Unit 1 People of Achievementppt课件 -(2022新)人教版高中英语高一选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、 Unit 1 People of AchievementWords and Expressions11. physiology n. 生理学; 生理机能 /U/physiological adj. 生理学的; 生理的physiologically adv. 2. artemisinin n. (药)青蒿素青青蒿素是治疗疟疾耐药性效果最好的药物,以青蒿素类药物为蒿素是治疗疟疾耐药性效果最好的药物,以青蒿素类药物为主的联合疗法,也是当下治疗疟疾的最有效最重要手段。主的联合疗法,也是当下治疗疟疾的最有效最重要手段。3. crucial adj. 至关重要的; 关键性的 crucially adv.

2、至关重要地,关键地a crucial element/ factor 关键的因素play a crucial role in. 在.中起关键的作用be crucial to . 对.是至关重要的It is crucial that. .是至关重要的【近义】be critical to/for对极为重要be important for 专心于;被运用于 be vital to. 对.至关重要4. malaria n. 疟疾5. vital adj. 必不可少的; 极其重要的;充满生机的be vital to/for 对对很重要很重要 It is vital to do sth.做某事是很重要的做

3、某事是很重要的It is vital that 是十分重要的是十分重要的(从句用虚拟即从句用虚拟即(should) do)6. committed adj. 尽心尽力的; 坚定的; 坚信的be committed to doing.致力于;投身于致力于;投身于7. commit v. 承诺; 保证(某个人、机构等) vi. 忠于; 全心全意投入(工作、活动等)8. commit oneself to do. 承诺/保证(做某事/遵守协议/安排等)committo.把送交/托付给;使(自己)致力于commit oneself to (doing) sth=be committed to (doi

4、ng) sth. commit a crime 犯罪 commitment n. 承诺;交托;承诺;交托;信奉信奉make a commitment to doing sth21. Its vital that we _(carry) out the operation immediately. 2. It is vital _ (protect) wild animals.3. Consideration for other people is vital _ all of us.4. Tu Youyou, a _(commit) and patient scientist, was bor

5、n in Ningbo, China, on 30 December 1930, and _(graduate) from Peking University Medical School in 1955. 5. He committed _ to/_(commit) to the cause of education. This years Nobel Prize for _ (physiology) or medicine has been awarded to Tu Youyou , _ research led to the discovery of artemisinin, a _(

6、crucially ) new treatment for malaria. (should) carryto protectto/forcommittedgraduatedhimselfwas committed physiologywhosecrucial19. academy n. (艺术、文学、科学等的)研究院; 学会; 专科院校10. academic adj. 学业的; 学术的 n.大学教师; 高校科研人员 academically adv.11. objective n. 目标; 目的 adj. 客观的with the objective of .objectively adv.

7、 客观地 object n. 物体; 宾语 vi.反对 object to (doing)sth/sb 反对. object that.12. botanical adj. 植物学的botanically adv. 植物学地 botany n. 植物学13. evaluate vt. 评价; 评估evaluation n.评估 evaluative adj.可评估的14. property n. 性质; 特征 (pl.) properties ; 财产 /U/15. distinct adj. 清晰的; 清楚的; 有区别的be distinct from 与不同distinction n.区别

8、;差别;特点 distinctly adv.显然,清楚地316. extract n. 提取物; 摘录 vt. 提取; 提炼; 摘录; (用力)拔出draw out the extract 抽出提取物抽出提取物use the extract from sweet wormwood 使用青蒿提取物17. wormwood n. 蒿; 洋艾 sweet wormwood 青蒿18. boil vt./vi. (使)沸腾; 煮开; 烧开 n. 沸腾; 沸点boiling adj. 达到沸点的;沸腾的boiling water 沸水 boiled water 白开水19. liquid n. 液体 a

9、dj. 液体的; 液态的solid n. 固体adj.牢固的,可靠的20. obtain vt. (尤指经努力)获得; 贏得 vi.(规章、习俗等)存在; 流行obtainment n. 取得 obtainable adj. 可获得的;可得到的41. In 1967, the Chinese government formed a team of scientists _ the _(object) of discovering a new treatment for malaria.2.If someone is _(object) , they base their opinions _f

10、acts rather than on their personal feelings. 3. Her team examined over 2,000 old medical texts,and _ (evaluate) 280,000 plants for their medical _(property) . 4. They then tried _(boil) fresh wormwood,and using the liquid _(obtain) from this to treat malaria. 5. In 1969, she became the head of the p

11、roject in Beijing and decided to review ancient Chinese medical texts to find traditional _ (botany) treatments for the disease. 6. The two flowers are quite distinct _ one another, so it is easy to make a _(distinct) between them.2objectiveobjectiveon evaluatedpropertiesboilingobtainedbotanicalfrom

