Unit 3 The Internet-语言点ppt课件 -(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册.pptx

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1、LANGUAGE FOCUSn By the end of this period, you will be able to1.master the usage of such important words and expressions as convenient, update, network, company, benefit, inspire, access, plus, now that etc.; learn to express yourself by using them.2. learn the method of constructing knowledge trees

2、 through self-study &cooperative exploration.3. enjoy the fun of expressing yourself using English and participate in class with passion.Review the Internet vocabulary in the text.RevisionWorld Wide Web, blog, a blog post, search engine, database, software, network, Wi-Fi, surf, stream music(听音乐), o

3、nline communities(网络社区), social groups, remove(移开) the distance, have access to(可以到达;使用) 1._ adj. 方便的;近便的2._ vt. 更新;向提供最新消息 n.更新;最新消息3._ n. (互联)网络;人际网 vt. 将连接成网络4._ n. 陪伴;作陪;公司5._n.益处 vt.使受益 vi.得益于 convenientupdatenetworkcompanybenefit6._ n. 距离(冷淡;疏远)7._ vt. 鼓舞;激励;启发思考;启发;给以灵感8._ n.通道;(使用、接近的)机会 vt.

4、 进入;使用;获取9._ conj. 此外;而且 n. 加号;优势 prep. 加;另加10._n.益处 vt.使受益 vi.得益于 distanceinspireaccess plus benefit1._ sb. company 陪伴某人 9.keep (.) in mind_2._through 经历;度过;通读 3._shape 状况良好 4.keep _ of 掌握的最新消息;了解的动态5.now that _ 6.search engine _ 7.identity card _ 8.make fun of _ keepgoin track 既然既然;由于由于(互联网上的互联网上的

5、)搜索引擎搜索引擎身份证身份证取笑取笑;戏弄戏弄牢记牢记 convenient, update, network, company, benefit, inspire, access, plus, now thatSelf-study time:15 minutesTips: 1. observe the sentences 2. analyze the usage 3. referring to the dictionary 4. take notes1.【教材【教材P28】There are countless articles telling us how the Internet ha

6、s made our lives more convenient. 有无数的文章告诉我们互联网如何使我们的生活有无数的文章告诉我们互联网如何使我们的生活更更方便方便。【单词】convenient adj. 方便的方便的;近便的;近便的convenientinconvenient adj. 不方便的;引起麻烦的句型:It is convenient for sb. to do sth. 做某事对某人来说是方便的。convenience n. 便利;方便;便利的事物convenience food 方便食品at ones convenience 在某人方便时for the convenience

7、of sb./for ones convenience 为了方便某人即学活用即学活用(1)(2019北京高考作文北京高考作文)_ _ _ for you to travel around with the subway system. 有地铁系统,对你来说出行是很方便的。有地铁系统,对你来说出行是很方便的。(2)If it is convenient for you, lets meet at 8:00 at the school gate.(翻译)(翻译)如果如果你你方便的话方便的话,我们八点在学校门口碰面吧。,我们八点在学校门口碰面吧。(3)Can you call me _ _ _ to

8、 arrange a meeting? 能不能在你方便时给我来个电话,安排见一次面?能不能在你方便时给我来个电话,安排见一次面?(4)It is a great convenience to have the school so near. (翻译翻译)学校这么近真是学校这么近真是太方便了太方便了。(5)Shopping bags are provided for the customers convenience. (翻译翻译)购物袋被提供购物袋被提供以方便以方便顾客。顾客。We would appreciate it if you could reply at your earliest

9、convenience.如果您能尽早回复,我们将不胜感激。如果您能尽早回复,我们将不胜感激。It is convenientat your convenience2.【教材【教材P28】We can get the most updated information from large databases. 我们可以从大型数据库中获取最新的消息。我们可以从大型数据库中获取最新的消息。【单词】update vt. 更新;向更新;向提供最新消息提供最新消息 n.更新;最新消息更新;最新消息updatea news update 最新新闻报道update the software 更新软件updat

10、e sb. on sth. 向某人提供某事的最新消息updated adj. 被更新的;最新被更新的;最新的的n.vt.派生即学活用即学活用(1)Well _ _ on the days top news stories. 我们将为您提供当天的重要新闻。我们将为您提供当天的重要新闻。(2)He was back in the office, updating the work schedule on the computer.他已回到办公室,正在电脑上他已回到办公室,正在电脑上更新更新工作日程。工作日程。(3)The lab has recently been _(update) to all

