Unit 3 Listening and Speaking & Listening and Talkingppt课件-(2021新)人教版高中英语高一必修第三册.pptx

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1、UNIT 3 Diverse culturesListening & Speaking & Talking1.Where do you think this photo was taken?2. What can you see in the photo? How would you describe it? diverse fortune gumbo nachos cheese spicy ethnic adj. 不同的;多种多样的 diversity n.机会;运气 fortune cookie幸运曲奇秋葵汤 墨西哥玉米片n. 奶酪adj. 加有香料的;辛辣的adj. 具有民族特色的;异国

2、的Important Wordsethnic collection accessory souvenir percentage adj. 具有民族特色的;异国风味的;民族的 n.作品集;收藏品 collect&gathern. 配饰;附件 n. 纪念物;纪念品n. 百分比Important Words_ hamburger_ fortune cookies_ gumbo_ nachosLook at the photos of American food and match them with their names. Then guess which countries cuisine in

3、fluences the foods invention.ABCD_ hamburger_ fortune cookies_ gumbo_ nachosListen to a radio interview about Ameirican food and check whether your answers to Acitivity1 are correct.DBCAABCDListen to the interview again and decide whether the statementsare true(T)or false (F).1. No food was ever inv

4、ented in America.2. Hamburgers were invented in Germany.3. Nachos were invented for Americans by a foreigner.4. Every Chinese restaurant in America has fortune cookies.5. American cooking often mixes things from around the world to make something completely new. FFTTTListen to the interview again an

5、d complete the notes below.Names of foodNotesHamburger mix of _ + _ culturesNachos _ chips covered in cheese made by _ cook for _Fortune cookie invented in _ about _ years ago a piece of _ with _ on it inside cookieGumbo spicy stew invented in N. O. about _ years ago mixes _, _, _, GermanAmericanMex

6、ican cornMexicanAmerican customersSan Francisco100paperfortune200FrenchAfricanNative American Interviewer: Today our guest is Steve Fox. Hes here to talk about cultural influences on American food. Welcome. Steve! Steve:Thank you. Its nice to be here. Interviewer: When it comes to American food, som

7、e say no food was ever invented in America. What do you think? Steve: Hmm.Thats not really true. For example, some say the hamburger comes from Hamburg in Germany, but theyre wrong. The recipe for the meat in a hamburger may have come from Germany. but the final hamburger we know today was definitel

8、y created by Americans Interviewer: You mean there was a mixing of cultures? Food from overseas changed when it arrived in the States. Steve:Right. And there are many more examples of mixed-culture dishes. Like nachos, for example. Interviewer: Oh, I just love nachos! Mexican corn chips covered in c

9、heese? Steve: Yes, theyre delicious, but theyre not traditional Mexican food. The recipe was actually invented by a Mexican cook for his American customers. Then there are fortune cookies. Interviewer: What do you mean? Steve: Theyre not Chinese. Interviewer: Youre kidding! But every Chinese restaur

10、ant in America has them! Steve: Yes, but theyre unknown in China. About 100 years ago, someone in San Francisco put a piece of paper with a fortune on it inside a Japanese-style cookie, and the fortune cookie was born! Interviewer: Wow! Thats interesting! So theyre like a mix of the Chinese, America

11、n, and Japanese cultures. Steve:You got it. And then we have gumbo, the spicy stew. It was invented in New Orleans over 200 years ago, and mixes French, African, Native American, and Spanish cooking. Interviewer: So its the food of many different cultures, all in one dish? Steve: Exactly. American c

12、ooking often mixes things from around the world to make something completely new.1. China is also a country with diverse cultures, so how many ethinic minority groups does China have?2. Which one are you familiar with, what do you know about it? 傣族维吾尔族藏族Look at the photos below and guess what ethnic

13、 minority groups might be talked about. 苗族的挑花、刺绣、织锦、蜡染、剪纸、银饰制作等工艺美术瑰丽多彩,驰名中外。黔东南苗族服饰不下200种,是我国和世界上苗族服饰种类最多、保存最好的区域,被称为“苗族服饰博物馆”。苗族服饰其中最为出彩的莫过于银饰了,他们的银饰包括银角、银扇、银帽、银围帕、银飘头排、银发簪、银插针、银顶花、银网链、银花梳、银耳环、银童帽饰等芦笙,为西南地区苗、瑶、侗等民族的簧管乐器。 发源于中原,后传入少数民族地区,其前身为汉族的竽。在贵州各地少数民族居住的村寨,素有“芦笙之乡”、“歌舞之乡”的称誉。芦笙,是少数民族特别喜爱的一种乐器之

14、一,逢年过节,他们都要举行各式各样、丰富多彩的芦笙会,吹起芦笙跳起舞,庆祝自己的民族节日。drum towerwind and rain bridgesJustin met a new friend while travelling in Guizhou. Listen to their conversation and complete the summaries below.Part 1Justin and _ watched some _ people play the _. The instrument has a history of _ years and it is even m

15、entioned in the oldest collection of Chinese poetry. Then they watched the _. Justin wanted to buy some hand-made _ accessories as souvenirs. He was told that the price will depend on the percentage of _ .Part 2They will go to a pretty _ minority village called _. They will see the _ and the _ . The

16、y may also see a performance of _ . Wu YueMiaolusheng3000silversilverDongZhaoxingwind and rain bridgesthe Grand song of the Dong peopleLusheng dancedrum towersWork in groups. Imagine Justin is telling some firends about his trip to Guizhou. One of you is Justin and the rest of you are his friends.As

17、k Justin questions about his trip and experience. The following expressions may help you.Exactly!No way!Great/Super!Youre right!Youre kidding!Thats interesting!I know what you mean!I cant believe it!Tell me about it!I see!Really!Wow!Showing you are listening LISTENING PART I Justin: Hey, , do you kn

18、ow what kind of instrument these are playing? Wu Yue: Yes, its called a , my favourite musical instrument. Justin: It sounds beautiful. Is it made of bamboo? Wu Yue: Yes. Can you guess when it was invented? Justin: Um.five hundred years ago?I cant tell. I know China has a very long history. wu Yue:

19、Thats a good guess, but the lusheng actually has a history of over 3,000 years. Its even mentioned in the oldest collection of Chinese poetry. Justin: Wow. such a long time ago. There must be many beautiful songs. Wu Yue: Yes, indeed, and they all make me proud. You know, Im a Miao, too, and I m rea

20、lly proud of our culture. Look, Justin: This is great! And I really like the that the girls are wearing. What are they? Wu Yue: Oh, theyre traditional hand-made accessories. I can help you buy some as souvenirs if you like. Justin: Great! Thanks! I hope theyre not expensive. Wu Yue: Oh,well, itll de

21、pend . LISTENING PART 2 (A few minutes later.) Justin: Great, now I have my souvenirs. So where are we going next. Wu Yue? Wu Yue: Im taking you to , a pretty . Its considered one of Chinasmost beautiful villages. Justin: Great. I cant wait. There must be a lot to see. Wu Yue: There is. First, Ill take you to see the beautiful, and then the . The Dong play the husheng, too. Perhaps you ll see them perform . Believe me, you ll love it. Justin: Wow. Im really looking forward to it now.


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