
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:2679202 上传时间:2022-05-17 格式:PPT 页数:52 大小:6.73MB
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1、人称代词小歌谣:人称代词小歌谣:我是我是I I,你是,你是you,男他男他he,女她,女她she,物它就用物它就用it替,替,我们我们we,你们,你们you,他她们他她们they。1._(我我) am a teacher.2._(你们你们) often read English.3._(他他) often plays basketball after school.4._(我们我们) buy a pair of shoes for him.5._(他们他们) are listening to the radio.6._(她她) likes to send food him.rfrefmjm B

2、e的用法口诀的用法口诀 我(我(I I)用)用am ,你(,你(you)用)用are; is用于他(用于他(he),她(她(she),它),它(it); 单数单数is,复数复数are。 1)I_astudent. 2)You_adoctor. 3)she_fromJinan. 4)He_inClass4,Grade1. 5)It_acar.amareisisis请小组讨论完成下列练习请小组讨论完成下列练习 1.He _ Frank. 2.She _ Helen. 3.Bob and Frank _ boys(男孩男孩). 4.They(他们他们) _ Eric and Gina. 5.I _

3、a beautiful girl.isisareaream 二、在下面的题目中填上恰当的二、在下面的题目中填上恰当的Be动词。动词。 1.I_fromAustralia. 2.She_astudent. 3.JaneandTom_myfriends.4.Myparents(父母)_verybusyeveryday. 5.I_atschool. 6.He_atschool. amisareareamis 7.We(我们)_students. 8.They(他们)_fromChina. 9.YangLing_elevenyearsold. 10.Where_yourfriends? 11.Howo

4、ld_youlastyear? 12.Whichdog(狗)_yours?areareisareareisI ( ) a boy.You ( ) a teacher.She ( ) a student(学生学生).It ( ) a cat.We ( ) girls.You ( ) teachers.They ( ) students.1. 我是一个学生。我是一个学生。2. 我我12岁。岁。3. 我身体很好。我身体很好。4. 他是一个医生。他是一个医生。5. 他们身体很好。他们身体很好。I am a student.I am twelve.I am fine.He is a doctor.The

5、y are fine.You are a boy.She is a girl.It is a lovely dog. 6.你是一个男孩。你是一个男孩。 7. 她是一个女孩。她是一个女孩。 8. 它是一只可爱的它是一只可爱的小狗。小狗。 be动词用法歌:动词用法歌: 我用我用am,你用你用are,is跟着他,她,它。跟着他,她,它。 单数名词用单数名词用is,复数,复数are。 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。 变否定,更容易,变否定,更容易,be后后not莫忘记。莫忘记。 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。rfrefmjmIam=

6、ImYouare=YoureHeis=HesSheis=Weare=Itis=Theyare=ShesWereItsTheyre否定形式的缩写:否定形式的缩写:isnot=isntarenot=arentam not没有缩写形式!没有缩写形式!excuse /ikskju:z/ v. 原谅原谅me /mi:/ pron. 我(宾格)我(宾格)is /iz/ v. be 动词第三人称单数动词第三人称单数yes /jes/ adv. 是的是的this /is/ pron. 这这 近近,that 那个那个远远your/j:/你的,你们的你的,你们的 pardon /p:dn/ int. 原谅,请再说

7、一遍原谅,请再说一遍it /it/ pron. 它它thank you /k-ju:/ 感谢你(们)感谢你(们)very much / veri-mt / 非常地非常地Learn the new wordshandbaghndbg pencilpensl househaswatch wtshirt:t coat kt dress dresLearn the new wordsexcuse /kskju:z/handbag /hndbg /pardon /pa:dn/watch /wt /coat /kut/dress /dres/skirt /sk:t/shirt / :t/house /ha

8、s/原谅原谅女用(手提包)女用(手提包)原谅,请再说一遍原谅,请再说一遍手表手表大衣,外套大衣,外套连衣裙连衣裙裙子裙子衬衣衬衣房子房子cards闪卡excusehandbag pardonwatchcoat dress skirt shirt houseIs this a basketball ?Yes ,it is.Lesson1Excuse me!v:LookatthepicturesvListentotheteacherthenanswerthequestion:vWhose handbag is it?vItsthewomans.Lets read and translateExcu

9、se me! Yes? Is this your handbag? Pardon?Is this your handbag? Yes, it is.Thank you very much.我我 :主格:主格 I 宾格宾格 meExcuse me! Yes?Excuse me :打扰一下,对不起。打扰一下,对不起。Sorry:对不起对不起Excuse:为了引起别人的注意,而用的为了引起别人的注意,而用的客套说法,客套说法,在事情发生之前在事情发生之前使用使用。Sorry:犯错误之后道歉的,犯错误之后道歉的,在事情发生在事情发生之后之后使用使用。Isthisyourhandbag?Yes,itis

10、.(肯定回答)No,itisnt.(否定回答)eg:这是我的钢笔。Thisismypen.Isthisyourpen?Isthisyourhandbag?Pardon?Isthisyourhandbag?Yes,itis.Pardon?= I beg your pardon.原谅,请再说一遍原谅,请再说一遍。Thank you very much.=Thanksalot.非常感谢非常感谢回答:回答:You are welcome.Grammar: 一般疑问句一般疑问句:eg:Is this your handbag ? be动词的一般疑问句,用动词的一般疑问句,用yes/no回答的疑问句:回答

