Unit 4 单元测试题-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册.docx

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1、Unit 4 HISTORY AND TRADITIONS第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)略第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AHands-on basketballThe boy was only nine years old when he designed a “hands-on basketball”. Chris Haas had the idea when he saw his friends miss lots of baskets. His basketball

2、 has painted hands on it. The hands show you where to put your hands when you throw the ball. Today people use his invention around the world.WristiesAt age 10, Kathryn Gregory was playing outside one day in the cold. Her wrists (手腕) began to hurt from the cold so she decided to find a way to keep b

3、oth her hands and wrists warm during the winter. In 1994, she invented Wristies: fuzzy sleeves (毛绒袖子) that can be worn underneath gloves to protect your wrists from the cold. She worked with her mom to get the idea off the ground and now the product is sold worldwide.MakinBaconAbbey Fleck was 8 year

4、s old when she noticed how much time her parents spent soaking up bacon fat (吸干培根油脂) after cooking. She realized that it might be easier to hang bacon while it cooks. That way you wouldnt need paper towels and it would even make the bacon healthier. She then worked with her father to design a dish t

5、hat hangs bacon while it cooks. Now people can see her invention in many supermarkets.BrailleLouis Braille had an accident when he was three. The accident left him blind. At that time, it was hard for blind children to read. They had to touch raised letters. But it was difficult to tell a Q from an

6、O, an R from a B, and so on. When he was fifteen, Louis invented an alphabet (字母表) that used raised dots. The Braille alphabet was a big success!21. Whose invention is related to sports?A. Chris Haas.B. Kathryn Gregorys.C. Abbey Flecks.D. Louis Brailles.22. What can we learn about Makin Bacon?A. It

7、was invented in 1994.B. It was named after its inventor.C. It helps people eat more healthily.D. It reduces the cases of cooking accidents.23. What do the four inventions have in common?A. They were invented by kids.B. They came into being by chance.C. They were designed to help others.D. They broug

8、ht wealth to their inventors.BAs a child, Rob Stewart loved the natural world. “He loved everything in the sea, but sharks the most,” said his mother, Sandy Stewart.Stewart spent his life studying and photographing sharks and other sea creatures, and creating films. Sadly, he died in 2017 at the age

9、 of 37 in a diving (潜水) accident. The accident happened while Stewart was filmingSharkwater Extinction, which members of his crew (工作人员) completed after his death.Knowing that about 25% of shark species were endangered and sharks might soon be extinct, Stewart worked hard to raise awareness (意识) of

10、sharks and their key role in nature. Stewart believed that they should be protected against humans and other enemies. He studied how illegal shark finning (割鱼鳍) has led to a great fall in the shark population.When Stewart found out about the finning, he tried to end it. As an experienced diver and s

11、killed cinematographer, he was able to raise awareness of the problem by filming sharks in their natural environment. His films, said Sandy Stewart, showed people “how beautiful the underwater creatures are. People would fall in love with them and work to protect them.”As of 2013, 55 countries had b

12、anned (禁止) shark finning. Stewart lived and died a hero in the pursuit of saving sharks and the sea. He is believed to have saved one-third of the worlds sharks.Stewarts parents hope kids will continue his story by supporting shark-friendly actions. They encourage kids to buy or ask their parents to

13、 buy shark-free products.Another thing that young people can do is learn more about sharks. A good place to start is “Shark Database,” an online resource that was created by Rob Stewarts friends.“Its your generation that we want to make sure seesthe world that Rob sawand does whatever you can to pro

14、tect the big fish,” said Stewarts father. “One person can make a big difference.”24. What do we know about Rob Stewart?A. He died because of a shark attack.B. He was interested in sea animals.C. He led a research team studying the sea.D. He madeSharkwater Extinctionin 2017.25. What did Rob Stewart d

15、o to end illegal shark finning?A. He made films showing sharks living naturally.B. He encouraged people to buy shark-free products.C. He wrote to the government asking for a ban on shark finning.D.He collected information to show the influence of illegal shark finning.26. How may Rob Stewarts action

16、 to save sharks be described?A. Creative.B. Successful.C. Fruitless.D. Unwelcome.27. In “the world that Rob saw”, _.A. little action was taken to protect sharksB. less than 50 countries banned shark finningC. about a quarter of shark species were in dangerD. human behavior was the main cause of shar

