Unit 2 单元词汇(动词)整体学习 ppt课件-(2021新)人教版高中英语必修第三册.pptx

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1、新人教必修三 Unit 2 Morals and vitrues单元词汇(动词)整体教学 1. faint vi.昏倒,昏厥 adj.不清楚的,微弱的助记:paint n.油漆,涂料 saint n.圣人The paint made the saint faint. 这油漆使这位圣人晕倒了。翻译就在绝望之时,我们听到远处传来一个微弱的声音。她一听到这个消息就昏过去了。At the point of desperation, we heard a faint voice from the distance. She fainted as soon as she heard the news. 2

2、. illustrate vi.(举例)说明,阐明,给加插图助记:illustration n.说明,阐明同义:clarify, account for翻译为了说明我的观点,让我给你讲个故事。 更重要的是,他向我展示了如何成为一个独立的思考者。 To illustrate my point,let me tell you a story.More importantly, he illustrated to me how to be an independent thinker.3. entrust vt.委托,交付助记:trust v.信任,crust 硬外壳,地壳翻译我不在家时把猫托付给朋

3、友照看。She was entrusted with the job of organizing the reception. 她被委托组织招待会的工作。 I entrusted my cat to a friend while I was away. 4. carry sb. through sth.帮某人渡过难关助记:carry about 带着;随身携带carry away 带走 carry back 运回,使回忆起carry into effect 使生效carry out 执行,实行,贯彻carry through 完成,贯彻carry on 继续1.朋友能在困难的时候带我们渡过难关

4、。 2.我们决心完成我们所有的计划。3.双胞胎把早餐送到楼上,叫醒了他们的母亲。4.他用他的小自行车驼着爆米花,挨家挨户地去卖。Friends can carry us through the difficulities in times of trouble.We are determined to carry through all our plans. The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up.He carried the popcorn on his small bike, going from

5、door to door to sell it. 5. complain v.抱怨,发牢骚助记:plain adj.朴素的,单纯的 n.平原变形:complaint n.抱怨,埋怨爸爸从不抱怨不公平!一个女儿向父亲抱怨她的生活如果你想投诉,请按3。Dad never complained about unfairness!A daughter complained to her father about her life.If you want to make a complaint, please press three. 6.respond vt.回答,回复 vi.做出反应,回应助记:po

6、nd n.池塘 correspond v.相一致,符合,通信变形:response n.反应,回应“我不知道,”另一个回答说。After hearing his question,the old man responded with a tough smile on his face. In response to their hospitality, we wrote a thank-you note. “I dont know,”responded the other. 听了他的问题,老人脸上挂着苦笑。为回应他们的热情,我们写了一封感谢信。7.hire vt.聘任;雇用;租用n.租借;租用

7、助记:fire n.火,火灾,炉火v.开火,启动,开除tire v.使劳累,使疲劳,wire n.电线,金属线He hired a worker to connect the wires so that he could fire his car, which made him very tired.他们雇了一个叫汤姆的人。一旦被录用,我会非常感激,并将自己奉献给这个职位。They hired a person named Tom. Once hired, I would be very grateful and I would devote myself to the post.8.reje

8、ct vt.拒绝接受,不录用助记:rejection n.拒绝inject v.注射,打针 project n.工程,项目object v.反对n.物体,目标,宾语subject n.主题,话题,科目,主语翻译:因为害怕再次被拒绝,艾米丽犹豫不决。Afraid to be rejected again, Emily hesitated about it.9.appoint vt. 任命;委派,约定助记:point n.点,观点,意义 v.指出,指向appointment n.约定,约会appoint.as/to be.任命为appoint sb. to do sth.委派某人做某事disapp

9、oint v.使失望 disappointed adj.失望的I was appointed to take charge of arranging all the activities on that day. 我被任命负责安排那天的所有活动。10.elect vt. 选举 neglect v.忽视,collect v.收集助记:select v.选择,挑选,recollect v.回忆,想起intellect n.智力,智慧词根:lect=选; 说e(向外)+lect选=向外选就是“选出来,选举” electneg(否)+lect选=不选就是“忽视” neglectcol(一起)+lect

