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1、外研外研版版初中英语八年级初中英语八年级下下册期中自主测试册期中自主测试一一、单单项选项选择择。 (每每小题小题 1 1 分分,共,共 1010 分)分)1.They were all very tired, butof them took a rest.AnoneBallCbothDeither2.I cant stop smoking, doctor.For your health, Im afraid you.AmayBcanCmust3.Hello, may I speak to Mr. Li?Oh, sorry! Heto Hong Kong. He will come back i

2、n three days. Ahas beenBhas goneCwent4.Everyone in Shanghai is so friendly, and that isI love the city.AwhatBwhenCwhyDneedDgoesDhow5.Holly hasfed the dog, but she hasnt watered the flowers.Astill; alreadyBalready; yetCyet; stillDyet; already6.How do you like the fish I cooked for you?I havent had it

3、 yet. However, itgood.AsmellsBtastesCsounds7.You speak English so well.have you learned English?For 5 years.A.How manyBHow longCHow often8.The teachers smile made mebetter.A.feelBto feelCfeeling9.Itsfor him to finish so much homework in such a short time.DfeelsDHow farDfeltSo, why not go and help hi

4、m?AimportantBimpossible10Shall we have a cup of coffee?CinterestingDhumorous AGood idea.BThank you.CIm sorry to hear that.二二、完完形填形填空空。 (每每小题小题 1 1 分分,共,共 1010 分)分)DYes, Id love to.完形填空One day a little mouse was thirsty. She looked around for water to drink. She climbed up a table.And she saw a bottl

5、e on the table. The mouth of the bottle was11. The little mouse looked inside the bottle. Aha, there is12milk in it. Thats great. She went into it and drank.She drank and drank. After a moment she had drunk enough. Her stomach(胃)was too big and she couldnt come13the bottle. She cried for help. Just

6、then a cat came up to the table. 14the cat heard the cry, he jumped onto the table so15, Youll be my nice lunch. The littlemouse was very clever and she16for a moment and said, Brother Cat, you mustnt roll(滚)the bottle. 17? asked the cat. I would get dizzy(头晕目眩的), said the mouse. The cat said that h

7、e would let her die18. So he began to roll the bottle. Suddenly the bottle fell down onto the floor and broke into19. The little mouse ran 20as fast as she could. When the cat jumped off the table and ran after her, the mouse had already gone into her home.11Abig12AlittleBlittleBa littleClargeCfewDs

8、mallDa few13AintoBupCout ofDdown14AWhenBSoCWhereDIf15AhappyBeasyCeasilyDhappily16AwaitedBthoughtCstoodDsaw17AWhenBWhereCWhyDHow18AhappilyBquicklyCquickDeasy19AboxesBglassesCpiecesDcakes20AawayBout ofCintoDafter三三、阅阅读理读理解解。 (每每小题小题 3 3 分分,共,共 3030 分)分)阅读理解English clubComputer clubTime: Monday, Thursd

9、ay& Friday9: 00 am11: 00 amRoom: 201Teacher: Miss Liu Tel: 023-68209643Time: Tuesday, Wednesday&Friday9: 00am11: 00am3: 00pm5: 00pmRoom: 503Teacher: Mr. Hu Tel: 023-68206162Drawing clubMusic clubTime: Monday, Thursday&Sunday9: 00am11: 00 amRoom: 307Teacher: Miss Yang Tel: 023-68206569Time: Thursday,

10、 Saturday &Sunday9: 00am11: 00am3: 00pm5: 00pmPlace: Music ClassroomTeacher: Miss Wang & Mr. Zhang Tel: 023-6820228021Xiao Ming wants to learn computer, so he can call the number .22.You want to learn drawing, so you can go to.ARoom 503BMusic ClassroomCRoom 307DRoom 20123.You are not busy on Thursda

11、y afternoon, so you can go to learn.AmusicBEnglishCdrawing 24What time are all the clubs open?A9: 00 am11: 00 am.B3: 00pm5: 00 pm.C9: 00am6: 00pm.D2: 00pm6: 00pm 25Which sentence is TRUE?DcomputerAMiss Liu and Mr. Hu can teach you to draw.BMiss Wang and Mr. Zhang can teach you music. CMiss Wang and

12、Miss Liu dont know about music. DMiss Wang and Mr Hu can teach you computer.阅读理解On my recent trip to Sydney with my parents, we visited a wildlife park.The wildlife park has lots of different animals. Some are native(当地的)to Australia and can only be found there. There are over 600 animals there, inc

13、luding kangaroos, koalas and crocodiles(鳄鱼). They are living in their natural environment. I like the wildlife park better than a zoo where most of the animalsare in cages(笼子).We first spent some time with the kangaroos. We could touch and feed them. It was very exciting to be so close to them. Ther

