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1、 . . -. 22.06.2020 1. Rus: . ( ): ) - ; ) ; ) ; ) ; ) ; ) Eng: Select one odd object from the list. Place the remaining objects in order of decreasing average salinity of surface water (starting from the highest values): a) South China sea; ) Sea of Azov; ) Barents sea; ) Dead sea; ) Tasman sea; e)

2、Mediterranean sea 2. Rus: () - . : ) ; ) ; ) ; ) Eng: Tropical cyclone (typhoon) is moving from the Philippines to the southeast coast of China. What is the prevailing wind direction in its forward sector: a) north; ) south; ) west; ) east 3. Rus: . XY (X) (Y) ) 1) ) 2) - ) 3) Eng: Determine complia

3、nce. Write the answer in the form X Y Natural area (X) Prevailing zonal soil type (Y) a) dry steppes 1) Terra Rossa/red mediterranean soils ) Mediterranean forests, woodlands, and scrubs 2) Lixisols/Alfisols ) savanna 3) Kastanozem 4. Rus: /, 24 : ) . , ) , ) . , ) , ) , ) Eng: Select regions / obje

4、cts from the list where on June 24 duration of the daylight hours is increasing a) Beijing, ) Patagonia, ) Sydney, ) Kunlun Antarctic station, ) Hawaiian Islands, e) Scandinavia: 5. Rus: ? , . 1. 2. . . -. 22.06.2020 3. 4. 5. Eng: Which of the following are not examples of rational environmental man

5、agement? Write down the numbers that indicate examples of irrational environmental management. 1) carrying out reforestation works in places of forest fires 2) use of recycled water supply systems in industrial enterprises 3) drainage of wetlands in the upper reaches of small rivers 4) use of associ

6、ated petroleum gas as a raw material for the chemical industry 5) creation of l slagheaps (spoil tips) in coal mining areas 6. Rus: : ) ; ) ; ) ; ) ; ) ; ) Eng: Select anthropogenic accumulative landforms from the list: a) ponor; ) coastal cliff; ) dam; ) rill (gully); ) slagheap (spoil tip); e) adi

7、t (mine adit) 7. Rus: 1:100 000 ( ) 12,56 2. () ( ). Eng: On a map of 1:100 000 scale, the area of the lake (rounded on plan) in the crater of an extinct volcano is 12.56 cm2. Determine the approximate diameter of the crater (lake) on the terraim (in km). 8. Rus: / : ) ; ) ( ); ) ; ) ; ) Eng: Arrang

8、e the natural zones/subzones in order of decreasing biological productivity: a) Arctic desert; ) equatorial rainforests (gilea); ) meadow steppes; ) mixed monsoon forests (subtropical); ) northern taiga 9. Rus: , ( ) , : +26, +3, 1500 , , . 2 /, Eng: Determine what type of climate (zone and sector)

9、the territory belongs to, based on the information from the description: typical temperatures in July about +26C, January about +3C, annual precipitation about 1500 mm, the main part of precipitation falls in summer, winter precipitation value is low. Give 2 examples: endemic species* of animal/plan

10、t living in such climatic conditions * - endemic to a particular continent . . -. 22.06.2020 10. Rus: 2 , . 21 12 , . . ( , ) - , ( , ) - . - : ( ) . , . , . Eng: Throughout this country, 2 times a year there are times when objects do not cast shadows. And on March 21, sunrise here comes about 12 ho

11、urs later than in Beijing. A large part of the territory of this state lies within a vast arid volcanic plateau. Typical representatives of the animal world are (both wild and domesticated) endemic to this continent even-toed ungulates (hoofed animals)-relatives of camels, as well as (both wild and

12、domesticated) rodents - guinea pigs. The Eastern regions of the country differ sharply from the territory of the plateau in terms of natural and climatic conditions: in summer (from November to March), there is much more precipitation. And in the mountains rivers starts up -, the tributaries of the

13、longest and the largest river by discharge volume of water in the world, Although the main headwater sources of this river are located in a neighboring state. Specify the country and one of the river sources 11. Rus: : , , , , , . Eng: Specify the country with the maximum share of reclaimed land in

14、the area of arable land: Argentina, Vietnam, Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine, India. 12. Rus: 1 : ) ; ) ; ) ; ) Eng: Specify the extraction of what type of resource China ranks 1st in the world: a) natural gas; ) coal; ) iron ore; ) oil 13. Rus: , : , , -, , , , , Eng: Select from the list of hydroelectri