10、选=选在一起就是“收集”collectse(分开)+lect选=分开选就是“挑选”selectre(再次)+collect(收集)=再次收集起来就是“回忆” recollectintel(在中)+lect(选)=在中选就是“智慧”intellecctIt was a great pleasure to learn that youve been elected president of the student union. 得知你被选为学生会主席,我们感到非常高兴。翻译:我的英语很好,所以我被选为英语老师的助理。I have such a good command ofEnglish that

11、 I _上周一,我们班举行了班长选举。他选择当一名医生。am elected as assistant to my English teacher.Last Monday, our class held a monitor election.He elected/chose to become a doctor. 11.tend vt.照顾;照料vi.倾向;趋于 tendency n. 趋向/趋势助记:end v.结束 n.尾,末端 bend v.弯腰,弯曲 lend v.借出 mend v.修补 send v.邮寄,发送In the end, Mr. Li tended to bend do

12、wn to mend his old bike before sending instead of lending it to me.最后,在送给我而不是借给我之前,李先生试图弯腰去修理他的旧自行车。intend v.打算,企图 extend v.延伸,持续,表示He was a bit crippled and tended to lose physical balance while running.他有点瘸,跑步时险些失去身体平衡。12.publish vt.发表(作品);出版助记: pub n.酒吧 publishing house=press 出版社最终,出版商为我们出版了这本书,它

13、成为了畅销书。13.retire vi&vt.退休;退职;退出 resign v.辞职助记:tire v.使劳累,厌烦 n.轮胎(tyre)As a retired teacher,hes still working hard for our educational cause.作为一名退休教师,他仍在为我们的教育事业努力工作。Eventually, the publisher published the book for us and it became a best seller.14.scare vt.惊吓;使害怕vi.受惊吓=frighten v.吓唬助记: care v.&n. 关心

14、,照料 scary adj.骇人的,恐怖的 scared adj.惊恐的,恐惧的Sometimes loud noises like these will scare bears off. 有时像这样的噪音会把熊吓跑。I was scared to death with eyes full of horror. 我被吓得要死,眼睛里充满了恐惧。Scared and nervous, she was frozen to the spot.(续写佳句)她又害怕又紧张,僵在原地不动。翻译:_(既害怕又无助), she walked around, trying to find a temporary

15、 shelter for the night. (动作 心理描写)我感到很害怕/紧张,喉咙发紧,膝盖发软。I _ my throat tightened and my knees felt weak.15.replace vt.接替;取代;更换 replaceable 可代替的 replacement 复位助记:place n.地方 v.放置, displace v.取代,代替, misplace v.放错地方翻译:Computers have replaced humans in many areas of our life,making our work much easier.Scare

16、d and helplessfelt so scared/nervous that计算机已经在我们生活的许多领域取代了人类,使我们的工作更容易。16.whisper v.悄声说,耳语,低语 n.耳语,低语助记: in a low voice 小声说 “Dont wake the baby,” Jenny whispered.Kevin whispered to Alexander, “Dont worry, youre good. Just sing like you sing at ordinary times.” 17. import n.进口,进口商品, vt.进口,输入,引进助记:po

17、rt n.港口,接口 export v.出口There is a new pump just imported from Japan18.bite v.咬,叮,蜇 n.咬一口助记: (bit, bitten) cite v.引用 kite n.风筝 site n.地点,网站He cited a story from a site saying that he was bitten by a bee.他引用了一个网站上的故事说他被蜜蜂咬了。_ (bite) by the snake in the bush for half an hour,Susan was sent back to the c

18、ampOnce bitten, twice shy. Mike took the last bite of the chocolate ice cream and jumped into the car with his parents.Bitten一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草绳。迈克吃了最后一口巧克力冰淇淋,和他的父母一起跳进了车里。19.assist v.帮助,援助=help, aid助记: assistant n.助手 assistance n.帮助resist v.抵制,抵抗 consist v.由组成 persist v.坚持,持续翻译:两个学生协助我做实验。 Firstly, volunt

