
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:2646329 上传时间:2022-05-14 格式:PPT 页数:94 大小:1.88MB
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1、Working the land课时作业课时作业考点互动探究考点互动探究基础知识回顾基础知识回顾与名师对话高考总复习高考总复习课标版课标版英语(专版)英语(专版)1.识记填读识记填读2.联想填读联想填读3.构词填读构词填读4.语境填读语境填读5.句式填读句式填读6.核心词汇核心词汇7.单元语法单元语法8.微型考场微型考场9.名师讲坛名师讲坛.识记填读识记填读1_ n. 十年十年(期期)答案答案decade2_ n. 焦点,中心点;焦点,中心点;vt. 集中;聚焦集中;聚焦答案答案focus3_ vt.减少减少答案答案reduce4_ n. 产量;输出;产量;输出;vt.输出输出答案答案outp

2、ut5_ adj.晒黑的;晒伤的晒黑的;晒伤的答案答案sunburnt.联想填读联想填读1struggle vi. & n斗争;努力斗争;努力struggle_为为而斗争而斗争/奋斗奋斗struggle_努力做努力做(困难的困难的)事事答案答案for sth.;to do sth.2be_对对感到满意感到满意be content with/ be pleased with对对感到满意感到满意答案答案satisfied with3_vt. & n遗憾;后悔遗憾;后悔regret_后悔做过某事后悔做过某事regret_遗憾地做某事遗憾地做某事答案答案regret;doing sth.;to do

3、sth.4_逐渐增强逐渐增强build oneself up强身强身健体健体答案答案build up5_导致;造成导致;造成(后果后果)contribute to导致导致答案答案lead to6_._使使免受免受(影响、伤影响、伤害等害等);使;使不含不含(有害物有害物)be free from/ of免受免受答案答案keep;free from/ of.构词填读构词填读1. hunger n. 饥饿;欲望;饥饿;欲望;v.(使使)饥饿饥饿_ adj. 饥饥饿的饿的答案答案hungry2_ vt. & vi.使变大;伸展使变大;伸展expansion n扩扩展展/扩张扩张/扩大;膨胀扩大;膨胀

4、答案答案expand3export vt. & vi. 输出;出口输出;出口_ v输入;进输入;进口口答案答案import4_ n工作;职业;占领工作;职业;占领occupy vt.使用,使用,占用;占据,占领占用;占据,占领答案答案occupation5confuse vt. 使迷惑;使为难使迷惑;使为难_ adj. 迷惑迷惑的,糊涂的的,糊涂的_ adj.令人困惑的,难以理解的令人困惑的,难以理解的答案答案confused;confusing6_ adj.化学的;关于化学的化学的;关于化学的_ n化学化学chemist n药剂师;药商;化学家药剂师;药商;化学家答案答案chemical;c

5、hemistry7_ n生产,制造生产,制造produce vt. 生产,制造生产,制造_ n产品产品答案答案production;product8nutrition n. 营养;滋养;食物营养;滋养;食物_ adj.有营有营养的,营养丰富的养的,营养丰富的答案答案nutritious.语境填读语境填读1_(多亏多亏) Dr. Yuan Longpings _(努力努力) for the _(过去过去50年年) his hybrid rice _the world _(摆脱摆脱) hunger in a large degree.答案答案Thanks to;struggle;past five

6、 decades;rid;of2You _never _(对对不满意不满意) what I have done. How I _(后悔成后悔成为为) your friend at that time!答案答案are;satisfied with;regret becoming3_(有机的有机的) farming_(集中注集中注意力于意力于) the health of the food,_(减少减少) the pollution of the _(土壤土壤) and_products_and _(使使免受化学药品和害虫的伤害免受化学药品和害虫的伤害)答案答案Organic;focuses on

7、;reducing;soil;keeping;free from chemicals;pests4We must_(集中精力于集中精力于) what we are doing,otherwise we couldnt get a good result.答案答案focus on5We have _the supermarket _(为为供应供应) our quality products for three years and they _(对对满意满意)our _.答案答案supplied;with;are very satisfied with;supplies.句式填读句式填读1Dr Y