15、c power stations located on the Yangtze river: Xiaowan, Gezhouba, Sayano-Shushenskaya, Chirkei, Three Gorges, Xiangjiaba , Qngtngxi, Xiaolangdi 14. Rus: , , ( ). . . -. 22.06.2020 Eng: Name the ocean in the basin of which most of the worlds ports are located, including the largest in terms of cargo

16、turnover (specify the ocean and port). 15. Rus: ? ) ) ) ) ) ) Eng: In which three of these countries the major part of electricity is produced by thermal power plants? a) Kuwait ) Russia ) Brazil ) Norway ) France e) Saudi Arabia 16. Rus: , : ) ) ) ( ) ) : ) ) ) ) Eng: Specify which countries the fo

17、llowing geographical items are located in: a) St. Basils Cathedral b) Uffizi Gallery c) Gugun (Forbidden city) d) Parthenon Write the answer in the table: Geographical items Countries ) ) ) ) 17. Rus: ? Eng: Specify which Asian country is both a monarchy and a federation? 18. Rus: : 23 . 97% -. - .

18、, . , Eng: Determine the province of China by the following characteristics: The province has the largest coal reserves about 23 billion tons. Approximately 97% of electricity generation is based on coal and crude oil. In the South-West of the province, there are favorable conditions for wind power.

19、 One of the largest oil fields in China is located here, where an oil refinery is being built. Raw materials will be supplied from Russia by the Skovorodino-Mohe pipeline . . -. 22.06.2020 19. Rus: ( ) ) ) 50% ) ) Eng: Are the statements correct? (put yes and no) a) the entire territory of Hainan pr

20、ovince is a special economic zone ) in the structure of energy consumption in China, more than 50% is gas ) the largest copper ore deposit in China is Liaohe ) Gejiu the largest tin-bearing area of China in Yunnan province 20. Rus: . . . , . Eng: The Capitals of the two independent States were found

21、ed by colonizers on the shores of a single bay a common estuary of several affluent rivers. Both cities are among the four southernmost capitals of the world. The first capital is the second most populous city on the continent. Name these capitals and the bay on which they are located. 21. Rus: , .

22、, . Eng: The construction of dams and of artificial dammed lakes (reservoirs) on large rivers can have both positive and negative effect. Briefly describe the possible negative consequences that arise when creating large reservoirs. 22. Rus: : () Eng: Define the term: the trophic (food) chain is 23.

23、 Rus: , : Eng: What are the main factors that affect the formation of the soil profile and determine the zonal types of soils in different natural zones: . . -. 22.06.2020 Rus: ? ) UNESCO ) ISO ) WWF ) ) UNISEF Eng: What international organizations are not involved in standardization in the field of

24、 soil quality assessment? a) UNESCO ) ISO ) WWF ) UN ) UNISEF 24. Rus: . XX . ? Eng: The ratio of stable and radioactive carbon isotopes in the atmosphere is one of the proofs of anthropogenic climate change . However, from the fifties of the XX century until recently, its use was incorrect. Briefly

25、 explain why. 25. Rus: : - , ( ) ., (. ), . ) , ( ) . ) , ? ) 2 /, ) 2 /, Eng: There are several main features of the seafloor (morphostructural zones): mid-ocean ridges, flat areas of the deep-ocean floor (abyssal plains), etc., as well as these areas (marked by an arrow - see figure) of extremely

26、high endogenous (tectonic and magmatic) activity. a) Briefly explain how (as a result of what processes) they are formed. ) What is the name of the element of the structure of such zones, indicated in the figure by an arrow? ) Give 2 examples of dangerous exogenous processes / phenomena typical for

27、such zones and provoked by endogenous activity ) Give 2 examples of dangerous endogenous processes / phenomena that are most typical for such zones 26. Rus: : Eng: Specify the main criteria for selecting an agglomeration of cities: 27. Rus: 3 : Eng:Specify at least 3 environmental impacts of coal-fi

28、red power plants: . . -. 22.06.2020 28. Rus: - : - 5 , : Eng: Decipher the abbreviation-the name of the international organization: APEC is List at least 5 countries that belong to this organization: Write the main goal of creating an organization 29. Rus: 20012007 . 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 20

29、06 2007 A % in % to the previous year 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,0 1,2 1,0 1,2 1,4 B % 2000 . in % to 2000 1,4 1,1 1,3 1,4 1,7 1,4 1,5 1,6 20022006 . _ _ Eng: There is data available on the dynamics of production for the years 2001-2007 for 2 enterprises ( and B) Determine the growth rate of production at each enterprise in 2002-2006. _ _ 30. Rus: 2020 , , 80 . ., 23 8 Eng: Calculate the natural population growth in country A in 2020, if it is known that 80 million people live there, and the birth and death rates are 23 and 8 promille (parts per thousand), respectively


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