12、distinctionwith21. acknowledge vt. 承认(属实、权威等); (公开)感谢acknowledge doing 承认做了某事acknowledge sb/ sth as./to be. 承认某人/某事是.acknowledge (to sb) that (向.)承认.Its universally acknowledged that 大家公认的是.acknowledge sb with . 用.感谢某人acknowledge sth 感激某事acknowledgement n. 承认,确认;鸣谢22. defeat n. 失败; 挫败 vt. 击败; 战胜ackn

13、owledge defeat 承认失败承认失败23. analyse vt. 分析analysis n. 分析 (pl.) analyses 24. apparently adv. 显而易见; 看来; 显然apparent adj.显而易见的;明白易懂的;显然的;表面上的525. substance n. 物质; 物品; 事实根据 (pl.) substances26. insist vi./vt. 坚持;/坚决要求27. insist on/upon doing sth 坚決要求insist on/upon ones doing sth.坚持要求某人做某事(1)表示“坚持认为,坚持说”,后跟

14、宾语从句用陈述语气;(2)表示“坚决要求,坚决主张”,后跟宾语从句用虚拟语气,谓语动词要用“(should+)动词原形”,should可省略。28. scientific adj. 科学(上)的; 关于科学的scientifically adv.科学地 science n. 科学29. mostly adv. 主要地; 一般地 mainlymost adv.& n. 用在形容词或副词前面=very 30. wear and tear (正常使用造成的)磨损; 损耗The insurance policy does not cover damage caused by normal wear a

15、nd tear.保单不保正常使用所造成的坏损。631. The perfect body is difficult _(obtain) . 2. _(use) a lower temperature to draw out the extract, she found a _(substance) _ worked.3. He _(acknowledge) _ one of the greatest pianists. 4. The woman insists that her husband _(be) an honest man and cant do it. 5. Later,the m

16、edicine was tested on malaria patients,_(mostly) of whom recovered. 6. We insisted that he _ (finish) the work himself. 7.The students in our class are _ (mostly) from the factory. 8. His _ (analyse) was always convincing.9. I want a detailed report of all the _(analyse).to obtainUsingsubstancethat/

17、whichis acknowledgedasismost(should) finishmostlyanalysisanalyses31. conclusion n. 结论; 推论 make a conclusion下结论come to/draw/arrive at/reach a/the conclusion得出结论in conclusion(to conclude)最后,总之 (常作插入语)conclude vt.& vi.结束;推断出32. penicillin n. 青霉素; 盘尼西林She injected the patient with penicillin. 她给病人注射了青霉素

18、.33. flee (fled,fled) v. 迅速离开; 逃跑flee any kind of responsibility 逃避责任34. circumstance n. (常用复数形式) 条件; 环境; 状况in/under the circumstances 在这种情况下,既然如此in/under no circumstances 决不,无论如何都不(置于句首倒装)35. novelist n. 小说家 (pl.) novelists36. novel n. (长篇)小说 (pl.) novels7837. flow n. 流; 流动; 流畅; 供应 vi. & vt. 流; 流动3

19、8. chart n. 图表 v. 记录; 制订计划39. flow chart 流程图 a flow chart40. found vt. (founded-founded) 创建; 建立; 把建立在founder n.建立者;发起人 foundation n. 基础;基金41. infer vt. 推断; 推定infer sth from sth 从推断出infer that. 推断 inference n. 推论;推断 (pl.) inferences42. politician n. 从政者; 政治家; 政客 (pl.) politicians43. numerous adj. 众多的

20、; 许多的number n.数字; 编号; 数量 v. 总计; 把算作; 把编号44. theory n. 理论; 学说theoretical adj. 理论的; 推想的,假设的; 空论的41. Her _(circumstance) are beyond our control. 2. He applied for asylum in 1987 after _(flee) the police back home. 3. Under no circumstances_ (be) anyone allowed to use the telephone in the office for per

21、sonal affairs. 4. The _ (conclude) of the book was disappointing. 5Heres some _(boil) water.Have a drink whenever youre thirsty. 6. At other times,the reason is given right after the opinion or decision,and the link can _(infer). 7.Businessmen are tired of _ (politician) talking the economy down. 8.