14、e were koalas there too. They looked very cuddly(令人想拥抱的). Although we couldnt touch them, I got to take a photo with one. It is a wonderful souvenir(纪念品)of my holiday in Sydney.The wildlife park has plenty of freshwater and saltwater crocodiles. Some of them are really big and scary(吓人的)with huge te

15、eth! I did not want to get too close to them.There was also a bird show. The keepers showed us different species(种类)they had. I saw an old parrot which could talk. It made a great impression on me.I enjoyed the trip very much. There was so much to see.26.Where is the wildlife park?AIn Sydney.BIn Cai

16、ro.CIn Athens.27.What is a wonderful souvenir of the writers holiday?DIn Rome.AAn old parrot.BA chance to feed a koala.CA photo with a koala.DFood for the kangaroos. 28Why didnt the writer want to get very close to the crocodiles?A.Because they lived in water.B.Because the writer was afraid of them.

17、C.Because the writer did not want to feed them.D.Because the writer did not like the smell of salt water.29.Which of the following is TRUE?A.The kangaroos are kept in cages in the wildlife park.B.The writer travelled to the wildlife park alone.C.The writer went to see koalas first.D.The writer watch

18、ed a bird show.30.How did the writer feel after visiting the wildlife park?AExcited.BUnhappy.CBored.四四、根根据句据句意意和和中中文提文提示示写写单单词词。 (每小题每小题 2 2 分分,共,共 1010 分)分)31This kind of fruit has a strange(气味), I dont like it at all.DHopeless.32.Dont be(紧张的)before exams. Just try your best.33.My grandma is too(虚弱

19、的)to do anything. She needs to see a doctor.34.Cindy is out at the moment. Can I take a(口信)?No, thanks. Ill call her later.35.If your homework isnt ( 做 完 的 ), you cant go out for games. 五五、用用括号括号中中所所给给单词单词的的适适当当形式形式填填空空。 (每每小小题题 2 2 分分,共共 1010 分)分) 36We cant wait (see) the film Wolf Warriors .37.Tha

20、nks for(invite) me to your party.38.They(not move) since they came to this village.39.In fact, its not easy(satisfy) my parents.40.My sister likes reading stories about(hero).六六、根根据所据所给给汉汉语语提示提示完完成成句句子,子,每每空空词词数不数不限限。 (每每小题小题 2 2 分分,共,共 1010 分)分)41.朱莉以前得过奖吗? any prizes before?42.看到她的时候戴维忍不住发笑。Davidw

21、hen he sees her.43.汤姆和他的爸爸去过澳门。TomMacao with his father.44.冬天水摸上去很冷。The water in winter.45.这部电影赢得了上千名观众的心。This film hasthousands of the audience.七七、书书面表面表达达。 (共(共 2020 分)分)46.卡通电影海底总动员 (Finding Nemo)深受学生的喜爱,请你根据以下的写作要点,以“Myfavourite cartoon film”为题写一篇短文,介绍一下这部电影。写作要点:片名海底总动员故事发生地澳大利亚主角小丑鱼(clownfish)

22、父子剧情摘要小丑鱼父子在海里过着快乐的生活。有一天,一般船把儿子 Nemo 带走了,父亲Marlin 决定去找他,并最终救了自己的儿子。最佳推荐电影音乐观众评论有趣;Nemo 很可爱,赢得了很多孩子的心写作要求:1)文中需包括所有写作要点,但不要逐字翻译,可适当加入过渡语句,使短文通顺、连贯;2文中不能出现学生的真实姓名和学校名称;3词数 80 左右,短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。My favourite cartoon filmMy favourite cartoon film is Finding Nemo.答案答案解解析部分析部分1.【答案】A2.【答案】C3.【答案】B4.【答案】C

23、5.【答案】B6.【答案】A7.【答案】B8.【答案】A9.【答案】B10.【答案】A【答案】11D;12B;13C;14A;15D;16B;17C;18B;19C;20A【答案】21B 22C23A24A25B【答案】26A 27C28B29D30A31.【答案】smell32.【答案】 nervous 33【答案 】weak34 【答案】message 35【答案】done36.【答案】to see37.【答案】inviting38.【答案】havent moved39.【答案】to satisfy40.【答案】heroes41.【答案】Has Julie got42.【答案】cant h

24、elp laughing43.【答案】has been to44.【答案】feels very cold45.【答案】won the hearts of46.【答案】My favourite cartoon filmMy favourite cartoon film is Finding Nemo. Its a story of the father clownfish and his son. The story takes place in Australia. Nemo and his father live happily in the sea. One day, a ship takes Nemo away. So his father Marlin decides to look for Nemo. In the end, he saves his son. The best part of the film is the music. It sounds great. Many people think the story is interesting and Nemo is so lovely that it wins the hearts of many children.


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