Unit 4 单词讲解ppt课件-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册.pptx

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1、Unit 4 History and Traditions配套单词表-详细讲解 1. 1. Confucian Confucian k kn nfju:fju:n n n. n. 孔子;孔子; adj adj 孔子的;儒学的孔子的;儒学的 Confucian school 儒家学派 Temple of Confucius 孔庙2. mansion n. 2. mansion n. 公馆;宅第公馆;宅第 - A dream in Red Mansion 红楼梦3. cemetery n. 3. cemetery n. 墓地;公墓墓地;公墓- funeral (ceremony) n. 葬礼;丧礼

2、4 4. . p philosophy n. hilosophy n. 哲学哲学 - philosopher flsf n. 哲学家 - PHD = Doctor of Philosophy 哲学博士学位Cemetery of Confucius 墓地 孔林5. descendant n. 后裔;后后裔;后代;子孙代;子孙例: Many of them are descendants of the original settlers. 他们中许多人都是早期移民的后裔。 descend v. dsnd 下降;落下;下降;落下; 例:The plane began to descent. 飞机开始

3、降落。 She descended the stairs slowly. 她缓慢地走下楼梯。ancestor 祖先;祖宗祖先;祖宗6. individual a. 单独的;个别的;独特的单独的;个别的;独特的 n. 个人个人- individual requirements 个别需求 - individual freedoms 个人自由Eg: One of the oldest competitors won the individual silver medal. 其中一个年纪最大的参赛者赢得了个人银牌。All our courses are personalized to the need

4、s of the individual. 我们的全部课程都是针对个人需要设计的。What can you do as an individual? 作为个人你能做些什么呢?Each individual learns differently? 每个人的学习方式都不一样。1)Dave could not find a seat in the room. It was very crowded. 2)I want to get there early to avoid the crowds. 3)A crowd of people are waiting in front of the schoo

5、l gate. 4)Too many uncomfortable thoughts were crowding in on her.5)Millions of people have crowded into the center of the capital.6)In the spring the park is always crowded with people every day.a crowd of/crowds of :一大群一大群; 很很多多crowd in (on sb): (想法想法/问题等问题等) 涌上心头涌上心头;涌入涌入 crowd into sth: 大批涌入大批涌入

6、. crowded : adj. 拥挤的拥挤的; 挤满的挤满的 - be crowded with. 挤满挤满7. Achilles heel 阿喀琉斯的脚跟,致命的弱点阿喀琉斯的脚跟,致命的弱点 eg: Lack of confidence is his Achilles heel . 阿喀琉斯阿喀琉斯, 是凡人英雄是凡人英雄珀琉斯珀琉斯和海洋女神和海洋女神忒忒t提斯提斯的爱子。忒提斯为了让儿子炼成的爱子。忒提斯为了让儿子炼成“金金钟罩钟罩”, 在他刚出生时就将其倒提着浸进冥河。遗憾的是在他刚出生时就将其倒提着浸进冥河。遗憾的是, 阿喀琉斯被母亲捏住的脚后跟却阿喀琉斯被母亲捏住的脚后跟却不慎

7、露在水外不慎露在水外, 在全身留下了唯一一处在全身留下了唯一一处 “死穴死穴”。后来。后来, 阿喀琉斯被帕里斯一箭射中脚踝而阿喀琉斯被帕里斯一箭射中脚踝而死去。后人常以死去。后人常以 “阿喀琉斯之踵阿喀琉斯之踵” 譬喻这样一个道理:即使是再强大的英雄,也有致命的譬喻这样一个道理:即使是再强大的英雄,也有致命的死穴或软肋。死穴或软肋。类似短语类似短语 a wet blanket 扫兴的人或事情 laugh ones head off 大笑不止;狂笑不止 childs play 很容易的事 last straw 救命稻草 a lucky dog 幸运儿rain cats and dogs 瓢泼大雨

8、 ;倾盆大雨8. kingdom kdm n. 王国王国;领域领域king 国国王王 Queen 女王女王; 王后王后prince 王王子子; 王孙王孙; 亲王亲王princess 公公主主; 王妃王妃emperor 皇帝empire 帝国The United Kingdom9 9. chief a. . chief a. 最重要的;首要的最重要的;首要的 n. n. 首领首领 - chief editor 主编 - chief cause 主要的原因 - chief executive officer chief executive officer 首席执行官首席执行官- chiefly a