11、ow for more advanced courses. 能不能在你方便时给我来个电话,安排见一次面?能不能在你方便时给我来个电话,安排见一次面?(4)Through the years, Id run into former classmates who would provide _(update). 这些年来,我遇到以前的同学,他们会提供其他老同学这些年来,我遇到以前的同学,他们会提供其他老同学的最新情况。的最新情况。update youupdatedupdates4.【教材【教材P28】At age 50, she found herself out of work and stuc

12、k at home with only her computer to keep her company. 50岁时,她发觉自己失业了,困在岁时,她发觉自己失业了,困在家里,只有电脑家里,只有电脑相伴相伴。【单词】company n. 陪伴;作陪;公司陪伴;作陪;公司companykeep sb. company 陪伴某人搭配拓展enjoy sbs company 喜欢和某人作伴accompany vt. 陪伴;伴随;为伴奏即学活用即学活用(1)I will go shopping with you just to _ _ _. 我和你一起去购物,只是为了陪伴你。我和你一起去购物,只是为了陪伴

13、你。(2)Ken agreed to _(company) me on a trip to Australia.肯答应陪我一起去澳大利亚旅行。肯答应陪我一起去澳大利亚旅行。(3)Tom sang and I accompanied him on the piano. (翻译翻译)汤姆唱歌,我弹钢琴汤姆唱歌,我弹钢琴伴奏伴奏。(4)The singer _ (accompany) on the piano by her sister. 歌手歌手的演唱是由她姐姐弹钢琴伴奏的。的演唱是由她姐姐弹钢琴伴奏的。keep you companyaccompanywas accompanied5.【教材【教

14、材P28】She realised that one of the greatest benefits of the Internet was its ability to remove the distance that usually exists between people. 她意识到互联网最大的她意识到互联网最大的好处好处之之一就是能够消除通常存在于人和人一就是能够消除通常存在于人和人 之间的之间的距离感距离感。【单词】(1)benefit n. 益处益处 vt.使受益使受益 vi.得益于得益于benefitbe of benefit to sb. 对某人有益处for ones be

15、nefit=for the benefit of sb. 为了某人的利益benefit sb./sth. 使某人/某物受益n.vt.&vi.benefit from 从中受益派生beneficial adj. 有益的be beneficial to sb. 对某人有益的搭配即学活用即学活用(1)(2018天津高考)天津高考)Firstly, not only will you learn Chinese language but you can also know more about Chinese culture, which will _ _ _ _ to your future car

16、eer. 首先,你不仅可以学习汉语,而且可以了解更多的中国首先,你不仅可以学习汉语,而且可以了解更多的中国文化,这将对你未来的职业生涯有很大的帮助。文化,这将对你未来的职业生涯有很大的帮助。(2)There is no doubt that you can gain more benefits from it.(翻译翻译)毫无疑问,你可以从中获得更多的毫无疑问,你可以从中获得更多的益处益处。(3)Reading _ us.=We benefit _ reading.=Reading is _ to us. 阅读使我们受益。阅读使我们受益。(4)(2018浙江高考)浙江高考)Acting as

17、a volunteer of English Association will not only enrich my life, but also be of great benefit to me in the long run. 英语协英语协会的志愿者工作不仅会丰富我的生活,而且从长远来看对我有很大的好处。会的志愿者工作不仅会丰富我的生活,而且从长远来看对我有很大的好处。be of great benefitbenefitsfrombeneficial5.【教材【教材P28】She realised that one of the greatest benefits of the Inte

18、rnet was its ability to remove the distance that usually exists between people. 她意识到互联网最大的她意识到互联网最大的好处好处之之一就是能够消除通常存在于人和人一就是能够消除通常存在于人和人 之间的之间的距离感距离感。【单词】(2)distance n. 距离(冷淡;疏远)距离(冷淡;疏远)distancein the distance 在远方;在远处keep.at a distance 对冷淡;与保持一定距离at/from a distance 离一段距离;从远处n.a distance of 200 kilo

19、meters 200公里的距离派生distant adj. 遥远的;疏远的;冷淡的即学活用即学活用(5)The beach is within walking distance of my house. 海滩离我家海滩离我家很近,走几步路就到了。很近,走几步路就到了。(6)The coldness and distance in her voice took me by surprise.她话语中透出的冷淡和她话语中透出的冷淡和疏远疏远使我感到意外。使我感到意外。(7)During the Long March, the Red Army covered _ _ _ 25,000 li. 长征