8、uan Longping grows _ super hybrid rice.袁隆平博士种植的是被称为袁隆平博士种植的是被称为“超级杂交水稻超级杂交水稻”的稻种。的稻种。答案答案what is called2Using his hybrid rice,farmers are producing harvests _ before.用他的杂交水稻,农民种出的粮食比用他的杂交水稻,农民种出的粮食比以前多了一倍。以前多了一倍。答案答案twice as large as3_,what did you do to grow them?如果这样的话,你做了些什么来种植这些植物?如果这样的话,你做了些什么来

9、种植这些植物?答案答案If so4He _ much _ keep time for his hobbies.他宁愿把时间花在自己的爱好上。他宁愿把时间花在自己的爱好上。答案答案would;rather必必会会struggle to do sth.努力做某事努力做某事struggle for为为而奋斗而奋斗struggle to ones feet挣扎着站起来挣扎着站起来struggle against/ with向向作斗作斗争;同争;同搏斗搏斗用适当的介、副词填空用适当的介、副词填空He struggled_his feet.答案答案toHe struggled_his freedom.答案

10、答案forA strong man will struggle_the storm of fate.答案答案with/ againstLife became a struggle_survival.答案答案for类类词词辨辨析析expand展开,扩大,不仅指尺寸的增加,还展开,扩大,不仅指尺寸的增加,还可指范围和体积的扩大可指范围和体积的扩大extend伸出,延伸,指空间范围的扩大,以伸出,延伸,指空间范围的扩大,以及长度、宽度的向外延伸,也可指时及长度、宽度的向外延伸,也可指时间的延长。间的延长。spread伸开,传播,一般指向四面八方扩大伸开,传播,一般指向四面八方扩大传播的范围,如传播的

11、范围,如(疾病疾病)漫延、散布漫延、散布(信信息息)等。等。stretch伸展,拉长,一般指由曲变直、由短伸展,拉长,一般指由曲变直、由短变长的伸展,不是加长。变长的伸展,不是加长。用用expand,extend,spread,stretch的适当形式填空的适当形式填空The hot weather _ to October.答案答案extendedWater _ when it freezes.答案答案expandsHe _ his body full.答案答案stretchedThe fire soon _ to the nearby building.答案答案spreadA用用there

12、fore,so,thus填空填空She was caught cheating in the exam and _ she was punished by her teacher.答案答案thereforeShe coughed badly,_ she went to see a doctor.答案答案soThe tram stopped suddenly,_ causing the delay.答案答案thusB单项填空单项填空(2013南京四校调研南京四校调研)Student loans are supposed to provide financial support for the s

13、tudents who would_not be able to go to college.Aotherwise BmeanwhileCtherefore Dnevertheless解析解析考查词语辨析。句意:学生贷款应该为那些学生考查词语辨析。句意:学生贷款应该为那些学生提 供 资 金 上 的 帮 助 , 否 则 , 他 们 就 不 能 上 大 学 了 。提 供 资 金 上 的 帮 助 , 否 则 , 他 们 就 不 能 上 大 学 了 。otherwise“否则,要不然否则,要不然”;meanwhile“与此同时与此同时”;therefore “因此因此”;nevertheless“然而

14、然而”。根据句意可知应。根据句意可知应选选A项。项。答案答案AA完成句子完成句子The _ question _ everyone. 这个令人困这个令人困惑的问题使每个人都很为难。惑的问题使每个人都很为难。答案答案confusing;confusedDont _ the word “weather” _ “whether”不不要把要把weather和和whether这两个单词弄混了。这两个单词弄混了。答案答案confuse;withB语法填空语法填空From his _ (confuse) look,we could see that he hadnt expected that we cou

