. Scientists w

13、ill figure out a way to store sufficient food and water for the long journey.10. Mankind is exploring space in the hope of finding out more about the universe.B3 U5 翻译参考答案:1. He is always willing to help others without expecting noting in return.2. He sent the little girl some roses in return for he

14、r kindness.3. On my way home, I saw Jack apologizing to his parents for telling lies .4. We were about to set off/out when it began to rain.5. It was because of bad weather that well postpone the sports meeting until next week.6. He found himself surrounded by doctors when he woke up.7. His visit is

15、 intended to strengthen ties between the two countries.8. To some extent, its bad manners to break/cut in when others are talking.9. Weather permitting, we are going to play tennis on Saturday.(独立主格) 或If weather permits, we are going to play tennis on Saturday.10. The film, which is on the basis of a true story, attracts audiences attention.


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