20、中红军行程长征中红军行程25000里。里。(8)Farther _ _ _, I could enjoy the view of snowy mountains. 往远处看,我可以欣赏白雪皑皑的群山。往远处看,我可以欣赏白雪皑皑的群山。(9)The picture looks beautiful _ _ _. 那幅画远看那幅画远看很美。很美。a distance ofin the distanceat/from a distance6.【教材【教材P28】She was so inspired by the people she met online that she decided to s

21、tart an IT club to teach older people how to use computers and the Internet. 她受到网友的她受到网友的启启发发决定成立一个决定成立一个IT俱乐部来教年长一些的人们学习使用电脑和互联网。俱乐部来教年长一些的人们学习使用电脑和互联网。【单词】inspire vt. 鼓舞;激励;启发思考;启发;给以灵感鼓舞;激励;启发思考;启发;给以灵感inspireinspire sb. to do sth. 激励某人做某事inspire sb. with sth. 用某物鼓舞某人搭配be inspired by 受鼓舞;受启发派生ins

22、piration n. 灵感;启发;鼓舞即学活用即学活用(1)The speech from my head teacher _ _ _ carry on. 我的班主我的班主任的演讲激励我继续下去。任的演讲激励我继续下去。(2)So weeks later, at my 13th birthday party, inspired by her bravery, I gave up my scarf and showed off my scars.几周后,在我几周后,在我13岁的生日聚会上,岁的生日聚会上,受到受到她的勇敢她的勇敢的鼓舞的鼓舞,我摘掉了围巾,我摘掉了围巾,露出了我的伤疤。露出了我

23、的伤疤。(3)The painters inspiration was drawn from nature. The painter was _(inspire) by nature. 画家的灵感来自大自然。画家的灵感来自大自然。(4)(天津高考)(天津高考)Cathy has _ us with her confidence and enthusiasm. 凯茜以她的自信和热情鼓舞了我们。凯茜以她的自信和热情鼓舞了我们。inspired me toinspiredinspired7.【教材【教材P28】Now that he works and can take care of himsel

24、f, his daughter has time to study at university. 由于由于他有工作做又能照顾好自己,他的女儿就可以有时间上大学了。他有工作做又能照顾好自己,他的女儿就可以有时间上大学了。【单词】now that 既然;由于;现在(当既然;由于;现在(当)now短语短语(every) now and then/again 有时;偶尔有时;偶尔right now 现在现在up to now/till now/until now 迄今为止迄今为止just now 刚刚from now on 从现在起即学活用即学活用(1)Now that the kids have l

25、eft home, we have got a lot of extra space. 由于由于孩子们都离开家了,我们住着就更宽敞了。孩子们都离开家了,我们住着就更宽敞了。(2)_ _ you have got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.既然有机会,你不妨好好利用它。既然有机会,你不妨好好利用它。(3)_ _ _ _ he turned around to see if he was followed. 他不时地转过身来看看是否有人跟踪他。他不时地转过身来看看是否有人跟踪他。(4)_ _ _, the work has be

26、en easy. 到目前为止,这项工作一直很容易。到目前为止,这项工作一直很容易。(5)Now that he was ill, I realized how much I owed him. 当他病了的时候,当他病了的时候,我才意识到我欠他多少。我才意识到我欠他多少。Now thatEvery now and then/againUp to now8.【教材【教材P28】She believes that it is highly important to bridge the digital divide and make sure that everyone has access to

27、the Internet and knows how to use technology. 她认她认为,消除数字鸿沟、确保每人都能为,消除数字鸿沟、确保每人都能使用使用互联网,并且知晓。互联网,并且知晓。【单词】access n.通道;(使用、查阅、接近或面见的)机会通道;(使用、查阅、接近或面见的)机会 vt. 进入;使用;获取进入;使用;获取access to 的通路have access to 使用;接近;可以利用accessible adj. 可接近的;可进入的;可使用的;可见到的be accessible to sb. 某人可接近的/可得到的/可使用的accessn.派生搭配即学活用

28、即学活用(1)Students _ _ _ the library during the vacation. The library is _ _ the students during the vacation.学生在假期中可以进入图书馆。学生在假期中可以进入图书馆。(2)The only access _ the farmhouse is across the fields.(3)The loft can be accessed by a ladder. 搭梯子可以上阁楼。搭梯子可以上阁楼。(4)In the near future, everyone is able to join th

29、e global network and access the world of the Internet. have access toaccessible toto 9.【教材【教材P29】Plus they can movies and music at high speed. 此外此外,他们还可以高,他们还可以高速速电影和音乐。电影和音乐。plus conj. 此外;而且此外;而且 n. 加号;优势加号;优势 prep. 加;另加加;另加即学活用即学活用(1)Two plus five is/equals seven. (介词介词) 二加五等于七。二加五等于七。(2)Knowledge