17、k extinctionCThe pasty (馅饼) has been a recorded part of the British diet since the 13th century, at this time being enjoyed by the rich upper classes. The fillings were different and rich. It wasnt until the 17th and 18th centuries that the pasty was popular among miners and farm workers in Cornwall

18、 as a means for providing themselves with easy and tasty meals while they worked. And so the Cornish pasty was born.Traditionally, the pasty fillings are beef with potato, onion and swede! As meat was much more expensive in the 17th and 18th centuries, its presence was rare and so pasties traditiona

19、lly included much more vegetables than today. The presence of carrot in a pasty, although common now, was the mark of a poor pasty at first.Filling ideas are endless however, and can be as different as your taste will take you. There is much discussion as to whether the ingredients (原料) should be mi

20、xed together first or lined up on the pastry in a special order. However, there is agreement that the meat should be cut into pieces, the vegetables sliced and none should be cooked before they are sealed (密封) within the pastry. It is this that makes the Cornish pasty different from other similar fo

21、ods.It was such a commonly used method of eating amongst the miners that some mines had tools down the mineshafts (井筒) specifically to cook the pasties. If they were cooked in the mornings, the pastry could keep the fillings warm for 8-10 hours and, when held close to the body, keep the miners warm

22、too. It was also common for the pasties to provide not only a main course lunch, but also a sweet or fruity dessert course. The salty filling would be cooked at one end of the pasty and the sweet course at the other end. Hopefully these ends would be marked on the outside too!28.What do we know abou

23、t the pasty in the 13th century?A. It was widely eaten by the rich upper classes.B.It was popular among miners and farm workers.C. It was enjoyed in Cornwall only.D. It had few and simple fillings.29.If carrot was in a pasty in the 17th and 18th centuries, the pasty would _.A. be more expensiveB. be

24、 sold out very soonC. be made without other fillings D. be seen as one of bad quality30. What is special about the Cornish pasty?A.Its fillings shouldnt be cooked before they are sealed.B.Its ingredients should be put in the correct order.C. Its fillings cant be very different.D. Its ingredients sho

25、uld be mixed.31. What is the authors purpose in writing the text?A. To compare different pasties.B. To show how to make pasties.C. To encourage people to taste pasties.D. To introduce the basic information of pasties.DThe termScotch-Irishis an American term used to describe those Scots-Irish who liv

26、e in America. In Britain the termScots-Irishused for these people isUlster-Scots. Then, where did the Scots-Irish come from on earth? To find the answer, you should get to know a little bit about the history of Scotland.After the Celtic invasion (入侵) of Britain about 500 BCE, what is now Scotland wa

27、s controlled by the Celtic people known as the Picts. This name came from the Latin wordpictusmeaningpainted. They painted their bodies with dyes (染料).In the fifth century, the Scots from northern Ireland invaded what is now western Scotland and established a kingdom in the highlands. They spoke Gae

28、lic, a Celtic language. At this same time the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain was taking place. Scotland is made up of the highlands and the lowlands, and the Gaelic name for the lowlands isa Ghalldachd, meaning “the place of the foreigners”. And whom might those foreigners be? The Anglo-Saxon invas

29、ion of Britain included the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes. The Jutes came from what is now northwestern Denmark. They settled (定居) in the southernmost part of Britain. The Saxons came from the northwest coast of Germany and they settled in the southern third of Britain. The Angles came from south

30、western Denmark and they conquered what is now northern England and the lowlands of Scotland. They were the foreigners referred to in the Gaelic name for the lowlands.In the 17th century, the British leaders decided to settle some of its people in the Northern Ireland province of Ulster. They chose

31、the people from Lowland Scotland. This migration (移民) started about 1605.When the British colonization (殖民) of North America began many ofthemchose to join this migration. By the time of the American Revolution it was said that one-sixth of the population was the Scots-Irish.32. Which of the followi

32、ng had the custom of body painting?A. The Scots.B. The Picts.C. The Scots-Irish.D. The Anglo-Saxons.33. What happened to what is now Scotland in the fifth century?A. A kingdom set up by the Scots fell.B. The Scots lost the lowlands in a war.C. Gaelic was widely spoken in the highlands.D. The highlan

