Unit 5 The value of Money Grammar ppt课件 -(2021新)人教版高中英语必修第三册.pptx

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1、Discovering Useful Structures P54 新人教必修新人教必修Book 3 Book 3 Unit 5 The Value of MoneyLead-inMay we ask what youre doing in this country and what your plans are?I cant say that I have any plans.You mustnt worry about that.Could you offer me work here?Read the sentences below and think about:What are th

2、e functions and meanings of these modal verbs?I. Review of modal verbsGrammar一、情态动词的语法特征1.1.情态动词可以表示可能、建议、愿望、必要、情态动词可以表示可能、建议、愿望、必要、2.2. 允许、能力等。允许、能力等。情态动词没有人称和数的变化。情态动词没有人称和数的变化。情态动词必须和实义动词一起构成谓语。情态动词必须和实义动词一起构成谓语。情态动词除情态动词除oughtought和和havehave外,后面只能接不带外,后面只能接不带toto的不定式。的不定

3、式。情态动词没有非谓语形式,即没有不定式、分情态动词没有非谓语形式,即没有不定式、分词等形式。词等形式。Modal verbs have many functions, including the following (A-F). PresentationA. necessity B. possibility C. obligation D. request E. advice F. intentionFind modal verbs in previous sections and discuss their functions. 语法感知语 法 导 学感悟规律 重点难点剖析

4、感知以下课文原句,完成方框下的小题感知以下课文原句,完成方框下的小题1.Oliver believes that with a million-pound bank note a man could live a month in London.2.Young man,would you step inside a moment,please?3.May we ask what youre doing in this country and what your plans are?4.Well,you mustnt worry about that.5.Well,it may seem luc

5、ky to you but not to me!6.Now if youll excuse me,I ought to be on my way.possibilityrequestrequestnecessityposibilityobligation7.Oh,no,youd better not open it.8.and had decided to make a bet which would settle their argument.9.They were going to find someone to take part in their bet when they saw H

6、enry walking on the street outside.(1)情态动词可以表示能力、许可、必要性、可能性、责任和义务、建议、要情态动词可以表示能力、许可、必要性、可能性、责任和义务、建议、要求和打算等。求和打算等。(2)过去将来时的构成有:过去将来时的构成有: 和和 两种构成;两种构成;句句 的构成是的构成是woulddo;句;句 的构成是的构成是were going todo。woulddowas/were going todo89advice obligationwoulddowas/were going todo1.只作情态动词的:2. 可情态可实义的: 3. 可情态可助动

7、词的: 4. 相当于情态动词的: 二、情态动词的分类can/could, may/might, ought to, mustneed, dare/daredshall/should, will/wouldhave to, used to学习理解重点语法情态动词和过去将来时一、情态动词1.can,could用法例句表 示 能 力 , 意 为 “ 能 ,会”;could表示过去的能力She can speak French fluently.她能讲一口流利的法语。can可用于肯定句中,表示客观或理论上的可能性An experienced teacher can make mistakes.一位有经

8、验的老师也会犯错。学习理解用法例句表示请求或允许。在疑问句中,could可以代替can,语气更委婉,肯定回答时要用can,不用couldCan/Could I use your bike tomorrow morning?Yes, you can.明天上午我可以用你的自行车吗?是的,可以。表示说话者的主观推测,意为“可能”,用于否定句和疑问句中。can比could语气强He cant be our manager. Our manager has gone to Beijing.他不可能是我们经理。我们经理已经去北京了。表示惊异、怀疑、迷惑等态度,常用于否定句和疑问句中How can you

9、treat me like that?你怎么能那样对我?学习理解2.may,might 用法例句表示请求或许可。在疑问句中, might可以代替may, 语气更加委婉。给予许可时用may,不用mightMight I ask for a picture of your little daughter?Yes, you may.我可以要一张你小女儿的照片吗?是的,可以。表示推测,意为“或许,可能”,通常用于肯定句和否定句中。might比may语气弱I really dont like James.Why did you invite him?Dont worry.He might not com

10、e.我真的不喜欢詹姆斯。你为什么邀请他?别担心。他或许不会来。表示祝愿,常用结构为:May+主语+动词原形!May you be happy every day!愿你快乐每一天!学习理解3.must,have to 用法例句表示义务,意为“必须”。must强调说话人的主观看法,have to则强调客观需要;在回答带有must的问句时,否定式常用need not (neednt)或dont have to,而不是用must notWe must act as quickly as possible now.现在我们必须尽快采取行动。I have to go now, because my mot

11、her is in hospital.我现在必须得走了,因为我母亲在住院。must用来表示推测,意为“一定”,只能用在肯定句中。must的肯定程度比can强You must be hungry after a long walk.长途跋涉之后,你一定饿了。学习理解用法例句must表示“偏要,非要不可”。常用于疑问句和条件句中,偶尔也用于陈述句中If you must go, at least wait until the storm is over.如果你非要走,至少要等到暴风雨停了。mustnt表示禁止,意为“不得,不允许;一定不要”You mustnt play with the knif

12、e, or you may hurt yourself.你千万不要玩刀,否则会伤到自己的。学习理解4.shall 用法例句用于第一、三人称的疑问句中,表示说话者征求对方的意见Shall he come in now?要不要让他现在进来?用于第二、三人称的陈述句中,表示说话者的命令、警告、威胁、允诺、决心等You shall be punished for what you have done.你必须为你的所作所为受到惩罚。用于条约、规定、法令、法律等文件中表示义务规定,意为“必须”One of our rules is that every student shall wear school

