Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Words and expressions 1 ppt课件-(2021新)人教版高中英语必修第三册高一下学期.pptx

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1、Morals and virtuesWords and Expressions(1)Book3 Unit2Learning aims (教学目标)1 主备人 :何梅备课时间:3 .义课时间:3上课时间:问题导学 81.moral adj.道德的;道义上的n.品行;道德;寓意morally adv.道德上;有道德地;确实地immoral adj.不道德的;邪恶的 moral dilemma moral sense moral values moral responsibility moral character 道德困境道德感道德价值道义上的责任道德品质点拨精讲2. dilemma n.困境;进

2、退两难的境地in a dilemma 进退两难;左右为难place sb in a dilemma 使某人处于进退两难的境地翻译: 对于是否应邀参加聚会他左右为难。He was in a dilemma about the party invitation.3. faint adj.(光、声、味)微弱的,不清楚的;快要昏厥 His breathing became faint. There is a faint hope. vi.昏厥 n.昏厥同义词:dizzy adj.头晕目眩的;眩晕的;使人眩晕的; v.使头晕眼花;使发昏;使昏乱faint from/with 因而昏倒faint away

3、 昏过去;消失4.illustrate vt.(举例) 说明;阐明;给(书或文章) 加插图illustration n. 说明;插图;例证illustrated adj. 有插图的1)To illustrate my point, let me tell you a little story.2)Hes just written a book: large format, nicely illustrated and not too technical. 5. precious adj. 珍稀的;宝贵的 & previous 比较级: more precious最高级: most precio

4、us派生词: n. preciousness valuable adj很重要的;宝贵的;很值钱的;贵重的priceless adj.无价的;极珍贵的;极重要的;极有趣的invaluable adj.极有用的;极宝贵的6. entrust vt.委托;交付 entrust sth. to sb.e.g. He entrusted the task to his nephew. trust vt/n.信任;信赖 distrust v./n. 不信 faith n.信任;相信;信心 把某事委托/交付给某人7. carry sb through sth 帮助某人渡过难关It was your help

5、 that carried me through the hard times.正是你的帮助使我度过了艰难时刻。“carry”相关短语:carry on carry out carry away 1). No matter what we do,we must _our duties.2).He had learned enough German to _a conversation.3). The first thing to be done is to _ the earth.carry outcarry oncarry away继续执行拿走,带走,搬走8. marriage n.结婚;婚

6、姻marry vt.嫁;娶;与结婚;把.结合在一起married adj.已婚的;有配偶的;婚姻的1). Theyre getting _next month.2). I opposed her _ to Darry.3) The music business _ art and commerce.4).Youll never _ her shes much too good for you. marriedmarriagemarriesmarry9. majority n. 大部分;大多数 major vi. 主修 in n. 少校; adj. minority n. 少数 _ adj.较小

7、的,次要的,轻微的; 10. complain vi.& vt.抱怨;发牢骚 _ n.抱怨;诉苦;疾病;委屈 专业主要的;重要的;大的minor complaint 11. tuition n.(尤指对个人或小组的)教学,讲授,指导;(尤指大专院校的)学费charge c.n.多指额外的服务费;fee c.n是和专业服务相关的费用,比如学费,会费,律师费;fare c.n是指车费、路费;cost u.n 是产生的费用或成本。选词填空(charge,fee, fare, cost)1. The service _ for restaurants are usually 12.5%.2. The

8、_ of living has increased a lot in recent years.3. Peter didnt have enough money to pay for the bus _.4. This years tuition _ have increased by 500 pounds.chargescostfarefees12. respond vi.回答;做出反应;回应;响应;(对治疗等)有良好反应vt.回答;回复 _ n.回答;回应;回复responseanswer/reply/respond这些动词均有“回答”之意。answer是常用词(一方提出问题另一方回答),

9、后可接letter(表示回信),接question(表示回答问题)reply较正式(用作不及物动词,后面接to),表示回复别人的话语、信件、祝贺、攻击等respond正式用语(常与介词to连用),通常指对号召职责、请求、紧急情况等做出反应或回应。另外,respond还可表示“反应;响应”。选词填空(answer/reply/respond)(1)They did not_ to our new proposal. (2)Do you have any suggestions to us how we should_his questions? (3)I invited her to dinne

10、r but she did not_. respondanswerreplyunitev.联合;团结adj. united 统一的;团结的,和睦的n. unity 团结;一致;联合;个体adv. unitedly 团结一致地;联合在一起地13.union 1. We need to _against terrorism.我们需要团结起来反对恐怖主义。2. We need to become a more _ nation. 我们需要变成一个更加团结的民族。3. We want _, not division. 4. Ive joined the _. 我们要团结,不要分裂。unitedunit

11、e unityunion14.scholarship n.奖学金同义词:fellowshipsscholar n.学者;奖学金获得者She won a scholarship to study at Stanford. 她获得了奖学金,得以在斯坦福大学求学。 15.hire vt.租用;雇用;聘任;租用(物品) n.租借;租用;新雇员(U)1)I need to hire a new servant; the last one was not good enough.2)I am looking forward to training the new hires.短语:hire sth out

12、出租某物 hire oneself out to sb. 受雇于某人;投靠某人 for/on hire 出租【辨析辨析】hire/employ/rent/firehirev.&n.雇用,租用。是日常用语,按工作量雇用,租用。是日常用语,按工作量计酬的雇佣人手或短期租用物品。计酬的雇佣人手或短期租用物品。employvt.雇用。多指商店或公司长期雇佣人手。雇用。多指商店或公司长期雇佣人手。rentv.&n.出租。一般指租借房屋、地产出租。一般指租借房屋、地产(租借出租借出去去)。firen.&v.解雇。解雇。选用hire/employ/rent/fire的适当形式填空He_because of

13、his careless.Our company_about one hundred people.She_out rooms to students.They_out boats by the hour.was firedemployedrentshire16. physician n. 医师;(尤指)内科医生resident physician 住院医师doctor 医生surgeon sdnn.外科医生;军军医拓展变形:physics n.物理学physical adj.身体的; 物质的; 符合自然规律的; 外部的; 物理学的physicist n.物理学家; 18. colleague

14、 n.同事;同僚 college同事:coworker/workmate/partner/associate n. ssit , sit发音规则gu /g/guessguestguiltyguideguitadisguise19.reject vt.拒绝接受;不录用 (后面常跟名词,代词,动名词,(后面常跟名词,代词,动名词,不跟不定式不跟不定式)rejection n.拒绝接受;否决rejected adj.被拒的;不合格的Marys mother_to let her go abroad to study.A. refused B.objectC.turned down D. reject

15、edHe rejected my offer of help.refuse to do sth turn down sth/sbdecline 单独使用20. appoint vt.任命;委派 _ adj 约定的;指定的 _ n 任命;约会;约定 appointedappointment当堂检测1.现在,大部分的人似乎更喜欢玩电脑而不是看电视。(majority of)将下列句子翻译成英语。The majority of people today seem to prefer playing computer to watching TV.2.他们试图摆脱困境。(dilemma)They try to find a way to get rid of their dilemma.3,他们的希望帮助了那些人渡过了最后的严酷考验。4.他们积极响应国家的扶贫号召。5.我要就这件事向经理投诉。Their hope carried those people through the last test. They responded positively to the countrys call to help the poor.Im going to complain to the manager about this.Thank Thank you!you!


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