19、eer travel can assist us in saving much money spent on accommodation.Two students assisted me with the experiment. 首先,志愿者旅行可以帮助我们节省很多住宿的钱。20.pass away 去世,死亡助记: pass by 经过,路过; pass down 传下去;pass on 传递(物品); pass off 终止,完成;pass off as 冒充pass over 越过,跳过花式“死”法有n种:die v. death n. go west 归西,go to heaven 升

20、天, kick the bucket 翘辫子,go to the spirit world去极乐世界,its ones time 某人时限已到 go to sleep 长眠breathe ones last breath 咽气 , end ones day寿终close ones eyes 合眼 ceased to think 与世长辞to leave ones mortal frame 撒手人寰21.disguise vt.装扮;假扮;掩盖; n.伪装;化妆用具助记: What seems to us bitter trials are often blessing in disguise.

21、 (塞翁失马,焉知非福。)He once disguised himself as a beggar to beg for food.她乔装成男人以便能上战场打仗。She disguised herself (as) a man so that she could fight on the battlefield. 他曾经乔装成乞丐乞讨食物。22.spill vi&vt. (使)洒出;(使)溢出 pill n.药丸,药片助记: still adv.仍然 adj.静止的; skill n.技巧,技术 spill的过去式和过去分词是spilled(美)/spilt(英)Its no use cry

22、ing over spilt milk. 为打翻的牛奶哭泣是没用的。(覆水难收。)(2021新高考卷续写) Seeing the black bread and the spilled porridge, the father suddenly figured out their intention.看到黑面包和洒出来的粥,父亲突然明白了他们的意图。Tears began to spill out of the boys eyes. (续写佳句)男孩的眼泪开始夺眶而出。 23.trip over 被被绊倒助记: rip v.撕裂,划破 strip n.条纹He tried to trip me

23、 up.He tripped on/over a tree root. 他被一根树根绊倒了。She hoped to trip with her leisure time.她希望空闲时去旅行。He came tripping down the garden path.他轻快地沿着花园小径跑过来。We are planning on a trip to the Moon in the future.我们计划将来去月球旅行。24.limp vi. 跛行;一瘸一拐地走助记: lame adj.瘸的She has a slight limp. 她有点儿瘸。 He walks with a limp.

24、他走路一瘸一拐的。Mom limped down the hallway just then,and her left ankle was wrapped in a bandage.这时,_,她的左脚踝缠着绷带。她扭伤了脚踝,一瘸一瘸地走着。She had twisted her ankle and _.Furious but weak in words, Arthur turned back sharply and stepped upstairs with lame legs. 亚瑟气势汹汹,言语无力,猛地转身,跛着腿走上楼。妈妈一瘸一拐地沿走廊走过来was limping25.harm

25、n&vt. 伤害;损害 arm n.手臂,胳膊,武器助记: farm n.农场 warm adj.暖和的 alarm n.警报,闹钟On a warm day, he was harmed with an old alarm on his fathers farm.一个暖和的一天,他被父亲农场上的一个旧闹钟弄伤了。However, they also do harm to us mentally and physically.可是,他们也对我们身心健康有害。It suddenly occurred to him that people inside the house was in dange

26、r of being harmed by the stranger.他突然想到屋子里的人有被陌生人伤害的危险。 Smoking is harmful and it is not only bad for smokers themselves, but also bad for non-smokers. 吸烟对人们的身体百害而无一利。它不仅有害吸烟者本人,而且对不吸烟者也会造成伤害。26.despair vi.绝望,感到无望 n.绝望 despaired adj.绝望的助记: pair n.双,对 repair v.修理 白雪公主皮肤很fair(白皙) 有头好hair(头发) 踩一把chair(椅子) 开窗通air(空气) 摔到了stair(楼梯上),椅子没修repair(修理)好 ,感到despair(失望) ,要再去买pair(一双)。After what seemed t be centuries, I felt despaired. When the fifth car passed without stopping, his heart sank in despair. 似乎过了几个世纪,我感到绝望了。当第五辆车没有停下就开走了,他陷入了绝望。


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