15、ld raise such _ (confuse) questions to him.解析解析confused表示表示“困惑的困惑的”,常用来修饰人或人的,常用来修饰人或人的表情等;表情等;confusing则用来修饰令人困惑的事情,由第二个空后则用来修饰令人困惑的事情,由第二个空后的的questions可知应用可知应用confusing来修饰。来修饰。答案答案confused;confusing必必会会regret to do sth.遗憾遗憾/抱歉要去做某事抱歉要去做某事regret doing sth.后悔曾经做过某事后悔曾经做过某事regret not to have done sth

16、.后悔没做过后悔没做过某事某事have no regrets about doing sth.没有遗没有遗憾做过某事憾做过某事A语法填空语法填空You did very well at the meeting,Black.Well,I regret _ (say) that to the boss.解析解析“后悔做了某事后悔做了某事”用用regret doing或或regret having done。答案答案saying/having saidI regret _ (tell) you that you will be dismissed for breaking the rules.答案答

17、案to tellB单项填空单项填空(2013邯郸月考邯郸月考) They failed to pass the exam last time. I regretted_them.Ato be not able to help Bbeing not able to helpCnot being able to help Dnot be able to help解析解析考查非谓语动词。考查非谓语动词。regret后跟后跟v.ing形式作宾形式作宾语,表示后悔曾经做过某事。语,表示后悔曾经做过某事。答案答案CShe was reduced to _ (beg) for a living.答案答案be

18、ggingProduction costs have been reduced _ 30%.答案答案by_ _ the timely rain,the crops were saved. 多亏了这场及时雨,庄稼得救了。多亏了这场及时雨,庄稼得救了。答案答案Thanks to_ the bad weather,the football match was put off.由于天气不好,足球赛被推迟了。由于天气不好,足球赛被推迟了。答案答案As a result of(Due to)必必会会be rid of除掉,摆脱掉除掉,摆脱掉(麻烦的东西麻烦的东西)get rid of处理掉;除去,摆脱处理

19、掉;除去,摆脱rid.of使摆脱;使解除;使去掉使摆脱;使解除;使去掉Ive tried all sorts of medicines to _ this cold.为了治好感冒,我已经试用了各种药物。为了治好感冒,我已经试用了各种药物。答案答案get rid ofHow to_these things_a big problem.Abe rid of;is Bget rid of;isCbe rid of;are Dget rid of;are解析解析考查固定短语和主谓一致。考查固定短语和主谓一致。get rid of摆脱摆脱。第二空主语为句子,故用单数。第二空主语为句子,故用单数。答案答案

20、BA完成句子完成句子I _ _ go out _ stay at home tonight. 我宁愿今晚出去也不想待在家里。我宁愿今晚出去也不想待在家里。答案答案would rather;thanId rather _ _ tomorrow. 我宁愿你明我宁愿你明天来。天来。答案答案you cameB语法填空语法填空Do you mind if I open the window?I would rather you _. I feel a bit cold.答案答案didnt必必会会lead sb. to do sth. 使某人做某事使某人做某事lead sb. to sp. 带领某人去某地

21、带领某人去某地lead sb. into 带某人进入带某人进入lead the way 引路,带路引路,带路A下面哪个词不能填入句子的空白处下面哪个词不能填入句子的空白处Alead toBcauseCresult inDresult fromEating too much fat can _ high blood pressure easily.解析解析A、B、C三项均可表示三项均可表示“导致导致”,符合题意。,符合题意。result from意为意为“由由产生产生”,不合句意。,不合句意。答案答案DB语法填空语法填空Too much work and too little rest ofte

22、n lead to _ (ill)答案答案illnessWhat led you _ (take) up acting as a career?答案答案to take必必会会build sb./ oneself up增强体质增强体质build up ones health/ body 增进健康增进健康build up a fame 建立名声建立名声用用build up,put up,set up的正确形式填空的正确形式填空You can _ organizations and open schools.答案答案set upThey _ seven kilometres of hightensi