33、ds were controlled by the Jutes.34.The underlined word “them” in the last paragraph refers to the people who came from _.A. northern England B. western ScotlandC. Ulster of Northern Ireland D. southernmost part of Britain35. What does the text mainly want to tell us?A. Why the Scots-Irish chose Amer

34、ica to settle.B. The Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain.C. The history of the country Scotland.D. Who the Scots-Irish were exactly.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。In America, its long been a tradition that tips are given to a person who provides good service. Of cours

35、e, the tip is in addition to the bill.36The general rule is to tip according to the service.RestaurantsYou may be surprised to know that waiters at the restaurants usually get low pay.37Therefore, please make sure to tip properly when you visit a restaurant. For a full-service, sit-down meal, 15 to

36、20 percent of the pretax (税前的) bill is customary. 38TravelYou should tip a taxi driver around 10% of your taxi fare, because the taxi driver usually helps you load and unload the bags. When you reach the airport, there are porters who can help with the bags.39When you reach the hotel, you should tip

37、 $1 or $2 per bag to the doorman who helps you with your bags.Barbershops and beauty salonsWhen you go for a haircut, beauty treatment, shampoo, shave or other similar services, you should generally tip at least 10-20% of the bill to the service provider.No tippingThere is no tipping required at the

38、 gas station.40Unless someone helps you load bags in your car, there is no tipping required at the grocery store.A. Most gas stations are self-service.B. You should tip them $1 or $2 per bag.C. Tipping practices can change depending upon the situation.D. That is because they are expected to get tips

39、 from customers.E. Many visitors to the U.S. feel it isnt fair or reasonable to tip.F. Tipping is the means by which others are thanked for their good service.G. Of course, if no service is provided by the waiters, there is no need to tip.第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D

40、四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。In 2019, I went on a winter break trip with my family. One of our41was London.The first thing that I42when I landed in London was the weather. It was too43for my liking as it required me to wear a thick jacket.After some44using a map of London, we decided to go to Buckingham Pala

41、ce first. Buckingham Palace was one of the45of a“hop-on, hop-off (随上随下)”bus that we took. The palace itself didnt look very big or impressive from the entrance46it got much more impressive when you entered the gates.While continuing on the“hop-on, hop-off”bus, we47the London Bridge, which I didnt no

42、tice until the driver pointed it out to me. While it felt kind of special to be driving on such an iconic (符号的) bridge, the48was not as cool as one would imagine it to be. Besides its history, this bridge was just another bridge that49two masses of land, something that pretty much all50do.When we51B

43、ig Ben, we decided to hop off the bus and take some52. Big Ben was a pretty53experience for me. In many pictures of London, Big Ben is a very visible (看得见的) building in the skyline, and it was very nice for me to see the clock tower54. I am a big fan of skyscrapers (摩天大楼) and skyscraper-like buildin

44、gs so this clock tower certainly caught my 55.41. A. stopsB. topicsC. placesD. changes42. A. forgotB. toldC. noticedD. liked43. A. foggyB. coldC. dryD. clear44. A. testingB. planningC. touringD. calling45. A. waysB. dreamsC. startsD. destinations46. A. soB. ifC. butD. until47. A. greetedB. passedC.

45、checkedD. found48. A. historyB. exampleC. positionD. experience49. A. mixesB. spreadsC. endsD. connects50. A. bridgesB. busesC. driversD. towers 51. A. reachedB. builtC. visitedD. left52. A. notesB. stepsC. picturesD. lessons53. A. similarB. coolC. badD. common54. A. in returnB. in publicC. in advan

46、ceD. in person55. A. earB. mindC. eyeD. hand 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Music and dance have been a huge part of Irish culture for generations and 56._ two go together well. When you go to see a(n) 57._ (tradition) Irish dancing show, you will get 58._ (experience) some

47、live musical performances (表演) too.The most famous Irish dancing performance is undoubtedly Riverdance.This 59. _ (be) originally (最初) the half-time show at the Irish-hosted 1994 Eurovision Song Contest but has developed much over the years and the dancers have gone all over the world, 60. _ (wide) sharing this part of Irish culture. If you are in Dublin, it might be possible to see some big performances of Riverdance. Such s


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