9、dv. - chiefly adv. 首要地;主要地首要地;主要地Eg: We are chiefly concerned with improving educational standards. 我们主要关心的是提高教育水平。10. puzzle n 谜谜 ; 疑疑问问 - a word puzzle 一个字谜 - solve a puzzle 解决难题 vt . 迷迷惑;使困惑惑;使困惑 - puzzle over/about sth 苦苦思索 - puzzle sb 使某人困惑Eg: People have long puzzled about how the Egyptians mo

10、ved such huge rocks. adj. puzzled 感感到困惑到困惑的的 - puzzling a. 令人感到困惑的令人感到困惑的 译: Sb feels puzzled by this puzzling puzzle. 例:The girl looked at me with a _expression. Maybe the problem was quite_. Faced with the _situation, the chief manager looked_. puzzled puzzled puzzlingpuzzlingpuzzlingpuzzlingpuzzl

11、edpuzzled11. nearby nba adv. 在附在附近近 adj. 附近的附近的;邻近的邻近的(常在名词前常在名词前)be near to.: 距距.近近be far from.: 距距.远远例:Her mother lives in a nearby town. nearby=surrounding nearby=surrounding adj 附近的 (nearby可做前置定语和后置定语; surrounding只做前置定语) adv 在附近 nearby park = park nearby= surrounding park12. join A to/and B 把把 和

12、和连接或者联结起连接或者联结起来来 =connect A with/to/and B - be joined to 被连接到被连接到- join sb in doing sth 和某人一起做某事和某人一起做某事 join the club/the army/ the league/the party 加入俱乐部、参军,入加入俱乐部、参军,入团、入党团、入党 - join in =take part in =participate in = be involved in 参参加加1. Every individual or group is joined to the world by the

13、Internet. 2. Hong kong is joined to Zhu hai by a bridge. to13. break away from (sb/sth) 脱离;逃脱;背叛脱离;逃脱;背叛 2. I should break away from such habits. 我应该改掉这种习惯。- break up with 跟跟分手;与分手;与断绝关系断绝关系1. The company wants to break away from its downmarket image. 这个公司想摆脱它面向低消费阶层的形象。1. I was prepared to break up

14、 with my family. / break up with my girlfriend. 我已经做好了与家里断绝关系的准备。/ 和女朋友分手。14. belong to 属属于于 无无被被动动/ /无无进进行行, , 做做后置定语用后置定语用ing ing 形式形式 belongings ( (一定用复数一定用复数) 所所有物;财产;财物有物;财产;财物1. Professor Smith keeps telling his students that the future _(属 于)them. 2. He was upset that the valuable watch _him(

15、属于)was lost yesterday. 3. The old house _(belong) to my grandfather was still in good condition. 4. I just escaped from the flood and all my_ (belong) were swept away. belongs tobelonging to belonging tobelongings15. 15. as well as/together with/along as well as/together with/along 和和; 以及以及 谓语用谓语用“就

16、远就远原则原则” not only A but also B not only A but also B 不但不但A A而且而且B B(强调(强调B B) 谓语用谓语用“就就近原则近原则” 1. Peter as well as his friends _(like) to listen to classical music. 2. Not only he but also his brothers _(work) like mad at the moment. as as well as well as 连连接并列接并列的平的平行结行结构构3. We are repairing the ro

17、of as well as _ (paint) the walls. 4. She can sing as well as _(跳舞). -. as well as 和和 一样好一样好 He can speak English as well as you can. - as well as 除除了了 之之外外(还还) = besides 介词介词+doing As well as _(know) some Russian, she speaks English very well. likesare workingpaintingdanceknowing 类似的词:as well “也也 ”

18、, 放放于句末于句末 1. I like English as well. = I like English, too. = I also like English. I dont like English either. 16. currency n. 货币;通货货币;通货 - currency exchange 货币兑换 adj. current 当前的;流行当前的;流行 的的- current situation 当前的局势; current affairs 时事 adv. currently 当前;目前当前;目前 - Currently, the exhibition is in Bo