11、的疑问句: be包括包括is, am, are : “是是”. 我用我用am,你用你用are, is用于他她它,单数用于他她它,单数is,复数复数areare. 由肯定句转化成一般疑问句的步骤为:由肯定句转化成一般疑问句的步骤为: 把把be动词提前动词提前,小写变大写,小写变大写. 主语移后大写变小写主语移后大写变小写. 后面不动落下来后面不动落下来. 句号变句号变问号问号,降调变,降调变升调升调. 以以“吗吗”结尾结尾. . (5)(5)人称的变化,如人称的变化,如mymy变成变成your.your.变一般疑问句的规则变一般疑问句的规则Key point:一提,二改,三问号一提,二改,三问号

12、一提(一提(be动词),二改(大小写),三问号(句尾)动词),二改(大小写),三问号(句尾)For example:This is my handbag.一调:一调:Is this 二改:二改:Is my your 三问号:三问号:Is this your handbag?1. Is this your watch? (肯定、否定回答肯定、否定回答)Yes, it is.No,itisnt.2.This is my handbag.(变为一般疑问句变为一般疑问句) Is this your handbag?(做两种回答做两种回答) Yes,it is. No it isnt.PracticeE

13、XERCISES1.Is this your watch?2.This is my watch3.This is your watch.This is your watch.This is not my watch.Is this your watch?1234567句子排序_Pardon?_Isthisyourhandbag?_Thankyouverymuch._Excuseme!_Yes?_Yes,itis._Isthisyourhandbag?3712645Is this your pen?Yes, it is.Lesson 2 Is this your ?Is this your pe

14、ncil?Yes, it is.Is this your watch?Yes, it is.Is this your house?Yes, it is.Lesson 1Lesson 12 随堂小测随堂小测一、一、 填空填空1. 1. “我我”的宾格的宾格 _ 2. be 2. be 包括包括 , , , , . . 3. 3. 我用我用_,你用你用_, _用于他她用于他她它,单数它,单数_,复数复数_.4. pardon = _.4. pardon = _.二、用所给的词写句子二、用所给的词写句子h handbag Is this your handbag? Is this your hand

15、bag? book book _ _car car _pen pen _house house _ _coat coat _meisamareisareamisareI beg your pardonIs this your book?Is this your car?Is this your pen?Is this your house?Is this your coat?三、三、 写出回答写出回答1. Is this your pencil? Yes, _Is this your pencil? Yes, _ _ _._ _.2. Is this your watch? No, _ Is

16、this your watch? No, _ _._.3. Is this your shirt? Yes, _Is this your shirt? Yes, _ _. _.4. Is this your skirt? No, _ _.Is this your skirt? No, _ _.四、四、 句子排序句子排序_ Yes, it is._ Yes, it is._ Pardon?_ Pardon?_ _ Is this your handbag?s this your handbag?_ _ Thank you very much.hank you very much._ _ Yes?

17、es?_ Excuse me!_ Excuse me!_ _ Is this your handbag?s this your handbag?itisitisitisnt1234567itisnt巩固练习:补全对话 1.This is not her_ 2.Is this _hangbag? 3.Thank you_much. 4.Yes,it_ 5.I beg your_yourhandbagpardonisveryhandbagyourveryispardon?words excusev.原谅 mepron.我(宾格) yesadv.是 isv.be 动词现在是第三人称单数 thispr

18、on.这 your你的,你们的 handbagn.(女用)手提包 pardonint. 原谅,请再说一遍 itpron.它 verymuch非常地 penn.钢笔 penciln.铅笔 bookn.书 watchn.手表 coatn.上衣,外衣 dressn.连衣裙 skirtn.裙子 carn.小汽车 housen.房子 thankyou感谢你(们)Sum up作业作业背诵第一课的课文,微信背诵。背诵第一课的课文,微信背诵。背诵所学的单词,会默写。背诵所学的单词,会默写。熟悉今天学到的日常用语。熟悉今天学到的日常用语。把本课的同步练习册上的习题做完。把本课的同步练习册上的习题做完。预习L3-

19、4rfrefmjmIam=ImYouare=YoureHeis=HesSheis=Weare=Itis=Theyare=ShesWereItsTheyre否定形式的缩写:否定形式的缩写:isnot=isntarenot=arentam not没有缩写形式!没有缩写形式!我的我的my,你的你的your.男他的男他的his,女他的女他的her,它它的的its不加点不加点.我们的我们的our,你们的你们的your,(他她它)们的(他她它)们的their别别记错记错形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词人称代词人称代词 人称人称 单数单数 复数复数 主格主格 宾格宾格 主格主格 宾格宾格第一人称第一人称 I

20、 me we us第二人称第二人称 you you you you第三人称第三人称 he him they them she her it it形容词性形容词性物主代词物主代词单数单数复数复数myouryouryourhistheirheritsrfrefmjm13._(我我) am a teacher.14.My father is talking with _(我我).15._(你们你们) often read English.16._(他他) often plays basketball after school.17._(我们我们) buy a pair of shoes for _(

21、他他).18.Please pass_(我们我们) the ball.19._(他们他们) are listening to the radio.20._(她她) likes to send food to_(他们他们).ImeYouHeWehimusTheyShethemWhats name? (his / her)Whats name? (his / her) name is Cindy. (his / her) name is Bob. (his / her)herhisHerHis你会做下面的练习题吗?你会做下面的练习题吗?-Whats _ name?-_ name is Tony.-Whats _ name?-_ name is Gina.Her Focus-Whats _ name?-_ name is Jenny.-I am Jenny. 我的我的my你的你的your男生的男生的his女生的女生的heryourMyhisHisher


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