23、on lines in 13 days.答案答案put upExercise can _ our strength.答案答案build up必必会会focus on/ upon集中集中(注意力、精力等注意力、精力等)于于focus ones attention/ efforts/ mind on把注意力把注意力/努力努力/心思集中在心思集中在上上the focus of attention注意的焦点注意的焦点A完成句子完成句子We must _ _ the rising level of unemployment. 我们必须关注与日俱增的失业率问题。我们必须关注与日俱增的失业率问题。答案答案f

24、ocus onAll eyes _ the speaker. 大家的目光大家的目光都集中在发言人身上。都集中在发言人身上。答案答案were focused onB语法填空语法填空The old man stood there with his eyes_ (focus) on the picture.解析解析考查动词时态。句意:那个老人站在那里,眼睛考查动词时态。句意:那个老人站在那里,眼睛盯着那幅画。盯着那幅画。focus和和eyes 之间为被动关系,故这里要填过去分之间为被动关系,故这里要填过去分词。词。答案答案focused必必会会be free from/ of不受不受影响的;影响的;

25、不含不含(有害物有害物)的的keep sb. from doing sth.阻止某人阻止某人做某事做某事keep (oneself) from doing sth.忍住忍住(克制住自己克制住自己)不做某事不做某事A完成句子完成句子We must _the house _ _mice.我们必须让房屋里没有老鼠。我们必须让房屋里没有老鼠。答案答案keep;free fromB语法填空语法填空They like living in a village,free_crowds and noises.答案答案from/of(2013石家庄质检石家庄质检)_has brought worldwide at

26、tention to China?你认为到底是什么使中国备受世界关注?你认为到底是什么使中国备受世界关注?Rapid and steady economic growth,of course.当然是迅当然是迅速而又稳定的经济增长了。速而又稳定的经济增长了。答案答案What do you think it is that_ worries me most is his safety.答案答案What(2013湖南五市十校第一次联合检测湖南五市十校第一次联合检测)_he referred to in his article was often discussed by many people.解析

27、解析考查名词性从句。句意:他在文章里提到的考查名词性从句。句意:他在文章里提到的(问问题题)经常被很多人讨论。分析句子结构可知,经常被很多人讨论。分析句子结构可知,“_he referred to in his article”是主语从句,且空处在从句中作宾是主语从句,且空处在从句中作宾语,故用语,故用What。答案答案WhatDont forget to call me.别忘记给我打电话。别忘记给我打电话。I forgot meeting you here.我忘记在这里遇见过你了。我忘记在这里遇见过你了。need,want,deserve,require(表示需要;值得表示需要;值得)后跟后

28、跟doing 表被动意义,相当于用动词不定式的被动式。表被动意义,相当于用动词不定式的被动式。The man who wanted to steal money deserved punishing.(deserved to be punished)想要偷钱的那个人应该想要偷钱的那个人应该受到惩罚。受到惩罚。用所给动词的适当形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填空If you insist on standing there,you will risk _(knock) down.答案答案being knocked_(raise) your hat to a lady is good manners.

29、答案答案Raising_(expose) to the strong sunlight for too long a time will make you burnt.答案答案Being exposedYou can never imagine the difficulty I had _(persuade) him to give up his impractical idea.答案答案persuadingThe discovery of new evidence led to the thief _(catch)答案答案being caught基础知识基础知识.语境填词语境填词1The _

30、(设备设备) of the photographic studio was expensive.答案答案equipment2Tom is preparing for an exam. Dont _(打打扰扰) him.答案答案disturb3The toys produced in our factory are mainly_(出出口口) to European countries.答案答案exported4I am _(混乱不清混乱不清). Will you please explain it to me in an easy way?答案答案confused5In the past de

31、cade the population of Shenzhen is_(扩扩展展) very fast.答案答案expanding.选词填空选词填空lead to;thanks to;would rather;focus on;free of1The company has had a successful year,_the improvement in export sales.答案答案thanks to2I _you met her at the airport tomorrow morning.答案答案would rather3The bank has offered a reward