22、 He is the _ (found) of International Sports Management Limited. 9. The _(infer) drawn from data have led to some major changes in our policy. 10. Its only a _(theory) possibility. circumstancesfleeingisconclusionboiledbe inferredpoliticians founder inferencestheoretical45. relativity n. 相对论; 相对性the

23、 general theory of relativity 广义相对论46. formula n. 公式; 方程式; 配方the famous formula 著名的公式47. genius n. 天才; 天资; 天赋 (pl.) geniuseshave a genius/ gift/ talent for (doing) sth 有某方面的天赋48. gentle adj. 温柔的; 文静的gently adv. 温柔地; 轻轻地; 有礼貌地; 文雅地gentleness n. 温和; 和善; 彬彬有礼; 高贵49. patent n. 专利; 专利证书; 获得专利 adj.有专利的; 受

24、专利保护的 patentee n. 专利权所有人 Patent Office专利局 apply for a patent 申请专利 a patent right 一个专利权 950. passion n. 酷爱; 激情have a passion for. 对.有强烈的爱好;对.充满热情out of a strong passion for.出于对.的强烈热情passionate adj. 热情的; 热烈的, 激昂的; 易怒的passionatelyadv. 热情地; 强烈地; 激昂地51. doctorate n. 博士学位receive/earn/obtain/take a doctora

25、te in.获.的博士学位 52. extraordinary adj. 不一般的; 非凡的; 意想不到的extraordinarilyadv. 非常; 格外地; 非凡地extraordinary arrangement精心安排; 特殊安排53. gradually adv. 逐渐地; 逐步地gradualadj. 逐渐的; 逐步的; 渐进的; 渐变的54. photoelectric adj. 光电的55. come to power (开始)掌权; 上台 be in power 执政, 当权 beyond ones power力所不能及的 within ones power力所能及的 10

26、51. He made _(number) contributions to the world,the most well-known _(be) the general theory of relativity and the famous formula E=mc2. 2. Einstein was not only _ genius; he was a _ (courage) and kind figure _(love) by many people. 3. _(follow) this, he _(gradual) became famous throughout the worl

27、d as the new Isaac Newton. 4. After two years of looking for work as a teacher, Einstein took a job _ clerk in the Swiss _(patent) office. 5. While _(work) there, out of a strong passion _ knowledge, he continued to study, _(earn) a doctorate _ physics in 1905. numerousbeingacourageouslovedFollowing

28、graduallyaspatentaworkingforearningin1.To our surprise, he was actually the_ and caring father of three children.2.To_, his fame and wealth were gained through hard work and his in-depth knowledge of his business.3.A genius for invention, Thomas Edison obtained scores of_.gently sum up circumstance

29、encounter novelist patentgentlesum uppatents1.4. Under no_ should we do terrible things to other people.2.5. As a botanist. he takes notes on the properties of any plant he_ .3.6. The first-person narrator is a stylistic device that has been used by many _ and poets throughout the ages.circumstancee

30、ncountersnovelistsgently sum up circumstance encounter novelist patent1156. institution n. 社会公共机构; 制度; 习俗institutional adj. 习以为常的; 公共机构的; 慈善机构的the institution of slavery 奴隶制度become a local institution成为当地的习俗57. institute n. (教育、专业等)机构; 机构建筑a designing institute 设计院58. consequence n. 结果; 后果as a conse

31、quence因此, 结果in consequence 因此; 结果as a consequence of 因此; 由于consequent adj. 随之发生的; 作为结果的consequently adv. 因此; 所以59. take up a position as .担任.; 任职.1260. moustache n. 上唇的胡子; 髭zhave a thick moustache 留着浓密的小胡子61. peculiarity n. 个性; 特点; 怪异的性质 (pl.) peculiarities 62. encounter vt. 偶然碰到; 遇到 n. 邂适; 遭遇have a

32、 nice/close encounter with. 美丽的邂逅/近距离接触.63. professor n. 教授 (pl.) professors 64. mourn vt./vi. 哀悼; 忧伤mourn for/over sb./sth. 哀悼某人某物 mourn sb. 向某人致哀 mourner n. 哀悼者 mournful adj.哀痛的,令人伤心的; 悲伤的mournfully adv.悲哀地,凄惨地65. remarkable adj. 非凡的; 显著的remarkably adv. 引人注目地;明显地;非常地61. _(circumstance) changed in

33、1933, _ Hitler came _ power in Germany. Einstein, _ was Jewish, found the doors of _(academy) institutions closed to him. _ a consequence he had to flee Germany. After _(spend) time in Europe, he finally took up a position _a researcher at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, USA. 2. _a co

34、nsequence _ his illness, he couldnt attend classes. 3. I had _ brief encounter _ an angry client. 4. In fact, Einstein often _ (encounter) people on the street _ would stop him and ask him to help explain things. 5. People, when they had to, behaved _(remarkable) well. 6.He had _ thick moustache and

35、 long white hair. Circumstances whentowhoacademic Asspendingas As ofawithencounteredwhoremarkablya1366. device n. 方法; 技巧; 装置; 仪器 (pl.) devicesWhat rhetorical devices(修辞手法) are used in the passage? 67. sum v. 总结; 概括 n.金额; 款项; 总数; 总和in sum总而言之; 大体上a large sum of +U 一大笔.; 大量的.68. sum up. 总结.; 概括.to sum

