Unit 1 Cultural heritage Reading and thinking ppt课件(含音视频素材)-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册.rar

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  • Unit 1 Cultural heritage Reading and thinking ppt课件(含音视频素材)-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册
    • 2022人教英语必修二 Unit1 Cultural heritage Reading and thinking 课件 含视频
      • 1.2ReadingandThinking-人教版2019必修第二册).pptx--点击预览
      • Egypt map.png--点击预览
      • The Abu Simbel Temple.mp4
      • 阿斯旺大坝.mp4


Unit 1 Cultural HeritagePeriod 2Reading and ThinkingBy the end of this lesson, you are able to:1. predict the content of the passage. 预测课文内容预测课文内容2.understand the structure of the passage. 理解课文结构理解课文结构3.memorize the spirit of Aswan Dam. 牢记阿斯旺大坝精神牢记阿斯旺大坝精神4.have the awareness of protecting heritage. 具备保护遗产的意识。具备保护遗产的意识。Learning objectives Can you name these building in English?Pyramids Temple The Nile Aswan Dam EgyptActivity 1. Lead-inAswan Dam(阿斯旺大坝阿斯旺大坝)Is there any link(联系联系) between the two pictures?thethe AbuAbu SimbelSimbel TempleTemple ( (阿布辛贝神庙阿布辛贝神庙 ) ) It mighgt be about how to solve _ related to the statues( (雕像雕像) )in Egypt. WhatWhat dodo youyou thinkthink thethe texttext is is about?about?Title: From Problems to SolutionsActivity 2. PredictproblemsActivity 3.Fast-reading1.Whats the main idea of the text?A. The new spirit of Aswan Dam.B. The rebuild of some old temples.C. The establishment of a committee.D. The process of solving a challenging problem.Step4:Fast-reading Find the topic sentence of each paragraphProblemsSolutionsActivityActivity 4 4InspirationRead for structureFind the topic sentence of each para and the divide the text into three parts PartPart 1 1PartPart 2 2PartPart 3 3Keeping the balance between progress and heritage protectiong is a challenge.Challenges can lead to solutions.The project is considered a great success.Para.1Para.4Para.3Para.2Para.5A committee was established to limit the damage.The project brought together governments from the whole world.Para.6The spirit of the project is still alive.Activity5. Match the main ideasforaginst The Egyptian government wanted to _ but the dam would likely _. Activity6. Read for more detailsHowHow toto solvesolve thethe problem?problem?Part1Part1 ReadRead andand fillfill in in thethe blanksblanksbuild a damdamage cultural relicsPart 2: How was the problem solved?The group asked for contributions and _within the international community.Experts _, conducted several tests, and made a proposal.A A _ waswas signed,signed, andand thethe workwork began.began.1959The Egyptian government turned to _ for help._UN established a _. UN committee raised funds investigated the issue 1960documentdocumentPart2:How was the problem solved ?TemplesTemples andand otherother culturalcultural relicsrelics werewere takentaken downdown piecepiece byby piecepiece andand thenthen movedmoved andand _ in in a a placeplace wherewhere theythey werewere safesafe fromfrom thethe water.water.1960_ was moved. Temples and cultural relics were rescued The project was completed.19611980 put back together again The first templeOver the next _ years20ReadRead andand thinking:thinking: CircleCircle thethe numbersnumbers andand guessguess whatwhat theythey mean.mean.1950s195919601961198020 years22templesthousands of .50 countries$80 millionThe work is very hard to be done, but countries can work together to solve problems that seem too difficult for a single nation.Many hands make light work.Part3Part3 Creative thinking(创造性思维)创造性思维)1. 1. WhatWhat is is “the“the spiritspirit ofof thethe AswanAswan DamDam project”?project”? Sometimes, global community can help it out. Face the difficulty positively. Cooperate/work with others. Find and keep a balance between important things.The spirit of cooperation, creation, determination and persistence. 2. 2. WhatWhat cancan wewe learnlearn fromfrom thethe project?project? A lot of money was spent to protect the temples. Do you think it was worthwhile?Why or why not?I think it was worthwhile to spend money on protecting the temples because their value is priceless in terms of cultural heritage.Activity 7:Discussion Activity 8:Critical thinking(批判性思维 )Why do you think so many countries contributed funds and offered help to the Egyptian project?CulturalCultural heritageheritage is is ourour legacylegacy fromfrom thethe past,past, whatwhat wewe livelive withwith today,today, andand whatwhat wewe passpass onon toto futurefuture generations.generations. WorldWorld HeritageHeritage CentreCentre文化文化遗遗 是是遗 去人去人遗 所所遗 造,有造,有遗 代人代人遗遗 承并承并遗 之后世。之后世。 世界世界遗遗 中心中心Lets enjoy a video of the Abu Simbel temples again to appreciate its large value. In the 1950s, the Egyptian government wanted _ (build) a new dam across the Nile. But it would likely damage a number of temples and destroy _(culture) relics. So the government turned _ the united nations for help. A committee _(establish). People from the international community raised funds _ contributed to the project. Temples and other cultural relics were taken down piece_ piece, moved and put back together again in a safe place. _ (end) in 1980, the Aswan Dam project was considered _ great success. The project shows that _ is possible for countries to work together to build a _(good) tomorrow.to buildculturalto was establishedandbyEndingaitbetter课文语法填课文语法填空空 Thank you
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