30、 of French is _ _(一个优势一个优势) in her job. 通晓法文使她在工作中占优势。通晓法文使她在工作中占优势。(3)He put a plus instead of a minus. 他填了个加号而不是减号。他填了个加号而不是减号。(4)Ive got too much on at work. _ my father is not well. 我工作我工作负担太重了,而且我父亲身体也不好。负担太重了,而且我父亲身体也不好。a plus Plus 1.【教材【教材P28】But the Internet has done much more for people tha

31、n simply make life more convenient. 但是,互联网为人们做了很多事情,但是,互联网为人们做了很多事情,而不而不仅仅让生活更方便。仅仅让生活更方便。【观察下列句子】(1)I have collected(收集收集) more than 200 stamps so far(到目前为止到目前为止).more than 的意思:_(2)I like autumn more than summer.more than 的意思:_(3)The pain was more than he could bear(忍受). more than 的意思:的意思:_(4)I am

32、more than glad to help you.more than 的意思:的意思:_(5)Miss Li is more than a teacher to us; she is our friend.more than 的意思:的意思:_多于;超过多于;超过多于;超过多于;超过数词数词名词名词超过超过从句从句非常非常形容词形容词不仅仅不仅仅名词名词more than 的常见用法总结的常见用法总结1)后跟)后跟数词、名词或从句数词、名词或从句,表示,表示“超过超过”。2)后跟)后跟形容词或副词形容词或副词,表示,表示“非常非常”。3)后跟)后跟名词或动名词名词或动名词,表示,表示“不只

33、是,不仅仅是不只是,不仅仅是”。1.【教材【教材P28】But the Internet has done much more for people than simply make life more convenient. 但是,互联网为人们做了很多事情,但是,互联网为人们做了很多事情,而不而不仅仅让生活更方便。仅仅让生活更方便。【观察下列句子】(1)Sound travels more slowly than light.more than 的意思:_(2)Lu Xun is more a writer than a doctor.more than 的意思:_(3)There are

34、no more than 30 students in my class. no more than 的意思:的意思:_(4)He is no more hard-working than me.no more than 的意思:的意思:_(5)There are not more than 50 students in my class.not more than 的意思:的意思:_比比更更与其与其不如不如副词副词名词名词不过;仅仅不过;仅仅和和一样不一样不至多,不超过至多,不超过more than的常见用法的常见用法总结总结1)more后加后加形容词、副词、动词或名词形容词、副词、动词或名

35、词,表示,表示“比比更更”。2)more和和than后后加相同的词类加相同的词类,表示,表示“与其与其不不如如”,“是是不是不是”,“是是更是更是”。否定式否定式:no more than 不过;仅仅;和不过;仅仅;和一样不一样不not more than 至多,不超过;不比至多,不超过;不比更。更。 2.【教材【教材P28】We can download software, documents and images whenever we need them. 我们可以我们可以随时随时下载软件、文档和图像。下载软件、文档和图像。即学活用即学活用(1)You can turn to me _

36、you have difficulty. 无论什么时候,你只要无论什么时候,你只要有困难就可以向我求助。有困难就可以向我求助。(2)_ Im happy, he cheers me up. 无论何时,只要我不高兴,他就无论何时,只要我不高兴,他就给我鼓劲儿。给我鼓劲儿。(3)Whenever you come, you are welcome. _ _ _ you come, you are welcome. 无论你什么时候来,我们无论你什么时候来,我们都欢迎。都欢迎。解析解析本句中本句中whenever为连词,可与为连词,可与no matter when 互换,意为互换,意为“无论何时;无论

37、什么时候无论何时;无论什么时候”,引导,引导让步状语从句让步状语从句。wheneverWheneverNo matter when1.It is _(不方便的不方便的) for me to send the identity card to you at 8:00. 2.The only _(通道通道) to the building was blocked.3.Experience is a big _(优势优势) in any job.4.Children under 8 must be a_ by an adult to go across the road.5.Wuzhen, a sm

38、all waterside town in Zhejiang p_, is enjoying its fame through the Internet.6.The r_ in the north are tired of the smoggy(有雾的有雾的) weather.7.Its about time that teachers started to get _(严厉的严厉的) with bullies.inconvenientaccessbenefitccompaniedrovinceesidentstough1. Take notes of the usage of important words and phrases.2. Finish the exercises.


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