36、 up 总之69. draft n. 草稿; 草案vt. 起草; 草拟 make a rough draft of the letter 写这封信的草稿 the final draft (= the final version) 定稿draft a letter for you 为你草拟一封信1470. Nobel Prize 诺贝尔奖 71. Alexander Fleming 亚历山大弗莱明72. Albert Einstein 阿尔伯特爱因斯坦73. Hitler 希特勒74. Elon Musk 埃隆马斯克75. Florence Nightingale 弗洛伦斯南丁格尔76. SAR

37、S abbr. 严重急性呼吸综合征77. Switzerland n. 瑞士(国家名)78. Swiss adj. 瑞土的 n. 瑞士人(复数: Swiss)79. Isaac Newton 艾萨克牛顿80. Jewish adj. 犹太人的; 犹太教的81. Princeton 普林斯顿(美国城市)71. _(use) your notes to write your introduction and sum _ how you feel about this person.2. _ sum up, for a healthy heart you must take regular exer

38、cise.3. They presented _(一大笔钱) to the college in memory _ their son.4. The citys problem can _(sum) up in three words: too many people.5. Ive made a rough _(草稿) of the letter.UseupToa sum of moneyofbe summeddraft1.You also need to judge the quality and depth of your motivation. This is quite importa

39、nt, because it is directly related to your _ ( commit).2.Her years of hard work have finally been _(acknowledge) after a customer nominated(提名)her to be Cheshires Woman Of The Year.3. Another way of setting realistic goals is to analyze your short and long term _ (objective), keeping in mind your be

40、liefs, values and strengths.objectivescommitment acknowledged 4.Your personal _(circumstance) are equally important. 5.Enviable as the cool kids may have seemed, Dr. Prinsteins studies show unpleasant_( consequence).6.But he insists _ us eating healthy food.7.The objective of most speeches is _(bene

41、fit) the audience.8.I couldnt see Don, but as I approached the tractor he jumped out onto the road, _ (apparent) unhurt, and dashed back to me. circumstances consequenceson to benefit apparentlyinsist obtain objective acknowledge apparently crucialLu Xun, _ as one of the greatest modern writers in C

42、hina, was born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province in 1881. In 1904, he went to Japan and became a medical student, with the_ of improving peoples health and saving lives. However, he changed his mind when he saw in a photo a Chinese man about to be killed by a Japanese soldier.It struck him that the oth

43、er Chinese men in the photo _ did not care about what was happening to their fellow countrymen. acknowledgedobjectiveapparently3. Read the passage about Lu Xun. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box on P4.From this, he concluded that the _ problem in China was not physica

44、l illness, but the spiritual illness of people at that time. Following this, he quit medical school. When he returned to China in 1908, he _ a teaching job. In 1917, a friend _ that he help write for a magazine called New Youth. That was how his first famous short story A Madmans Diary got published

45、.obtainedinsistedinsist obtain objective acknowledge apparently crucialcrucialthe quality or state of being great (as in size, skill, achievement, or power) Listening,Speaking & Talking on Page 6Florence Nightingale弗洛伦斯南丁格尔Alexander Fleming亚历山大弗莱明Elon Musk伊隆马斯克Jack Ma马云Bill Gates比尔盖茨Zhong Nanshan钟南山

46、Who do you admire most? Why?Zhong Nanshan is the person I admire most. Because he is the hero in the fight against SARS and COVID-19.Now, lets learn more information about them!Florence Nightingale弗洛伦斯南丁格尔Born: May 12, 1820 Died: Aug. 13, 1910 Florence Nightingale is best known for her pioneering wo

47、rk in the field of nursing. She tended to wounded soldiers during the Crimean War(克里米亚战争克里米亚战争). She became known as the “Lady with the Lamp” because of her night rounds.Alexander Fleming亚历山大弗莱明Born: Aug. 6, 1881Died: Mar. 11, 1955 Alexander Fleming was a Scottish bacteriologist( (细菌学细菌学家家) ) and No

48、bel Prize winner, best known for his discovery of penicillin. He is one of the most influential people of the 20th century.Elon Musk伊隆马斯克Born: June 28, 1971 Elon Musk is a South African-born American entrepreneur (企业家企业家) and businessman. He is known for founding X.com in 1999 (which later became Pa

49、yPal), SpaceX in 2002 and Tesla Motors in 2003.Bill Gates比尔盖茨Born: Oct. 28, 1955 Bill Gates is an American business magnatemgnet富豪 , software developer, investor, and philanthropist flnrpst 慈善家慈善家. He is best known as the co-founder of Microsoft Corporation. He is one of the best-known entrepreneurs

50、 and pioneers of the microcomputer revolution of the 1970s and 1980s.Jack Ma马云Born: Sep. 10, 1964 Jack Ma is a Chinese entrepreneur, founder and former executive chairman of Alibaba Group. During the COVID-19, his foundation donated millions of masks and other medical supplies to the U.S., Europe, a


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