19、ston. 目前,这场展览会正在波士顿举行。17. defence n 防御;保卫防御;保卫 - in defence of 为辩护;保卫defend v. 辩护;保卫辩护;保卫 - defend from/against 保护免受伤害;保卫- defend ones country 保卫国家 (against the enemy ) - defend sb/oneself 为某人/自己辩护例:例:How can you defend such behaviour? 你怎能为这种行为辩解呢? Black community spoke up to defend the rights of al

20、l people of colour. 黑人社团为捍卫有色人种的权利大声疾呼。 1. Our duty is to defend the country _its enemies. 2. Thousands of young men came forward, willing to _。(保卫他们的国家) 3. He had a lawyer to _(为他辩护)in court. againstdefend their countrydefend him1. Its illegal to drive through a red light. 2. South China tigers are

21、 endangered because of illegal hunting. 3. These large animals are being killed illegally because their body parts are considered to be very valuable. 18. legal adj. 合合法的法的; 法律的法律的 - illegal adj. 不合法的不合法的 legal system 法律制度 legal adviser 法律顾问 law n. 法律 - lawyer n. 律师 19. surround vt. 包围包围 - surround

22、sth with sth 用包围 - be surrounded by/with 被包围 系表结构 - surrounding adj 周围的 附近的(只做前置定语) - surroundings(pl) 环境 1. . The poet _(被包围)被包围)a crowd of people, eager to hear his speech. 2. Mrs White found her husband_(surround)by letters and papers and looking very worried . 3. _(surround) by the clear waters,

23、 this forest provides visitors with a wonderful chance to see some endangered birds in the wild. 4). They live in a beautiful village, with many trees and flowers _(surround) it. was surrounded by/withsurroundedSurroundedsurrounding20. evidence 证证据;证明据;证明 a piece of evidence 一条证据 gather/collect evid

24、ence收集证据 There is evidence that 有证据表明 - evident adj 明显的明显的 It is evident/obvious/apparent that 很明显很明显 1. All the scientific evidence _(show) that increasing use of chemicals in farming _(be) damaging our health. 越来越多的 2. _ _ _ _(有证据表明)the ship sank in a bomb attack. 3. _ _ _(很明显)the man is highly th

25、ought in the company. showsshowsisisThere is evidence that It is It is apparentapparent21.achievement 成成就;成就;成绩绩; ; 达到达到 make an achievement/ achievements 取得成就 a sense of achievement 成就感 / a sense of humor 幽默感 achieve vt. 达到;实现达到;实现 achieve ones aim/goal/ dream = realize ones 达到目的、实现目标达到目的、实现目标 1. T

26、hey felt a great sense of _ to see their childrens _. (achieve) 2. The evidence shows that they _ _ _ _ in many ways. achievementachievements have made great achievements22. location n. 地点;位置地点;位置 - the exact location 确切的位置 locate vt. 找找到到的位置的位置 - locate the city in the map 在地图上找到这个城市 - be located i

27、n / at 坐落于、位于坐落于、位于 1. China _(位于) in the east of Asia with the area of 9,600,000 square kilometers. is located 2. Pingyi _(locate)at the foot of Mount Meng is a beautiful city. is locatedlocated23. conquer vt. 占占领;征服;控制领;征服;控制 -conqueror n. 征服征服者者1. 经过一番激烈的战斗,我军终于占领了敌人的阵地。 After a fierce fight, our

28、 army finally conquered the enemys position.2. 克服恐惧的唯一方法是正视恐惧。 The only way to conquer a fear is to face it. 3. 昨晚这位世界冠军战胜了一名挑战者。 The world champion conquered another challenge last night. 24. battle n. 战役;搏斗战役;搏斗 vt. 搏斗;奋斗搏斗;奋斗 - win / lose the battle 赢得/输掉一场战役 - battle with/against the enemy 与敌人战斗

29、 - battle for 为而奋斗;为而战 类似:fight for/ agaisnt - struggle for/ against 1. She has battled _ cancer for two years. 2. Workers are battling _ equal rights. 25. port n. 港口港口 export vt. 出口出口 - import vt. 进进口口 - transport vt. 运输运输 - passport n. 护照护照 againstagainstforfor26. fascinating a. 极有吸引力的;迷人的极有吸引力的;迷