13、uniform while at school.我们有一条规定,那就是每名学生在校期间都必须穿校服。学习理解5.should,ought to 用法例句should表示责任、义务、劝告、建议等,意为“应该”We should be strict with ourselves.我们应该严格要求自己。should表示出乎意料、惊讶的语气,意为“竟然,居然”Such a gentleman should do that.这样一位绅士竟然会做那种事。ought to表示义务、责任、劝告等,意为“应该”,语气比should略重You ought not to be so selfish.你不应该这么自私

14、。should和ought to表示推测,指合乎理想的情况或结果,意为“按说应该”Try phoning Robert he should be home by now.给罗伯特打个电话试试,他现在应该到家了。学习理解6.will,would 用法例句与各种人称连用,用于陈述句中,表示主语的意志、意愿或决心。will指现在,would指过去I will never talk to him again.我再也不会和他说话了。表示征求意见或提出请求,多用于第二人称疑问句中。would比will语气委婉Will/Would you please close the window?请把窗户关上好吗?表

15、示习惯性动作、固有属性或必然趋势,意为“总是;习惯于”。will指现在,would指过去Fish will die without water.没有水,鱼会死的。学习理解7.need, dare 用法例句need既可作情态动词,也可作实义动词;作情态动词时,表示“需要”,常用于否定句、疑问句和条件句中。neednt表示“不必”I neednt use a clock to wake me up,because I can wake up myself.我不必用闹钟来叫醒自己,因为我自己会醒来。dare既可作情态动词,也可作实义动词;作情态动词时,表示“敢,敢于”,后跟动词原形,常用于疑问句、否

16、定句和条件句中I am so afraid that I dare not move.我吓得一动也不敢动。1.对过去事实的肯定推测(肯):must have done2.对过去事实的否定推测(否、疑): cant/couldnt have done3.对过去事实不太有把握的推测(肯、否): might/may have doneIt must have rained last night, for the ground is wet.情态动词情态动词+have done sth 表示推测:表示推测:-Theres someone at the door. Didnt you hear the

17、bell? -It _ be Jack.-_it be Mary?-It_ be Mary, but Im not sure.-It_ be Mary. She has gone to New York.might + have done 本来或许做某事本来或许做某事mightnt + have done 本来或许不做某事本来或许不做某事would + have done 本来会做某事本来会做某事would + have done 本来不会做某事本来不会做某事should have done 本应该做某事(而实际上没有做)本应该做某事(而实际上没有做)shouldnt have done 本不

18、应该做某事(实际上已经做了)本不应该做某事(实际上已经做了)neednt have done 本不必要做某事(实际上已做了)本不必要做某事(实际上已做了)could have done 本能够做某事(实际上没做)本能够做某事(实际上没做)couldnt have done 本不能够做某事(实际上做了)本不能够做某事(实际上做了)表示与事实不符:表示与事实不符:1. But in China, the idea 0f the dragon may _ (come) from the alligator2. You might_ (give) your parents more help earl

19、ier.3. He cant _ (forget) it, for he talked about it yesterday.4. You ought to/should _ (do) the job more carefully.5. You oughtnt to/shouldnt_ (ask) such a foolish question. have come have given have forgotten have done have asked我本能够很容易通过考试,但我犯了太多愚蠢的错误。我本能够很容易通过考试,但我犯了太多愚蠢的错误。I could have passed m

20、y examination easily but I made too many stupid mistakes.They should not have left so soon. You ought not to have been so careless. I dressed very warmly for the trip, but I neednt have done so. The weather was hot.II. The past future tense 过去将来时过去将来时Grammar一、定义过去将来时,表示从过去某一时间来看,将要发生的动作或存在的状态。二、结构1.

21、 would/should+动词原形He asked me how soon I would get ready.I asked him if Peter would arrive the next day.She told me she would make do with it later. 2. was/were going to+动词原形She told me she was going to post the parcel. He was going to start off at once.*与would+动词原形相比,was/were going to+动词原 形有打算、计划的含

22、义。3. was/were about to do表示说话的瞬间将要发生的动作。此结构一般不与时间状语连用,但后面可以接when引导的分句。I felt that something terrible was about to happen.We were about to go there when it begin to rain.4. go, come, leave, start, meet等动词的过去进行时, 表示就过去的某一时刻而言即将发生的动作。She didnt say when she was coming again next time.Jim decided they we

23、re flying to England next month.5. was/were to do表示曾经计划做某事,并且从现在看已经实现。当表示“原计划做某事但是最终未发生”,用was/were to have done.I felt nervous because I was soon to leave home for the first time.We were to have been married last year.PracticeComplete the following sentences using modal verbs.1.Youve been working al

24、l day. You must _ (be) very tired.2.2. I wonder who that is. It cant _ (be) Lisa. Shes in the library at this time.3.3. It is a long time since we met last time. You shpuld_ (come) and see us more often.4.4. I havent decided where Im going for my holidays. I may _ (go) to Australia.becomegobeComplet

25、e the following sentences using modal verbs.5. My fathers birthday is coming. What _ I get him?6. Why dont you try on this dress? It _ look nice on you.7. Who was the man talking with your teacher? Im not sure. It _ be her brother.8. I dont know when the guests be here. They _ arrive at any time.sha

26、llwillmightwill / couldComplete the following sentences that describe the future using either form of the given verbs. 1. Philip bought two tickets for The Phantom of the Opera. He _ (watch) with his girlfriend on the weekend.2. I was so surprised at the news that David _ _ (play) the role of the di

27、nosaur in the play that I gave him a hug out of joy.3. Lily decided that she _ (settle) in New York and pursue her dream of becoming an actress.would watch / was going to watchwould play / was going to watchwould settle / was going to settle4. Hey, Timmy. I _ (call) you. But now that you are here, I dont have to.5. The competition was so close that no one was sure who _ (win)the Best Actor award6. Jim is not here right now. He said he _ _ (be) on duty at the library this afternoon.was going to callwould winwould be / was going to be


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