32、 for any information _the arrest of the men.答案答案leading to4Her mind was completely _looking after her mother.答案答案focused on5If your wages are very small,they will be _ income tax.答案答案free of基本技能基本技能.微语法微语法动词的动词的ing形式作主语、宾语形式作主语、宾语A用所给动词的适当形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填空1I am always _(confuse) John and Paulwhich is

33、 John?答案答案confusing2He narrowly escaped _(run) over by a car.答案答案being run3I object to _(make) fun of.答案答案being made4He is considering _(take) part in the school sports meet.答案答案taking5What made Jane so upset?_(lose) the ring her husband bought her for her birthday.答案答案LosingB完成句子完成句子1Accepting the

34、job means _ _. 接受这份接受这份工作就意味着在国外居住。工作就意味着在国外居住。答案答案living abroad2I regret _ _ such a thing. 我后悔做了这我后悔做了这样的事。样的事。答案答案having done3After hearing the story,we _.听听完这个故事,我们忍不住大笑起来。完这个故事,我们忍不住大笑起来。答案答案couldnt help laughing4_ talking without doing. 光说不光说不做没有用。做没有用。答案答案It is no use5We dont _ _ here.我们这里不许吸烟

35、。我们这里不许吸烟。答案答案allow smoking.微完形微完形Shirley,wife,mother and doctor and her husband,a lawyer,began searching for ways to_1_their lives.“We had to decide what was really_2_.”says Shirley.They knew they wanted more time to_3_with their threeyearold son,to exercise and eat right,and to develop friendship.

36、So the couple chose to live more simply,shopping with care for necessities and enjoying inexpensive_4_such as reading,cooking and going to the park.1A.lead Bsimplify Cadapt Dconsider解析解析她和她丈夫开始寻求使他们生活简化的方法。她和她丈夫开始寻求使他们生活简化的方法。simplify是是simple的动词形式,后面也有提示的动词形式,后面也有提示“live more simply”答案答案B2A.comforta

37、ble BinterestingCimportant Dhard解析解析所以首先要判断出什么是真正重要的,所以首先要判断出什么是真正重要的,important 符合题意。符合题意。答案答案C3A.study Bhelp Cmeet Dplay解析解析to play with sb.“和某人一起玩和某人一起玩”,句意:他们,句意:他们知道他们要更多的时间和三岁的儿一起玩,一起锻炼,一起吃知道他们要更多的时间和三岁的儿一起玩,一起锻炼,一起吃饭,增加培养友谊。饭,增加培养友谊。答案答案D4A.pleasures Bplaces Ctasks Dgoods解析解析享受非昂贵的乐趣,例如:读书、蒸饪、

38、去公园享受非昂贵的乐趣,例如:读书、蒸饪、去公园等。等。答案答案A.微阅读微阅读At the same time,an oversized man pulling an oversized carryon passed our row. His wheeled bag caught the foot of the German man. Turning to see what snagged his luggage,the American fellow yanked his bag hard enough so that it crossed over the mans feet. It w

39、as then that my horror struck. There was no “Im sorry”,no “Excuse me”,and no “Pardon me” coming from this countryman of mine.The underlined word“snagged” means_.Astopped Bcovered Ctouched Dpushed解析解析词义猜测题。根据选段中的词义猜测题。根据选段中的“His wheeled bag caught the foot of the German man.”,特别是其中的,特别是其中的“caught the

40、 foot of the German man”可以推知,他回头看是什么可以推知,他回头看是什么“钩钩住住”了他的行李,这样就可判断出该词的意思是了他的行李,这样就可判断出该词的意思是“钩住钩住”。答案答案A【连句成篇连句成篇】_答案答案After five decades struggle,Dr Yuan Longping succeeded in growing a kind of super hybrid rice. Thanks to his research,the hybrid rice has ridded more people of hunger. However Dr Yuan doesnt care about being famous. He is quite satisfied with his simple life.此课件下载可自行编辑修改,此课件供参考!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,此课件供参考!部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请与我联系删除!感谢你的观看!部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请与我联系删除!感谢你的观看!


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