30、人的 = extremely charming and attractive 1. a fascinating story/subject 迷人的故事;趣味无穷的话题 2. Its fascinating to see how different people approach the problem. 看到不同的人怎样处理这个问题真是有趣极了。3. I fail to see what women find so fascinating about him. 我就看不出他哪一点使女人神魂颠倒。27.keep your eyes open (for sth/sb) 留留心;留心;留意意 - k

31、eep an eye on 照看;留意;密切注视照看;留意;密切注视 keep up with 跟上;保持同步 keep back 隐瞒 - keep back the secret 隐瞒秘密 keep sb from doing sth 阻止某人干某事 keep/go on doing sth 继续做某事 - keep doing sth 不停地做某事 keep off 使不接近 - keep off the grass 远离草坪 keep fit - keep healthy 保持健康 keep ones promise - keep ones word 履行诺言 keep in touc

32、h with 与保持联系 28. charge v. 收收费费; 指控指控; 主管主管;充充电电 n. 主管主管; 收费收费;主管主管free of charge: 免费免费charge ( sb.) sth.( for sth.)收费收费.charge (.)for.(向)收(向)收.的费用的费用take charge of: 负责负责; 主管主管be in charge of: 负责负责; 主管主管be in the charge of: 由由负责负责/主管主管v. n.收费,要价收费,要价get charged: 受指控受指控charge sb with: 指控指控v.n控告,指控控告,

33、指控n. 掌管,负责掌管,负责1. Delivery is free of charge . 免费送货。3. He was charged with murder. 他被指控犯有谋杀罪。4. He took charge of the farm after his fathers death.他在父亲去世后掌管了农场。2. Before use, the battery must be charged. 电池使用前必须充电。29. announce vt. 宣布;声称宣布;声称 - make an announcement 宣布;通知 - announcer 广播员 - announce st

34、h to sb 向某人宣布某事 As is announced, = It is announced that 据报道 1).The spokesman of the Foreign Ministry announced the news _ the reporters. 2). _ is announced in todays newspaper, they have succeeded in solving many problems about the new technology. = _ is announced in todays newspaper that they . 3).

35、They_ _ _(宣布/向我们宣布) that they would publish a new book. toAs ItItmade an announcement/announced to us 30. amount n. 数数量;金额量;金额 - a large amount of +不不可名可名 - 谓语用“单数” - large amounts of +不不可名可名+ 谓谓语用语用“复数复数” - a large number of + 可名可名 - 谓语用“复数” 1. With more forests being destroyed, a large amount of g

36、ood earth _(be) being washed away each year. 2. There _(be) large amounts of valuable information about the Olympic Games. 3. To my disappointment, a large amount of money _(waste) so far. V. amount to 共共计计(=add up to) ; b. 相当于相当于(be equal to) 他的债务共计2万多美元。His debts amount to over $20,000. 他的答复相当于就是拒

37、绝。 His answer amounts to a refusal. is arehas been wasted 31. gallery 展览馆;画廊1. an art/a picture gallery 美术馆;绘画陈列室2. the National Gallery 国家美术馆3.The gallery houses 2 000 works of modern art. 美术馆收藏了2000件现代艺术作品。-a room or building for showing works of art, especially to the public. 32. approach n. 方方法法

38、 ; 途径途径 the approach to sth / doing sth = the way to do sth/ the way of doing sth n. 接接近近 with the approach of 随着随着的临的临近近- The best approach to _(explore) the puzzle is to keep your eyes open. - With the _ of the exam, I became increasingly nervous. v. 接近接近 approach some place 接近某地接近某地 be easy to ap

39、proach 容容易接近易接近 approach a problem 着手处理一个问题着手处理一个问题1. The expert is a person_(容易接近) 2. We heard the sound of _. . (汽车驶近的声音)3. Whats the best way of _ (出来这个问题)?4. _ were guarded by troops. (通往宫殿的所有路) exploring approach easy to approach. an approaching car. approaching this problem.All appraoches to t

