1、Diverse CultureDiscovering Useful Structures-Understand the use of ellipsis in EnglishHave a try1. While _(walk) along the street, I heard my name called.2. When _(ask) to help others, I never hesitate.3. I dont like the way _ he talks to me.4. He was made _(work) 15 hours a day.5. I have nothing to
2、 do but _(watch) TV all day long.6. This man lives for nothing but _(gather) money.7. The time she spent with her family in San Francisco _(visit) museums was memorable and precious.walkingaskedthat/in whichto workwatchto gathervisitingReadandfindthewordsthathavebeenomittedtoavoidrepetition.1A:Oh,lj
9、houProvince.Justin:Whatsspecialaboutthewaterfall?Linlin:Well,haveyoueverheardoftheChinesenovelJourneytotheWest?Justin:Yes,IhaveheardoftheChinesenovelJourney to the West.WhydoyouaskIhaveheardoftheChinesenovelJourney to the West?Linlin:Inthebackofthewaterfall,youwillfindacave,whichisthehomeoftheMonkey
10、King.Justin:Thatsreallytrue?Itscool!Idefinitelycheckitout.Linlin:AndIstronglyrecommendtheethnicminorityvillagesonyourtriptoGuizhouProvince.YoullfindChinesecultureismuchmorediversethanyouthoughtitwas.Justin:Thisallsoundsgreat,thanks!1. Havent seen you for ages. _2. Some more tea? _3. Sounds like a go
11、od idea. _4. Doesnt matter. _5. Sorry to hear that. _I havent seen you for ages.Would you like some more tea?That/It sounds like a good idea.Quiz I: Find out what have been left out.It doesnt matter.Im sorry to hear that.6. Pity you couldnt come. _7. This way, please. _8. Terrible weather! _9. Joini
12、ng us for a drink? _10. Going to the supermarket? _Its / What a pity you couldnt come.Step / Come this way, please.What terrible weather it is!Are you joining us for a drink?Are you going to the supermarket?Keys, P341. _2. _3. _4. _5. _Any ideas whats popular there?For example? Like what?You mean a subculture?Not only country music, but blues, rock and roll, bluegrass and jazz as wellAh, of course!THANKS