40、he palace33. ensure vt. 保证;确保证;确保;担保保;担保 = to make sure that sth happens. ensure the safety of 确确保保的的安安全全1. These road facilities(设备) are used _ (ensure) the safety of the cyclists. 2. The polices duty is to _(确保的安全)citizens.译: 3. Please ensure (that) all lights are switched off.4.We need to ensure

41、a smooth transition between the old system and the new one. to ensure ensure the safety ofview n. (特定视角的特定视角的) 景景色色; 风风景景scenery n. (自然的自然的) 风风景景;景景色色 sight n. 视力视力;景象景象34. landscape n. (陆上陆上/乡村的乡村的)风景风景- The woods and fields are typical features of the English landscape森林与田野是英国风景的典型特征。35.generous a

42、dj. 慷慨的;大方的;丰富的慷慨的;大方的;丰富的 - generously adv. - generosity dnrsti n. 慷慨;大方慷慨;大方 be generous with sth 在方面很大方 be generous to sb 对某人很宽宏大量的反:反:be mean with sth 在方面很吝啬 - be mean to sb 对某人很刻薄 - Its generous of sb to do sth 某人做某事真是慷慨 These volunteers are every generous _ the old men. The young man is very g

43、enerous _ his time in helping others. Its generous _ you to lend your portable computer to me. towith ofbutterhoneyfeastsnack36. ancestor = 36. ancestor = forefather forefather 祖祖先先- His ancestors had come to America from Ireland. 他的祖先从爱尔兰来到美国。37. position n. 位置(位置(location);姿态;职位;处境);姿态;职位;处境 in a

44、comfortable position 舒服的姿势 holds the position as a (manager) 担任职位翻译:1.Whats your position onthis problem?2. Mary is thinking applying for the position.3. You should put the medicines in position.4. When I entered the office, I found all the books out of position. in place/position 在合适的地在合适的地方方 - out

45、 of place/position 在不合适的地方在不合适的地方拓展拓展:position / case/situation/ point /stage/ system/scene -都是定语从句的“抽象地点”先行词, 常用where 引导定语从句 1. Salesman is a position _ communication ability is as important as skills. 2. Today, well discuss a number of cases _ beginners of English fail to use the languages properl

46、y. 3. Its helpful to put children in a situation _ they can see themselves differently. 4. Until today, we have reached a stage_ we have almost no rights at all. 5.I have reached a point in my life _ I am supposed to make decisions of my own. where where where where where where where where where whe

47、re 38. courtyard n. 庭院;院子庭院;院子 1. The house is built around a central courtyard. 这房子是围绕着中央的庭院而建的。2. The courtyard was shaded by high trees. 庭院荫庇在大树下。court n. 法院;法庭;球场;宫廷法院;法庭;球场;宫廷yard n. 后院;花园后院;花园 - backyard 39. eager adj 热切的;渴望的热切的;渴望的 - n. eagerness 渴望渴望 be eager/anxious/dying for sth 渴渴望某事望某事 b

48、e eager to do sth 渴渴望望做做某事某事 1. The little girl, who is helped by the Project Hope, is eager _ knowledge and eager _(make) progress. 2. Mike is eager _ (stay) away from the busy city life for a while.3. As far as I know, he is eager_ success. 4. I couldnt hide my _ to get back home.to makeforto stay

49、foreagerness40. poet n. 诗人诗人 poem n. 诗;诗歌(可数名词)poetry n.诗集; 诗歌; 诗作41. feast n. 盛宴;节日盛宴;节日 - a feast for the eyes and ears 视觉和听觉的盛宴 - feast on 尽情欣赏;大吃大喝 译 1. Listening to the Mozarts music is a feast for the ears. 2. Thats something for your eyes to feast on. 42. roll v. (使使)翻滚翻滚;(使使)滚动滚动; n. 卷卷(轴轴);

50、 翻翻滚滚. - a roll of paper/cloth 一卷纸/一匹布- roll on the grass 在草坪上翻滚- roll down the window 摇下车窗1. The lorry quietly rolled forward. 卡车静静地缓慢前行。2. She looked at Ginny with tears rolling down her cheeks. 她看着金尼,泪水滑落脸庞。43. dot n. 点点;小小(圆圆)点点 v. 加点加点;遍布遍布. 译:1. The sky was dotted with stars. 繁星点缀着星空2. The hel


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